HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-0627 - Ordinance - 05/23/1969ORDINANCE NO, 627 MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AN ORDINANCE ENFORCING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS; ESTABLISHING REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, EXTENSION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOBILE HOME PARKS AND RELATED UTILITIES AND FACILITIES; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION AND EXTENSION OF MOBILE HOME PARKS; AUTHORIZING THE LICENSING OF OPERATORS OF MOBILE HOME PARKS; AUTHORIZING THE INSPECTION OF MOBILE HOME PARKS; AND FIXING THE PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY This ordinance is adopted under the authority of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas, including particularly Chapter 231, Acts of the 40th Legislature, Regular Session 1927, as heretofore and hereafter amended (compiled as Article 974a, V.A. T. S. ), and the provisions of Section 4 of the Municipal Annexation Act as hereto- fore and hereafter amended (compiled as Article 970a, V. A. T. S. ), and pursuant to the provisions of Article II of the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas. SECTION 2. SCOPE AND PURPOSE This ordinance shall govern the establishment and operation of all Mobile Home Parks in the Corporate limits of the City of College Station, Texas. The design and use of Mobile Home Parks is an important factor in the process of sound community growth, and becomes a public responsibility in that public services must be provided, and the health, safety and welfare of the community, as well as harmonious development of the area must be maintained. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS As used in this ordinance: (a) Building Administrator: means the duly designated building administrator of the City of College Station or his representative. (b) Health Authority: means the duly designated health authority of the City of College Station or his representative. (c) License: means a written license issued annually by the Building Administrator allowing a person to operate and maintain a Mobile Home Park under the provisions of this ordinance and regulations issued hereunder. 01615 Ordinance No. 627 Page 2 (d) Mobile Home: means a transportable, single-family dwelling unit suitable for year-round occupancy and containing the same water supply, waste disposal and electrical conveniences as a permanent home. Mobile Homes may be equipped with wheels or may be transportable on a trailer. Travel trailers, pick-up coaches, motor homes or camping trailers are not classed as mobile homes. (e) Mobile Home Park: means a parcel of land under single ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of Mobile Homes for non -transient use (f) Mobile Home Lot: means a parcel of land, in a Mobile Home Park, for the placement of a single Mobile Home and the exclusive use of its occupants. (g) Mobile Home Stand: means that part of a Mobile Home Lot which has been reserved for the placement of the Mobile Home, appurtenant structures or additions. (h) Permit: means a written permit issued by the Building Authority permitting the construction, alteration and extension of a Mobile Home Park under the provisions of this ordinance. (i) Person: means an individual, firm, trust, partnership, public or private association or corporation. (3) Service Building: means a structure housing toilet, lavatory and such other facilities as may be required by this ordinance. (k) Sewer Connection: means the connection consisting of all pipes, fittings, and appurtanences from the drain outlet of the Mobile Home to the inlet of the corresponding sewer riser pipe of the sewerage system serving the Mobile Home Park. (1) Sewer Riser Pipe: means that portion of the sewer lateral which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at each Mobile Home. (m) Water connection: means the connection consisting of all pipes, fittings and appurtanences from the water riser pipe to the water inlet pipe of the distribution system within the Mobile Home. (n) Water Riser Pipe: means that portion of the water supply system serving the Mobile Home Park which extends vertically to the ground elevation and terminates at a designated point at each Mobile Home Lot. SECTION 4. MOBILE HOME USE It shall be unlawful for any person to connect utilities to, or to occupy a Mobile Home within the limits of the City of College Station, except where it is located in a duly licensed Mobile Home Park under the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 5. PLAN APPROVAL 5.1 Any person planning to construct, alter or enlarge a Mobile Home Park shall inform himself as to the requirements of other City Ordinances and shall comply with the following: 01616 Ordinance No. 627 Page 3 (a) Zoning Ordinance: Mobile Home Parks may be constructed only in Districts so designated on the Zoning map of the city. If the area con- templated is not in such a District, a request should be made for a change in zoning as provided in the zoning ordinance. (b) Subdivision Ordinance: Plans for a Mobile Home Park shall be submitted under the same