Adopted: September 6, 2000
Amended: April 2, 2003 & December 2, 2009
Mission Statement: The Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization (BCSMPO)
Policy Committee is a body comprised of elected and non-elected officials who establish
transportation policy for the Metropolitan Planning Organization. It is the Committee's duty to
fulfill state and federal mandates, which include, but are not limited to, the development and
implementation of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, development of the Unified Planning Work
Program and the Transportation Improvement Program. The Committee also examines the planning
process and reviews the adequacy of current and future Transportation Plans. It examines the needs
and desires of the citizens it serves in the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Area and
develops projects and plans based upon those needs and desires.
WHEREAS, 23 U.S.C. Section 134 and 49 U.S.C. Section 5301 et seq. require that Metropolitan
Planning Organizations, in cooperation with the department and transit agencies, develop
transportation plans and programs for urbanized areas of the State; and
WHEREAS,the MPO Policy Committee,the policy body that is the forum established pursuant to
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23 U.S.C. Section 134 with the responsibility for establishing overall transportation for, and taking
the required approval actions as the Metropolitan Planning Organization, is comprised of those
governmental agencies identified in the original designation agreement and those agencies or
organizations subsequently added to the membership of the board; and
WHEREAS, the main function of this Policy Committee shall be to adopt policies relating to the
transportation planning process,to review and adopt a metropolitan transportation plan and promote
its implementation, and to develop the annual Unified Planning Work Program and the
Transportation Improvement Program;
NOW, THEREFORE, the members of this committee do hereby agree and so hereby associate
themselves together for the purpose aforesaid, and in consideration of the mutual promises hereby
made, do agree as follows:
The name of this committee shall, from this day forward be the Policy Committee.
Members and Meetings
As established by the Interagency Agreement dated September 21, 1979,the Policy Committee shall
be composed of 5 voting members as follows:
The Chief elected official or their appointed elected representative from each of the following
City of Bryan
City of College Station
Brazos County
And one member from each of the following agencies:
Texas A&M University
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Bryan District
The following agencies shall be represented by a nonvoting member, and the group will be referred
to as the Ex Officio Committee of the Policy Committee:
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Brazos Transit District
Brazos Valley Council of Governments
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Transit Administration
TxDOT Transportation Planning and Programming Division
A. APPOINTMENT. Voting Members shall be appointed by the governing body
of the entity, which they represent. The Director of the MPO shall request such
appointment from each agency in the event of an opening. In the event that any
voting member is unable to complete the term of the appointment,the Director shall
contact the appropriate agency/governmental body within 30 days of the date of the
vacancy and request that a replacement be appointed not later than 30 days from such
B. VOTE OF THE MEMBERSHIP. Each voting member shall have one (1)
vote. A majority vote of the quorum at any regular, special or annual meeting shall
be sufficient to authorize any action to be taken on behalf of the committee.
C. FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS. This committee shall meet as necessary to
perform its functions and shall hold a public meeting to discuss the status of planning
at least once a year and will be in conformance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
D. METHODS OF CALLING MEETINGS. Meetings of the Policy Committee
may be called in any of the following ways:
(1) Chairperson may call meeting
(2) MPO Director may call meeting
(3) Any member may call a meeting by written request to either
the Chairperson or MPO Director
E. RESPONSIBILITY OF MEETINGNOTICES. It will be the responsibility of
the MPO Director to send out written notices of the date, time, place and nature of
the meeting to every member of the committee and to provide adequate publicity in
advance of each meeting. Such meetings will be in conformance with the Public
Involvement Procedures.
F. MEETING FACILITIES. It will be the responsibility of the MPO Director to
make arrangements for a meeting place.
G. SELECTING DATE AND TIME OF MEETING. It will be the responsibility
of the MPO Director to establish a regular meeting schedule that would be
convenient for the majority, at least fifty-one percent(51%) of the voting members.
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H. METHOD OF VOTING. Voting on all issues shall be open, and no secret
ballots shall be made.
I. QUORUM. A simple majority(51%) of the voting Policy Committee shall
constitute a quorum of the committee.
J. MINUTES. The MPO staff shall keep a record of the proceedings of the
committee meeting.
