HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985V810P514 4 3_1 8 9 4 Prepared by the State Bar of Texas for use by lawyers only. Reviewed 1-1-76. Revised to include grantee's address (art. 6626, RCS) 1-1-82. 17,-;" 1 ; p" !1.155 JUL 26 PM 3: 08 WARRANTY DEED (LONG FORM) ✓,-r r t Yd:.:G COU,,Y^IC1 THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY TH A P� F` *v �( COUNTY OF BRAZOS That CARROLL WAYNE KEESE and wife, DORIS MURRELL KEESE, Grantors, of the County of Brazos and State of Texas for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ($10. 00) -DOLLARS and other valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the grantee herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto the City of College Station, a Texas Home Rule Municipal Corporation of the County of Brazos and State of Texas , all of the following described real property in County, Texas, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League in College Station , Brazos County, Texas, being a part of Lot 4 of Lake View Acres , an addition to the City of College Station , Texas, according to plat of record in Volume 128, Page 300 of the Deed . Records : of Brazos County, Texas , and a part of that tract con- veyed to Carroll W. Keese, et ux by deed recorded in Volume 216, Page 249 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas , and being more particularly described as follows : r 810 P 514 PT ;o eDInS Tpn'oe at[q woag ( OS ) 499;; A ;T� Paapunu on�� 'qooa�. ° P q� o; uuop aangpu puE pup due�daaPuts[ aanaos E n4 �SZNvuo off. AeAuoo ATssaadxe pue 91119891qou oo sop S2iOSpzauOI TIP • s-[aoapd �uaoeCpE u ,y f�.TNK2iD eons Tood AVMquawdoTanap 10; s�.saaa3ut TEaau-rw PTnoM SUOs,NVHD • eop;ens egg. go uotgeztTT-n aatnbaa 4eL[� bututw go puts[ aaggo ALM .zo 'buTutw ' bututw eaTnbaa pTnon� 4pL[q sTpaautw ALM, ltd oTanap ouuEeq TTEL[s e.xeu. •woagaaauq ewes a Butnowei p° TuieuTw nap uq seb ' Tto aog spueT Pees u� pup sTpaautw aat.[�o pup butssaopo ao asodand a ;o ;uawdoTanap eq' ao; A4aadoad queoEcpp u� ao3 ATuo sawtl. 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OZ a PUe 4oea4 asaaN pies 944 uaaM4aq auil a44 u . aauaoo Jo4 4u .od P 43ea4 asaaN pies 944 46noa4f 4994 LZ ' ZLT - 3 “90 it0 , £b N 33N3H1 `aauaoo aol 4u }od a o. 4oea4 uepaop pies 944 pug 4oeaa asaaN pips a44 uaaMaaq a4; 6uole 4aal 10' 91 - M li6T 16b ,8t N 33N3H1 • sexal ` c.uno3 sozea9 jo spaooapeed 944 Jo L89 abed ` 9917 awnloA u . papaooaa peep X'q xn 4a uepaop •M u4op 04 paAanuoo 2oea2 aaoe Z055 '£ ae42 o aauaoo aa�sea 2sow a4a. osle St, 4014M 4oea4 asaa)I pies a4� �a aauaoo laa4�nos �s�ow a4� 4e @UPI s , aalliW 40 auil 2saM44aou a44 1.11. puno . poa uoai up 4e JNINNI939 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and successors appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the said grantee , its tcexxand assigns forever; Grant ohereby bind themselves, their s and � heirs, executors and administrators to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all and singular the said premises unto the said grantee , its RaitcaM ogs, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this / ? day of JvL/ ( , A. D. 19 85 4464/ CARROLL WAYNE EESE t c 'J72cF�. J/,a_ _ DORIS MURRELL KEESE Mailing address of each grantee: Name: City of College Station Name: Address: City Attorney's Office Address: P. 0. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77840 (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS f This instrument was acknowledged before me on the � r't day of 0i LI , 198 5 , by Carroll Wayne Keese • Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name (printed): /�OEic�2T L Ei1,eLc Notary's commissionexpires: 3_ eY L' / • 1 �� . �L' 1�'81O F�� 5 if rr -r`= .y L Ot8LL XZ 'uoT4sgs abaTTo3 0V8LL XZ '110T4v4s abeTT0D enuaAV ssX9,1, TOTT enueAv SLxa,j TOTT 0966 xo s3 'O 'd 0966 x0S '0 'd a0TJ.;0 s 1 Aeu.zo44K ';TO uoT�.pqs aba a0T��0 s ��au.zo��.� ��TO TToD go AgTO uoT4s4S efeTT00 Jo A4TO :JO 30I330 Awl 3H1 NI Q32INd32Id :O,L NNf1,132I 0NIC fI0032I 2I3.LdN :sa.tdxa uoissiwwoa s,AmoN :(paluud) aweu S. ZeloN gnu 3o ale1S `allgnd,ileloN •uoileiodsoa pies jo liegaq uo `uoile.rod.ioa Jo 6Icq 30 Xep agl uo aw a.eojaq pa2paimoupe sem luawn.ilsul srq,1, . 30 Al f100 ''TATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS SHXS L 30 8 LN LS OttawBpalMouppcf ryl lddf dypat this Instrpment MIS flied on the e+ate and time stamped hereon Wm.and was duly re- corded In the volume and page of the named records of Brazos County. Texas as stamped hereon by me. :sandxa uoisscwwoa s,,C.moN L 3 (t \9g3 :(paluud) atm s,,C.reloN sexas Io ams `atlgnd ,C1eloN d .... ', coma� � s', U4 ?� COUNTY CLERK.Braios County.Texas Xq 61 ` Io icy') aql uo aw aao;aq popaimou ae SEM luawn.ilsu[ s!qZ 3O A.LNf103 SVX3.L 30 3.Ld.LS (luauzSpal.toupav) :sandxa uo►sstwwoa s,,(wloN '7v6'g 7 1 5'P 'Y :(paluud) aweu sAlimoN sexaj 3o amts `aijgnd ,f.wloN /:•• '✓ • eseex TTaaanw.sTaoC Aq s8 61 /7C-C' Jo (ep N1 b� agl uo aw alojoq paSpaimouxae sem luaulnxlsuc sigZ SOZIDIEE 30 A.LNf1OO SVX3.1.,30?I1VIS (luatuSpaiMoupav)