HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-0210 - Ordinance - 02/21/1955ORDINANCE NO. 210 (QEE 13.Y a R b 690. AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PLATS OF SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN AND ADJACENT TO THE C] Y OF COLLEGE STATION AND PRESCRIBING CON- DITIONS PRECEDENT REGARDING PUBLIC UTILITIES AND STREETS FOR ADMISSION OF ADJACENT TERRITORY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Section 1. From and after the passage of this Ordinance, all plats of subdivisions of land within the corporate limits of the City of College Station or additions and subdivisions without the City of College Station, before and as a condition precedent to the bringing into the City of any such additions or subdivisions, shall conform to the following rules and regulations. (1) Definitions. (a) City Council - the duly and constitutionally elected govern- ing body of the City of College Station. (b) Planning Commission - the duly appointed City Planning Comm- ission of the City of College Station appointed by the City Council. (c) City Engineer - the duly appointed engineer for the City of College Station. (d) Developer - wherever this term appears in the ordinance it shall mean the person, firm or corporation subdividing a piece of land to be sold or otherwise handled for their own personal gain or use. (e) Subdivisions - shall mean division of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development, expressly excluding development for agric- ultural purposes, and shall include resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context shall relate to the process of subdividing or to the land or area subdivided. Resubdivision shall mean the division of an existing subdivision, together with any change of lot size therein, or with the relocation of any street lines. (2) Preliminary Plat. A Preliminary Plat of any proposed subdivision shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission and transmitted by said City Planning Commission with its recommendation to the City Council, for approval before the subdivider proceeds with the Final Plat for record. This Preliminary Plat shall be drawn to a scale not smaller than 200 feet to an inch and shall show the following information: (a) The existing boundary lines of the land to be subdivided; the property lines of adjoining property owners and adjoining street lines. (b) The location of existing water courses, railroads, and other similar drainage and transportation features; location and widths of streets, alleys, easements, lots and recreational areas. 00524 (c) The date, scale and north point; and the title under which the plat is to be recorded with the name of the owner. (d) Topographical information approximately equivalent to two (2) foot contour lines. The City Planning Commission shall be furnished with three (3) legible prints of the Preliminary Plat ten days or more before regular City Planning Commission meetings.. These plats shall be filed in the office of the City Engineer. The City Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove within thirty (30) days any Preliminary Plat submitted to it. Approval of the Preliminary Plat shall not constitute final acceptance of the Final Plat. If a Developer so elects, he may submit a Master Preliminary Plat of the entire area he proposes to subdivide over a period of time, such plat to have an accurate boundary survey showing closure within permissable limits ,C and all topography. After approval of this Master Preliminary Plat, he may proceed to submit Final Plats in accordance with the Master Preliminary Plat, by units as the development proceeds. Each unit must be adjacent to the pre- ceding unit and any unit must contain two (2) or more acres of land. (11 (3) Final Plat. After approval of a Preliminary Plat by the City Planning Commission, a Final Plat shall be filed in the office of the City Engineer. Such plat shall have all changes and alterations made on it that were shown on the previously submitted Preliminary Plat. No Final Plat will be considered unless a Preliminary Plat has been first submitted. All Final Plats shall be drawn on sheets 24" x 30" and to a scale of 100 feet to an inch or larger. Where more than one sheet is required, an index sheet 24" x 30" shall be filed showing the entire subdivision on this index sheet. The Final Plat shall show the following information: (a) The date, scale, north point and subdivision title. (b) The names of adjoining subdivisions or the names of the adjoining property owners, together with the respective plat or deed reference. (c) The length of all straight lines; the deflection angles, radii, arcs, and tangents of all curves shall be given along the property lines of each street; and all dimensions along the lines of each lot with the angles of intersection they make with each other; also the angles which the center lines of intersecting streets make with each other. Ls a (d) The lines and names of all proposed streets or other ways or easements to be dedicated for public use. (e) Where lots are set aside or planned for business use, ade- quate off street parking must be provided and an additional setback build- ° ing line may be required. 0 cu (f) The location of building lines on both front and side streets . must be shown. TANDARD (g) The description and location of all permanent survey monu- ments and control points. 