HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984V747P828 3151A . . UTILITY EASEMENT IJ I �1'f (Specific Property) t;,'.•.... . STATE OF TEXAS ) a'rrd/ ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF ,B RAZOS ) THAT, HOYETT TAYLOR of the TAYLOR, JR. , and his wife, CHARLENE GRANTORS,iSatifn of County of Brazos, State ofTAYLOR, other the payment of TEN and Texas,OforS and good and valuable consideration, NO/100 DO in other therCITYdd COLLEGE bl on, in hand 1d cash, and byhereby acknowledged , STATION, TEXAS, paid to GRANTORS presentsrbydo have GRANTED the receipt of which GRANT, SELL, and ' SOLD and CONVEYED andis a CONVEY unto the said by theseG STATION,SNin Texasas MunicipalMunce al Corporation, CITY OF COLLEGE the followingcertainMT ongand and described property:perpetual EASEMENT and P Y� through Being a strip of land in the Thomas Brazosat 4 County,untTexas, twenty (20 ' ) Caruthers League in recorded tract conveyed to feet in width in Volume HOYett Ta through Brazos County, Texas. Page 194 , of the Taylor, Jr . , by deed Deed Records of Provided , however, that Provided , this conveyance shall Y more particular) described that grant bo thve e rights heropty describ deon the width, Area" , °n the attached by course, described centerline rain any additional areaExhibit "A" , wtheh, and install andoutsidknown as the necessaryattach the ea "Easement and incident equipment, semens area neces- sary the usesguy wires, and anchors To erect, construct of the Easement inspect, install Area• followig 'ePair, maintain ' and thereafter use reconstruct, modify, anoperate,r' ovthe e transmission and distribution lines; upon, over, and ways, streets across said p and control ' roads, or 011e property as herein the growth of trees abutting same; and described and any the easement area themigtewith on adjoining and other vegetation fGRANTORS, to cut, trim public utility or threaten tropes of GRANTORS on and in anynersbooc aand y equipment the operation and which placed upon agreed that an accessories, or operations . maintenance of u said pre y and all t and fad GRANTORSexpressly petty shall remain equipment and f GRANT It is exprses atubordi rights the property ties to the mineralnate all y °f GRANTEE. by GRANTEE, and a to the 9hts of surface by GRA upon rd agree to sublender' seSubordj uses of use incident GRANTE mations said surface It °n behalf of this is expressly Lade. that property reserve stood this which the right the GRANTORS or GRANTEE, not interfere wi use thisfuture EASEMENTiOwners of TO with or prevent itsuserbYlthe RAVE AND TO unto the CITY OFOLD the and ass ' COI,Irights inter assigns, CITYforeandL G TEGE ATSON TEXAS, Band its hereinsts described hereby bind successors and themselves, their 828 1 'j{t' -'17p I k f{. heirs, successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming , or to claim same, or any part thereof. EXECUTED this 10 day of , 1984 . xe -• ' TT TA LO°, JR. i e �Let- I LI CHARLENE TAYLe • APPROVED AS TO FORM. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANGED WITHOUT RE-SUBMISSION FOR APPROVAL. STATE OF ____ __ COUNTY OF ) JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on the / ' oda Z7e.c_ . 19 y o f W ,i�gi fT Al LENS TAYLOR. --' by HOYETT TAYLOR, JR. and his /47re My Cornmission xpires 5 - 3-j • - z - 747P„ 829 - JOE ORR, INC. Surveyors & Engineers Office Phone 693-3378 • Rt. 3, Box 413 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 20 FOOT EASEMENT HOYETT TAYLOR, JR. TRACT THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 5 APRIL 1984 Being a strip of land in the Thomas Caruthers League in Brazos County, Texas , twenty (20 ' ) feet in width through that 14 to Hoyett Taylor, Jr. by deed recorded in Volume 235 , Page ge1 conveyed Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and lying ten, ( 10 ' ) feet of each side of the following described centerline: y g each Beginning in the northwest line of the said Taylor tract which the southeast line of that 341 . 60 acre tract conveyed to W. G. Ritchey also by deed recorded in Volume 237 Page 29 County, Texas, at a point located S 20 degreesgRecords 12.8 feetf from the north corner of the said Taylor 19 ' E — 12.8 from line of Rock Prairie Road . 14 acre tract in the southwest Thence S 82 degrees 01 ' 30" E — 471 .4 feet to the end of in the southeast line of the said Taylor 14 acre tract northwest line of that 2 . 99ethis easement deed recordediin Volume 443cPage tract conveyed to DoriswL. White ishich the County, Texas, at a 117 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Che common corner of point located S 00 degrees 42 ' E t2e9 ammo tractn fhtthe saidsouthwest Taylor ins 4 acrer12. 2 feetdfrom 4 k ract and the said White Prairie Road . /01 . ,el • gl4, .1 ..•.........:. DAVID R. MAYO .„0•.. Z47S ' G••9� c00 rI l.Yit </�fS.f. EXHIBIT "A" • ,.o • • Y•. VOL 747 830 i