HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 25, 1978yr CP, NP i 5o� PC) , � G r AimeSUN., 1 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 ;4i N -UT ES City of College Station Parks & Recreation Committee April 11, 1978 DICINBEI.S PRIESENT: Chairman, Lou Dodges; Dave Turello, Jim Luscombe Kathleen Kenefick, Jim Dehling, Don Martell; Councilman, Larry ginger; Interim Parks Director, Andy Czimskey. MiNBERS ABSENT: Mary Saslow GUESTS: recreation Superintendent, Pat Siegert; Residents of Lemon Tree. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes. The minutes for the called meeting of April 71 1978 were approved. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Report by pool architect, Lawrence Hans. Pool architect, Laurence Hans, attended the meeting.Ie presented his plans for the pool at Thomas Park. Included in the plans were outside restrooms, community shower, turnstile to pool, 10 ft. deck around pool, concession area, two 1 meter diving boards, asbestus roofing, kiddie pool 12-6 inches above the big pool, fence around kiddie pool, and handicapped handrails. The berm slide has been deleted by unanimous vote from committee members. The committee decided to put in a metal slide in a later date. Jim Luscombe moved to proceed with the plans on the Thomas Part: pool. Kathleen Kenefick seconded the motion. The motion passed. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Report on Oaks Park by Tim Keneinn_ This item was passed because Tim Keneipp did not make the meeting. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Open meeting to discuss Anderson Part:. :,embers of the girls softball league and residents of the Lemon Tree subdivision were present to discuss the proposed ballfield at Anderson Park. Parks & Recreation Committee April 11, 1978 Residents of Lemon Tree do not want a lighted ballfield or parking lot at Anderson Park. They feel the lights will be a disturbance, traffic around the park will be heavy and dangerous to their children playing in the area, the nursing home across the street will be used for parking too, they also feel that the parking lot planthe cite has is an inadequate plan. Members of the Girls Softball League said they had been promised this field a few years ago and that it would be ready this season for games. They said the girls need this field because there are not enough fields in College Station adequately accomodate their needs. They also said that the game would not last past 9:00 or 9:30. Jim Fehling moved to continue construction of Anderson Part: as planned while looking for an alternative solution. Kathleen Kenefick seconded the motion. The motion passed. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Other business. Marty Newcom, with the Brazos Valley Swimming Club, wants to hold a swim-a-thon at Adamson Pool on the last Saturday in April, which is the 29th. He said the money made would go part to charity, part to the Swim Club, and an estimated amount to the City for allowing them to hold the swim-a-thon. Don Martell moved to go ahead with the swim-a-thon as a charitable organization with the Clue contributing an estimated amount to the city and that this will be a basis on whether we continue this next .year. Jim Luscombe seconded the motion. The motion was passed. Lou Ilodges asked the committee to comment on the survey he handed out at the last meeting. He said it would tale about SlOOO to go ahead with it and that it must be done no later than May 1. Dave Turello moved to recommend to the council the process of a Parks and recreation Survey. Kathleen t.enefick seconded the motion. The motion passed. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 AGEYDA College Station Par':s recreation Com. ittee i�lteetinm April 25. 1978 1, Approval of the minutes for April 11. 1978. 2. Closed meeting to discuss applications for Parks Director. 3. Open meetin.`. Report on Anderson Park. 4. Consideration of questionnaire. 5. Adjourn. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 it'll i -UT ES City of College Station Parks & Recreation Committee April 11, 1978 "ME :}IuEI:S Pr ESE\'I' : Chairman, Lou Hodges; Dave Turello, Jim Luscombe Kathleen Kenefick, Jim Behling, Don Martell; Councilman, Larry Ringer; Interim Parks Director, Andy Czimskey. TMEIMERS ABSENT: A►ary Saslow GUESTS: Recreation Superintendent, Pat Siegert; Residents of Lemon Tree. Ahenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes. The minutes for the called meeting of April 7, 1978 were approved. Agenda item No. 2 -- Report by pool architect, Lawrence Hans. Pool architect, Lawrence Hans, attended the meeting. He presented his plans for the pool at Thomas Park. Included in the plans were outside restrooms, community shower, turnstile to pool, 10 ft. deck around pool, concession area, two 1 meter diving boards, asbestus roofing, kiddie pool 12-6 inches above the big pool, fence around kiddie pool, and handicapped handrails. The berm slide has been deleted by unanimous vote from committee members. The committee decided to put in a metal slide in a later date. Jim Luscombe moved to proceed with the plans on the Thomas Park pool. I:athleen Kenefick seconded. the motion. The motion passed. