HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 7, 1977CJ �, vs,, a,,) AMENDED AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Regular City Council Meeting December 7, 1977 4:00 P.M. 1. Discussion of park plan review. 2. Consideration of request for approval to submit application for Title V Funds available for improvements to Senior Citizen's Centers. 3. Consideration of a professional architect's employment of Oaks Park development. 4. Discussion of establishment of a tourist information center. .5. Consideration of bids for maintenance warehouse facility. 6. Other business. 7. Adjourn. 51, (�a.. A, ?-11-+A f r,. L)�,-� I: ;ovember 30, 1977 U A;0UN T0: FRO, 1: SUDJEC CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77640 north Lardell, City :-tanager Lou 11odges, Parks (Scecreation Committee Chairman Southwoodvalley park Proposals The Colle e Station Par s (3, ie creation Committee revievied the Southwood -.'alley pater': proposals 1Jiti1 Sill :itch and recommend that the City Council consider acceptance of the following proposals: 1 ;r . �:oods Pone - G;.z acres as parkland dedication credit., with a 15 loot access casement on the side of the pond which will be adjacent to buildable lots. 2. 11djacent to electric substation - lllfi acres as a donation from "Dill (itch with the provision that the City pay 3-1- street costs (approx. 0>15,000). 3. Apartment lard - 4.acres as parkland dedication. 10 be credited in total to the apartment land in section 3 0I:rt.,`I. 4. Adjacent to uroods pond tract 2 acres as a purchase by the city (01;30,000 total cost). 5. Adjacent to electric substation - 4-5 acres as a purchase by the city (.515,000/ac). Please find attached a map showin^ the location of each tract listed by number. INSi1pnU �. � ��._.._ elvjj��i�,� ■iii•.. ��li r��■ z I ..ovember 30, 1977 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 TO: North -lardeilI City'lana-er Fit0 Lou lI ;es, Parks 2tiRecreation Committee - Chairman SUIDJECT: Architects f r Oaks Park The College Station Par,cs & :recreation Committee recormmends to the City Council the hirili- of a group of architects, Timothy Ir, 'Keneipp, :odney Hill, and d.l:. t+ood, to proceed with pians on Oaks Fark. Please find attached a written contract dratrn up by Tim :.eneipp. CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR CITY OF COLLEGE STATION OAKS PARK DEVELOPMENT THIS AGPEEMENT made the day of December, 1977 by and between the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, hereinafter called the "OZ-TIN'ER", and KWH: A JOINT VENTURE, hereinafter called the "ARCHITECT". WITNESSETH, that whereas the OWNER intends to develop and construct a Park for the City of College Station Parks and Recreation Department, College Station, Texas for which $108,000.00 has been allocated for the total cost of the project, including the cost of construction and the -ARCHITECT'S fee; NOW THEREFORE, the OWNER and the ARCHITECT, for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. The OWNER agrees to pay the ARCHITECT, provide testing services, furnish survey information and do other things required of the OWNER, as set forth herein: (a) Under this allocation of $108,000.00, the amount available for construction is $103,500.00 and the amount of this con- tract for basic architectural services is Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars- ($4,500_0Q). ollars($4,500.00) (b) The fee for architectural services shall be made payable as follows: (1) PRELIMINARY DESIGN PACKAGE - $1,575.00 This package shall consist of two (2) payments: $675.00 (150) for schematic design and $900.00 (200) for design development. (2) DETAILED DESIGN PACKAGE - $2,025.00 This package shall consist of two (2) payments: $1,800.00 (400) for con- struction documents and $225.00 (50) for receipt of bids. -1- (3) CONSTRUCTION PHASE - $900.00 This package shall consist of monthly payments equal to the percent of con- struction completion as determined by the OWNER, ARCHITECT & BUILDER. (c) The OWNER will furnish to the ARCHITECT copies of an engineering report containing a laboratory analysis of soil and foundation conditions. (d) The OWNER will furnish to the ARCHITECT a com- plete survey of the site including contours, utility line locations, and major tree locations. (e) The fee for additional architectural services, as described in Paragraph 3, shall be computed as follows: (1) Principal's time at the fixed rate of Twenty-five dollars ($25_00) per hour. For the purpose of this Agreement, the principal shall be Timothy W. Keneipp. (2) Employees' time at the fixed rate of Ten dollars ($10.00) per hour. (3) Services of professional consultants at 1150 of the a�aount billed to the ARCHITECT for such services_ (4) All reproduction expenses related to the additional services of the ARCHITECT. 