HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983V559P464 That we, HELEN R. PUGH, and M. CONDY PUGH, JR. of the County of BRAZOS , State of TEXAS , for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and 00/100 ($10. 0 0) DOLLARS in hand paid by the grantee herein named, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have QUIT- CLAIMED, and by these presents do QUITCLAIM unto CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS of the County of BRAZOS ,State of TEXAS , all of .-their right, title and interest in and to the following described real property situated in Brazos... . County, Texas, to-wit: Being all of that one certain lot, tract, or parcel of land described more particularly on the attached Exhibit A which is hereby incorporated by reference. LE A 'cloc • M 253234 3 1.198 NK • n Tains 8 .t�1 41Lfht , Date Beaorded • C ,) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of their right, title and interest in and to the above described property and premises unto the said grantee._., . its heirs and assigns forever, so that neither they nor them' .heirs, legal representatives or assigns shall have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid property, )premises or appurtenances or any part thereof. EXECUTED this day of 2/� i5 4' , A. D. 19(9)-7-- /2, 9(9)- vZ--/-z ELEN R. PUGH M. ONDY PU , JR. J VOL§ 5 *A►GE_. 4C. z 1 -, . (Air;ou;o aweu padwe;s so pa;uud) , 61 ' saaidxa uorss►wwoa AIN 9 p 30 Vch, 1OA ' •sexal 6;uno0 so;pue LI!o!19nd ,Ciu;oM 9 S 61 'UN ' ;o Sep ay; s!q; uo aagjo ;o leas puu puuq Aw iapun uani0 •uor;uiodsoa p►es ;o paap puu ;oe aq; se puu pawls uiaiaq; i;iaudua aq; ut 'passaidxa uiaJaq; uopulaprsuoa puu sasodind aq; lo; awes aq; pa;naaxa aq ;eq; mu o;pa2palmouxou puu`;uawn.i;su!8u!o8a1o;aq; o; paquasgns Si aweu asoIM uosiad aq; aq o; mu of umoux 'uopriodioo u JO paieaddu ,Ciluuosiad Cup snq; uo 'Alpoq;ne pauSisiapun aq; 'aux alo;ag 3O A.LNf103 SVX3,L 3O 3.LV.LS 3H1 (JuawSpaIMou,aV op Jod1o3) x to r to 0 Z H 7c1 F-'i< .A C17 rzi HvID o > a 0 c � Hn b O x A � I (Dmz r w 0cn K H tri -4 O3 a) K > 0 .. ul o,x 0 2 I'dqi H° z C \ X 11 z d d o It cn .1 G GI 1-- x rt cr‘ ,''',i1. ' ; ; .% '• . : 4(te,..t't14 , ." c (,ue;ou ;o aures p2dtu$js JO pa;uud) ""'*f r.4 f,:,;.,:., •'d g ,,., i ;'.S ani Y "t-_ .AR K-q 'J.. •. , -861 ' 0 ,•--� sandxa uorss!wwo,p.1 E� �� + :,,,�� s. .. ...• • Ail •srxaJ,`A;uno0 sys aa•, :103 p11E:UI M jgnd AmoN r ----C8 61 'CV ? 9,iwef w$2' - JO,iep 2'. aq; s!q; Lig aarl;o jo leas fi5�it37lrz<q fuf Lapp nr0 •passaadxa uraiaq; uo►;eJapisuoo pue sasod.md aq; so; awes'a ,?QttS-4raK ;eq; mu o; pa2pa1Mouxae puu ';uawn.nsu► 8u!o2aJo; ay 0; pagiiosgns oZ aweu asogm tros,4ecPatir,aq•b).aw oi umoux t .`:tit t. •Jr 4142nd liPuoD'Id panuaddu XlluuosJad 'Cup sup uo 'A;uoq;nu pau2isiapun aq; 'ow aio;ag ( 3O A.LNf1O0 1. SVX3.L 3O a.Lv.LS gH1 't (1uaui pal.Mouxav) ...... U8 ;,o ;!rh Y1 •.'L (tir;ou ;o aweu padwu;s so pa;uud) Ak \-.,i-.. . 7• 6-6,1- -61 t?Q 6 sa.irdxa uoiss!wwoa ,Cyd ' z srxas '�S;uno3 i� Jo;pue ur ot�gnd,Car;oN '•.^i'•-•. .-....••31.,, - t ' EXHIBIT "A" • 0.03 Acre Tract Proposed Street Right-of-Way Carroll Street Part ' J.E. Scott League College Station, Texas • 26 April 1982 AU that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the J.E. Scott League in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, being a part of the abandoned. I & GN Railroad right-.of-way, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning in the centerline of the abandoned I & GN Railroad right-of-way, N 22 degrees 01' 45" W, - .1903.35 feet from; theintersection of said centerline and the northwest line of Luther street. Thence N 22 degrees 01' 45" W - 41.60 feet along said centerline to the most southerly corner of that 1.754 acre tract conveyed to Arnold Partnership No. 1 by deed recorded in Volume 471, Page 210 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence N 67 degrees 58' 15" E - 30.00 feet along the southeast line of the said 1.754 acre tract; Thence S 22 degrees 01' 45" E - 41.60 feet parallel to and 30 feet from the said centerline of the abandoned I & GN Railroad; Thence S 67 degrees 58' 15" W - 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.03 acres of land more or less. SAVE AND EXCEPT all mineral, rights. 4136 VO1 5 'AGE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS / I, Frank Boriskie, Clerk of the Count County, Texas, do herebyy Court in and for Brazos FILED on the certify that this instrument was FILEDdate and at the time stam ed RECORDED in the volume and page ofp herthe DEED Records ad he said County on the date stamped FRANK BORISKIE, hereon. Brazos C COUNTY CLERK unty, Texas V Deputy