HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984V729P365 • er:: ! a fir:=•:ar W-31092� c934OCT —3 All ID t3 ����it;?•an v�:�i P• CGU T* U% BRA ;:^,!,1971 r . EASEMENT CONVEYANCE BY _ __ uEP UTY THE STATE OF TEXAS *: I . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS * That Somana Corporation, a Texas Corporation, • • of the County of Bell , State of Texas , for and consideration of the sum of TEN •AND NO/l00 ($10.00) DOLLARS cash in hand paid by the City of College Station, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation in Brazos County, Texas , the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTED SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto the said City of College Station, Texas, certain rights and interests in the nature of'a general underground electrical utility EASEMENT on and through all and every part of the following described tract of land: A tract of land in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, out of and a part of the Richard Carter League and the land herein described being out of and a part of that certain 12.00 acre tract of land described in a deed from Galindo Wood, inc. , to Somana Corporation said Deed being of Record in Volume 478, Page 507-511, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated here for all purposes. By acceptance of this easement, the City of College Station, Texas, agrees that the Somana Corporation shall have the right to substitute a specific easement describing each line by metes and bounds in consideration of release of this blanket easement. said EASEMENT to be used for the purpose of installing, removing, maintaining, servicing, and replacing underground electrical lines andrelated equipment. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests hereinbefore described unto the said City of College Station, Texas and its successors and assigns forever, and it does. hereby bind itself its successors and assigns , to warrant and forever defend, all V''L 1 29 pry i 365 111 III • and singular these rights and interests unto the said City of College Station, Texa , and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. WITNESS the execution hereof on the 24th day of June , 1982 ;qaitarY Somana Corporation /'// ,j _\ I • Saba S. !by, Presiden ATTEST: at z-' 1 North rican Capi al Corporation A„..._-_,....).... a /-4,-Le...C) B / / rl THE STATE OF TEXAS * • COUNTY OF - * BEFORE HE, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared \ -1-44J7.-- I' ��' Y�� V i,:'s ; r'•., t ,A- 11,,r t=}4 /:!(It; -7'a(1 (;;, l.t;i �.'irk'.(:a :; / , VriO lr$ to ;r'e tc, Le tilt: c ,( rC ,r•,t.;',r,, .,J!,%,..r 11. :J to the 1 r t:'.;, r{t , ;f:- :(,i"!.'/.1 ;°S� r•!1 ,r, re t'r executed the same as his free act and deed for• the purposes and consideration _ therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said Corporation. GIVEN UNDER 111' HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this r-'1. day of , • 1 .•.' / t \ .: . Notary Pilkc in and for -� The State of Texa; THE STATE OF TEXAS * • COUNTY OF BRA'AZOS k BLFORE He, the undersigned authority, on this day personally a ,- e i p ared ----- as North Ameri • ----- -'_ _—_--- Of can_Cpital Cor- potation a corporation, known to rl!2 to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing�� instrument, and acknowledged ged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated the act and deed of said corporation. and as GIVEN UNDER Ely HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE on this . dory o F 19 OL ��. F;.';r ,-366 . notary F'ub]ic in aria fur ---- ---__. • THE STATE OF TEXAS * COUNTY OF BRAZOS * BEFORE Me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Saba S. Halaby,'' as President of Somana Corporation, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated and as the act and deed of said corporation. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE ON this 24th day of June,' 19e2•:•• / - - • Notary Public in and for '• the State of Texas 799 367 N i • EXHIBIT "A" • , • • FIELD NOTES for tract of land in College Station, Brazos County , Texas , out of and a part of the Richard Carter League and the land herein described being out of and a part of that certain 12 . 00 acre tract of land described in a deed from Galindo Wood , Inc . , to Somana Corporation said Deed being of Record in Volume 478 , Page 507-511 , . Deed' Records of Brazos County, Texas . • • BEGINNING at an iron rod in the east margin of Tarrow Street for the northwest corner of said 12 . 00 acre tract for the northwest corner of this . • • THENCE ' S . 79° 20 ' 54" •E . , 424 .22 feet to an iron rod for an angle point in the north line of said - 12 . 00 acre tract for the northeast corner of this . T THENCE beeverancing the said 12 . 00 acre tract as follows : S . 23" W , lin W . , 53 . 65 S . 43° 12 ' 32" E . , 18 . 00 ; S . ° 95 .00 ; S . 44° 37" 45 69 .41 ; S . 26° 06 , 33„ W . 19 ' E . , 110 . 00 ; S . 030 08 ' 33" W. S . 26° S . , 172 . 00 ; N .° 63 53 ' 27" W . , 18 . 00 ; toS . a point 33"in tW . , 24 . 00 ; and S . 04 59 ' 59" E . , 85 . 93 feet he south line of said 12 . 00 acre- tract for the southeast corner of this . THENCE S . 85° 00 ' 01" W . , said 12 . 00 acre tract and marginthe 5north 9 tth tof south lineo of Drive to an iron rod for the beginningcurve to op of a curve to the right . • THENCE With the south line of said 12 . 00 acre tr accurve to the right having a radius of 1108 . 00 feettandadana arc of 193 . 32 long chord bears N . 89° 59 ' an iron rod for the end of said curve W . , 193 . 14 feet to THENCE N. 84° 'S 9 ' 58" W , said 12 . 00 acre tract andthe •northemarlin the south line of . to an iron rod for the most southerl y southwestt corner of Spring Loop Drive of this . THENCE With a curve *to the and an arc of 39 . 28 feet right having a radius of •25 . 00 feet long chord bears N . 400 08 , 26„ W• , 35 . .36 feet to an iron rod in the east margin of Tarrow Street for the southwest corner of this . • • THENCE N . 04° 50 ' " E 57 , 9 . 51 52 feet with Tarrow Street to the place of beginningthe east ma5 . 208 acres gin r of land . containingof 729F,,.r 168