HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-0496 - Ordinance - 01/23/1967 (3)OEbJNANCE N. 496 AN ORDTKANCIA AND DanCMININd TAR OENWEA'h SEUVICE HATE TO SE CUARGED Pau SALES OF NATURAL OMR TO RESIDEN. TIAL AND CI4100biLA',6 CONSUCEIS KTTliti4 TAA CITY LIMITS OF PTATJ:91.,. . .1 . 88811Tr0 SEXAS, PoU TAE MANIICIS fORICA SOOD RATA M$Y CHANJED iAIWEPED. AND AMBRDED omoLA'.kIma, 411 li!,,1.13RBENI3Y., 0 ;LT OHIFUNAD dY PSC al:TY COUDCIL OV CtTY W OOLVW VATIONt SiTTIOW 10 Effective with the first or after the1.144... day of service rate tor sales of nature gis rands merclal consumers within the city limits of Lc Star Cas Company, a Texas corporation, it Is hereby fixed and determined as follows: gas bills rendered on 190 the general .44. r sisential and nom Station by saneness s Tal assigns, First 1,000 cu0 ft* or fraction thereof $1067 gross; $1*50 net All over 1,000 ou* ft, A $ 08433 gross her 4 $ 0759 net per MCP Ho gae bill sill be rendered to any residential or commercial consumer served under the above rate not consuming any gas during any monthly billing period* ADJUSTMATS The amount of each net monthly bill computed at the above stated rates shall be subject to the following adjustments: Flue an amount equiva. 1,.st to the proportionate part of any nem tax, or increased rate of tax, or governmental imposition or charge (except sta' -0 county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and any taxes on net Income) levied or assessed agatast the Company or on its gas business, as the result of any new or amended law, ordinance or contract, after January 1, 19660 Each gross monthly bill shall be adjusted proportionately Company at its option gay forego the application of any adjustment if ouch adjust. ment would result in an increase in the monthly bill; however, failure of Company to apply ahy adjustment Shall not constitute a waiver of Companyls right, from time to time or'. at any time, is ma!'se any adjust ment in whole or in art, in spy subsequent current monthly bill that may be applicable to such bill under the provisions of the foregoing adjustments* Not rate Shall apply to all bills paid wt thtn ten days from monthly billing date* In addition to the aforesaid rates, Company Shall have the right to collect such reasonable charges a are necessary to conduct its business and to carry out Its reasonable rules and regulations in offact* The above rate is applicable to each residential and commercial consumer per month or for any part of a month for eh lob gas is used at the same location* ded 9y Ad d by bodies 4curr ntly on subject >;ae ally43 office. S e eiON p £xcati that there is ordinance fixn a mad determining n 'lie d to reg d n L 1 and commercial c reading s of this ordinance n onded and this ordinance shall take nd after the date of its passage at a of by the Mayor 23rd force approv 00ATT1 err . +7 PAMAD C 'le .IUohardoon the n emere aeparate and be i single Ineettnt January of th City o 'Coeny `texas, OROS