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Report on Oaks Fark by Tim Keneipp. This item was passed because Tim Keneipp did not make the meeting. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Open meeting to discuss Anderson Park. :;embers of the girls softball league and residents of tae,Lemon Tree subdivision were present to discuss the proposed ballfiel•d at Anderson Park. Parks "-: :recreation Committee April 11, 1978 Residents of Lemon Tree do not want a lighted ballfield or parking lot at Anderson Park. They feel the lights will be a disturbance, traffic around the pari: will be heavy and dangerous to their children playing- in layingin the area, the nursing home across the street will be used for parkin.. too. they also feel that the parking lot plan. the city has is an inadequate plan. Members of the Girls Softball League said they had been promised this field a fete years ago and that it would be ready this season for games. They said the girls need this field because there are not enough fields in College Station adequately accomodate their needs. They also said that the game would not last past 9:00 or 9:30. Jim Behling moved to continue construction of Anderson Park as planned while looking for an alternative solution. Kathleen Kenefick seconded the motion. The motion passed. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Other business. Marty Newcom, with the Brazos Valley Swimming Club, wants to hold a swim-a-thon at Adamson Pool on the last Saturday in April, which is the 29th. Ile said the money made would go part to charity, part to the Swim Club, and an estimated amount to the City for allowing them to hold the swim-a-thon. Don elartell moved to go ahead with the scrim-a-thon as a charitable organization with the Club contributing an estimated amount to the city and that this will be a basis on whether we continue this next .year. Jim Luscombe seconded the motion. The motion was passed. Lou Hodges asked the committee to comment on the survey he handed out at the last meeting. He said it would take about 51000 to go ahead with it and that it must be done no later than May 1. Dave Turello moved to recommend to the council the process of a Parks and Recreation Survey. Kathleen 'fenefick seconded the motion. The motion passed. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05. O _ _ 1 _ J Y tp NC' on 4 �aE o•Nl.aa I. v\ r�J id fF' :6P1-� SEP i '. PMEt1 \ 9 °�E�pa ORUTNENSBty. ' lJ \O \ $ Z`.YIb�i1W-1hIIINGY-Oa. '\ �Of,. �-"'o 'A<HS<\ YARROW ►Pt OPe otP JE�e ~ a r 6Jg ~{ �V ,�© lG I�x zu' J� ypS('�GHPP ES POE °/�ONiL 14J . tEO O 6P � +E}P iEP. �" l WO J� a O y13� o\✓P G Z � iYn ` 0 ���.d► a V1,1 i� O `\ i ty {i '. ti ` ON Ea � pP � - CCN j 6i .° � JE, $SY� \70 Sy y � �W ��f�P�t='`Q�J � \l .. � � SEP J e/ • PP( C J6 SOP s\ 6W Hrt`NEPAi1 �iP F°t N Y ;6 611•)�J� fO� tPpN+'`tP? e O 00 SEN N P ,JO lw 1 W t 11E NA / O OJ fq <E}PS pJ 4T i V` ,tl t�E ' rNta POPp i. / Y" n e 6 PJE- EPs PN/ C, z 4 N � �Ea E Y HPt�cJ1' 3 f a ° f„PN � � by 1:65 OE%TEA OW S E' pEOP /•. g"i 03° 06�q i N YS' L 1 3 %\D P PP,2� <O 400KS1p CRR�Fi1 ^1 N 91 Z ' <pN .P P tp,P�Nt�P • ET'E►^ 21 l Q-OPfa°°OCREkER�E, E ,JO C NpPO M�SSOpP 'Wf1 -n0S' . .PR Oct �� pO° z TN�t P-�.tAO1F1C P. `p" 6 W O O y <<EO Q O 6 WEST BYPASS OP C s LAKE�Y 3;bR O cJ + m � I. INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF 1. Flace an X on the map at the location of your home. 2. Outline on the map what you consider to be the street boundaries of your neighborhood. 3. how long have you lived in this neighborhood? Years. 4. How long have you lived in College Station? Years. 5. What is the name of the public park or recreational facility nearest your home? 6. How many blocks or miles from your home is this facility? Blocks or _Miles. 7. What level of education have you completed? 8th grade or less Some college 9th - 11th grade College graduate High school graduate Graduate school 8. 4hat is your current occupation? (Be specific) 9. What is your ethnic background? Anglo Black V-1exican-American Other 10. What is your marital status? Single P,viarried Widowed 11. What level of education has your spouse (husband or wife) completed? 8th grade or less Some college 9th - 11th grade College graduate High school graduate Graduate school 12. What is your spouse's (husband's or wife's) current occupation? (Be specific) 13. What is your family's total income per year? Under $6,000 per year $20,C00 - $24,999 $6,000 - $9,999 125,000 - $29,999 $lo,000 - $14,999 30,000 - X49,999 $15,000 - $19,000 $50,000 or more 14. How many automobiles does your family own? None One Two More than two 15. What is your usual mode of transportation to places of recreation in College Station? Own or family's auto Taxi Passenger in neighbor's Bicycle or relative's auto Walking Bus 16. Please give the ages and sex of every member of your household. AGF, SEX Other Specify 17. What times of the day during weekdays does each person have available for recreation? TIME 1. P:i F 1. 