HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Barracks II Ph202Curve Tcble CURVE # LENGTH RADIUS DELTA TANGENT CHORD CHORD DIRECTION C1 39.27' 25.001 091700'00' 25.DO' 35.36' NOZ45'43*W C2 39.25' 25.00' 089*57'35* 24.98' 35.34' NOZ44'30�W C3 39.2r 25.00' 090*00*00' 25.00' 35.36' N8-714'1 7E C4 39.29- 25.00' 09(r02'25- 25.OV 35.37' N87 1 5'307E C5 39.27- 25.00- 1 090-00-00-T-2500- 35.36- NO2*45'4.3*W G FJU �i ESS S 12.513 AC I//- IMUN KUUZ3 VVILL Ut Z)tl Al ALL LL)l WKNtNti ANL) AN ILL fNl UNL NOTED OTHERWI E. A 12198/169 AT LEAST 2 INCHES IN CALIPER OR ONE 4 6., EACH LOT WILL PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 2 TREES OF INCH CALIPER TREE PER ORDINANCE 3222. t —WELLBORN SANITARY SEWER IMPACT FEE 7 THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE STEEPLECHASE —02. AREA 03 8. WHEN THERE ARE MORE THAN 30 LOTS TO BE SERVED BY EXTERNAL STREET CONNECTIONS,,A 40 20 0 40. MINIMUM OF TWO CONNECTIONS TO EXTERNAL PAVED PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE REQUIRED, A PCIA(Wr C71AC700_C'K1(W Arf%C*1CC IC D CO Prr CITY OF COLLEGE STATION STREET CONNECTIONS TO EXTERNAL PAVED PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN 100 OR SCALE IN FEET MONUMENT #117 MORE LOTS ARE SERVED 9. STORM. WATER DETENTION FACILITIES FOR THIS PHASE'ARE LOCATED OFF SITE, DEDICATED BY SEPARATE INSTRUMENT AND ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY THE HOA. 44 f t 10. DISTANCES SHOWN. ON CURVES ARE CHORD LENG S im X f TH ANVAf?D5..v ZONING 11. A WATER DESIGN REPORT FOR THIS SUBDMSION Wlt-6 It 1: A N6 tRSHIP, t f 46 'A 8MMISSION LEGEND--" CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION CERTIFICATE OF, OWN X�l DEDICA116 '.1,­ Z I "RkW ERVIC5 FOR THIS DEVELOPUENT WILL BE PROVIDED BY BRYAN TEXAS uTiLmES (STUl." POWERTY 13WNDARY tCTRIC .STATE OF TEXAS Z Chairman f the Planning and Zoning,:Commission, of the STATE bersby R10HT OF op Cit f- C ;4;L& -ilircs dul Oroved WAY ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED BY BTU. Lotion, Teg� at,,��,the att ed,.,,,PIcst ion on the day % S COUNT* Of�,BRA I " ege St * 4 �t COUNTY OF BRAZO 4,0� oirf�, i f _ ZO14 —LOT dk�- 20�9 14� 'A Ah miss' �T` t-7 C '434 4_0 TING EASEMENT rli twl,_ � _ 1 1 — — — — — 1,� Heath Phillips, Manager of He er of the 1, Volerfe�46& o er A W j % - t: -, -iw� i ,, ;1, E�]S '*lVA* D A G _a x 0 ath Phillips Investments, LLC, owner and develop 5.448 acre tract shown on this plot, and designated h6rein as The Barracks 11 Subdivision, plot,. and:designated herein as The Barracks 11 Subdivision, Phase 20t,*� in the Cit " f PROPOSED EASEMENT 'HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. FENCES, GRADING AND CAPING CANNOT IMPEDE THE FLOW 11N THE LAN;� Phase 202, in the City of College Station, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, College Station, Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use P40POSED ACCESS EASEMENT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT. hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever, all streets, alleys, parks, greenwam of. the public forever all streets, alleys, parks, greenways, infrastructure, easements and PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT Choi r infrastructure, easements and public places thereon shown for the purpose and public- places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such PROPERTY CORNER e r a 14. DRIVEWAY ACCESS ON TOWERS PARKWAY IS NOT ALLOWED. consideration therein expressed. All such dedications shall be in fee simple unless dedications shall be in fee simple unless expressly provided otherwise. 