HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-0053 - Ordinance - 09/05/1940ORDINANCE NO. 53 PLUMBING ORDINANCE Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: Article 1. General. Section 1. No person, firm, or sorporation shall engage in the business of installing or repairing the plumbing systems of buildings within the city limits of College Station, or in buildings setved by the water or sewer systems of College Station, unless such person, firm or corporation shall have obtained a license from the city. Section 2. Examining Board. No license shall be issued until the applicant shall receive approval from an Examining Board. Said Board shall consist of the city engineer as chairman, city sanitary engineer, and a represen- tative of the city -county health unit. Should vacancies exist in the of- ficial personnel mentioned, the Board may be completed to a membership of three by appointment of the mayor; such appointees to hold office for one year or until the vacancies in official personnel are filled, The Board may conduct such examinations or tests as it may see fit and if it approves the application, shall report same to the City Secretary. Section 3. Issuance of License and Fees. Upon receipt of approval from the Examining Board the city secretary shall be authorized to issue a license, provided that a fee of 4 15.00 shall be paid to the city. Said license shall be in force for one year from date of issue, but may be re- newed annually by payment of $ 5.00. Section 4. Plumbing Inspection. The City Council shall appoint a plumb- ing inspector or assign the duties of plymbing inspector to issue all per- mits for plumbing work, to inspect and pass upon all such plumbing, to in- spect any such plumbing already in use or being constructed which he may have reason to believe is imperfect or out of repair, and by written order to the owner or agent in charge of any building or premises where any such imperfect plumbing work may be located, or to the plumber in charge of the construction of same,stop the construction or use of same until sante shall have been properly constructed or repaired; and he shall have the power to enter any house or premises in said city at any time between the hours of 9 A.M. and 5 P/M. to inspect any such plumbing. He shall investigate all alleged violations of this ordinance, or any plumbing ordinance of this city reported to him, and file complaints against all whom he may have reason to believe are guilty of such violations, and perform such other services as may be required of him by the City Council. It shall also be the duty of said plumbing inspector to collect for the city all inspection, instal- lation, and service fees required by this ordinance. Section 5. Inspection Fees. The following inspection fees shall be col- lected: For inspection of any one single fixure issued under any one per- mit, one dollar, Cor each additional fixbuee, fifty cents, with a maximum charge for any single building and single inspection visit of two dollars. Said fees shall be collected at the time the permit is issued. Should more than the two inspections required undee Section 10 be necessary, such additional inspections shall be paid for at the rates specified in this section, before certificate of acceptance will be granted. Section 6. Permits. No person shall do any plumbing or any character, or repair any plumbing work, or make any extensions to plumbing or change the location of any plumbing fixture, except as hereinafter prescribed, in said city, until he has received a permit to do saws from the city plumb- ing inspector, application for such permit shall describe by means of a sketch and other description the character of the plumbing work or repair- ing proposed to be done, together with the exact location of same, the number and location of street openings, if any, and the n:,mber, name and character of the plumbing fix ures to be r:;paired or put in, provided that no such application need be made and no permit issued for repairs or leaks in pipes, traps or cocks, opening up waste for supply pipes, traps or drains, in replacing any broken fixture or water pipes, nor for installation made for exhibit purposes and not used in the usual manner. Section 7. Notice of Defects. The city plumbing inspector shall give the owner or agent in charge of any building, premises, or plumber in charge of any work, written notice of any defects of said plumbing or changes or repairs necessary, and such owner, agent or plumber, shall, within five days from receiving such notice, make the necessary changes or repairs. Section S. Plumber's Responsibility. The plumber in charge of the work shall be responsible for the construction and dompletion, according to the ordinance and regulations governing plumbing and drainage work in this oity, of all the interior drainage and supply pipes within the buildings, and their connections to the main house drain leading to the public sewer and connect- ions to sewer.'