HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954V164P215 i • SINGLE•ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF 3 - BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND'AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of A.D.19 i (L.S.) Notary Public in and for County,Texas WIFE'S SEPARATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE. STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF J BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared , wife of , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,and having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the day of A.D. 19 (L.S.) Notary Public in and for County,Texas • JOINT. ACKNOWLEDGMENT . THE STATE OF TEXAS, . COUNTY Off' 13'A S . j BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and Stite, on this day;personally appeared W. 0. Reed and Anna Bess Boyett Reed his wife,both known to me to he the persons whose names are subscribed to 'the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed,,and the said Anna Bess Boyett Reed ,wife of the said Y W. ,O Reed'` having been examined by me privily and apart.from her husband, an having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Anna Bess Boyett Reed acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had lwillin1 signed the same for thep purposes aaconi e a ion therein expressed, essed, andthat she did not wslu letrantit - `- --• y �� , .. __. . _ _ . . GIVEN UNDER MY,HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the , (1.3,Of• July A.D.1%,4 • (Ls.) 7 4f �' �;.. ._ Notary Public in and for Dallas County,Texas. THE STAT OF TEXAS, . COUNTY OF 05 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing instrument` of writing with its certificate of authentication, was led for record in my office on the CI day of J14.I ,A.D.19 SA' at 2. o'clock r. M., and was duly recorded by me on the 1 S day of tt..IAA A.D.19 S4— in Vol. I (o A- , page a I s" , of the Records of said Coui . WITNESS MY HAND and the Seal of the County Court of said County,at my office in "LS t s the day and year last above written. �Q (� (L.S.) CJI. . 1 d - - - Cou y Clerk �6 County,Texas. 10a-i144) /C� --,Deputy. r r • . Az c:7.1 .... . e ``......... 'it ...., . ,,. ) •,,,, 6 _ v...,i.L.:. i- . t 1 t , 3 ..)li l .,-1 ..,lb ..... , ..„..... ... . . , . a o t. b fy'. 7f�S A - °' VD- = fz4, :ail ' Re -0,=w.,41 .. ..,:,,.., 33 b 1 -4 Cli • ,,_- a; 8 i 1 m 144 8 N A' la ' ° w 10 A X41 . be ) '`I J ! c.)! 8 1 - l I V A oa .c. 4/ I h,,l 126-WARRANTY DEEDT[XAR STANDARD FORM f.a..., • at e �ay : s , „ . . . Num Au AI: yen fig tabor Pumas: aim tt' 01 BRAzo3 That. We, ANNA)BESS BOYETT REED and husband W. 0. REED of the County of Dallas State of Texas for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration DOLLARS to us in hand paid by THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, r , have Granted, Sold and Conveyed, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION of the County of Brazos State of Texas all that certain tract or parcel of land, situated in Brazos County, Texas, and described as follows: The' following portion of Lot 22, out of Block No. 11, of the said 1N. C. Boyett zstate partition Nap of second is Volume 100, pose 441 Deed ;*.cords of vso ss Cossty, Tessde , said parties beim* merited ss fellows MUM* at s foist os the sotthesly touadasy line of said Lot 22, whish point is 46 feet easterly iron the northeasterly corner of Lot No, 1 and the ' southeasterly corner of Lot No. 2; THENCE in an easterly direction and along , the northerly boundary line of said Lot 22, '45 feet to a point for the north ', easterly corner of this tract; THENCE in a southeasterly direction and parallel with the easterly boundary line of Lot No. 1, 50 feet to a point on the southerly bouihry line of said Lot 22, for the southeasterly corner o this tract; THENCE, in a westerly direction and along the southerly boundary ; line of Lot 22, 45 feet to a point for the southwesterly corner of this tract , which point is also=the southeasterly corner of a tract 45 feet by 50 feet conveyed October 2, 1948 by Anna Bess Boyett Reed et al to Elizabeth Helen Boyett; THENCE in a northwesterly direction and along the easterly boundary line of the Elizabeth Helen Boyett tract, 50 feet to the place of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said corporate successor$of College Station, heirs -resign forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend, all and singular the said premises unto the said their successors CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ---hears and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. WITNESS our hands at DAlas, Texas this 2` 'r day of July 19 54.. Witnesses at Request of Grantor: L -7 / I' /