04-22-57-Resol - Resolution - 04/22/1957MINUTES OF REGULAR MEET ING April 22, 1957 Members present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Anderson, Boyett, Orr, Pugh, Sorrels; City Attorney Dillon; City Manager Boswell; City Secretary McGinnis. Visitors present: E. C. Garner, V. M. Ehlers, C. G. White, Daniel Russell, Mrs. W. A. Varvel and Mr. Todd. P By unanimous approval of the council the following resolution was adopted. d RESOLUTION Cb Cb With deepest sympathy this Council records the death of Councilman Ernest Seeger. Affectionately known as "Sergeant", Mr. Seeger was kindly disposed towards his fellowman. He had a good word for every- body and a contagious quality of character endeared Z him to all who knew him. He served as Councilman for < four years and was a candidate for re-election at the F_ time of his death. His presence will be missed by U) those with whom he worked. As a further expression of appreciation by this Council, it is ordered that a copy of this Resolution be spread on the minutes of this meeting and that a copy when signed by the Mayor and City Secretary be sent to his widow, Mrs. Annie Seeger. Mr. Ehlers discussed with the council the problems of the Brazos County Youth Development Counseling Service and outlined a proposed budget if that work is to be continued. Following general discussion, on motion by Councilman Sorrels, seconded by Council- man Pugh, the City Manager was authorized to include in the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1957 an amount of $ 2,400 as the cityts contribution for the maintenance of this service pro- vided other contributing agencies make their respective contributions. On motion by Councilman Orr, seconded by Councilman Anderson, the City Manager was authorized to attend the annual meeting of Q International Municipal Finance Officiers Association in St. Paul, Minnesota, June 2-6, 1.957, all expenses incurred in making the trip a to be paid by the city. �W On motion by Councilman Sorrels, seconded by Councilman Orr, the City Manager was authorized to appoint a city building inspector. (L cu 00 Q 00103 r, _