HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 8, 1978CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 Colle;e Station, rar,s ;ecreatiop, Committee i:eetin, exular sleeting August 8, 1 }78 -7:00 P.M. 1. !approval of mi. -sites. i 2. Near visitors. 3. Discussion of Xrenek Tap Park. 4. Discussi=on of i nomas Park pool. 3. Other business. CITE' OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9 9 6 0 1 1 0 1 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STAT) ON, TEXAS /784 0 MIN MES City of .Colle{;e Station Parks &recreation Committee "egular Meeting July 25, 1978 ,EvOERS P� ESI�NT: Chairman, Lou Hodges; Don Martell, rich ?:erbel Ji,m Luscoilibe; Councilman, Larry tin.-er; Parks Director, Steve 3eachy; Parks Planner, Andy Czimskey. i-Zi,2Ei2S SEN : Jim Behling, Kathleen Kenefick, David Turello GUSTS: A.ecreaiion Superintendent, {rank Lader Agenda temN1o. 1proval of minutes. Changesto the minutes are as follows: Under agenda Item i"o. 3, first motion should read: Rich zierbel moved to purchase land North of Haines. *The motion died as lack of second. Second i7 ot.i.on sbould rear : Cathleen Kenefic-t moved to consider purchase of land South of Maines. Don 3lartell seconded the notion. Motion passed. Third motion should read: Don Martell moved that the land South of - Haines be bought on net basis of 8 acres excluding the open space. I<_athleen Kenefick seconded the motion. Mlotion passed. Tile rest of the minutes were approved. Agenda Item No. 2 - Bear visitors. No visitors. Paras & Recreation Cori-,,*.-',- Lee he. -alar Neetinl- July 25. 1973 Page 2 ATenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of Krenek Tap l=ark. Andy Czims;-:ey presente(to the committee five concepts on tl,e ,;rencl- Tap ;=ark for discussion?. Concept A consists of: tI softball fields(liphted) tennis courtsilighted) i concession/restrooms flag football fields �? soccer fields superimposed on football fields F)icnic sites throughout park .ature areas - access at Bypass Concept 113 consists of: r softball fields(lighted) tennis courts/handball courts(lighted) soccer fields concession/restrooms/storage 1 parX'.ing area with access at Krenek Tap road flam football fields picnic sites throug.zout pari: nature areas Concept C- consists of: s'•. softball fields(lighted-� / 4 flR,; -feo-tball- tennis courts(lighted) soccer fields concession/restrooms/storage )icnic sites throughout area ;.atur- areas cevided parking on site with access a ::rentk Tap Road Concept D consists of: 21 softball fields(lighted) 5 future baseball/softball fields(lighted) soccer fields 1 concession/restrooms flag football picnic sites throughout area nature areas separate parking with access and Bypass both at Krenek Tap Concert,E consists of: softball fields/concession stand/restrooms > adult soccer - 1 lighted youth soccer - 2 lighted flab football fields tennis courts(lighted) 1)icnic sites thourghout pari: _:ature areas ostrooms by picnic sites with future picnis F'lel ter Parks &;'recreation Committee i;e0ular iLieetin July 25, 1978 Page 3 Concept consists of: separate parking with access at both I:renek Tap and Bypass A116:; Czins':ey and Steve :peachy are in. favor of Concept E. Jim Lusco:be wanted to know how lon..- the fields at Bee Creek and irenek Tap would hold up. Steve Beachy said he would have to get with various ;,,i•oups to discuss this. Steve also said that because of the location of ?rrene% yap it would be a show place for the city and that we should do the best possible work we can. Larry Ringer would .life to see some figures on .what we. need to utilize the programs. The committee decided to proceed with soccer fields to be completed for this fall and to wait for B.O.D. ;rant to complete the rest of the parts. Jin Luscombe moved that the Parks &—�,ecreation commit-L.oe give preliminary approval to Concept i. as prepared by the Par%s & Decre-ition staff and recommends that the City authorize the Parks ^I iecrela.-_ion staff to prepare an application for land and waiver conservation funds. Don ilartell seconded the notion. The motion passed'. - &�enda Item No. 4 - Other business. Jim.Luscombe asked that the Little League people be reriinded to take down the fence at -layr_e Smith. Andy said he had already talked to Dennis Yerd about it. AES nda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20.