HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 27, 1976Ar +# W W I@ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION POST OFFICE SOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 AGENDA City of College Station Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting Tuesday, September 27, 1976 1. Approval of minutes of June 22, 1976. 2. Report on the preparation made by professor Wes Harper and students of the Architecture Department, TAMU, concerning the swimming pool enclosure study and proposal. 3. Report on the status of the bond sales and the timetable for park development. 4. Discussion and development of a recommendation concerning the priorities for construction of the various park improve- ment projects. 5. Other Business 6. Adjourn V11INUTE5 CITY 01 COLLEGE STATIC^! PARKS AND RECREATION CO,.TTI TTEE June 22, 1976 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm. Attending ware Chairman Louis Hodges, members Fred Bouse, Stephen Riter, Mary Saslow; Councilman Larry Ringer; Parks and Recreation Director Paul 'vojciechowski; and visitors John root and Robert Runnels. 1. rinutes of previous meeting were not received. 2. Tennis court reservation policy. Paul reviewed the policy he turote up at the request of the members at the Last me=ting. Since is not clear '10 ;.ha 018„MbsrS thiCt s ^h a policy iS actually necessary, it was decided to have a straw vote on the matter by those using the tennis courts, and to have Paul watch to see if it is needed. Fred Bouse moved and Mary Saslow seconded a motion to postpone consideration of this for a month. The motion passed. 3. Upcomino bond issue vote for park i2rovemants. Members will contact members of the community on their own to try to get the bond issue passed. 4. Other businass. Free pool day. There will be an open house, diving exhibit, and water festival at Adamson Pool on July 5th. Y.9etinas. Louis Hodges would like to have only one meeting a month during July and August. Southwood Valley oark. Mr. Fitch has been approached by homeowners to allox the na'ighborhood children to use a pretty tank in L area for the time being. He seems agreeable to the idea. Mary Saslow Committee member o POLICY STATEMENT FOR PARK DEDICATION 1. The Parks Committee will recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council the acceptance of parkland dedication if the following conditions are met: A. The land offered is at least of minimum size as prescribed by ordinance. B. The land offered is of suitable configuration and land type to lend itself to serviceable parkland development. C. The land offered is at least five acres in size, or is in an area which has options available to gain at least five acres, or adjoins other parkland which is either five acres or more in size already or is planned to be at least five acres in size. D. The land offered is within the service radius of the development. (Service radius to be considered generally 1/2 mile radius, however, consideration must be given to other factors influencing service radius i.e. geographic or physical barriers, major streets, sociological makeup of the area etc.) 2. If these conditions are not met the Parks Committee will recommend cash contributions instead based upon ordinances in effect. ($150/D.U.) At this point the developer has the options to: A. Appeal directly to the City Council. B. Await action of the Planning and Zoning Commission and if their action does not satisfy the developer he may then appeal to the City Council. Parks and Recreation Committee Parkland Dedication Review Policy 1. The subdivider, developer, owner or agent should have a conference with the City Planner and the Parks and Recreation Director. 2. Submit to the Parks and Recreation Director a map or area plan showing the proposed parkland dedication boundaries, vegetation, and topography with as much details as practicable. This must be received no later than 5:00 P.M. the Wednesday preceeding a regularly scheduled parks and recreation committee meeting. This is necessary to allow time for preparation of materials for the agenda packet of the next meeting. 3. Have a representative at the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee to discuss the proposal. This representative should have the authority to offer alternatives. 4. Set meeting date and time for an on site visit by the Parks and Recreation Committee. (Stake off or otherwise mark the boundaries of the proposed parkland area.) 5. Action on a recommenation may be taken at the meeting on site or may be discussed further at the next regularly scheduled committee meeting. 6. If an agreement on parkland location, boundaries etc., cannot be made within the time frame of two regular meetings , the Parks and Recreation Committee will recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and/or the City Council that they accept money in lieu of land. Furthermore, this recommendation will include a statement similar to the following as an explanation. ••Money is recommended because the Parks and Recreation Committee has found no suitable parkland within the development. ••Money is recommended because there is already adequate parkland within the service radius of the development. ••Other parkland sites have already been established inthe service area of the development and these sites required additional land area. ••Money is recommended because the parkland dedication for the development is too small and there is no potential to enlarge it. ••Money is recommended because the Parks and Recreation Committee and the developer could not agree on suitable parkland within the development. In this case the committee will attach a map showing sites within the development that the committee feels acceptable but that the developer hesitates to dedicate as parkland.