7 P.A.E. PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT P.I.I.E. ly provided otherwise. PUBLIC UTIIIJY EASEMENT express CERTIFIC OF THE SURVEYOR PHASE LINE C81SD/13ARRACKS 11 BORDER STATE 0 TEXAS TY rnHM OF PRA70q Heath Phillips, Manager Valerie Joche C n, CSI Board President �j No. 4502, in the State of Texas; .1, Brad err, Registered Profeseo646 Ldtl rveyo hereby ertify that this plot is tru a rrect d was prepared from an actual survey ­*n of the roperty and that the pro e aekers a monuments were placed under my r vTrTSjTPry x4 A-ir-) F", c"moarv;,z; n ^n +hm rn"ne4 rtnA + + �n=+�Oc ke%"nr4L- 1,2 V" yy STATE OFTEXAS. describe a closed geometric fo STATE OF TEXA COUNTY OF BRAZOS COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0. Before me, the undersigned' authority, on. this day personally appeared Heath Phillips, Before me, the �underitgned authority, on this day personally appeared Valerie Jochen, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration and acknowledged to me that he executed the some for the purpose and consideration therein stated. therein stated. 4k OVfflitSelf/ CERTiFIC TE OF THE COUNTY CLERK 'Given under my hand and seal on this day of 20 Given under my hand and seal on this day of STATE 0 TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS V CARI MICHELLE HORN MLQU!e'em, County Cie in a d f6r said county, do hereby �ccirtif� thdt this n Notary Public plat togethpr with its certificates of authentication was filed for record in my office the _jtLj±) otary�Public, Brazos Count Texas Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas do Y, STATE OF TEXAS ow- Alb.&.e 20-L5, in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume My Comm. Exp. 06-04-201 a C�f I Page 1!t5 W4@plv Doc Vol P9 WITNESS my hand arld official Seal, at �my,dffice in Bryan, Texas. CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER xA, -of the City ofr-College Station, Texas,' hdfdb�, t /0"110 A tA RICHARD C. FLORES Texas Notary Public, State of J�, �,­f - "i, -9",il - (f_2t&e73_, Cit y Engineer My Commission Expires 0 0 -ar 4VP 1 exos - s je County Clerk , , FF" certify that this Subdivision conforms to the requirements of the SubdiVision Regu lotions March 29, 2016 the Cit of College Station, Texas. ard in Brazos County, Texas PD. A 7 q, �"F i I eO STA7 OF TEXAS COUN—If 7 y for Rec 4j 7 CWktj C\eryt.. coeqtirl thlat this ify;I-P, P ...—Upehr, Was nd op- st"o-Ded hereon 11) y MP Nov 01he ia-3a one- u I rp orded in filed n- �he affte a L MA Al-� rtr) as d �4 �yEn gin eer of th- F-Iff icin' Publ!c records of: LINE TABLE LINE # LENGTH DIRECTION Ll 83-00' N47' 45' 43*W L2 50.00'_ 1 ?42- 14' 17-E a en Mcou peof P-razas County 'I PrIf FRAMS MJNTY A It INA PIJJ AT THE BARRAci Acs TI _3UBD1VTST0N PHASE 202 A C1 _cS 5.448 ACRES ON HEATH PHILLIPS INVESTMENTS, LLC TRACT -.434 ACRES ON COLLEGE STATION ISD TRACT CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A-7 Uj COLLEGE, STATIONI BRAZOS COUNTY,, TEXAS CC 44 LOTS BLOCK 40, LOTS 12 THRU 22 Uj BLOCK 11, LOTS I THRU 21 BLOCK 13, LOTS I THRLT 12 OWNER/DEVELOPER: 14e'ath PhUlips Investments, LLC Coflege Station ISD ENGINEER:� 516 Deacon Dr. West 1812 Welsh CoUege Station, TX 77845 College Station, TX 77M qkhUltz Engineering, L LC -164-5400 (979) 229-5906 (979) SURVEYOR: TBPE NO. 12327 2730 LONGMIRE, SUFTE A Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 College Station, Texas 77845 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Tex -as Ave. (979) 764-3900 SC.,A-LE 1 :40' Bryan TX 77803 .(979) 268-3195 JUNE 2015..