HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-4367 - Ordinance - 06/23/2022 ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX A, “UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE,” ARTICLE 8, “SUBDIVISION DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENTS,” SECTION 8.8, “REQUIREMENTS FOR PARK LAND DEDICATION,” OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING THE SECTION IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 8, “Subdivision Design and Improvements,” Section 8.8, “Requirements for Park Land Dedication,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit “A” and Exhibit “B” attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional, the invalidity or unconstitutionality does not affect other provisions or application of this Ordinance or the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, that can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. PART 3: That any person, corporation, organization, government, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association and any other legal entity violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) for a violation of fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation ordinances, other than the dumping of refuse. Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. PART 4: This Ordinance is a penal ordinance and becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by City of College Station Charter Section 35. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 2 of 17 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 23rd day of June, 2022. ATTEST: APPROVED: _____________________________ _____________________________ City Secretary Mayor APPROVED: _______________________________ City Attorney Exhibit A That Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 8, “Subdivision Design and Improvements,” Section 8.8, “Requirements for Park Land Dedication,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 8.8. Requirements for Park Land Dedication. A. Purpose. It is hereby declared by the College Station City Council that public park, conservation, and greenway areas are valuable assets that advance the public’s health, safety, and welfare. This Section is adopted to provide active and passive recreational areas in the form of park facilities as a function of subdivision and site development in the City of College Station and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). This Section is enacted in accordance with the home rule powers of the City of College Station granted under the Texas Constitution, and the statutes of the State of Texas, including, but not by way of limitation, Texas Local Government Code Chapter 212 as may be amended from time to time. This Section recognizes that parkland dedication is a fair, reasonable, and uniform method of financing these assets that does not impose an unfair burden on new or existing development. The intent is to require new development to pay its proportionate costs that are associated with providing new, expanded, and renovated parks, so they are borne by the new residents who are responsible for creating the additional demand. This is done by integrating such requirements into the procedure for planning and developing property or subdivisions in the City and its ETJ, whether such development consists of new construction on vacant land or rebuilding and remodeling of multi-family dwellings that results in an increase in the number of bedrooms on existing residential property. The intent of these assets is to provide a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities for new residents within reasonable proximity of their homes. The primary cost of purchasing, developing, or improving parks should be borne by the landowners of residential property who, by reason of the proximity of their property to such parks, shall be the primary beneficiaries of such facilities. To ensure this nexus, park zones have been established by the College Station City Council. They are shown on the Park Zones Map and they shall be prima facie proof that any park area located therein is within a convenient distance from any residence located therein. Parkland dedication is consistent with, and furthers the objectives and policies of, the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, & Open Space Master Plan to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. It is coordinated with other city policies, ordinances, and resolutions by which the City seeks to ensure the provision of adequate park facilities in conjunction with the development of land. B. Applicability. 1. This Section applies to a landowner who develops land for residential use located within the City or within its ETJ. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 4 of 17 2. The Parkland dedication and park development fees required by this Section are waived for any unit that qualifies as new, affordable, housing to be sold to low-and moderate income households, as defined by the current U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Income Limits. C. Park Zones. The City is hereby divided into park zones, as shown on the official Park Zones Map, located below, together with all explanatory matter thereon. Zone boundaries typically follow key topographic features such as major thoroughfares, streams, City limit, and ETJ boundary lines. New park zones may be created or existing zones amended pursuant to procedures for amending the UDO. D. Requirements. 