HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 8, 1979AGENDA Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting May 8, 1979 - 7:00 P.M. Conference Room A 1. Roll Call 2. Introduction of New Members 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Discussion of Park Land Acquisition in Carter's Grove Area 5. Recommendation for park site Acquisition in Carter's Grove Area 6. Discussion of joint City -School Project at South Knoll School 7. Recommendation for joint City -School project 8. Discussion of Little League Activities 9. Discussion of Windwood Subdivision park land dedication 10. Recommendation for dedication in Windwood Subdivision 11. Discussion of Pond Site located at the East By -Pass (Church of Christ Property) 12. Board Concerns/ Other Business 13. Adjourn Lou Hodges Steve Beachy Marci Rodgers Steve Beachy Board Dr. H. R. Burnett Board Steve Beachy James Holster Board Lou Hodges May 1, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: North Bardell, City Manager FROM: Steve Beachy, Director -Parks and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Little League In response to the College Station Little League's request for funds to subsidize pay for their officials, I offer the following recommendations: 1. That the City offer to purchase an ice machine for the use by the Little League as well as for other special activities during the off season. (cost -$1,500.00) 2. That the Little League remove the existing ad- vertising signs from Wayne Smith Field No -2 and place them at Wayne Smith Field No. 1. 3. That the Little League agree not to place any future advertising signs at Wayne Smith Field No. 2 and to insure that the fence be maintained in a good condition with both front and back painted green. 4. That the City agree to remove the fence on Wayne Smith Field No.2 after the close of each season, but not be responsible for its erection. 5. That the City continue to support the Little League through maintenance programs, utilities and capital improvements as is possible through available resources, but not through official's pay or expendable supplies. 6. Further, I recommend that future support of all other programs that are not directly sponsored Im 1% r L©Ck Nob(.,G:S A DRAFT PROPOSAL FOR THE SOUTH KNOLL SCHOOL CONCERNING PHYSICAL EDUCATION/RECREATION/LEISURE TIME ACTIVITY PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SUBMITTED BY PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT COXMTTTEE MEMBERS: Blanche Brick Barbara Denton Kay Dobbs Charles Giamona Janice Ptaszek Charlotte Slack Fred Warhol B. B. Holland, Principal OPEN PLR. AREA INSIDE JOGGING PATH This part of the total playground area will be used for physical education activities needing large open areas as well as during recess for the same type of activities. The physical education program will utilize this area for low organization gains as well as to develop the skills necessary for team sports. These low organization games include simple team games, games that develop ball handling skills, relays, and tag games. This area will also be used for developing basic skills and lead up games in team, sports such as soccer, flag football, and softball. Equipment needed in this area include 2 portable backstops with a backstop transporter. The backstops need to be portable to prevent the wearing off of ground cover and erosion to a particular area of the playground. The backstop also serves as a safety shield against pitched balls or a bat. A jumping pit is also needed in this area for the stand- ing broad jump, long ,jump, and other jumping skills. In addition, 2 tether ball poles need to be provided. cOS'f - OPEC! AREA INSIDE JOGGING PATH Portable Backstop - 2@ $770.00 = $1,540.00 Backstop Transporter - 1 175.00 Jumping Pit with Pea Gravel = 100.00 Tetherball Pole - 324.00 $2,139.00 AREA BY EXISTING SLAB Some of the pieces or existing metal playground equipme—nt can be arranged near the existing asphalt slab. The slam plus the equipment can be utilized at recess or free play primarily by the 3rd and 4th grade child. The area could also be utilized for physical education activi- ties geared toward the development of physical fitness. The equipm*nt needed is existing and a cushion of pea gravel is needed under each piece of equipment. COST- AREA BY EXISTING SLAB Equipment Existing - Tripod Swing - 0 - H,rizontal Bar - 0 - Chinning Bar - 0 - Parallel Bar - 0 - Overhead Ladder - 0 - Steel Siding $210. $210. CREATIVE PLAY AREA This area is primarily designed for a free play period or recess. A time of "free" outdoor play is necessary each day during the elementary child's school hours. This tiwe serves many essential objectives which can only be highlighted here. The children can use the outdoor time as a change of pace from their classroom routine, much as adults welcome breaks from their work. An important difference from an adult break, however, is how the children use this free time. A child's outdoor play is a time of spontaneous, child -initiated activity. The child uses ingenuity and creativity in devising ways to use his body and in creating games and activities of his own choosing. Free play is a time in which children learn to express themselves. They are free to explore, experience, and investigate, thereby interpreting physical