requirements and according to the same procedure as required for a subdivision under the Subdivision Ordinance, with the following additional requirements: (1) Complete engineering plans and specifications of the proposed Park, in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and showing; (2) Area and dimensions of the tract of land by metes and bounds; (3) The number, location, and size of all Mobile Home Lots; (4) The location and width of roadways and sidewalks; (5) The location of service buildings and any other proposed structures; (6) The location of water and sewer lines and riser pipes; (7) Plans and specifications for the water supply and refuse and sewage disposal facilities; (8) Plans and specifications of all roadways, sidewalks, and buildings constructed or to be constructed within the Mobile Home Park; and (9) The location and details of lighting and electrical systems. (10) Location and size of recreation area. 5.2 No Mobile Home Park shall be less than two (2) acres in area. 5.3 The density of Mobile Home Parks shall not exceed eight (8) Mobile Home Lots per acre. 5.4 If Mobile Home Parks are constructed adjacent to a permanent home type of residential property, a six (6) foot high, solid fence shall be constructed on the boundary line between the Mobile Home Park and the residential property. 5.5 All construction shall be in accordance with applicable City Codes. SECTION 6. PERMITS 6.1 It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter or extend any Mobile Home Park within the corporate limits of the City of College Station, unless the plan of the Mobile Home Park has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and unless he holds a valid permit issued by the Building Administrator in the name of such person for the specific construction, alteration or extension proposed. 6.2 All applications shall be accompanied by the deposit of a fee as prescribed in the Building Code, and construction shall be in conformity with the approved plans and specifications. The City will inspect the work in progress at no cost to the developer. 01617 Ordinance No. 627 Page 4 SECTION 7. LICENSES 7. 1 Mobile Home Park License: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any Mobile Home Park within the corporate limits of the City of College Station unless he holds a valid license issued annually by the Building Administrator in the name of such person for a specific Mobile Home Park. Application for license should be made to the Building Administrator, who shall issue a license upon compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this ordinance and the regulations issued hereunder and other applicable legal requirements. (a) Application for original license shall be in writing, signed by the applicant, accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant as to the truth of the application and by the deposit of a fee of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00), and shall contain: the name and address of the applicant; the location and legal description of the Mobile Home Park; and a site plan of the Mobile Home Park showing all mobile home lots, structures, roads, walkways and other service facilities. (b) Applications for renewal of licenses shall be made in writing by the holders of the licenses, shall be accompanied by a deposit of a fee of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00), and shall contain any change in the information submitted since the original license was issued or the latest renewal granted. (c) Every person holding a license shall give notice in writing to the Building Administrator within twenty-four hours after having sold, transferred, given away, or otherwise disposed of interest in or control of any Mobile Home Park. Such notice shall include the name and address of the person succeeding to the ownership or control of such Mobile Home Park. Upon application in writing for transfer of the license and deposit of a fee of TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25. 00), the license shall be transferred if the Mobile Home Park is in compliance with all applicable provisions of this ordinance. 7.2 Suspension of License: Whenever, upon inspection of any Mobile Home Park, the Building Administrator and/or health authority finds that conditions or practices exist which are in violation of any provision of this ordinance, the Building Administrator shall give notice in writing in accordance with Section 9. 1 to the person to whom the license was issued that unless such conditions or practices are corrected within a reasonable period of time specified in the notice by the Building Administrator, the license shall be suspended. At the end of such period, the Building Administrator shall reinspect such Mobile Home Park and, if such conditions or practices have not been corrected, he shall suspend the license and give notice in writing of such suspension to the person to whom the license is issued. Upon receipt of notice of such suspension, such person shall cease operation of such Mobile Home Park except as provided in Section 9.2. 