211028 -- City Council -- Agenda Questions Council questions and staff responses for items on October 28, 2021 City Council Meeting Item 8.2 - Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding approval of the City’s Annual Price Electric Warehouse Single-Phase Padmount Transformers with estimated annual expenditure in the amount not to exceed $654,440 awarded to KBS Electrical Distributors Inc. Sponsor: Michael DeHaven Question/Comment: How is it that the City Council was unable to hear this item in a timely fashion? Our agenda at our last meeting was not as long as tonight’s. Or could we not have called a special meeting? This caused an increase of about 32K in the bids we were left to choose from. Response: When this item was released for bid, the Bid Spec / Definitions / Acceptances stated all bids will remain subject to acceptance for 90 days after the date of Bid Opening (August 31st, 2021). Priester Mell & Nicholson was unable to remain in compliance with the terms of the bid specs and ultimately withdrew their bid. The City moved to the second lowest bidder whose bid provided the best value to the City and is being recommended for award of contract. Item 8.3- Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a funding agreement between the City of College Station and the Keep Brazos Beautiful for FY22 in the amount of $46,730. Sponsor: Michael DeHaven Question: Can you remind me of the overall budget for KBB? Do both Cities and the County provide equal funding for KBB? Response: The total budget for Keep Brazos Beautiful is $155,000. The City of College Station provides $46,730. The City of Bryan provides $40,000, and Brazos County provides $15,000. The additional money needed for the budget is raised through sponsorships, ticket/table purchases at the awards luncheon, and an annual tree sale. Item 8.4- Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding approval of the City’s Annual Price Agreements for Various Materials for CSU Electric, with estimated annual expenditures through Anixter Inc. for $75,164, KBS Electrical Distributors for $253,016.51 and Techline for $1,303,689.25. The total recommended award is for an amount not to exceed $1,631,869.76. Sponsor: Michael Dehaven Question/Comments: The cover sheet lists this item as annual agreements, yet Anixter indicates they are only willing to engage in much shorter contracts due to prices skyrocketing. Did we end up with an annual agreement from Anixter? Response: In the Bid Specifications for these items there is an “Escalation-De-Escalation Clause.” This was added due to the volatile and sudden price changes of these products. These annual price agreements allow for price changes that are beyond the control of the vendor with sufficient supporting documentation. This is an annual agreement with Anixter that includes the “Escalation-De-Escalation Clause.” Item 8.8- Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the approval of an annual price agreement for the purchase of Type D Hot Mix Asphalt to be picked up by City Crews or to be delivered to the job site as requested for the maintenance of streets to BPI Materials LLC for $1,200,000 and Knife River Corporation - South for $800,000. The total annual not to exceed expenditure is $2,000,000. Sponsor: Pete Caler Question/Comments: At Alexandria and Barron, we had an unsightly smear of tar across our white painted crosswalks and over much of the concrete roadways because the trucks that delivered the tar dripped it enroute. After a year of emails requesting, it be cleaned and the crosswalks repainted, the crosswalks remain marred as the do the roads. Residents were given this assurance, “Due to this issue we started looking for another type of tack oil and found a trackless tack oil to try out. When we paved Ledgestone Trail off of Green Prairie and Royder Roads, we utilized the new tack oil and found that tracking was almost completely eliminated. We will continue to use the new type of oil.” So, is this item 8.8 the new type of oil? Response: It is not for the new type of oil; it is for the purchase of Type D Hot Mix Asphalt. The hot mix asphalt is installed on the tack oil to ensure it adheres to the roadbed. The asphalt at the intersection of Barron and Alexandria has just been repaved and the crosswalk will be repainted this week. Item 8.12- Presentation, discussion, and possible action on approval of Change Order No. 1 to the construction contract with Vaughn Construction in the amount of $17,962 for improvements at Adamson Lagoon Pool. Sponsor: Steve Wright Question: The summary sheet indicates “All funding came through Parkland Dedication.” However, the coversheet for 9.4 reminds me that, “The intent is that this dedication or fee will offset the demand that the new residents will place of the parks system. These funds are not to be used for maintenance or current parks facilities, but rather new or improved parks facilities.” How are we able to use parkland dedication fees for things that sound very much like maintenance (pool pump inspections, and inspection of all exposed existing plumbing at both pools)? Response: Funding for this project will come through either parkland dedication or the general fund, depending on review of the scope of work. The cover sheet incorrectly omitted both funding options. This item is coming before council because the change order is greater than 25% of the original contract.