K. ACTION OF COMMITTEE. When reviewing items of a technical nature,
this committee will receive recommendations from the Technical Advisory
Committee (TAC). The TAC may be proactive by bringing issues to the Policy
Committee that the TAC feels is necessary for the Policy Committee to consider.
L. RULES OF ORDER. All meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules of
M. FUNCTIONS OF COMMITTEE. The functions of the Policy Committee
shall be as follows:
(1) Provide policy for the Metropolitan Planning
Organization and transportation planning process.
(2) Examine the adequacy of the continuing planning
process at appropriate intervals and review annually
the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP),
Transportation Improvement Program(TIP,every two
years) and Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP,
revised as necessary); adopt them; and, recommend
their adoption and implementation to local
governments and agencies.
(3) Act on recommendations of the Technical Advisory
(4) Meet at intervals necessary to perform its function and
hold a public meeting to discuss the status of planning
a least one time each year.
(5) Determine if the current transportation data are in
accord with previous projections and
recommendations or if there are discrepancies of a
nature that would require significant changes in the
plan. A complete review and,if necessary,revision of
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all elements of the plan shall be made at
approximately five year intervals.
(6) Review the limits of the MPO Planning Area and
make minor revisions if necessary.
(7) Designate such Technical Advisory Committee or task
forces necessary to carry out the planning process.
(8) Hire and supervise a competent Transportation
Planning Director.
(9) Develop and adopt the Unified Planning Work
Program and the Transportation Improvement
Officers - Policy Committee
The Chairperson position shall be elected from a majority vote of the voting members.Immediately
upon adoption of these bylaws, an election of the Chairperson shall be held. The Chairperson shall
perform the duties usually assigned to that office, such as preside at all meetings of this committee
and be an Ex Officio member of any subcommittees formed within this body.
The Vice-Chairperson shall be chosen by a majority vote of the membership every two years. In the
absence of, or in case of the inability of the Chairperson to act, it shall be the duty of the Vice-
Chairperson to perform all duties of the Chairperson.
No secretary shall be elected from the membership of this committee. The MPO staff shall furnish
the secretarial duties necessary to conduct meetings.
Both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall serve two (2)year terms.
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The changing and election of officers will be done during a December or January meeting every two
In the event that the member serving as Chairperson is unable to serve, the Vice-Chairperson shall
assume the office of the Chairperson. Elections of vice chairman will then be held. The new
Chairperson will then complete the remainder of the two(2)year term until the December or January
meeting when regular elections are held.
The Policy Committee may establish subcommittees as necessary to carry out the mission of the
MPO. Subcommittees shall serve at the pleasure of the Policy Committee in an advisory capacity.
A. PURPOSE AND FUNCTION. The Technical Advisory Committee's purpose
is to advise the Policy Committee on the development of the Unified Planning Work
Program (UPWP), the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), and the
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The Technical Committee will assist
the MPO Director in ensuring that these plans and programs are developed and
conducted in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local rules and
regulations. The Committee will also assist with technical tasks associated with the
development of the MTP and the TIP and will review projects and proactively make
recommendations regarding the UPWP,MTP and the TIP to the Policy Committee.
The Technical Advisory Committee will merely advise the Policy Committee on
local, state, and federal technical matters. All official action of adopting policies,
endorsing the UPWP, approving the MTP, and adopting the TIP resides with the
Policy Committee. The Policy Committee may direct the Technical Advisory
Committee to present alternatives for its consideration, with accompanying
recommendations and supporting rationale.
Technical Advisory Committee shall be staff personnel nominated by their respective
governments or agencies and shall include one member and an alternate from each
jurisdiction or agency represented on the Policy Committee. When voting, each
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entity shall be afforded only one vote. Voting membership shall include a
representative from the following entities:
The City of College Station
The City of Bryan
Texas A& M University
Brazos County
Brazos Transit District
The Texas Department of Transportation, Bryan District
Non-voting membership on the Technical Advisory Committee may include a
representative from other area jurisdictions, agencies and organizations that have
expertise or an interest in area transportation policy, projects or planning. Non-
voting membership shall include other transportation modes and interest affected by
transportation policy decisions to assure transportation planning decisions are
considered in their broadest context. Non-voting Membership may include a
representative from the following jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations:
The Texas Transportation Institute
The Brazos Valley Council of Governments
The Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce
TxDOT Transportation Planning and Programming Division
The Policy Committee may elect to expand the non-voting membership when such
action is in the best interest of the project or projects under consideration and such
appointments shall serve at the leisure of the Policy Committee for a period
designated by the Policy Committee. Non-voting membership may also include a
person or organization representing environmental interests, the private business
sector and local neighborhood groups, or any others deemed appropriate.