01618 Ordinance No. 627 Page 5 7.3 Appeal: Any person whose license has been denied or suspended, or who has received notice from the Building Administrator that his license will be suspended unless certain conditions or practices at the Mobile Home Park are corrected, may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the City Council, under the procedure provided by Section 9 of this ordinance; provided that when no petition for such hearing shall have been filed within ten (10) days following the day on which notice of suspension was served, such license shall be deemed to have been automatically revoked at the expiration of such ten-day period. 7.4 Temporary License: A temporary license, upon written request therefor, shall be issued by the Building Administrator, for every Mobile Home Park in existence, upon the effective date of this ordinance, permitting the Mobile Home Park to be operated during the period ending 180 days after the effective date of this ordinance in accordance with such conditions as the Building Administrator may require. The term of the temporary license shall be extended, upon written request, for not to exceed one additional period of 180 days. If: (1) the licensee shall have filed application for a license in conformity with Section 7. 1 of this ordinance within 90 days after the effective date of this ordinance; (2) the plans and specifications accompanying the application for license comply with all provisions of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances and statutes; (3) the licensee shall have diligently endeavored to make the Mobile Home Park conform fully to the plans and specifications submitted with application; and (4) failure to make the existing Mobile Home Park conform fully to such plans and specifications shall have been due cause beyond the control of the licensee. 7.5 Occupancy License: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a Mobile Home Park within the corporate limits of the City of College Station unless he shall pay an occupancy license fee to the City of College Station for each mobile home lot that is occupied by a mobile home as of the first day of each month. These fees are due and payable quarterly, in other words in January, April, July and October of each year, and are due not later than the tenth day of the month in which they are payable. The occupancy license fee shall be TWO DOLLARS ($2. 00) per month per occupied mobile home lot, and the payment shall be accompanied by a signed statement by the person holding a valid Mobile Home Park license, listing the occupied mobile home lots by number and showing the name of the mobile home owner which occupies each lot, each month. 01619 Ordinance No. 627 Page 6 SECTION 8. INSPECTION OF MOBILE HOME PARKS 8.1 The Building Administrator and health authority are hereby authorized and directed to make such inspections as are necessary to determine satisfactory compliance with this ordinance. 8.2 The Building Administrator and health authority shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any private or public property for the purpose of inspection and investigating conditions relating to the enforcement of this ordinance. 8.3 The health authority shall have the power to inspect the register containing a record of all residents of the Mobile Home Park. 8.4 It shall be the duty of the owners or occupants of Mobile Home Parks, and the mobile homes contained therein, or of the person in charge thereof, to give the Building Administrator of health authority free access to such premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection. 8.5 It shall be the duty of every occupant of a mobile home park to give the owner thereof or his agent or employees access to any part of such mobile home park or its premises at reasonable times for the purpose of making such repairs or alterations as are necessary to effect compliance with this ordinance, or with any lawful order issued pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 9. NOTICES, HEARINGS AND ORDERS 9.1 Whenever the Building Administrator determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of any provision of this ordinance, the Building Administrator shall give notice of such alleged violation to the person to whom the permit or license was issued, as herein provided. Such notice shall (a) be in writing; (b) include a statement of the reason for its issue; (c) allow a reasonable time for the performance of the act it requires; (d) be served upon the owner or his agent as the case may require: Provided: That such notice or order shall be deemed to have been properly served upon such owner or agent,when a copy thereof has been sent by registered mail to his last known address, or when he has been served with such notice by any method authorized or required by the laws of this state; (e) contain an outline of remedial action which, if taken, will effect compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. 