HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - May 10, 1977M MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION COMITTEE Tuesday, May 10, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. Attending were Chairman Louis Hodges, members Don 1Xiartell, Jim Luscombe, Jim Behiin;, and Mary Saslow; and Parks and Recreation Director Paul tiojciechowski. 1. Oaks Park. Elie reviewed designs for the park and walked over it. There is a flat open area which would be nice for a picnicing area. The creek must be cleared so that there is no standing water which creates a mosquito problem. Paths should be mowed. tie need a bridge over the creek which will tie in with the walkway coming from the development to the north of the park. The position of two (2) tennis courts must be engineered. 2. Possible oaks Park Extension. The committee looked at the land owned by Don Bartell between the Oaks Park and Dominik. There is an unbuildable drainage easement which comprises 1%2 acres. It extends across the width of the property at the end near the Oaks Park. The flat land near Dominik is also appealing if we want a mixture of land types. Problem: This is high- priced land. Since we really need a park to serve the Carter Grove resi- dents we should seek a site closer to them, and not spend our money here. We should seek the flat land we need for ball parks further out on cheaper land. 3. Minutes approved. 4. BOR Fund Application. We decided on a list of three (3) items: 1. Anderson Ridge Extension $ 271M 2. Thomas Park Pool 130M 3. Oaks Park Development 54M Each item will be worked on by a different committee member. tie will need approval of the City Council and the BVDC. tie will have a workshop meeting on Tuesday? the 17th, to finish up the applications in preparation for the City Council meeting the 26th. Six months later we will consider applying for matching funds for the following: A park for the Carters Grove area (Tenneco?) The school board site on Anderson Lincoln Center: The part not presently owned A ballfield complex in an outlying area The tiahlburg Tract Floodplain land near developed areas Land near the Brentwood dedication 5.__BOR Fund Applications: Assistance for Paul. Resolution: The Parks and Recreation Committee asks the City Council to authorize North Bardell to hire assistants to work with Paul and the Parks and Recreation Committee to develop Land and Water Conservation Fund appli- cations prior to the July 1 deadline. Further we would like funds authorized for whatever travel to Austin is necessary. This resolution passed and was sent to North Hardell. Paul will have a budget meeting with North and will discuss the need for help in these applications. The new budget year starts July 1. He will need help both before and after that date. 6. Lions Club Park on University: Need to get rid of fire ants. 7. Developer Dedication: Mary Saslow will check to see if $1211 came in or the dedication for the Mark IV development on Lincoln Avenue. (80 units x 150 = $121M).