1979V418P440 v0 ji__PA E 440 • • STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF BRAZOS x Know all men by these presents, that I, Jo Ann Atkins of the County of Brazos State of Texas - ' the sum of one � , for and in consideration of {$_. 00) dollar to me cash in hand paid by the City of College Station, Texas, • a municipal corporation in Brazos County, Texas, duly incorporated under the general laws of the State of Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey unto the said City of College Station, Texas, certain rights and Interests in the form of an EASEMENT on and through the following described ro arty. Being a 2.388 acre tract of land which is the remainder of a 10.30 acre tract of land in the Morgan Rector Survey Abstract 46, Brazos County, Texas and being more particularly described in Volume 264 page 193 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Said right-of-gray easement being more particularly described as follows: • Being a strip of land extending ten (10) feet in width on either side of a centerline, said centerline being described as follows: Entering this tract of land at a point in the westerly property line and ,easterly right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6 (East Bypass) , said point being located approximately 10.0 feet more or less northerly from the most southerly corner of this tract of land, same being at the intersection of the northwest right-of-way line of Sebesta Road and the easterly right-of-way line of the East Bypass. Thence along centerline of said easement approximately north 45o east, approximately parallel to and 10 feet inside the southerly boundary of said tract, for a distance of approximately 296 feet to a point of exit in the easterly boundary line of said property, said point being located approximately 15.0 feet more or less northerly along the easterly property line from a south- erly corner of said tract, said corner located in the northwest right-of-way of Sebesta Road and also being the most southerly corner of a 10.11 acre tract oined by J.E. Jett Et Al. & _ ti L -o'r.'_�'I''S1_., _. ,. �; K:Ii FSR A-.�F. i ,,, N� .1." 838. fy2ft0216:41 To have and to hold the rights and interests herein before described unto the said City of College Station, Texas, and its successors and assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular these rights and Interests unto the said City of College Station, Texas, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.. r • WITNESS my hand this /6 7---e, dayof 7' . �e �r�,g-,� y ZJ � . if Grantor Subscfib4 and sworn to before me this the & . /v -, rday of • c!..-... ' ,�' ' : a `�_ p � Cp c�.��z.� %*; .�:, r a Notary Public, '. -�o S County, Tex. ��, I. -1,G,, , a Robert L. Earle lily, .Commission Expos