01620 Ordinance No. 627 Page 7 9.2 Any person affected by any notice which has been issued in connection with the enforcement of any provision of this ordinance, may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the City Council; provided that such person shall file in the office of the Building Administrator a written petition requesting such hearing and setting forth a brief statement on the grounds thereof within ten days after the day the notice was served. The filing of the request for a hearing shall operate as a stay of the notice and of the suspension except in the case of an order issued under Section 9.5. Upon receipt of such petition, the Building Administrator shall set a time and place for such hearing and shall give the petitioner written notice thereof. At such hearing, the petititioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and to show why such notice should be modified or withdrawn. The hearing shall be commenced not later than the next regular City Council Meeting after the day on which the petition was filed: Provided: That upon application of the petitioner, the Building Administrator may postpone the date of the hearing for a reasonable time beyond such ten-day period when in his judgement the petitioner has submitted good and sufficient reasons for such postponement. 9.3 After such hearing, the City Council shall make findings as to compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and shall issue an order in writing sustaining, modifying or withdrawing the notice which shall be served as provided in Section 9.1 (d). Upon failure to comply with any order sustaining or modifying a notice, the license of the mobile home park affected by the order shall be revoked. 9.4 The proceedings at such a hearing, including the findings and decision of the City Council, and together with a copy of every notice and order related thereto shall be entered as a matter of public record in the office of the City Secretary, but the transcript of the proceedings need not be transcribed unless judicial review of the decision is sought as provided by this Section. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the City Council may seek relief therefrom in any court of competent jurisdiction, as provided by the laws of this state. 9.5 Whenever the Building Administrator finds that an emergency exists which requires immediate action to protect the public health, he may, without notice or hearing issue an order reciting the existence of such an emergency and requiring that such action be taken as he may deem necessary to meet the emergency including the suspension of permit or license. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, such order shall be effective immediately. Any person to whom such an order is directed shall comply therewith immediately, but upon petition to the Building Administrator shall be afforded a hearing as soon as possible. The provisions of Section 9.3 and 9.4 shall be applicable to such hearing and the order issued thereafter: 01621 Ordinance No. 627 Page 8 SECTION 10. ENVIRONMENTAL, OPEN SPACE AND ACCESS REQUIREMENTS 10.1 General Requirements: Condition of soil, ground water level, drainage and topography shall not create hazards to the property or the health or safety of the occupants. The site shall not be exposed to objectionable smoke, noise, odors or other adverse influences, and no portion subject to un- predictable and/or sudden flooding, subsidence or erosion shall be used for any purpose which would expose persons or property to hazards. 10.2 Soil and Ground Cover Requirements: Exposed ground surfaces in all parts of every mobile home park shall be paved, or covered with stone screenings, or other solid material, or protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventing soil erosion and of eliminating objectionable dust. 10.3 Site Drainage Requirements: The ground surface in all parts of every mobile home shall be graded and equipped to drain all surface water in a safe, efficient manner. 10.4 Park Areas for Nonresident Uses: (a) No part of any park shall be used for nonresidential purposes, except such uses that are required for the direct servicing and well being of park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park. (b) Nothing contained in this Section shall be deemed as prohibiting the sale of a mobile home located on a mobile home stand and connected to the pertinent utilities. 10.5 Required Separation Between Mobile Homes: (a) Mobile homes shall be separated from each other and from other buildings and structures by at least 15 feet; provided that mobile homes placed end-to-end may have a clearance of 10 feet where opposing rear walls are staggered. (b) An accessory structure which has a horizontal area exceeding 25 square feet, is attached to a mobile home or located within 10 feet of its window shall, for purposes of all separation requirements, be considered to be part of the mobile home. OI6ZZ Ordinance No. 627 Page 9 10.6 Required Recreation Areas: (a) In all parks accommodating or designed to accommodate 25 or more mobile homes, there shall be one or more recreation areas which shall be easily accessible to all park residents. (b) The size of such recreation areas shall be based upon a minimum of 100 square feet for each lot. No outdoor recreation area shall contain less than 2, 500 square feet. (c) Recreation areas shall be so located as to be free of traffic hazards and should, where the topography permits, be centrally located. 