2. F 2. 3. —_ is -1 F 3. 4. M F 4. 5. rr; F 5. 6. Itis F 6. 7. 14 F 7. 8. M F 8. 9. M F 9. 10. I1; F 10. II. USE OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES 18. What kinds of Where do you How often How long Age of recreational usually par- do you do you family activities do ticipate in partici- stay member members of your this recrea- pate? every partici- family partici- tion? time? pating? pate in the most? 1. 2. 3- 4. 5• 6. 7. 19. Below is a list of the names of parks and recreational facilities operated by the City of College Station. Please check those facilities which you or any member of your household used during the past year. For the facilities you do not use, please give a reason why you do not use them. YES NO IF NOT, ,JHY? Anderson Park Bee Creek Park Dexter Park Eastgate Park Fairview Park Lincoln Center Lion's Club Park `,erry Oaks Park Oaks Park Thomas Park Wayne Smith Park III. YOUR OPINIONS OF PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES 20. a. Are there any recreational activities that you would like for the City of College Station to develop or to improve? Yes No Don't know b. If yes, what improvements or additions would you like to have? 21. a. Do you have any other suggestions or complaints about the City's recreational programs or activities? Yes No Don't know b. If yes, what are they? 22. Would you like the City of College Station to: a. Put more funding into Parks and Recreational programs? b. Continue the same level of funding? C. Decrease the current level of funding? d. iqo opinion. (IF THE ANSWER TO ABOVE IS "B", "C", OR "D", ONIT NEXT QUESTION AND GO ON TO #24) 23. If you favor putting more funding into Parks and Recreation programs, would you accomplish this by: a. Increasing taxes? b. Putting less money into other City services? C. Other (Specify) d. No opinion. 24. Would you like the City of College Station to provide a recreation center for the use of senior citizens only? Yes No No Opinion (IF THE ANSWER TO ABOVE IS "NO" OR "NO OPINION", OMIT NEXT QUESTIOT, AND GO ON TO #26. 25. If you favor the City providing a recreation center for senior citizens, would you accomplish this by: a. Increasing taxes? b. 'rutting less money into other Parks and Recreation programs? C. Putting less money into other city services? d. Other (Specify) Below is a list of statements relating to parks and recreational facilities and activities. You will probably agree with some of the statements and disagree with others. As you read each statement, please refer to the code letters below (A, a, o, d, D) and circle the response which best fits your opinion. A means Strongly Agree a means Agree o means Neither Agree nor Disagree (710 opinion) d means Disagree D means Strongly Disagree 26. The parks and recreational facilities in my area are adequate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 27. There are enough recreational facilities and activities for children (under 11 years of age) in my area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 28. There are enough recreational facilities and activities for young people (ages 12-17) in my area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 29. There are enough recreational facilities and activities for adults in my area. . . . . . . . . A a o d D 30. There are enough recreational facilities and activities for senior citizens in my area . . . . A a o d D 31. Users should be willing to assume more of the costs of recreational services in College Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 32. I would rather participate in the recreational programs of church or social service organiza- tions than the programs provided by the College Station Parks and Recreation Department . . . . . A a o d D 33• The City should provide free admission to swimming pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 34. Police and better security precautions are needed for the recreational facilities in my area. . . . A a o d D 35• Fiore pre-school recreational activities should be available so that housewives can participate in adult recreational programs. . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 36. Leadership and programs are good in the Parks and Recreation Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 37. There are enough senior citizen's activities in College Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 38. The City should take the main responsibility for providing more senior citizen's activities. . . . A a o d D 39• City recreation and park programs in College Station are well worth their cost to the tax- payer . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 40. Money should be spent on making parks attrac- tive as well as useful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 41. i,Iost citizens are well informed about College Station recreational programs . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D 42. There is a need for more information on recrea- tional opportunities in the College Station community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A a o d D