00525 and the placing of a six (6") inch, compact depth, gravel base with double penetration asphalt wearing surface. (c) All water mains shall be class 150 cast iron pipe with lead or mechanical joints. (d) All sanitary sewer lines shall be vitrified clay pipe with hot poured mastic joints. (e) A11 storm sewer lines shall be tongue and groove reinforced concrete pipe. (f) Street lighting facilities including brackets and fixtures ready to connect to the City's street light system shall be provided to the limits of the proposed development to provide a light at each street intersection. (g) Fireplugs shall be placed in water mains so that no piece of property shall be more than 1,000 feet from a plug; provided, however, that if in approving a plat or subdivision the City shall require plugs to be placed closer together the City will pay for the additional fireplugs re- quired at the unit price bid for fireplugs. (h) All utilities constructed shall upon completion and accept- ance by the City of College Station become the property of the City of College Station. (16) Guarantee for Construction of Streets and Utilities Approval of any such plan, plat or replat shall not be deemed an acceptance of the proposed dedication and shall not impose any duty upon the City concerning the maintenance or improvements of any such dedicated parts until the proper authorities of the City shall have made actual appropriation of the same by entry, use or improvement. Unless and until any such plan, plat or replat shall have been first approved in the manner and by the authorities provided for in this Ordi- nance, it shall be unlawful within the area covered by said plan, plat or replat for any official of the City of College Station to serve or connect said land or any part thereof, or for the use of the owners or purchasers of said land or any part thereof, with any public utilities such as water, light, et cetera, which may be owned or controlled or distributed by the City of College Station. The City Planning Commission shall adopt and accept a plat previously approved as a Preliminary Plat together with all dedications of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, et cetera, as shown on said plat, only upon report and recommendation of the City Engineer evidencing that the Developer has made necessary arrangements for the construction of all streets, alleys, drainage systems and utilities required, prior to the time when any utilities may be connected by the City of College Station or by any public utility company or other entity. All improvements set out above under "Utilities" shall be installed prior to approval of the Final Plat. In lieu of actual completion of such improvements, the Developer may execute a performance bond to secure to the City the actual construction of such improvements in a satisfactory manner. Such performance bond guaranteeing the construction of the improvements shall be in the amount and for such period required to construct said improvements 00526 (10) Block Lengths and Widths. Streets shall be platted to allow two tiers of lots with an alley or easement between them. Intersecting cross streets shall not be more than 1,000 feet apart. Streets shall be platted with appropriate regard to the creeks, wooded -areas and other topographical features lending themselves to attractive treatment. (il) Easements and Alleys. Except where alleys of not less than twenty (20) feet in width are provided, easements not less than ten (10) feet in width shall be retained on each side of rear lot lines. Where necessary, easements not less than ten (10) feet in width, on each side of side lot lines, shall be retained for poles, wires, conduits, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water lines, open drains, gas lines, or other utilities. Such easements may be required across parts of lots other than as described above upon recommenda- tion of the City Engineer. Where the proposed platted area adjoins an un - platted area the full alley or easement width may be required along the rear of lots adjoining the unplatted area. (12) Lot Arrangement. The side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines. In general, an arrangement placing adjacent lots at right angles to each other should be avoided. (13) Lot Sizes. The minimum width of interior residential lots shall be fifty (50) feet and corner residential lots shall be sixty (60) feet. Lots which, in the opinion of the City Planning Commission shall properly be devoted to business property, may have smaller width. Lots in general shall not be less than 125 feet in depth. A11 interior residential lots shall contain not less than 6,000 square feet of area, corner lots not less than 7,500 square feet. (14) Street Monuments and Property Markers. Concrete monuments, eight (8) inches in diameter by thirty-six (36) inches long, shall be placed at all block corners, all points of curve, all points of deflection from a tangent, and at all corners of boundary lines of a subdivision. The exact intersection point on the monument shall be marked by a reinforcing iron bar one-half (-) inch in diameter embedded at least twelve (12) inches in the monument. The top of the monument shall be placed flush with the existing ground. Intermediate property corners shall be marked with iron stakes driven flush with the ground or countersunk, if necessary, in order to avoid being disturbed. (15) Utility Construction. The following requirements relative to utility construction by the Developer are hereby adopted. (a) The Subdivider of Developer shall be required to construct all streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, lift station, water mains, fire mains, culverts, bridges and other appurtenances necessary to adequately serve the area to be subdivided along the lines and grades established by the City Engineer of the City of College Station and all work done shall be in strict accordance with the specifications in use by the City of College Station for the particular utility concerned. (b) Street improvements shall be constructed in full compliance with the specifications of the City of College Station for the type of work to be performed and