10.7 Required Setbacks, Buffer Strips and Screening: All mobile homes shall be located at least 25 feet from any park property boundary line abutting upon a public street or highway and at least 15 feet from other park property boundary lines. There shall be a minimum distance of 10 feet between an individual mobile home and adjoining pavement of a park street, or common parking area or other common areas. All mobile home parks located adjacent to industrial or commercial land uses shall be provided with screening such as fences or natural growth along the property boundary line separating the park and such adjacent nonresidential uses. 10.8 Park Street System: (a) General Requirements: All mobile home parks shall be provided with safe and convenient vehicular access from abutting public streets or roads to each mobile home lot. Alignment and gradient shall be properly adapted to topography. (b) Access: Access to mobile home parks shall be designed to minimize congestion and hazards at the entrance or exit and allow free movement of traffic on adjacent streets. The entrance road connecting the park streets with a public street or road shall have a minimum road pavement width of 34 feet where parking is permitted on both sides, or a minimum road pavement width of 27 feet where parking is limited to one side. Where the primary entrance road is more than 100 feet long and does not provide access to abutting mobile home lots within such distance, the minimum road pavement width may be 24 feet, provided parking is prohibited at both sides. 01623 Ordinance No. 627 Page 10 (c) Internal Streets: surfaced roadways shall be of adequate width to accommodate anticipated traffic, and in any case, shall meet the following minimum requirements: 1. All streets, except minor streets 24 feet 2. Minor Streets, no parking 18 feet (Acceptable only if less than 500 feet long and serving less than 25 mobile homes or of any length if one-way and providing access to abutting mobile home lots on one side only) . 3. Dead-end streets shall be limited in length to . 1, 000 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turn -around having an outside roadway diameter of at least 60 feet. (d) Required Illumination of Park Street Systems: all parks shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with luminaries placed at such mounting heights as will provide the following average maintained levels of illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night: 1. All parts of the park street systems: 0.6 footcandle, with a minimum of 0. 1 footcandle. 2. Potentially hazardous locations, such as a major street intersection and steps or stepped ramps: individually illuminated, with a minimum of 0.3 footcandle. (e) Street Construction and Design Standards: 1. Pavement: all streets shall be provided with a smooth, hard and dense surface which shall be durable and well -drained under normal use and weather conditions. Pavement edges shall be protected to prevent raveling of the wearing surface and shifting of the pavement base. Street surfaces shall be maintained free of cracks, holes and other hazards. 2. Grades: Grades of all streets shall be sufficient to insure adequate surface drainage, but shall be not more than eight percent. Short runs with a maximum grade of 12 percent may be permitted, provided traffic safety is assured by appropriate paving, adequate leveling areas and avoidance of lateral curves. 3. Intersections: Within 100 feet of an intersection, streets shall be at approximately right angles. A distance of at least 150 feet shall be maintained between center lines of offset intersecting streets. Inter- sections of more than two streets at one point shall be avoided. 10.9 Required Off -Street Parking Areas: (a) Off-street parking areas shall be provided in all mobile home.:parks for the use of park occupants and guests. Such areas shall be furnished at the rate of at least 1.25 car spaces for each mobile home lot. (b) Required car parking spaces shall be so located as to provide convenient access to the mobile home, but shall not exceed a distance of 200 feet from the mobile home that it is intended to serve. 01624 Ordinance No. 627 Page 11 10.10 Walks: (a) General Requirements: All parks shall be provided with safe, convenient, all -season pedestrian access of adequate width for intended use, durable and convenient to maintain, between individual mobile homes, the park streets and all community facilities provided for park residents. Sudden changes in alignment and gradient shall be avoided. (b) Common Walk System: A common walk system shall be provided and maintained between locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated. Such common walks shall have a minimum width of three and one-half feet. (c) Individual Walks: All mobile home stands shall be connected to common walks, to paved streets, or to paved driveways or parking spaces connecting to a paved street. Such individual walks shall have a minimum width of two feet. 10. 