230727 -- City Council -- Agenda Questions Council questions and staff responses for items on July 27, 2023 City Council Meeting 8.1 Impact Fee Collection Rates Sponsors: Carol Cotter Question: Regarding the impact fee collection rate item: A. What revenue have we seen to date from impact fees? B. What are the revenue projections based on the proposed increases? C. Will the increases allow us to get more capital projects done sooner? D. Will the increases help to lower the portion of our tax rate that goes to debt service? Response: A. Impact Fee Revenues collected to date (07/24/23) are as follows: Impact Fee Type Impact Fee Revenue Collected 2016-2023 Water $2.22M Wastewater $10.91M Roadway Zone A $0.92M Roadway Zone B $1.74M Roadway Zone C $1.34M Roadway Zone D $0.73M Roadway Total $4.73M B. Revenue projections based on the proposed collection rate increases are provided in the middle column below. The revenue projections and costs reflected in the table are forecasts over the 10-year study horizon (2021-2031). This table is also provided in the Impact Fee Supporting Info in the packet. Impact Fee Revenue Projections C. For water and wastewater projects, yes the increases will help us complete more projects sooner, since we use water and wastewater fees to service the projects’ debt. With Roadway, depending on the amount of revenue that the City receives, it could allow additional projects to be completed sooner. However, since the revenue that we have historically received has been limited and Roadway impact fees are further broken down into four zones, it has not made a material impact on project timing, but does help to offset roadway capital costs. D. The water and wastewater collection rate increases will have no impact on the debt service tax rate since water and wastewater projects are paid by enterprise funds generated from utility rates. As stated above, since the impact fee revenue for Roadway has been limited we have used the revenues to pay for project expenses directly, rather than issuing additional debt. Impact Fee Type Existing Collection Rate Proposed Collection Rates Recoverable CIP Costs (at Max Rates) Water $4.5M $11.8M $54.5M Wastewater $24.2M $24.2M $71.9M Roadway Zone A $3.1M $3.4M $9.1M Roadway Zone B $2.9M $5.9M $20.1M Roadway Zone C $3.5M $8.9M $25.7M Roadway Zone D $2.7M $5.7M $57.4M Roadway Total $12.2M $23.7M $112.3M 8.5 Rezonings – MH Middle Housing (privately initiated) Sponsors: Matthew Ellis, Robin Macias, Gabriel Schrum Question: A. What was the building permit type for the building permit application for properties on Park Place? B. Are all the properties in Area 4? C. Did the applicant indicate that these were to be single family residences? Response: A. When 302, 306, and 308 Park Place applied for building permits, they indicated a Single-Family Detached use. B. Yes, all the properties on Park Place are in Area 4. C. No, the applicant indicated interest in submitting these as Shared Housing, but the applicant did not indicate an intent to change the structures.