1. General. The City Manager or his/her designee shall administer this Section with certain review, recommendation, and approval authorities being assigned to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and various City departments as specified herein. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 5 of 17 Generally, the developer of residential property must address the following requirements pursuant to this Section: dedication of land for park use or payment of a fee in lieu thereof, and payment of a development fee for park improvements necessary to transform the land into a useable park. Requirements herein are based on actual dwelling units or bedrooms for an entire development. Increases or decreases in final unit or bedroom count may require an adjustment in fees paid or land dedicated. If the actual number of dwelling units or bedrooms exceeds the original estimate, additional park land and additional park development fees may be required in accordance with the requirements in this Section. The schedule of fees and required land dedications are identified in Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees”. The delineation of park zones is identified in Section C “Park Zones”. 2. Land Dedication. a. The amount of land to be dedicated for park purposes shall be as set forth in Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees”. The total amount of land dedicated for the development shall be dedicated to the City in fee simple: 1) Prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi-family development, 2) Concurrently with the final plat for each phase of the development, or 3) In accordance with the terms of a valid Development Agreement associated with the property. If land dedication is to occur in future phases of a multiple-phase development, the developer may provide the City with financial security against the current dedication requirements by providing a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other alternative financial guarantee such as a cash deposit in the amount equal to the number of acres park land required and, in a form acceptable to the City. The amount of the financial guarantee shall be the amount of fee in lieu of land dedication and improvements as set forth in Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees”. The financial guarantee will be released to the developer, without interest, upon the filing of the final plat for the subsequent phase that dedicates the required park land and payment of the fee for the required improvements. b. Since residents living in the ETJ are likely to use the City’s park facilities, they should contribute to the cost of providing them. As a result of the difficulty faced by the City in maintaining property outside its corporate limits, the City will generally require a fee in lieu rather than the dedication of land. Alternatively, the dedication requirements of this Section may be met through the creation of private parkland in the same amount required as set forth in Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees” provided the developer enters into a written agreement that all such private parkland be dedicated to the City at the time of full purpose annexation into the City and provided that any plat related to such development is inscribed with a notation regarding same. If the private parkland ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 6 of 17 option is chosen, a provision for private upkeep of the facilities as described in Section H “Credit for Private Park Amenities” shall be made. 3. Fee in Lieu of Land. In lieu of dedicating land for parks, a developer may request to meet some or all of the land dedication requirements through payment of a fee in lieu thereof in the amounts set forth in Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees”. Such fees shall be due at the same time as fees are due for final platting or for issuance of a building permit, based on the type of residential development. 4. City Final Approval. The City shall have the final authority in determining what proportion of land or fee may be accepted in lieu of required land dedication. The City may, from time to time, require that a fee be submitted in lieu of land dedication in amounts as set forth i n Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees” for the park land dedication. Likewise, the City may, from time to time, require that land be dedicated in amounts as set forth in Section K and that no fee in lieu of land will be accepted. 5. Approval Process for Park Land Dedication. a. For land dedication of five (5) acres or more to be accepted by the City , the landowner must: 1) Obtain a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and 2) Obtain approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to the Plat Review in Article 3 of this UDO. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board but may make a decision contrary to its recommendation by majority vote. b. The City of College Station will generally not accept dedications of land for parks that are less than five (5) acres, as maintaining small parks is inefficient and too costly for the City to sustain over the long-term. However, the City Manager or his/her designee is authorized to accept and approve land dedications of less than five (5) acres if the following criteria are met: 1) The proposed dedication provides a sufficient amount of park land in the park zone of the proposed development for required park land dedication, or such land provides a valuable link to the greater park system; 2) The proposed dedication has especially attractive park features, as determined by the City Manager or his/her designee; 3) Where the proposed dedication is insufficient for a park site under existing park design standards, some or all of the dedication requirements may be in the form of a fee in amounts as set forth in Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees”; and ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 7 of 17 4) The proposed development of the park is consistent with College Station's Recreation, Park, & Open Space Master Plan, as may be amended from time to time. In making his/her decision, the City Manager or his/her designee may choose to submit such application to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for its recommendation. In such event, the City Manager or his/her designee shall consider such recommendation but may make a decision contrary in accordance with the criteria set forth herein. 