HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988V1037P777 EC r�� J r UTILITY EASEMENT I���, 'P R -5 F:: 3: I 0 (Temporary Blanket Easement) , STATE OF TEXAS Lar KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE RSETS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) That, HAROLD CAMPBELL, GRANTOR, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, and other good. and valuable consideration, in hand paid to GRANTOR by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and interests in the nature of a temporary blanket easement on and through the following described property: A 1 . 583 acre tract or parcel of land, herein- after known as Tract "A", lying and being situ- ated in the THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE, Abstract No. 9 of Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 75 acre tract described in a deed from Mrs. Edna Carll, et al to James T. Carll dated November 16, 1965, recorded in X34 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, more fully described in Exhibit Aat- - tached hereto. To erect, construct, install , and thereafter use, operate, in- spect, repair, maintain, reconstruct, modify, and remove electric lines upon, over, and across said property as herein described and any ways, streets, roads, or alleys abutting same; and to cut, trim and control the growth of trees and other vegetation on and in the easement area or on adjoining property of GRANTOR, which might interfere with or threaten the operation and mainten- ance of any public utility equipment, accessories, or opera- tions. It is understood and agreed that any and all equipment and facilities placed upon said property shall remain the proper- ty of GRANTEE. It is expressly understood that the GA TOR orthis property reserve the right to usethiis forOwners pof ur- poses which do not interfere with or prevent its use by the GRANTEE. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described un- to the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and as- signs, forever, and GRANTOR does hereby bind himself, his heirs, successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, or any part thereof. EXECUTED this .BAST day of 1988. rati HAROLD CAMPBELL , p• - 1 - roe_ 103 7 rASE- 7 J`.7 APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT RE-SUBMtt.fiSION FOR APPROVAL. STATE OF TEXAS ) INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on the :3i1- M4'`` /a , 1988, by HAROLD CAMPBELL. day of Notary Public in and for the State of T E X A S Printed Name: zI,��L; cr My Comm. Exp. . _5 2 ,r7 1 VOL _1Q37ra r7 8 - 2 - A 1 . 583 acre tract or parcel of land, hereinafter known as Tract "A" , lying and being situated in the THOMAS CARUTHE .S LEAGUE. Abstract No. 9 of Brazos County , Texas and being a part of the 75 acre tract described in a deed from Mrs. Edna Carll , et al to James T. Carll dated November 16 . 1965 recorded in Volume 252 . Page 434 of the Deed Records of Brazos County . Texas and as now located on the ground being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod set in the northeast R . U.W . fence of "Rock Prairie Road" , a 3" cedar post marking the " as fenced" west corner of the beforementioned 75 acre parent tract located N . 66-49-40 W. a distance of 175 .00feet for reference : THENCE N : 44-54-32 E. across parent tract parallel with an 162. 55 feet from its northwest boundary line for a distance of 195. 00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod set for an " ell " corner or the Gordon Knight 1 . 917 acre Tract " B" being simultaneously divided • out of parent tract . for an angle point : THENCE N . 79-33-46 E. continuing across parent tract along a southerly line of said Tract " B" for a distance of 176 .35 feet to a 1/2" iron rod. set for corner : THENCE S . 45- 15-11 E . continuing across parent tract along a southwest line of said Tract " B" for a distance of 164 . 77 feet to a 1/2" iron rod set for the corner of both this tract and Tract B THENCE S. 44-44-49 W. continuing across parent tract parallel with and 70 .00 feet from its southeast boundary line for a distance of 234 . 59 feet ' to a 1/2" iron rod. set for corner . a 3/4" iron rod found markina a reference point of the First National Bank 76 . 312 acre tract located S . 66-49-40 E. a distance of 75 . 27 feet for reference : THENCE N . 66-49-40 W. along the beforementioned R. U.W. fence of "Rock Prairie Road" for a distance of 286. 05 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1 .583 acres of land, more or less. EXHIBIT "A" . VOL1037 r 779 •