relationships, social relationships, and, of course, themselves. In short, free play is a necessary language through which children learn. In light of these objectives, the importance of a playground atmosphere which promotes creative, inventive, child -initiated activities can hardly be over -emphasized. The creative area will provide a wide range of activities to spark imagination and stimulate creative activity. The creative area can be utilized by the physical education classes for activities that develop physical fitness as well as working on basic development of motor ability when not in use for recess or play period. A creative play apparatus is needed outside the enclosed kindergarten play area for the rest of the students in Grades 1-4. Included near this area will be 2 tetherball poles with pea gravel surrounding them. 4 benches are needed that serve as a place for students to rest. To help keep the area clean, 2 permanent trash receptacles are needed near the creative play area. COST- CREATIVE PLAY AREA OUTSIDE KINDERGARTEN AREA Creative Play Structure (not to exceed $7,500 to $9,500) $7,500.00 Safety area 65' x 50' 161.00 Installation - approx. 11000.00 $8,661.00 i{ KINDERGARTEN An enclosed area is provided for the kindergarten play area. Their needs include a smaller piece of creative apparatus than the one needed by Grades 1-4. Also needed are more standard pieces of equipment which include parallel bars (existing), T -bar with rope (existing), balance beam, and pylons for agility work. The equipment will be scaled down to the size of the kindergarten age child. These pieces of equipment will be used by the kindergarteners during their recess and free play periods. COST- KINDERGARTEN PLAY AREA Creative Apparatus $2,500.00 Balance Beam 50.00 Pylons - 0 - T -Bar with Rope (Existing) - 0 - Parallel Bars (Existing) - 0 - Steel Siding 301.00 $2,851.00 SLAB BETWEEN MULTI-PURPOSE AND KINDERGARTEN This area will be used for various free play activities during recess and especially when the playground is wet. Layouts for individual and dual games need to be painted (hopscotch, four-square). 2 basketball backboards as well as standards upon which a net or rope can be stretched is also needed. The creative play area is located adjacent to this area to allow easy movement by the student between the 2 areas. OUTDOOR CLASSROOM During the 76-77 school year the South Knoll P.T.O. raised approximately $2,500 for the construction of an outdoor classroom. This construction has been delayed until now because of the soil conservation program. Plans are being completed at this time with construction scheduled for spring or surer. This area will consist of a stage and seating of up to 150 students. R few ofthe uses of this area include - outdoor teaching, special topics(science), large group meetings -including P.T.O., classroom plays, arts and crafts, and game area. SUXARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ----- That approximately $30,000 be appropriated for the irvediate purchase and installation of a fitness track, creative play area and portable backstops at South Knoll. ----- That the county and/or city be invited to participate in this project by contributing the labor and machinery necessary to install the fitness trail and the creative play areas. ----- That the P.T.O. invite interested parents and comunity members to help install equipment when it arrives. --- That the South Knoll Administration regularly review purchase of and installation of above equipment and report monthly to the School Board. ----- That the area be adequately lighted. ---- That landscaping plans of Matt & Murphy proceed concurrently with equipment installation and be harmonious with and contribute to the play and outdoor environment of the school. COST SUMMARY Fitness Trail (.3+ rile) Cinders or equivalent @ $20 ton Steel Siding .6 mile @ .70 ft. Installation (approx.) Fitness Stations Five existing, 5 to purchase Sa et -y area i0' x 20' x 4" or above Steel siding (42.00 Ger station) Open play area inside jogging path Portable backstop 2@ $770 Backstop transporter Sand for jur;ping pit Tether Ball poles & safety area @$162 Area by existing slab Equipment - existing from old playground Steel siding for safety area 10' x 20' x 4" Kindergarten play area Creative area -- not to exceed Four existing pieces of equipment Safety area for above Creative Play area for Grades 1 - 4 Not to exceed $7,500 to $9,500 Safety area 65' x 50' Installation - approx. Pea Gravel for all of above equipment $6,000. 2,500. 2,300. 1,800. 420. 1,540. 175. 100. 324. -0- 210. 2,500. 50. 301. 7,500. 161. 1,000. Total $10,800. 2,220. 2,139. 210. 8,651. 2,000. $28,881. Money available from P.T.O. - Approx. 4,000• ,ff.A*...LrA :5f LJJ 1 o ;p ,ff.A*...LrA :5f LJJ 1 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The College Station Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting bids for the sale of concessions in Dee Creek Yard_. ;ids will be received in the office of the Directorof the Warks and Pecreation Eepartment until 2:00 p.m. Nonday, June 26, 1978. Bid forms and further information may be ob- tained btained at the Parks and Recreation Department office, 1000 Eleanor St., College Station, or by calling; 846-4753. Andrew Czimskey, Acting Director, Parks C': Recreation