C. APPOINTMENT/REAPPOINTMENT. In the event that a voting or non-
voting member becomes ineligible or unable to serve, a new member must be
nominated in the same manner as the previous voting member. The MPO Director
shall notify the appropriate agency/organization in the event of a vacancy at which
time said agency/organization should nominate a replacement within 30 days.
D. ALTERNATE VOTING MEMBERS. Each voting member shall have a
designated alternate member who may serve at any Technical Advisory Committee
meeting in the voting member's absence. Alternate members will have the voting
rights and privileges of members when serving in the absence of the Technical
Advisory Committee voting member.
E. FACILITATOR. The MPO Transportation Planning Director shall serve as
the facilitator of the Technical Advisory Committee.
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F. MEETINGS. The Facilitator shall, in a written notice of the meeting,
designate the time and place and indicate in an official agenda the business to be
considered. The written notice of each meeting shall be mailed to each member of
the committee at least one week prior to the meeting or established via phone or fax
at least three days prior to the meeting.
G. QUORUM. A simple majority (51%) of the voting Technical Advisory
committee shall constitute a quorum of the committee.
H. OFFICERS. A Chairperson will be elected from a majority vote of the voting
members. Immediately upon the amendment of these bylaws, an election of the
Chairperson shall be held. The Chairperson shall perform the duties usually assigned
to that office, such as preside at all meetings.
A Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership every two
years. In the absence of, or in case of the inability of the Chairperson to act,it shall
be the duty of the Vice-Chairperson to perform all duties of the Chairperson.
I. TERM OF OFFICE. Both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall
serve two (2)year terms.
J. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. In the even that the member serving
as Chairperson is unable to serve,the Vice-Chairperson shall assume the office of the
Chairperson. Elections of vice-chairperson will then be held. The new Chairperson
will then complete the remainder of the two (2)year term.
Code of Ethics
Section IV-I Standards of Conduct
The following ethics policy is adopted for Policy Board members and employees of the metropolitan
planning organization in accordance with Section 472.034 of the Transportation Code.
A. A Policy Board member or employee of the metropolitan planning organization may not:
(1) accept or solicit any gift, favor, or service that might reasonably tend to influence the
member or employee in the discharge of official duties or that the member or employee
knows or should know is being offered with the intent to influence the member's or
employee's official conduct;
(2)accept other employment or engage in a business or professional activity that the member
or employee might reasonably expect would require or induce the member or employee to
disclose confidential information acquired by reason of the official position;
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(3) accept other employment or compensation that could reasonably be expected to impair
the member's or employee's independence of judgment in the performance of the member's
or employee's official duties;
(4) make personal investments that could reasonably be expected to create a substantial
conflict between the member's or employee's private interest and the public interest; or
(5) intentionally or knowingly solicit, accept, or agree to accept any benefit for having
exercised the member's or employee's official powers or performed the member's or
employee's official duties in favor of another.
B. A copy of the ethics policy must be distributed to:
(1) each new employee not later than the third business day after the date the person begins
employment with the agency; and
(2) each new policy board member not later than the third business day after the date the
person qualifies for office.
C. To the extent an employee of the metropolitan planning organization is subject to the ethics
policy of another government entity and to the extent that policy conflicts with this section,
the ethics policy of the other governmental entity prevails.
D. An employee of the metropolitan planning organization who violates Subsection (A) is
subject to termination of the employee's employment or another employment-related
sanction. Notwithstanding this subsection, a Policy Board member or employee of the
metropolitan planning organization who violates Subsection(A)is subj ect to any applicable
civil or criminal penalty if the violation also constitutes a violation of another statute or rule.
E. A Policy Board member may not have a conflict of interest in business before the
metropolitan planning organization.For purposes of determining if a Policy Board member
must abstain from participation in a vote or decision due to conflict of interest, Chapter 171
of the Local Government Code controls.
These Bylaws are adopted and may be amended by a four-fifths affirmative vote of the voting
membership,provided that official notice of the proposed amendment is included in the notice of the
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