6. Park Development Fee. In addition to the land dedication requirements for parks, there are also park development fees established herein sufficient to develop parks in ways that meet the City Park Facility and Equipment Standards. The amount of development fees assessed to a developer subject to this Section for parks is as shown in Section K “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees”. The process for the approval and collection of development fees shall be the same as for the park land dedication requirements to which the development relates, and shall be processed simultaneously with the park land dedication requirements. 7. Construction of Park Improvements in Lieu of Development Fee. A developer may elect to construct park improvements in lieu of paying the associated development fees as set forth herein. In such event: a. A park site plan, developed in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation Department staff, must be submitted and approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation Department or his/her designee and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board upon submission of final plat or upon application for a site plan and/or building permit, whichever is applicable. b. Detailed plans and specifications for park improvements hereunder shall be due and processed in accordance with the procedures and requirements pertaining to public improvements for final plats, site plans, and for building permits issuance, whichever is applicable. c. All plans and specifications shall meet or exceed the City Park Facility and Equipment Standards in effect at the time of the submission. d. If the improvements are constructed on land that has already been dedicated to and/or is owned by the City, then the Developer must post payment and performance bonds equal to park development fees to guarantee the payment to subcontractors and suppliers and to guarantee the developer completes the work in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, ordinances, and other applicable laws. e. The construction of all improvements must be completed in accordance with the requirements relating to the construction of public improvements for final plats, site plans, and issuance of building permits, whichever is applicable. This includes the guaranteeing of performance in lieu of completing the park improvements prior to final plat approval. Notwithstanding any other applicable ordinances, park ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 8 of 17 improvements should be completed within two (2) years from the date of the approval. f. Completion and Acceptance. Park development will be considered complete and a Certificate of Completion will be issued after the following requirements are met: 1) Improvements have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans, 2) All park land upon which the improvements have been constructed has been dedicated as required under this Section; and 3) All manufacturers' warranties have been provided for any equipment installed in the park as part of these improvements. g. Upon issuance of a Certificate of Completion, the developer warrants the improvements for a period of one (1) year as set forth in the requirements in the City Park Facility and Equipment Standards. h. The developer shall be liable for any costs required to complete park development if: 1) Developer fails to complete the improvements in accordance with the approved plans; or 2) Developer fails to complete any warranty work. 8. Submitting Fee. Any fees required to be paid pursuant to this Section shall be remitted: a. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi-family development; or b. Upon the submission of each final plat for single-family, duplex, or townhouse development. 9. Use of Fees. Fees may be used only for the acquisition, development, and/or improvement of park facilities to which they relate; fees shall not be used for maintenance purposes. Fees in lieu of land dedication may only be used for purchase, development and/or improvement of parks located within the same zone as the development, or in an adjacent zone in a scenario where the development occurs close to a zone border. 10. Reimbursement for City Acquired Park Land. The City may from time to time acquire land for parks in advance of actual or potential development. If the City does take such action, then it may require subsequent dedications to be in fee in lieu of land only. The fees will serve to reimburse the City for the cost(s) of acquisition. 