. Section 9. Application for Inspection. Application for inspection must be made to the city plumbing inspector when work is ready for inspection at least eibht hours before such inspection id desired. Section 10. Tests and Inspections. All new plumbing work shall be inspected by the city plumbing inspector as follows: (1) When the main house drains are laid and before they are cover- ed, the sewer pipes shall be examined and inspected as often as necessary to see that they conform with the requirements of this ordinance, but such inspections shall be made at the same time as tests and inspections requir- ed in (2) and (3) of this section. (2) When the soil, waste and vent -pipes within the building are in place, connected to the traps, when such traps are below floor level and beffore being covered or concelled, they shall be filled with water to top of stack above the roof. If leaks are indicated, they shall be corrected by the plumber in charge of the work by removing all defective material and replacing same with sound material, and new water test. shall be applied, until the work is found to be tight and to conform with the requirements of this ordinance. (3) When the work is fully completed, notice thereof shall be given to the oity plumbing inspector. Immediately after the completion of the work, the inspector may, if he thinks necessary, subject the work to a smoke or peppermint test. When the work has been properly inspected, tested and approved by the inspector, he shall issue a certificate of ac- ceptance to the plumber, and no plumbing fixture shell be used until the plumber or owner has obtained this certificate from the city plumbing in- spector. Section 11. Extensions. All extensions to work in buildings shall be done, tested, and inspected as required for new work by the terms of this ordinance. Section 12. Work by Owner. If work of plumbing installation and repair, coming within the jurisdiction of this ordinance, is done by the owner of the building, then all requirements as to permits, fees, applications, and certificates of aoceptan oe as ai:plicable to the plumber shall be applicab- le to the owner. Section 13. Plumbing System. The plumbing system of a building includes the water supply distributing pipes; the fixtures and fixture traps; the soil, waste and vent pipes; the house drain and house sewer; the storm -water drainage; with their devices, apprutenances and connections all within or adjacent to the building. Section 14. Water -Service Pipe. The water -service pipe is the pipe from the water main to the building served. Section 15. Water -Distribution Pipes. The water distribution pipes are those which convey water from the service pipe to the plumbing fixtures. Section 16. Plumbing Fixtures. Plumbing fixtures are receptacles intend- ed to receive and discharge water, liquid, or water -carried wastes into a drainage system with which they are connected. Section 17. Trap,/ A trap is a fitting or device so eonstrueted as to prevent the passage of air or gas through a pipe without materially af- fected the flow of sewage or waste water through it. Section 18. Trap Seal. The trap seal is the vertical distance between the crown weir and the dip of the trap. Section 19. Vent Pipe. A vent pipe is any pipe provided to ventilate a house drainage system and to prevent trap siphonage and back pressure. Section 20. Local Ventilating Pipe. A local ventilating pipe is a pipe through which foul air is removed from a room or fixture. Section 21. Soil Pipe. A soil pipe is any pipe which conveys the dis- charge of water -closets, with or without the discharges from other fix- tures, to the house drain. Section 22. Viaste Pipe and Special Weste. A waste pipe is any pipe which receives the discharge of any fixture, exoept water -closets, and conveys the same to the house drain, soil, or waste stacks. When such pipe does not connect directly with a house drain or