HomeMy WebLinkAbout240816 -- Candidate Application -- Craig Regan2-49 Prescribed by Secretary of State Section 141.031, Chapters 143 and 144, Texas Election Code 09/2023 APPLICATION FOR A PLACE ON THE BALLOT FOR A GENERAL ELECTION RECEIVEDIP AUG 16 2024A° FOR A CITY, SCHOOL DISTRICT OR OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION ifi ALL INFORMATION I5 REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED UNLESS INDICATED AS OPTIONAL, Failure to provide required information may result in rejection of application. APPLICATION FORA PLACE ON THE 2c .11 `c'%I S1_ GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT TO: City Secretary/Secretary of Board (name of elen) I request that my name be placed on the above -named official ballot as a candidate for the office indicated below. OFFICE SOUGHT (Include any place number or other dis inguishinng number,eif any.) INDJATE TERM Co//r 5 1�+'7'J +� 0/7 62Aner - "PrCrGG `Y ' FULL UNEXPIRED PRINT NAME AS YOU WANT IT TO APPEAR ON THE BALLOT* FULL NAME t, Middle, Last) PERMANENTRE9IDENCE ADDRESS t include a P.O. Box or Rural Route. If you )x ZIP 27Sys' PUBLIC MAILING ADDRESS (Optional) (Address for which you receive campaign related correspondence, if available.) CITY PUBLIC EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional) (Address for OCCUPATION (Do not leave blank) which REGISTRATION VUID NUMBER2 (Optional) Cell: LENGTH OF CONTINUOUS RESIDENCE AS OF DATE THIS APPLICATION WAS SWORN IN THE STATE OF TEXAS �B 1 yea r(s) month(s) IN TERRITORY/DISTRICT/PRECINCT FROM WHICH THE OFFICE SOUGHT IS ELECTED year(s) Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared (name of candidate) L.....- ;/Ce being by me here and now duly sworn, upon oath says: "I, (name of candidate) Rr.-� _ , of ft / being a candidate for the office of ,~Y,.,; re�r;��n , / Pry r r. 7 , swear that I will su jort and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the State ofitexas. I am a citizen of the United States eligible to hold such office under the constitution and laws of this state. I have not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote. I am aware of the nepotism law, Chapter 573, Government Code. I am aware that I must disclose any prior felony conviction, and if so convicted, must provide proof that I have been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities of any such final felony conviction. I am aware that knowingly providing false information on the application regarding my possible felony conviction status constitutes a Class B misdemeanor. I further swear that the foregoing statements included in my application are in all things true and correct." / month(s) X Swto and subscribed befo e me this the NA' V Sig ?xrf ure of Officer Authorized to Administer Oath4 NkkootrvlPUIQ(L I� Title of Officer Aufflorized to Administer Oath TO BE COMPLETED BY FILING OFFICER: THIS APPLICATION IS ACCOMPANIED BY THE REl CASH ❑ CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER E CASHIERS CHECK OR 0 PETITION IN LIEU This document and $ filing fee or a nominating petition of pages rece 02 /!1 /1:7242 DY /!� ao y ) / � (See Section 1.007) Date Received Date Accepted SIGNAT _ ,,_ 1 day of _A 0s4- , '20V by „ _oll (Letl month) (year) (n se of canditJ,'te) NA.V\ YYckv , \ J�`� rV,s Printed Name of Officer Authorized to Administer Oath No , Signa NiU"'A ir N MARIE WILLIAMS Ly� 'YE E . , who County, Texas, otary ID 13440381-2 verified %K ng Officer or Designee