2. The ARCHITECT agrees to perform the basic architectural services for the subject project and will: (a)- Attend necessary conferences, andprepare all drawings and specifications as required by the Architect for the subject project. The OWNER will cooperate with the ARCHITECT in keeping the size of the project within practical limits for the amount of funds available for construction contract. (b) After OWNER has considered and approved the pre- liminary design package and estimate of cost, the ARCHITECT shall complete the detailed design package of drawings, specifications and cost estimate, properly coordinated, for a project which he estimates can be contracted within the designated amount. -2- (c) Be responsible for including in the design and construction details the full content of statutory provisions for handicapped persons as contained in Senate Bill 111, Acts of 61st Legislature as amended. (d) Provide Ten (10) complete sets of detail design drawings and Ten (10) complete sets of specifications for OWNER'S review and for issue to Contractors for bidding purposes, including mailing costs; any additional sets required for these purposes will be paid for by OWNER. Sets required by -the ARCHITECT for his use or his con— sultants' use shall be supplied at his expense. (e) Monitor the construction work to the- extent necessary to ascertain within limits of good professional practice that' the work is being executed in conformity with the drawings, specifications and the ARCHITECT'S intent; make recommendations on material and equipment; check, report, and approve or disapprove Con- tractor's proposals in connection with changes in the contract; review and approve monthly estimates for payment to contractor. (f) Advise the 01%TNER when the work is completed and .participate with the OWNER'S representative in the final inspection of the. work. (g) Revise the drawings upon completion of the work to show the construction As -built and deliver to the OWNER the original or reproducible film copies of these drawings_ Should -this contract be terminated prior to completion of construction, deliver to the OWNER the original or reproducible film copies of the drawings at the stage of com- pletion reached as of the date of termination_ 3.. CHANGES IN THE DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS: (a) The ARCHITECT assumes the responsibility of pre- paring drawings and specifications for a project which can be constructed within the limits of the allotted funds. In case the lowest bona fide bid exceeds the amount allotted for the contract, and if the OWNER does not see fit to allot addi- -3- .4. tional funds, the ARCHITECT agrees to revise the drawings without additional cost to the OWNER, as may be necessary to bring the total cost to the OWNER within the allotted funds. (b) After approval of the preliminary design package and authorization by the OWNER to proceed with the detailed design package documents, if the ARCHITECT is caused extra drafting or other expenses due to changes or alternates ordered by the OWNER, the ARCHITECT shall be paid for such extra services as outlined in Paragraph 1(e). (c) After award of construction contract if the ARCHITECT is caused extra drafting or other expenses due to changes by the OWNER, he will be equitably paid for such extra expenses and services. (d) After award of construction contract if the ARCHITECT is caused extra drafting or other expenses due to the delinquency or insol%'rency of the contractor, or as a result of damage by fire to the project while it is under con- struction, he will be equitably paid for such extra expenses and services_ TERMINATION OF_AGREEMENT (a) The AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice should the other party fail substantially to perform in ac-cordance with its terms through no fault of the other. In the event of termination, the ARCHITECT shall be paid his compensation for services performed to termination date, however, payment shall not exceed the stipulated fee for the scheduled phase in which the contract is terminated. 5. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNMENT: (a) The OWNER and the ARCHITECT each -binds himself, his partners, successors, executors, adminis- trators, and assigns t6 the other party of this agreement and to the partners, successors, exe- cutors, administrators, and assigns of such other party in respect to all covenants of this agree- ment. Erecept as above, neither the OWNER nor the ARCHITECT shall assign, sublet or transfer his interest in this agreement without written consent of the other. -4- 6. ARBITRATION: (a) All questions in dispute under this agreement shall be submitted to arbitration at the choice of either party. The OWNER and the ARCHITECT hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants contained herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the.parties hereto have executed this agree- ment, the day and year first above written. _CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS KWH: A JOINT VENTURE (THE OWNI ER) (THE ARCHITECT) BY BY Mayor Timothy W. Keneipp, AIA -. The City of College Station, Texas APPROVAL RECO?UIENDED J. W. Wood, AIA City Manager Rodney C_ Hill Director Parks & Recreation Department -5-