11 Mobile Home Stands: The area of the mobile home stand shall be improved to provide an adequate foundation for the placement and tie -down of the mobile home, thereby securing the superstructure against uplift, sliding, rotation and overturning. (a) The mobile home stand shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to inadequate drainage, vibration or other forces acting on the super -structure. (b) The mobile home stand shall be provided with anchors and tie -downs such as cast in-place concrete "dead men", eyelets imbedded in concrete foundations or runways, screw augers, arrowhead anchors, or other devices, securing the stability of the mobile home. (c) Anchors and tie -downs shall be placed at least at each corner of the mobile home stand and each shall be able to sustain a minimum tensile strength of 2, 800 pounds. SECTION 11. WATER SUPPLY 11.1 An accessible, adequate, safe and potable supply of water shall be provided in each mobile home park. Where a public supply of water of satisfactory quantity, quality and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto and its supply used exclusively. When a satisfactory public water supply is not available, a private water supply system may be developed and used as approved by the health authority. 11.2 Installation of Water Supply System shall be in accordance with the PLUMBING CODE, Chapter 23A, Ordinance No. 511, City of College Station, Texas. 01.625 Ordinance No. 627 Page 12 SECTION 12. SEWAGE DISPOSAL 12.1 General Requirements: An adequate and safe sewerage system shall be provided in all mobile home parks for conveying and disposing of all sewage. Such system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local laws. 12.2 Installation of sewer system shall be in accordance with the PLUMBING CODE, Chapter 23A, City Ordinance No. 511. SECTION 13. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 13.1 General Requirements: Every park shall contain an electrical wiring system consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. 13.2 Power Distribution Lines: (a) Main power lines not located underground shall be suspended at least 18 feet above the ground. There shall be a minimum horizontal clearance of three feet between overhead wiring and any mobile home, service building or other structure. (b) All direct burial conductors or cable shall be buried at least 18 inches below the ground surface and shall be insulated and specially designed for the purpose. Such conductors shall be located not less than one foot radial distance from water, sewer, gas or communication lines. 13.3 Individual Electrical Connections: (a) Each mobile home lot shall be provided with an approved disconnecting device and overcurrent protective equipment. The minimum service per outlet shall be 120/240 volts, AC, 50 amperes. (b) Outlet receptacles at each mobile home stand shall be located not more than 25 feet from the overcurrent protective devices in the mobile home and a three pole, four -wire grounding type shall be used. Receptacles shall be of weatherproof construction and configurations shall be in accordance with American Standard Outlet Receptacle, C-73-1. (c) The mobile home shall be connected to an outlet receptacle by means of conductors or flexible cables which shall be installed in an approved metallic or plastic conduit from the outlet receptacle to a point under the mobile home, at least two feet from the edge of the mobile home. Said conduit shall be buried at least 18" below grade. (c) The capacity of the conductors or flexible cables connecting the outlet receptacle to the mobile home shall be sufficient for the electrical load expected in the Mobile Home but in no case of lesser capacity than the service entrance equipment. 01626 Ordinance No. 627 Page 13 13.4 Required Grounding: All exposed noncurrent carrying metal parts of mobile homes and all other equipment shall be grounded by means of an approved grounding conductor with branch circuit conductors or other approved method of grounded metallic wiring. The neutral conductor shall not be used as an equipment ground for mobile homes or other equipment. SECTION 14. SERVICE BUILDING AND OTHER COMMUNITY SERVICE FACILITIES 14.1 General: The requirements of this Section shall apply to service buildings, recreation buildings and other community service facilities such as: (a) Management offices, repair shops and storage areas; (b) Sanitary facilities; (c) Laundry facilities; (d) Indoor recreation areas; (e) Commercial uses, supplying essential goods or services for the exclusive use of park occupants. 14.2 Required Community Sanitary Facilities: Every park shall be provided with the following emergency sanitary facilities: For each 50 mobile home lots, or fractional part thereof, there shall be one flush toilet and one lavatory for each sex. The building containing such emergency sanitary facilities shall be accessible to all mobile homes. 