HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985V818P442 Prepared by the State Bar of Texas for use by lawyers only. Reviewed 1-1-76. Revised to include grantee's address ss (art. 6626, RCS) 1-1-19;1,, r Ss- 33383 t:,. -: . !935 AUG 20 Pit 2: 47 WARRANTY DEED (LONG FORM) � L'. LC.'t;11'nEK THE STATE OF TEXAS l '1/4.„,A1fC ,, KNOW ALL MEN - - SRESENTST" COUNTY OF BRAZOS That JOHN W. JORDAN and wife, ALICE M. JORDAN, GRANTORS, of the County of Brazos and State of Texas for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ( $10 . 00) -DOLLARS and other valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the grantee herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto the City of College Station, a Texas Municipal Corporation, GRANTEE, of the County of Brazos and State of Texas , all of the following described real property in Brazos County, Texas, to-wit: Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League in College Station, Brazos County, Texas , being a part of Lot 3 of Lake View Acres, an addition to the City of College Station, Texas, according to plat of record in Volume 128, Page 300 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and a part of that 3. 502 acre tract conveyed to John W. Jordan, et ux by deed recorded in Volume 455, Page 587 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows : ,���� 818P1.E442 G1 vhvcis s piss Jo aopgans Tsnqoe a aup of un�op aan�su ug taloa; ( OSZ) gen A4 •�osep vuo oe Aanuou Apssaadxa pup puTx aanaos�.sgM eTT PTIP pu oMu �° umdap pup 9/119991 �° STpzauTsz TTe Pup eov SSyggT quautdoTanap ao� sqsaaaquT fou op S2t0�I,NK2IJ • sTaoasd go uoTenapTlog aaSnbaa TeaeuTm eons Tood Asw �uaoPCpp ueq PTnoo ;eu.� buTuTw go S2iOett o • aoe�ans att� qTd bututut qgeus , buTUTtu aaTnbaa pup( aatt�o Auv ao 'buTuTw ou aq TTpus aqs ' 'UTW eaa PTnoM lsq; sTeaeuttu Aue seb ' TTo ao� spupT Pips �o �uauzdo�anaPS aua butnouzaa pup sTe.zauTu�zueza��oepuep -op' IT �o spupd a T P ug ao; A;aadoad ;uaosC att� ane q� aog ATuo sawTi TIP qv ssaaba Ps outssao tt TTpus SUOINVHD •Agaadoad Puo ssaabus eq two ; aq TTpus sTpaau-ruz inns go uoiqonpoad Ausaoe(:pe aau�.o 3o aos3ans a atlq Aq Pa'�eTdtua�uoo ATssaadxa buta '�pt{�,�uatuna�.suT sTtt� o sa tuoa� eons go LIAq pagvi waquvaq ao Tsseadpoad q �T • sTpaauTw ae T�aed -and au �.uatudotanap 'uoT uoT xe sob 'sesod tt� ao; sesTwaad pagTaosep ano s e �eqo sso oeouo ssaaba ao ssa.xbuT Aup a q u� �o aoe�ans a q 4uana Aupw uT aanau u� ssoaoe TA ad •Agaadoad anogs eq.; woag paonpoad a TTpus aaapu �puv paptnoad -utu� aauqo pup spb ' TTo auk goq Aetu �eLt� Pup aepun pue uT stege aiau� 'S2tOyNK2iJ o�un TIP saoqsalstuttups put, ' saolnoexe 'saTau panaasaa Agaaau sT aaauq. pup 'Ld2OXS QNY S ws att� qsuTebp aTgeaoaogua pup oq aTgeoTTdde sa • sesTWead PegTaosep ao TpdTDTunul 30 sagnrpgs pup saousuTpao 'suoTgpaouea 'suousuzuaenob aeu;o spb SMP buTuoz egg. pup : seseeT spb pup TToTAuettpua ' sTvaeoTw a as o puo ' TTo o4 se uoT;enaasaa Aue pup sTezeu;tu o ADo pue -oo pup asn auk Aaese •PegTaosep anoge Agaedoad eu; 3o Aouvdno ;p suoTq.pnaasaa pue 'suoTgoTagsea ' squsuenoa ' suor Tpuoo 'squemespa pepaooaa TIP Ow wO2t'8nS SQvW SI SONVASAN0O SIHw • sse- . 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'sanTesulatiq. puAgao oq.up.zopuE • tq laq s.� `1oAa1Oj SugissR puEosaDons 's4T ' aaluEi� pies all own `2ut�uoiaq astMiCuE ut olamp. soouEuallnddE s.z puE siq u all 1Epn2uis puE Iie glint lagla2o2 `sasiuiald paquasap anoge am Q"IOH OZ QNd 3AVH 01 (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF f This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 19 by • Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name (printed): Notary's commission expires: (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF f This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 19 by • Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name (printed): Notary's commission expires: (Corporate Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF .} This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of by 19 of a corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name (printed): Notary's commission expires: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: PREPARED IN THE LAW OFFICE OF: City of College Station City of College Station City Attorney' s Office City Attorney' s Office P.O. Box 9960 P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX 77840 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I hereby certify that this instrument was flied on the date and time stamped hereon it me and was duly re- corded in the volume and page of the named records of Brazos County, Texas as stamped hereon by me. AUG 2 1 i J �NZY.. COUNTY CLERK,Brazos County,Texas