11. Appeals. The property owner or applicant for new development may appeal the following decisions to the Director of Planning and Development Services, or his or her designee: a. The applicability of the land dedication, fee in lieu, or development fee; ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 9 of 17 b. The amount of the land dedication or fee due; c. The determination of credit for private property amenities; and/or d. The amount of the refund due, if any. All appeals shall be taken within 30 days of notice of the action from which the appeal is taken. The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to demonstrate that the amount of the dedication, fee, refund, or credit was not calculated according to the requirements of this ordinance. The appellant may appeal the decision of the Director of Planning and Development Services to the City Council. A notice of appeal to the Council must be filed by the applicant with the City Secretary within 30 days following the Director's decision. The filing of an appeal shall not stay the collection of the fee due. If the notice of appeal is accompanied by a payment in an amount equal to the fee due as calculated by the City, the plat or building permit application shall be processed. E. Prior Dedication or Absence of Prior Dedication. If a dedication requirement arose prior to enactment or amendment of this Section, subsequent development for the subject tract to which the dedication requirements applies may be subject to vesting as set forth in Chapter 245 Texas Local Government Code. Depending on the circumstances, additional dedication may be required for the increase in dwelling units or bedrooms from what was originally proposed. F. Comprehensive Plan Considerations. The City's Recreation, Park, & Open Space Master Plan is intended to provide the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with a guide upon which to base its recommendations. Because of the need to consider specific characteristics in the site selection process and future development, the park locations indicated on the Plan are general. The actual locations, sizes, and number of parks will be determined when development occurs or when sites are acquired by the City, including by donations. G. Special Fund; Right to Refund. The City shall account for all fees in lieu of land and all development fees paid under this Section with reference to the individual plat(s) involved. Any fees paid for such purposes must be encumbered or expended by the City within 10 years from the date received by the City for acquisition, development, and/or improvement of a park as required herein. Such funds shall be considered to be spent on a first-in, first-out basis. If the funds are not so encumbered by contract of purchase order or expended, then the owners of the property on the last day of the 10-year period will be entitled to a refund of the unexpended sum upon request. The owners of the property as shown on the current tax roll or proven by other instrument, must request a refund within one year of the expiration of the 10-year period. The request must be made in writing to the Director of Parks and Recreation. H. Credit for Private Park Amenities. 1. Up to 25% of the total fee in lieu and park development fee required by this Section to be paid by a developer may be eligible for reimbursement if the developer provides ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 10 of 17 private park land and/or amenities on the site. The remaining percentage is retained for deposit in the City's parkland dedication fund for the purpose of defraying the financial burden that new residential units impose on the existing public park system in the City, beyond the immediate development in which the dwelling is located. 2. Private facilities eligible for credit are those outdoor amenities typically found in city public parks, which will substitute for the improvements otherwise funded by a dedication fee to meet the outdoor recreation needs of residents. 3. The amount of credit shall be based on actual out-of-pocket dollar costs that the developer incurred in providing the outdoor recreation amenities: a. The improvements must be constructed in accordance with the City Park Facility and Equipment Standards. b. The developer is required to submit to the City all invoices paid toward the construction of the private amenities. c. In order to receive the credit, the improvement must be inspected and approved by all appropriate City staff. 4. Yards, court areas, setbacks, and other open areas required to be maintained under the City’s UDO, and other regulations, shall not be included in the credit computation. 5. Private recreation improvements shall be owned by an incorporated nonprofit homeowners’ association comprised of all property owners in the subdivision. The organization should operate under recorded land agreements through which each property unit owner in the subdivision is automatically a member, and each unit is subject to a charge for a proportionate share of expenses for maintaining the facilities. 6. Should the homeowners’ association fail to maintain the developer-provided private park facilities in compliance with City standards, each property owner agrees that the City may access the facilities to operate, maintain, and repair them. The costs of such maintenance, operations, and repairs shall be charged to the homeowners’ association. Such requirement shall be by recorded covenant, which runs with the land in favor of future owners of the property, and which cannot be defeated or eliminated without the written consent of the City. 7. Use of the private park shall be restricted for park and recreation purposes by recorded covenant, which runs with the land in favor of future owners of the property, and which cannot be defeated or eliminated without the written consent of the City. 8. Facilities must be similar or comparable to what would be required to meet public park standards and recreational needs as set forth in Section I “Park Land Guidelines and Requirements”. 