soil stack, it is termed a special waste. Section 23. Main. The main of any system of horizontal, vertical, or continuous piping is that part of such s ystems which receives the wastes, vent or back vents, from fixtures outlets or traps, direct or through branch pipes. -4 - Section 24. Branch. The branch of any system of piping is that part of the system which extends horizontally at a slight grade, with or without lateral or vertical extensions or vertical arms, from the main to receive fixtures outlets not directly conneetod to the main. Section 25. Stack. Stack is a general term for any vertical line of soil, waste, or vent piping. Section 26. House Drain. The house drain is that part of the lowest horiz- ontal piping of a house drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of any building End conveys the same to the house sewer. Section 27. House Sewer. The house sewer is that part of the horizontal piping of a house drainage system extending from the house drain to its connection with the main sewer or septic tank and conveying the drainage of but one building site. Section 28. Size and Length. The given caliber or size of pipe is for a nominal internal diameter. The developed length of a pipe is its length along the center line of pipe and fittings. Section 29. Dead End. A dead end is a branch leading from a soil, waste, vent, house drain, or house sewer, which is terminated at a developed dis- tance of 2 feet or more by means of a cap, plug, or other fitting not used for admitting water to th:°: pipe. Section 30. Grades of Horizontal Piping. All horizontal piping shall be run in practical alignment and at a uniform grade of not less than one- eighth of an inch per fact, and shall be supported or anchored at intervals not to exceed 10 feet. All stacks shall be supported at their bases, and all pipes shall be rigidly secured. Section 31. Chante in Direction. All changes in direction shall be made by the appropriate use of 45 wyes, long sweep quarter bends, sixth, eighth, or sicteenth bends, except that single sanitary tees may be used on vertical stacks, and short quarter bends may be used in soil and waste lines where the change in direction of flow is from the horizontal to the vertical. Tees and crosses may be used in ventpipes. Section 32. krohi'bited Fittings. No doubte hub, double T, 6r double san- itary T branch shall be used on soil or waste lines. The drilling and tap- ping of house drains, soil waste, or vent pipes, and the use of saddle hubs and bands are prohibited. Section 33. Protection of Material. All pipes passing under or through walls shall be protected from breakage. All pipes passing through or under cinder concrete or other corrosive material shall be protected against external corrosion. Section 34. 1'aterials, Quality of. All materials used in any drainage or plumbing system, or part thereof, shall be free from defects. Section 35. Label, Cast or Stamped. Each length of pipe, fitting, trap, fixture, and device used in a plumbing or drainage system shall be stamp- ed or indelibly marked with the weight or qaaltiy thereof and the maker?s - 5 - mark or name. Section 36. Certain Fipe materials. (a) All vitrified clay pipe, cast- iron soil pipe, wrought -iron pipe, steel pipe, brass pipe, and copper pipe, and fittings for same shall conform to the standard specifications of American Society eor testing Materials. (b) All cast-iron pipe and fittings for underground use shall be coatod with asphaltum or coal tar pitch. Section 37. Lead Fipe, Diameter, Weights. All lead pipe shall be of best quality of drawn pipe, of not less weight per linear foot than shown below. (al Lead soil, waste, vent, or flush pipes, including bends and traps: Internal Diameter Weights per foot Inches Lbs. Ozs. 1 2 14 2 8 1- 3 8 2 4 3 4 12 4 6 (b) Lead water supply pipe above ground (strong): Internal Diameter Weights per foot Inches Lbs. Ozs. I. 2 g/8 2 8 3/4 3 1 li 6 12 14 6 13/4 6 8 2 7 (c) Lead water -supply pipe under ground ( extra strong): Internal Diameter Weights per foot Inches Lbs. Ozs. 1 2 8 5/8 3 3/4 3 8 1 4 12 .li 6 12 7 8 1 3/4 • • . .. 8 2 . . . . 