14.3 Structural Requirements for Buildings: (a) All portions of the structure shall be properly protected from damage by ordinary uses and by decay, corrosion, termites and other destructive elements. Exterior portions shall be of such materials and be so constructed and protected as to prevent entrance or penetration of moisture and weather. (b) All rooms containing sanitary or laundry facilities shall: 01327 Ordinance No. 627 Page 14 1. Have sound -resistant walls extending to the ceiling between male and female sanitary facilities. Walls and partitions around showers, bathtubs, lavatories and other plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of dense, nonabsorbent, waterproof material, or covered with moisture resiliant material. 2. Have at least one window or skylight facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum aggregate gross area of windows for each required room shall be not less than 10 percent of the floor area served by them. 3. Have at least one window which can be easily opened, or a mechanical device which will adequately ventilate the room. (c) Toilets shall be located in separate compartments equipped with self-closing doors. Shower stalls shall be of the individual type. The rooms shall be screened to prevent direct view of the interior when the exterior doors are open. (d) Illumination levels shall be maintained as follows: (1) General seeing tasks - five footcandles; (2) laundry room work area - 40 footcandles; (3) toilet room, in front of mirrors - 40 footcandles. (e) Hot and cold water shall be furnished to every lavatory, sink, bathtub, shower and laundry fixture, and cold water shall be furnished to every water closet and urinal. (f) All structures shall comply with the Building Code. 14.4 Barbecue Pits, Fireplaces, Stoves Cooking shelters, barbecue pits, fireplaces, shall be so located, constructed, maintained and used as to minimize fire hazards and smoke nuisance both on the property on which used and on neighboring property. No open fire shall be permitted except in facilities provided. No open fire shall be left unattended. No fuel shall be used and no material burned which emits dense smoke or objectionable odors. SECTION 15. REFUSE HANDLING 15.1 The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the mobile home park shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards or air pollution. 15. 2 All refuse shall be stored in flytight, watertight, rodent -proof containers, which shall be located not more than 150 feet from any mobile home lot. Containers shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to properly store all refuse. Ordinance No. 627 Page 15 15.3 Refuse collection stands shall be provided for all refuse containers. Such container stands shall be so designed as to prevent containers from being tipped, to minimize spillage and container deterioration and to facilitate cleaning around them. 15.4 All refuse containing garbage shall be collected at least twice weekly. Where suitable collection service is not available from municipal or private agencies, the mobile home park operator shall provide this service. All refuse shall be collected and transported in covered vehicles or covered containers. SECTION 16. INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL 16.1 Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform with the r equirements of the health authority. 16.2 Parks shall be maintained, free of accumulations of debris which may provide rodent harborage or breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and other pests. 16.3 Storage areas shall be so maintained as to prevent rodent harborage; lumber, pipe and other building material shall be stored at least one foot above the ground. 16.4 Where the potential for insect and rodent infestation exists, all exterior openings in or beneath any structure shall be appropriately screened with wire mesh or other suitable materials. 16. 5 The growth of brush and grass shall be controlled to prevent harborage of ticks, chiggers and other noxious insects. Parks shall be so maintained as to prevent the growth of ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac and other noxious weeds considered detrimental to health. Open areas shall be maintained free of heavy undergrowth of any description. SECTION 17. FUEL SUPPLY & STORAGE 17. 1 Natural Gas System: (a) Natural gas piping systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. (b) Each mobile home lot provided with piped gas shall have an approved manual shut-off valve installed upstream of the gas outlet. The outlet shall be equipped with an approved cap to prevent accidental discharge of gas when the outlet is not in use. 01629 Ordinance No. 627 Page 16 17.2 Liquified Petroleum Gas Systems (a) Liquified petroleum gas systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. (b) Systems shall be provided with safety devices to relieve excessive pressures and shall be arranged so that the discharge terminates at a safe location. (c) Systems shall have at least one accessible means for shutting off gas. Such means shall be located outside the mobile home and shall be maintained in effective operating condition. (d) All LPG piping outside of the mobile homes shall be well -supported and protected against mechanical injury. Undiluted liquified petroleum gas in liquid form shall not be conveyed through piping equipment and systems in mobile homes. (e) Liquified petroleum gas containers installed on a mobile home lot shall be securely but not permanently fastened to prevent accidental overturning. Such containers shall not be less than 12 nor more than 60 U.S. gallons gross capacity. (f) No liquified petroleum gas vessel shall be stored or located inside or beneath any storage cabinet, carport, mobile home, or any other structure, unless such installations are approved by the Building Adminis- trator. 