9. The design of private park amenities must be reviewed and approved by the City prior to final plat approval. 10. All private park amenities shall be constructed in accordance with Section D (7) “Construction of Park Improvements in Lieu of Development Fee”. I. Park Land Guidelines and Requirements. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 11 of 17 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the City, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines and requirements shall be used in designing parks and adjacent development. 1. Any land dedicated to the City under this Section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. The dedication shall be free and clear of any and all liens and encumbrances that interfere with its use for park purposes. The City Manager or his/her designee shall determine whether any encumbrances interfere with park use. Minerals may be reserved from the conveyance provided that there is a complete waiver of the surface use by all mineral owners and lessees. A current title report must be provided with the land dedication. The property owner shall pay all taxes or assessments owed on the property up to the date of acceptance of the dedication by the City. A tax certificate from the Brazos County Tax Assessor shall be submitted with the dedication or plat. 2. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. Sites should not be severely sloping or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for recreational activities, as set forth in the City Park Facility and Equipment Standards. 3. At the discretion of the City, land in floodplains will be considered on a three (3) for one (1) basis. Three (3) acres of floodplain will be equal to one (1) acre of park land. 4. Where feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage shared facilities and joint development of new sites. 5. Unless intended to serve a larger area, park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users and should be located to minimize users having to cross arterial roadways to access them. Furthermore, park sites should not be encumbered by overhead utility lines or easements which may limit the opportunity for park development. 6. Where appropriate, sites with existing trees or other scenic elements are preferred. 7. Detention/retention areas will not be considered to meet dedication requirements, but may be accepted as a donation in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must meet specific parks specifications in the City Park Facility and Equipment Standards. 8. Where park sites are adjacent to greenways, schools, or existing or proposed subdivisions, access ways may be required to facilitate public access to parks. 9. It is desirable that 50% of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. J. Warranty Required. 1. All materials and equipment provided to the City shall be new unless otherwise approved in advance by the City Manager or his/her designee and all work shall be of good quality, free from faults and defects, and in conformance with the designs, plans, specifications, and drawings, and recognized industry standards. This warranty, any other warranties express or implied, and any other consumer rights, shall inure to the benefit of the City only and are not made for the benefit of any party other than the City. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 12 of 17 2. All work by the developer or landowner not conforming to these requirements, including but not limited to unapproved substitutions, may be considered defective. 3. This warranty is in addition to any rights or warranties expressed or implied by law. 4. Where more than a one (1) year warranty is specified in the applicable plans, specifications, or submittals for individual products, work, or materials, the longer warranty shall govern. 5. This warranty obligation may be covered by any performance or payment bonds tendered in compliance with this Section. 6. If any of the work performed by the developer or landowner is found or determined to be either defective, including obvious defects, or otherwise not in accordance with this Section, the designs, plans, drawings or specifications within one (1) year after the date of the issuance of a Certificate of Final Completion of the work or a designated portion thereof, whichever is longer, or within one (1) year after acceptance by the City of designated equipment, or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special warranty required by this ordinance, developer shall promptly correct the defective work at no cost to the City. 7. During the applicable warranty period and after receipt of written notice from the City to begin corrective work, developer shall promptly begin the corrective work. The obligation to correct any defective work shall be enforceable under this Code of Ordinances. The guarantee to correct the defective work shall not constitute the exclusive remedy of the City, nor shall other remedies be limited to the terms of either the warranty or the guarantee. 8. If within twenty (20) calendar days after the City has notified developer of a defect, failure, or abnormality in the work, developer has not started to make the necessary corrections or adjustments, the City is hereby authorized to make the corrections or adjustments, or to order the work to be done by a third party. The cost of the work shall be paid by developer. 