9 Section 38. Threaded Fittings. (a) Plain screwed fittings shall be of cast iron, malleable iron, or brass of standard weight and dimensions. (b) Drainage fittings shall be of cast iron, malleable iron, or brass, with smooth interior waterway, with threads tapped out of solid metal. (o) All cast-iron fittings used for water -supply distribution shall be galvanized. Section 39. Floor N'langes for Water Closets. Floor flanges for water - closets shall be not less than three -sixteenths of an inch thick, and of brass or cast iron. Section 40. Water and Air Tight Joints. All joints and connections men- tioned in this ordinaee shall be made permanently gas and water tight. Section 41. Joints, in house Sewers. Joints in vitrified clay pipe and concrete pipe shall be yarned with a gasket of oakum or hemp around the spigot of the pipe accurately to center spigot in the bell and the re- maining space shall be filled with a mortar consisting of 1 part Port- land cement and 2 parts clean sand. Joints between vitrified clay or concrete and metals shall be yarned and filled with a hot jointing mat- erial. Section 42. Calked Joints. All calked joints shall be firmly packed with oakum or hemp, and shall be secured only with pure lead, not less than 1 inch deep, well calked, and no paint, varnish, or putty will be permitted until after the joint is tested. Section 43. Screw Joints. All screw joints shall be American standard screw joints, and all burrs or cuttings shall be removed. Section 44. Cast Iron. Cast-iron joints may be either calked or screw joints made in the approved manner. Section 45. Wrought Iron, Steel, or Brass to Cast Iron. The joints may be eigher screwed or calked joints made in the approved manner. Section 46. Lead Pipe. Joints in lead pipe or between lead pipe and brass or copper pipes, ferrules, soldering nipples, bushings, or traps, in all cases on the sewer side of the trap and in concealed joints on the inlet side of thetrap, shall be full -wiped hoints, with an exposed surface on the solder to each side of the joint of not less than three- Auarters of an inch and a minimum thinkness at the thickest part of the joint of not less than three-eighths of an inch. Section 47. Lead to Cast Iron, Steel, or Nrought Iron. The joints shall be made by moans of a brass oalking ferrule, brass soldering nipple, or brass bushing. Section 48. Slip Joints and Unions. Slip joints will be permitted only in trap seals or on the inlet side of the trap. Unions on the sewer side of the trap shall be ground faced, and shall not be concealed or inclosed. Section 45. Roof Joints. The joint at by use of copper, lead, or iron plates jects not more than one foot above the to the edge of the stack. the roof shall be or flashings. If roof the flushing made water -tight the stack pro - shall be crimped Section 50. Closet, Pedestal, Urinal and Trap, Standard pp soldered to lead S1 Sink, Floor Connections. A brass floor connection shall be wiped or pipe, an iron floor connection shall be calked to east -iron pipe, or an iron floor connection calked or screwed to wrought -iron pipe, or an iron floor connection calked or sceewed to wrought -iron pipe, and the floor connection bolted to an earthenware trap flange. A metal to earthenware, a metal to metal union, or a lead or asbestor gasket or washer shall be used to make a tight joint. Section 51. New Materials. Any other material than that specified in thl§ code, which the proper adMi ietrative authority approved as being -7 - equally efficient, may be permitted. Section 52. Traps, iind. Every trap shall be self-cleaning, Traps for bathtubs, lavatories, sinks, and other similar fixtures•.shall be of lead, brass, cast iron, or of malleable iron, galvanized or porcelain enameled inside. Galvanized or porcelain enameled traps shall be extra heavy, and shall have a full bore smooth interior waterway, with threads tapped out of solid metal. No form of trap wl!ich depends for its seal ppon the action of movable parts or concealed interior partitions shall be used for fixtures. The use of S traps is prohibited. Section 53. Traps, Where Required. Each fixture shall be separately trap- ped by a water -seal trap placed as near to the fixture as possible, except that a set of not more than 3 laundry traps or lavatories or a set of 2 laundry trays and 1 sink nay connect with a single trap, provided the trap is placed centrally and the branches connect into the trap seal at an angle of not more than 600 to the vertical arm. In no case shall the water from a bathtub or other fixture discharge into a water closet trap. No fixture shall be double trapped. Section 54. Water Seal. Each fixture trap shall have a water seal of not less than 2 inches acid not more than 4 inches. Section 55. Trap Ulean Outs. Each trap, except