shall be constructed at the Developers expense. In no instance shall the type of improvement be less than the required grading, curb and gutters, 00527 t/„ (h) Suitable primary control points to which all dimensions, bearing and similar data shall be referred. Dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot. (i) The certificate of the licensed civil engineer or surveyor who surveyed, mapped and monumented the land shall be placed on the face or back of the map. (j) A certificate of ownership and of dedication of all streets, alleys and playgrounds to public use forever, signed and acknowledged before a Notary Public by the owner of the land, and lienholder, if any, to appear on the face or back of the map, containing a complete and accurate descrip- tion of the land subdivided and the streets dedicated. Five (5) legible prints of the Final Plat shall be filed in the office of the City Engineer. Where a Preliminary Plat has been approved by the City Planning Commission, the Final Plat shall be submitted within six (6) months thereafter; otherwise, approval of the Preliminary Plat shall become null and void except where a Master Preliminary Plat has been approved and fractional Final Plats are being submitted. (4) Relationship to Street aad Lot System. In general, streets and lots shall conform to the pattern already established in the adjacent areas, having due regard for the character of the. neighborhood, its particular suitability for development for residential purposes, and also taking into consideration the natural topography of the ground, drainage, sanitary sewerage facilities, and the proposed lay -out of streets. (5) Access to Lots. Each lot shall be provided with adequate access to an existing or proposed public street by frontage on such street., (6) Street Widths. The width of thoroughfares and traffic streets shall be determined by the City Planning Commission. No streets shall be less than 50 feet in width. Where plats are presented for approval which adjoin unplatted property, half streets may be approved, or the full width may be required by the City Planning Commission, on the first of the tracts subdivided. (7) Street Names. New streets shall be named so as to provide con- tinuity of name with existing streets and so as to prevent conflict with identical or similar names in other parts of the City. (8) Dread End Streets. Dead end streets may be platted where the land adjoins property not subdivided, in which case the streets shall be carried to the boundaries thereof. In the few instances where dead end streets are necessary a turn around roadway (cul-de-sac) with a minimum curb radius of fifty (50) feet shall be provided. (9) Street Intersections. Acute angles between streets at their intersections are to be avoided. However, when intersecting angles sharper than eighty (80) degrees are deemed advisable, the property line in the small angle of the intersection shall be rounded so as to permit the construction of curbs having a radius of not less than twenty-five (25) feet, without decreasing the normal width of the sidewalk area. 00528 as shall be determined by the City Engineer. The bond shall be accompa- nied by the signed statement from the Engineer certifying that the amount is adequate to cover the cost of the respective improvements which he is required to approve. The record plat shall not be approved until the City Planning Commission receives a certificate from the Engineer that all improvements for which the Developer is responsible have been satisfactorily completed or that the Engineer has approved the amount of the bond therefor. In lieu of the faithful performance bond above specified, a deposit may be made, either with the City Secretary or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, subject to the approval of the City Council, or money or negotiable bonds in the same amount of the kind approved by provisions of law for securing deposits of public money in banks. If a cash deposit is made, the agreement may provide that progress payments may be made to the contractor or the Developer out of the deposit as the work progresses. After approval of the Final Plat, in accordance with one of the above methods, the official stamp of approval shall be placed on three copies of the Final Plat and signed by the Chairman of the City Planning Commission. One copy shall be retained in the office of the City Engineer, and two copies returned to the Developer after the Plat has been recorded in the office of the County Clerk. The City will file one copy of the Final Plat with the County Clerk for recording. The developer will pay Ten (10.00) Dollars to the City of College Station to cover the recording fee prior to approval of the Final Plat by the City Planning Commission. (17) Refusal of Dedication If any such plan, plat or replat is disapproved by the City Planning Commission, such disapproval shall be deemed a refusal by the City of College Station to accept the offered ded- ication shown thereon. Section 2. Revealing Clause Ordinance No. 91 and all ordinances or resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict with the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section 3. ,Severability Clause 1f any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconsti- tutional, void or invalid, the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby, it being the intent of the City Council in adopting this Ordinance, that no portion hereof, or provision or regulation contained herein, shall become inoperative or fail by reason of the unconstitutionality or invalidity of any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or provision of this Ordinance. Passed and approved this the 21st day of February, 1955 A. D. ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: 00529