HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-0104 - Ordinance - 08/18/1947ORDINANCE NO. 104 AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING THAT COONER STREET FROM THE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF HIGHWAY NO. 6 TO THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, SHALL BE IMPROVED BY PAVING SAID PORTION OF COONER STREET, REQUIRING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE AND FILE COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT TO GO WITH A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET WITHIN THE LIMITS NAMED; DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF SUCH IMPROVEMENTS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas has decided to initiate the improvement of Cooner Street from the right of way line of Highway No. 6 to the North boundary line of the City Limits of the City of College Station; now; therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, does hereby determine that it is necessary to improve Cooner Street, from the right of way line of Highway No. 6 to the North boundary line of the City Limits of the City of College Station, and does hereby order that said Cooner Street within said limits shall be improved in the manner and with such kinds of pavement and material or materials as may be adopted by the City Council to be used in the construction of said improvement; that the width of the roadway to be improved between curb lines is hereby fixed at twenty-seven (27) feet; that concrete curbs and gutter shall be constructed oneach side of said roadway; that said roadway shall be improved from curb to curb by providing thereon such foundation as may be deemed adequate by the City Engineer, either by construction, reconstruction or repair, as may be found necessary and proper, and when said adequate foundation shall have been, in the judgment of the City Engineer, provided, either by construction, reconstruction or repair, as the case may be, there shall be placed on said street a substantial wearing surface of such of the following materials or kinds of pavement as the City Council may select, adopt or provide, of the thick- ness or consistency and quality as shall be specified by the City Engineer, rrith integral curb and gutter twenty-four (24) inches wide along said curb line, should the construction of the same, in the judgment of the City Engineer, bo necessary; that the maximum cost at which the work of constructing said improvement shall be let shall not exceed $1.50 per square yard, including grading, foundation and wearing surface of that portion of Cooner Street to be paved, and not exceeding $1.35 per lineal foot of property improved for concrete curbs and gutters combined, all in the manner as provided by Acts 1927, 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, First Called Session, page 489, Chapter 106, said Act being commonly known as Article 1105-b, RaVised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, and relating to street improvements and assessments therefor. Section 2. That the cost of said improvements shall be paid as follows: (a) The owners of the property abutting on said Cooner Street within the limits above set out, shall pay all of the cost of construction, reconstruction, repairing and realigning curbs and gutters, and shall pay not to exceed nine - tenths of the cost of the remaining improvements on said Cooner Street within the limits prescribed, and said abutting property owners shall have assessed against them and their property said costs for such improvements in the manner provided by Acts of the 40th Legislature of the State of Texas, 1927, First called session, relating to street improvements and assessments therefor, and being Chapter 106 of the General and Speoial Laws of said session, said Act being commonly known as Article 1105-b, Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 19250 0021 r) yt 1 ec That said amounts payable by the pr pe�rty owners shall be paid in five (5) equal installments, one installment thirty days after the completion of said improvements and the acceptance thereof by the City of College Station, one installment in one year from the date of such acceptance; one installment in i�, two years from said date of acceptance; one installment in three years from 0, said date of aoeeptanoe; and one installment in four years from said date of aoceptance; with interest thereof from said date of acceptance at the rate of 8% per annum, payable annually; but said property owners shall have the privilege of paying any of said installments before their maturity by payment of principal and interest thereon; providing, however, that no amount shall be assessed against any property owner or his property, in excess of the benefits to said property in the enhanced value thereof by reason of said improvement. (b) The City of College Station shall pay the whole cost of improving the intersections of Cooner Street with Highway No. 6, and shall pay not less than one-tenth of the remaining cost of said improvements. Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare forthwith and file with the City Council complete specifications for the proposed improvement, upon each of the various kinds of paving materials hereinabove set forth, so as to enable bids to be secured separately upon each of said kinds of pavements; and said specifications to be so arranged as that the City shall be enabled to obtain bids for doing any portions of said work separately from the other portions, if desired by the City Council, together with a written statement which shall contain the names of persons, firms, corporations and estates owning property abutting upon said Cooner Street within the limits named, with the number of front feet owned by each, describing such pro,erty either by lot or block number, or in any other manner sufficient to identify it; and the City Engineer is further directed to prepare an estimate of the cost of such improvements. Section 4. The fact that the above street between the intersections mentioned is in bad condition and the same should be improved immediately, creates a public emergency requiring that this ordinance bo passed finally on the date of its introduction, and the Mayor having in writing declared the existence of such emergency and requested such passage, this ordinance shall be passed finally on the date of its introduction, this 18th day of August, 1947, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor. OL Passed and approved this 18th day of August, 1947. 2. APPROVED: Mayor 21/41 Attest: City Secretary k/su/k/g) 00216