those in combination with fixtures in which the trap seal is plainly visible and accessible, shall be provided with an accessible brass trap screw of ample size, protected by the water seal. Section 56. Trap Levels and Protection. All traps shall be set true with respect to their water seals and protected from frost and evaporation. Section 57. Pipe Clean Outs - Where Required. A clean out easily accessible shall bo provided at the foot of each oertical waste or soil stack. There shall be at least two cleanouts Ion the house drain- ono at or near the base of the stack an other, with full-size Y brahch, inside the wall near the connection between the house drain and the house sewer. Except for the latter, clean outs shall be of the same nominal size as the pipes up to 4 inches and not less than 4 inches for larger pipes. The distance between clean outs in horizontal soil lines shall not exceed 50 feet. Section 58. Clean Outs- Equivalents. Any floor or wall oonnection of fixture traps when bolted or screwed to the floor or wall shall be regard- ed as a clean out. Section 59. Basement Floor Drains. Cellar or basement floor drains shall connect into a trap so oonstruoted that it can be readily cleaned and of a size to serve efficiently the purpose for which it is intended. The drain inlet shall ba so located that is is at all times in full view. When sub- ject to back flow or back pressure, -such drains shall be equipped with an adequate back water valve. Section 60. Back -Yater Valves. Back -water valves shall have all bearing parts or balls of nonoorrodible metal and so constructed as to insure a positive mechanical seal and remain closed except when discharging waster. Section 61. Distribution. The water supply shall be distributed through a piping system entirely independent of any piping system convoying another water supply. Section 62. Water Supply to Fixtures. All plumbing fixtures shall be provided with a sufficient supply of water for flushing to keep them in a sanitary oondition. Every water closet or pedestal urinal shall be flushed by means of an approved tank or flush valve of at least 4 gallons flushing capacity for water -closets and et least 2 gallons for urinals, and shall be adjusted to prevent the waste of water. Tho flush pipe for.:. warer closet flush tanks whall be not less than lg inches in diameter, and the water from flush tanks shall be used for no other purpose. No water -closet of urinal bowl shall be supplied directly from a water - supply system through a flushometer or other valve unless such valve is set above the water -closet or urinal and a vacuum breaker of design appro- ved by the inspector is installed. Section 63. Size of Vater Supply Pipes. The minimum size of water service pipes from the curb to the dwelling shall be three-fourths inch, and to fixtures as follows: inch inch Hot water boilers .... Lavatories 3/8 Laundry trays Bathtubs 2 Sinks 2 Water -closet tanks 3/8 Section 64. Water -Supply Control. A main shut-off with waste on the water supply line shall be provided near the curb. Accessible shut -offs with wastes shall be provided on the main supply line just inside the fouidation wall for each flat or apartment of a building, for each lawn sprinkler, for supply to each hot water tank, and for each water tank, and for each water closet. Section 65. Water -Supply Pipes and Fittings- Material. All water supply pipes for a plumbing system shall be of lead, galvanized wrought -iron, or steel, brass, or cast iron, with brass or galvanized cast iron or galvan- ized malleable iron fittings. No pipe or fittings that have been used for ether purposes shall be used for distributing water. Section 66. Water Supply, Protection. All concealed water pipes, storage tanks, flushing cisterns, and all exposed pipes or tanks subject to freez- ing ree- ing temperatures shall be efficiently protected against freezing. Section 67. Materials. All receptacles used as water -closets, urinals, or otherwise for the dispos 1 of human excreta, shall be citrified earthen- ware, hard nutural stone, or cast iron, white enameled on the inside. Section 68. how Installed. All plumbing fixtures shall be installed free and open in a manner to afford access for cleaning. Where practical all pipes from fixtures shall be run to the wall, and no lead trap or pipe shall extend nearer to the floor than 12 inches unless protected by casing. Section 69. Fixtures Prohibited. Fixed wooden wash trays