HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984V695P758 • A 302388a r ; L inn t,utl ,11;x,1 27 Fit 1: 44 UTILITY EASEMENT (Specific Property) �.._ STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) THAT, CARL W. MATTHEWS and wife, ELAINE K. MATTHEWS, GRANTORS, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consideration of the payment of TEN and NO/100 DOLLARS, cash, and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid to GRANTORS by the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED and by these presents do GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, a Texas Municipal Corporation, certain rights and interests in the nature of a perpetual EASEMENT on and through the following described property: Being a twenty (20 ' ) foot wide strip of land through that 20 acre tract in the Robert Stevenson League in Brazos County, Texas, conveyed to Carl W. Matthews by Deed recorded in Volume 531 , Page 381 , and Volume 531 , Page 384, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Provided, however, that this conveyance shall grantrights herein specified only as to that portion of theabovehdescribed property more particularly described by course, width, and centerline on the attached Exhibit "A" , known as the "Easement Area", and any additional area outside the easement area necessary to necessary and iincidentand toattach usesequipment, awires, and anchors Easement Area. To erect, construct, install, and thereafter use, operate, inspect, repair, maintain, reconstruct, modify, and remove the following: Electric transmission and distribution lines; upon, over, and across said property as herein described and any ways, streets, roads, or alleys abutting same; and to cut, trim and control the growth of trees and other vegetation on and in the easement area or on adjoining property of GRANTORS, which might interfere with or threaten the operation and maintenance f any public utility equipment, accessories, or operations. It is understood and agreed that any and all equipment and facilities placed upon said property shall remain the prop4rty of GRANTEE. GRANTORS expressly subordinate all rights of surface use incident to the mineral estate to the above described uses of said surface by GRANTEE, and agrees to sublender's subordinations on behalf GRANTEE upon request. alf of It is expressly understood that the GRANTORS or future Owners of this property reserve the right to use this EASEMENT for all purposes which do not interfere with or prevent its use by the GRANTEE. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rights and interests herein described unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, and its successors and 1 > 77 `j • . • successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend , all and singular, these rights and interests unto the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS , and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim same, or any part thereof. P EXECUTED this Aday of 4criu.) , 1984. C - 14.�; MAT E S a;;i,/ wow') Alk / jar/ LAINE K. MATTHEWS�V✓ ' APPROVED AS TO FORM. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE CHANG W HOUT RE-SUBMI I FO APPROVAL. STATE OF TCX s ) COUNTY OF JOINT ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on the �24,'Y day of TEWS 19 fV , by CARL W. MATTHEWS and ELAINE K. MATTHEWS. Title ,' T� ��.�-4':.- My Commission Expires: 5-.13 _J • rr14l VJ 1 •1 • JOE OR R, INC. Surveyors & Engineers Office Phone 693.3370 o Rt. 3, Box 413 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77040 20 FOOT EASEMENT CARL W. MATTHEWS TRACT ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 10 OCTOBER 1983 Being a strip of land in the Robert Stevenson League in Brazos County, Texas, twenty (20 ' ) feet in width through that 20 acre tract conveyed to Carl W. Matthews by deeds recorded in Volume 531 , Page 381 and Volume 531 , Page 384 of the Deed Records of Brazos County; Texas , and lying ten ( 10 ' ) feet each side of the following described centerline: Beginning in the northwest line of the said Matthews tract which is also the southeast line of that 159. act co to J. Spencer Wendt , Trustee , by deed r8corded13e nt � Volumev545, Page 694 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, at a point located S 41 degrees 01 ' 05" W — 105.35 found marking the common corner of the said Matthewsiron 20 nacre linetract ofnSta ed eHighway Nosaid t 61,59 ' 381 3 acre tract in the southwest .Thence S 49 degrees 31 ' 03" E easement in the southeast line of 409 . 55 the 5said Matthews et to e20nac of this which is the northwest line of thattract Patrick Farrell by deed recorded ill Vol:ime acre tract conveyed thee Deed Records of Brazos Count 383, Page 223 of degrees 59' 52" W — Y� Texas , at a point located S 40 the common corner of 1 the 1 said et Matthews n20 racr stake found Farrell 5 acre tract in the southwest line of State H themarltin? e tractaandHHighway said G � a.��iway N n. •�cr'� fi> : VID ;:r, '''''''''.'''''''''''''''_•o ,.j firi\f\ 411 A?. I I fr;.t? ; ` ,(;��� taw• ;•/ V44"— ,,gyp- :760 , • ii,