HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 28, 1978CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 AGENDA Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting February 28, 1978 7:00 P.M. 1. Approval of the minutes of the February 7, 1978 meeting. 2. Mr. Lawrence Hans, Swim Pool design engineer, to present preliminary proposals of the Thomas Park Pool. 3. Other business. 4. Adjourn. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 MINUTES City of College Station Parks & Recreation Committee February 7, 1978 Lou Hodges; Kathleen Keneficn, Mary Saslow MEMBERS PI;LSE:i ': Chairman, , Don Martell; Parks Director, Paul Wojciechowski; Park Planner, Andy Czimskey. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Behling, Jim Luscombe, Dave Turello. GUESTS: Councilman, Jim Gardner; Al Swoboda. Agenda Item No. 1 -- Capital Improvements Program. The committee discussed the Capital Improvements program to present to the Capital Improvements Committee. Attached to these minutes is a memo from Lou Bodges outlining all of the committee's recommendations. Lou Hodges presented a survey on recreation services. The families who took the survey expressed a need for more family oriented facilities; such as a gym, library, meeting rooms, etc. Lou Hodges then raised the question of having the committee run a survey about parks, recreation, etc. The committee agreed. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Other business. Al Swoboda attended the meeting. He has 300 acres across the Bypass between Foxfire and Rlaintree. It is a 500 lot subdivision. !4r. Swoboda would like to know what the City's plans are for parks in that area. fie would like to have a closed park where tenants pay dues for the use of facilities and also a public park. He would like such facilities as tennis courts, baseball fields, picnic areas, and a jogging path. Don Martell asked if Mr. Swoboda would consider having the City buy the land, or did he want to donate, or maybe even lease the land. Mr. Swoboda said tie would consider donating the land or matching funds with the City to provide certain facilities. Mr. Swoboda also mentioned a possible site for a school across from the park site. Parks u Recreation Committee February 7, 1978 Lou Hodges would like to follow up on this property and if possible have the school board involved. Don Martell will head up a subgroup with Dave Turello to follow up on this park site. Councilman, Jim Gardner, who also attended the meeting, discussed with the committee the aspect of having more neighborhood parks in the area of 10-12 acres. These parks being used as both passive and active parks. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 9:45. February 8, 1978 MEMORANDUM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9 9 6 0 1 1 0 1 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 TO: Members of the Capital Improvements Committee FROM: Lou Hodges, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Committee SUBJECT: Possible Capita Improvements for the upcoming Bond Issue The following list of site acquisitions and developments is recommended by the Parks & Recreation Committee and is listed in decending order,of priority. 1. Acquisition of 50 acres of land in the Southeast section of the City (Golden Triangle area) to serve as an athletic complex. Estimated Cost Of Acquisition $3521000 2. Development of the athletic complex in the Southeast section of the city. .Estimated Cost Of Development $3009000 3. Acquisition of 50 acres in the South- west section of the city (Southwood Valley areas) to be used as athletic complex. Estimated Cost Of Acquisition $250,000 4. Acquisition of a neighborhood park and Recreation Center of 15 acres located in the Northeast section of the city. (Area bounded by Highway 60, Highway 6, Highway 30, and the East Bypass). Estimated Cost Of Acquisition $2251500 5. Acquisition of the Holik Tract Park site total of 14 acres. Estimated Cost Of Acquisition 5200,000 6. Acquisition of a neighborhood park site in the Southwest section of the city (Southwood Valley area) total of 10- 15 acres. Estimated Cost Of Acquisition 7. Acquisition of the Anderson Park extension which would connect Anderson Park to South- west Parkway and Bee Creek Park. Total 3.3 acres. Estimated Cost Of Acquisition 8. Development of a recreation Center at the neighborhood park site in the North- east section of the city. (Neighborhood parks site listed as number 4 priority on this list). Estimated Cost Of Recreation Center Construction TOTAL $150,000 $ 23,100 $225,000 $1,725,000