or sinksshall not be installed in any building designed or used for human habitation,. No -new copper lined wooden bathtubs shall be installed. Pan and valve plunger, offset washout and other water closets having invisible seals or unventilated space, or walls not thoroughly wished at each flush shall not bo used. Long hopper closets or similar appliances shall not hereafter be installed. No dry closet or chemical closet shall be installed in a dwelling. - 9 - No fixtures shall be installed with Eater inlets 'terminating within three- fourths inch of the manimum water level, disregarding the fixture overflow pipe, except that flushometer toilets may be installed as prescribed in Section 62. Section 70. Floor Drains and Shower. Drains. A floor drain or a shower drain shall be considered a fixture and provided with a strainer. Section 71. Fixture Strainers. All fixtures other than water -closets and pedestal urinals shall be provided with fixed strong metallic strain- ers with outlet areas not less than that of the interior of the trap and waste pipe. Section 72. Fixture Overflow. Tho overflow pipe from a fixture shall bo connected on the house or inlet side of the trap and be so arranged that it. may be readily and effectively cleaned. Section 73. Material. All main or branch soil, waste, and vent pipes within the building shall be made of cast iron, galvanized steel or wrought iron, lead, brass, or copper, except that no black or galvanized steel or wrought iron pipe shall be used for underground soil or waste pipes. Section 74. Fixture Unit. The following charge from a lavatory as the unit shall equivalents. Fixture Units. One lavatory or wash basin1 One kitchen sink 12 Ono bathtub 2 One laundry tray 3 One combination fixnu e 3 table bEsed on the rate of dis- be employed to determine fixture Fixture Units. One urinal 3 One shower bath 3 One floor drain 3 One slop sink 4 One water closet 6 Section 75. Soil and Waste Pipes and Stacks. Every building in which plumbing fixtures are installed shall have a soil or waste stack, or stacks, extending full size through the roof. Soil and waste stacks shall bo as direct as possible and free from sharp angles and turns. The required size of a soil or waste stack shall be independently determined by the total fixture units of all fixtures connected to the stack in accordance with the following tables: WASTE STACKS AND PIPES Number of fixture units Diameter of stack 1 12 to 4 5 to 18 19 to 36 Inches �11 12 2 3 Soil and Waste Stacks and Pipes NUMBER OF DIAMETER OF NO. OF FIXTURE UNITS WATER -CLOSETS OR STACK EQ;U IVQ,LENT 37 to 60 §1 to 210 11 to 300 1tg10 11 to 36 36 to 50 4 Inches 5 6 Restrictions. No water -closet shall discharge into a stack less than 4 inches in diameter. Not more than three water -closets or their equivalent in fixture units shall discharge into a 4 -inch stack from one 4 -inch branch, and not more than two such branches may connect to a 4 -inch stack at the same point or level. Section 76. Soil and Waste Stacks, Fixture Connections. All soil and waste stacks and branches shall be provided with correctly faced inlets for fix- ture connections. Section 77. Changing Soil and Vent Pipes. In existing buildings where the soil or waste vent pipe is not extended undimihished through or above the roof, or where there is a. sheet metal soil or waste vent pipe, and the fixture is changed in style or location or is replaced, a soil or waste vent tipe of the size and material prescribed for new work shall be in- stalled. Section 78. Prohibited Connections. No fixture connection shall be made to a lead bend or branch of a water -closet or similar fixture. No soil or waste vent, circuit or loop vent above the highest installed fix- ture on the branch or main shall thereafter be used as a soil or waste pipe. Section 79. Roof hxtensions. All roof extensions of soil and waste stacks shall be run full size at least 1 foot above the roof, and when the roof is used for other purposes than weather protection such extension shall not be less than 5 feet above the roof. Section 80. Terminals. The roof terminal of any stack or vent, if within 12 feet o[' any door, window, scuttle, or air shaft, shall extend at least 3 feet above the same. Section 81. Traps Protected, Vents. Every fixture trap shall be protected against siphonage and back pressure, and air ciroulation assured by means of a soil or waste stack vent, a continuous waste soil vent, or a loop or circuit