9. The cost of all materials, parts, labor, transportation, supervision, special instruments, and supplies required for the replacement or repair of parts and for correction of defects shall be paid by developer, its contractors, or subcontractors or by the surety. 10. The guarantee shall be extended to cover all repairs and replacements furnished, and the term of the guarantee for each repair or replacement shall be one (1) year after the installation or completion. The one (1) year warranty shall cover all work, equipment, and materials that are part of the improvements made under this Section of the ordinance. K. Park Land Dedication and Development Fees. Park land dedication and development fees for developments located within the City limits and ETJ are indicated below. The City shall review the fees established and the amount of park land dedication required in this ordinance at least every five (5) years. Failure to review by the City shall not invalidate this ordinance. The amount indicated in the Collection Rate column shall be the amount required for each unit or bedroom proposed. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 13 of 17 Total dedication and fee amounts Land dedication Proportionate Rate Collection Rate as of 7/3/2022 Collection Rate as of 10/1/2022 Collection Rate as of 10/1/2023 Collection Rate as of 10/1/2024 Single-family: One acre per number of dwelling units 48 61 53 51 48 Multi-family: One acre per number of bedrooms 83 145 108 95 83 Fee in lieu of land dedication Single-family per dwelling unit $1,106 $524 $664 $885 $1,106 Multi-family per bedroom $395 $220 $237 $316 $395 Park development fee Single-family per dwelling unit $4,150 $737 $2,490 $3,320 $4,150 Multi-family per bedroom $1,486 $467 $892 $1,189 $1,486 Total dedication and development fees Single-family per dwelling unit $5,256 $1,261 $3,154 $4,205 $5,256 Multi-family per bedroom $1,881 $687 $1,129 $1,505 $1,881 ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 14 of 17 The following calculations were used to determine the Proportionate Rate for the dedication and fee amounts: Input Data Neighborhood park acres 567 Community park acres (ex. Lick Creek and Veterans) 354 Passive park acres 198 Total park acres 1,119 Single-family dwelling units 27,343 Multi-family dwelling units 19,010 Total number of dwelling units 47,796 Persons per household (PPH) - Overall 2.58 PPH - Single-family structures 2.89 PPH - Multi-family structures 2.20 Ratio of MFU/SFU PPH 0.76 (PPH - multi-family structures / PPH - single-family structures) Dwelling units per acres of parks 42.71 (total number of dwelling units / total park acres) Adjustment ratio MFU/SFU 0.12 ((1 - ratio of MFU/SFU PPH)/2) Land dedication Single-family dwelling units per acre of park land 48 (dwelling units per acres of parks (1 + adjustment ratio MFU/SFU)) Multi-family-family bedroom units per acre of park land 83 ((dwelling units per acres of parks (1 - adjustment ratio MFU/SFU) * PPH - multi-family structures)) ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 15 of 17 Fee in lieu of land dedication Average cost per acre of neighborhood park land $50,000 Average cost per acre of community park land $44,250 Average cost per acre of passive park land $16,250 Fair market value of existing neighborhood park land $28,374,335 (average cost per acre of neighborhood park land * neighborhood park acres) Fair market value of existing community park land $15,655,778 (average cost per acre of community park land * community park acres) Fair market value of existing passive park land $3,213,481 (average cost per acre of passive park land * passive park acres) Total fair market value of existing park land $47,243,595 Average fair market value of an acre of land $42,218 (total fair market value of existing park land / total park acres) Average fee-in-lieu $988 (average fair market value of an acre of land / dwelling units per acres of parks) Fee in-lieu of land per single-family unit $1,106 (average fee-in-lieu * (1 + adjustment ratio MFU/SFU)) Fee in-lieu of land per multi-family bedroom $395 ((average fee-in-lieu * (1 - adjustment ratio MFU/SFU)) / PPH - multi-family structures) ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4367 Page 16 of 17 Park development fee Reatta Meadows Cost (December 2017, adjusted for inflation to March 2022) $513,141.76 Acres 3.00 Cost per acre $171,047 (cost/acres) Northgate Cost (April 2019, adjusted for inflation to March 2022) $470,270.45 Acres 1.87 Cost per acre $251,482 (cost/acres) Average developed park cost per acre (average park cost/acres) $211,264 Average passive park cost per acre (15% of developed) $27,974 ((neighborhood parks value + community parks value) / (neighborhood park acres + community park acres)) Neighborhood parks value $97,067,042 Community parks value $74,745,953 Passive parks value $5,531,890 Total parks value $177,344,885 Average development cost per acre $158,479 (total parks value / total park acres) Average development cost per dwelling unit $3,710 (average development cost per acre / dwelling units per acres of parks) Development cost per single-family unit $4,150 (development cost per dwelling unit * (1 + adjustment ratio MFU/SFU)) Development cost per multi-family bedroom $1,486 ((development cost per dwelling unit * (1 - adjustment ratio MFU/SFU)) / PPH - multi-family structures) Exhibit B That Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 8, “Subdivision Design and Improvements,” Section 8.8, “Requirements for Park Land Dedication,” Appendix I of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby repealed.