17.3 Fuel Oil Supply Systems: (a) All fuel oil supply systems shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable codes and regulations governing such systems. (b) All piping from outside fuel storage tanks or cylinders to mobile homes shall be permanently installed and securely fastened in place. (c) All fuel oil storage tanks or cylinders shall be securely fastened in place and shall not be located inside or beneath any mobile home or less than five feet from any mobile home exit. (d) Storage tanks located in areas subject to traffic shall be protected against physical damage. SECTION 18. FIRE PROTECTION 18.1 The mobile home area shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the City of College Station fire prevention authority. 18.2 Mobile home parks shall be kept free of litter, rubbish and other flammable materials. 18.3 Portable fire extinguishers of a type approved by the fire prevention authdrity shall be kept in service buildings and at all other locations designated by such fire prevention authority and shall be maintained in good operating condition. 01630 Ordinance No. 627 Page 17 18.4 Fires shall be made only in stoves, and other equipment, intended for such purposes. 18. 5 Fire Hydrants: (a) Fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the following requirements: 1. The water supply system shall permit the operation of a minimum of two, one and one-half inch hose streams. 2. Each of two nozzles, held four feet above the ground, shall deliver at least 75 gallons of water per minute at a flowing pressure of at least 30 pounds per square inch at the highest elevation point of the park. (b) Fire hydrants shall be located within 500 feet of any mobile home, service building or other structure in the park. SECTION 19. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS 19. 1 Responsibilities of the Park Management: (a) The person to whom a license for a mobile home park is issued shall operate the park in compliance with this Ordinance and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. (b) The park management shall notify park occupants of all applicable provisions of this Ordinance and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this Ordinance and regulations issued hereunder. (c) The park management shall supervise the placement of each mobile home on its mobile home stand which includes securing its stability and installing all utility connections. (d) The park management shall maintain a register containing the names of all park occupants. Such register shall be available to any authorized person inspecting the park. (e) The park management shall notify the health authority immediately of any suspected communicable or contagious disease within the park. 01631 Ordinance No. 627 Page 18 19.2 Responsibilities of Park Occupants: (a) The park occupant shall comply with all applicable requirements of this Ordinance and regulations issued hereunder and shall maintain his mobile home lot, its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition. (b) The park occupant shall be responsible for proper placement of his mobile home on its mobile home stand and proper installation of all utility connections in accordance with the instructions of the park management. (c) No owner or person in charge of a dog, cat or other pet animal shall permit it to run at large or to commit any nuisance within the limits of any mobile home lot. 19.3 Restrictions on Occupancy: A mobile home shall not be occupied for dwelling purpose unless it is properly placed on a mobile home stand and connected to water, sewerage and electrical utilities. SECTION 20. PENALTIES Any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25. 00) and not more than TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00); and each day's failure of compliance with any such provision shall constitute a separate violation. SECTION 21: CONFLICT OF ORDINANCES: EFFECT OF PARTIAL INVALIDITY 21.1 In any case where a provision of this Ordinance is found to be in conflict with a provision of any other ordinance or code of this City of College Station existing on the effective date of this Ordinance, the provision which, in the judgement of the building administrator, establishes the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail, and such other Ordinances or codes are hereby declared to be repealed to the extent that they may be found to be in conflict with this Ordinance. (4632 Ordinance No. 627 Page 19 21.2 If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect; and to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 22. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be effective on and after the 23rd day of May, 1969, AD. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary las 633