vent. No crown vent shall be installed. I- Section 82. Distance of Vent from Trap Seal. No trap shall be pi aced more than 5 feet, horizontal developed length, from its vent. The distance shall be measured along the central line of the waste or soil pipe from the ver- tical inlet of the trap to the vent openings. The vent opneing from the soil or waste pipe, except for water -closets and similar fixtures, shall not be below the dip of the trap. Section 83. Main vents to Connect at Base. All main vents or vent stacks shall connect fu.i.l size at their base to the main soil waste pipe at or below the lowest fixture branch and shall extend undiminished in size above the roof or shall be reconnected with the mainsoil or waste vent at least 3 feet above the highest fixture branch. Section 84. Vents, Required Sizes. The following are permissible sizes of vents: - 11 - lain. 1.1 in. 2 in. 3 in. 4in. 5 in. 6 in. hater -closets 1-4 5-10 11-20 21-35 36-50 Kitchen sinks 1-2 3-8 9-20 21-40 41-70 71-100 Slop sinks 1 2-4 5-10 11-20 21-35 36-50 Bath tubs 1-2 3-8 9-20 21-40 41-70 71-100 Laundry trays 1-3 4-8 9-29 21-40 41-70 71-100 Urinals 1-2 3-8 9-20 21-40 41-79 71-100 Shower Baths 1-2 3-8 9-20 21-40 41-70 71-199 Lavatories or wash basins 1 2-4 5-8 9-20 21-40 41-70 71-100 Combination fixtures 1-3 5-8 9-20 21-40 41-70 71-100 Section 85. Vent -Pipe Grades and Connections. All vent and braheh vent pipes shall be free from drops or sags and be so graded and connected as to drip back to the soil or waste pipe by gravity. Where vent pipes connect to a horizontal soil or waste pipe the vent branch shall be taken off above the center line of the pipe, and the vent pipe must rise vertically or at an angle of 45° to the vertical to a point 6 inches above the fixture it is venting before offsetting horizontally or connecting to the braheh, main waste, or soil vent. Section 86. Circuit and Loop Vents. A circuit or loop vent will be per- mitted as follows: A branch soil or waste pipe to which two and not more than eight water -closets, pedestal urinals, trap standard slop sinks, or shower stalls are connected in the series may be vented by a circuit or loop vent, which shall be taken off in front of the last fixture connection. Where fixtures discharge above suoh branch, each branch shall be provided with a relief vent one-half the diameter of the soil or waste stack, taken ore in fron t of the first fixture connection. Section 87. Common Vent and Waste. Where bathrooms or water-olosets or other fixtures are located on opjosit e sides of a wall or partition or directly adjae;nt to each other within the prescribed distance, such fixtures may have a common soil or waste pipe and common vent. Section 88. Independent System. The drainage and plumbing system of each new BUILDING AND OF NEW WORK INSTALLED IN AN EXISTING BUILDING SHALT- BE separate from the independent of that of any other building, except as pro- vided below, and every building shall have an independent connection with a public or private sewer when available. Exception. Where one building stands in the rear of another building on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through adjoining alley, court, yard, or driveway, the house drain from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole will be considered as one house drain. Section 89. Old house Sewers and Drains. Old house sewers and drains may be used in connection with new buildings or new plumbing only when they are found, on examination and test, to conform in all respects to the re- auirements governing new sewers or drains, as prescribed in this code. If the old work is found defeotive, the plumbing inspector shall notify the owner to make the necessary changes to conform with this code. Section 90. Connections with Septic Tanks. When a sewer is not available, drain pipes from buildings shall be connected with approved private sewage disposal works. - 12 - Section 91. material. (a) The house sewer beginning 3 feet outside the building shall be of oast iron, vitrified clay pipe, or concrete pipe; (b) the house drain when underground shall be of lead, brass, or cast iron; (c) the house drain when above ;round shall be of cast iron, galvanized wrought iron or steel, lead or brass of approved standards. Section 92. Depth of Drains and Sewers. No house sewer or underground house drain shall be laid perallel to or within 3 feet of any bearing wall, which might be thereby weakened. The house sewer and drains shall be laid at sufficient depth to protect them from frost. Section 93. Size of Drains and Sewers. The required size of sanitary house drains and sanitary house sewers shall be determined on the basis of the total number of fixture units drained by them in accordance with the following table: Fixture units Slope Number' 1W8 in, 4 in, 2 in, Water Closets to 1 ft. to 1 ft. to 1 ft. or Equivalent 6 to 12 .... diam. in in 4 3 1-2 13 to 24 do 4 4 3 3-4 25 to 72 do 6 5 4 5-12 73 to 300 do 8 6 5 13-50 301 to 720 do 8 8 6 51-120 721 to 1,080 do 10 10 8 121-180 1,081 to 1,920 do 12 12 10' 191-320 Section 94. i+fixtures Permitted to Connect. No waste pipe from a refrig- erator or ice box floor drain, or any other receptable where food is stored shall connect directly with any house drain, soil, or waste pipe. Such waste pipes shall in all cases empty into an open sink that is proper- ly supplied with water, connected, trapped, and vented, the same as other fixtures, or they may discharge into a down spout or rain leader trap located inside the building or into a cellar floor drain, but their ends must be left open. Such waste connections shall not be located in in- accessible or unventilated cellars. Section 95. Overflow Pipes and Motor Exhausts. Pipes from a water supply tank or exhaust from a water lift shall not be directly connected with any house drain, soil, or wastepipe pipe. Such pipe shall discharge upon the roof or be trapped into an open fixture. Section 96. Vents for Hot water Heaters. All hot water heaters shall be vented so that products of combustion will be conveyed outside the build- ing by means of a pipe of approved material not less than 2i inches in diameter. Section 97, Grease, Sand and Oil Traps. Waste lines from sinks of restau- rants and other public eating establishments shall be provided with grease traps of approved design. Floor drains and wash racks of public garages and automobile service stations that discharge into the sewers must be provided with sand and oil traps of approved design. Said grease, sand and oil traps must b kept clean and in good condition by the occupant of the building. Section 98. Defective Fixtures. All installed fixtures fond defective or in an insanitary condition shall be repaired, renovated, replaced, or removed within 30 days upon written notice from the proper administrative authorities. Section 99. Temporary Toilet Facilities. Suitable toilet facilities shall be provided for the use of workmen during the construction of any building. These toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary con- dition. Section 100. Penalty. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall fail to comply with, or shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars (450.00) for each offense, and each day that any person, firm or corporation shall maintain upon premises owned, occupied, or controlled by them, a condition that is in violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate offense. Passed and approved this 5th day of September, 1940. Assistant ty Secretary Mayor 13\ The Following Resolution was presented and passed by the City Council of College Station, Texas, at a special meeting on October 2$, 1940. On motion by Mr. Wilcox, seconded by Mr. Langford, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of College Station, Texas: That a contract be entered into by and between the City of College Station, Texas, acting herein by its Mayor, and College Hills Estates Company, for the purchase by said city of the water and sewer utilities, now located in, and now being installed in College Hills Estates within the city limits of College Station, Texas. That said con- tract and agreement to make said purchase be contingent upon the completion of satisfactory and suitable arrangements to be made by said city to finance and pay the cost of said purchase. Also, that College Hills Estates Water Corporation transfer by deed, all its right, title and interest in and to said water and sewer utilities. Also, that this resolution become a part of the contract between the City of College Station, Texas, and the College Hills Estates Company. Also, that the College Hills Estates Company furnish the City of College Station a map showing all sewer and water lines,• fire plugs, connections, valves, etc. Passed and approved this 28th day of October, 1940. s/ Lucy L. Sneed Asst. City Secretary s/ Frank G. Anderson Mayor 00129