HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971V300P127 X630 FILED At if' O'clock M DEC 291971 STATE OF TEXAS X Date Recorded DEC 3 1 1971 FRANK BORISKIE County Clerk,BrazosCou .B ,Texaf. COUNTY OF BRAZOS X By uty Know all men by these presents, that I, ✓i¢r 'e of the County of T Ac-c-,g-S , State of , for and in consideration of the sum of one ($1. 00) dollar to me cash in hand paid by the City of College Station, Texas, a municipal corporation in Brazos County, Texas, duly incorporated under the general laws of the State of Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have granted, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey unto the said City of College Station, Texas, certain rights and Interests in the form of an EASEMENT on and through the following described property. said easement being for the installation and mainte- nance of utility lines and being a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width centered on the line hereinafter described, to-wit: Lying and being situated in the Crawford Burnett League of Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 7.5 acre tract conveyed to Max F. Powell by Area Progress Corporation by deed recorded in Volume 271, page 317 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Beginning at a point in the Northwest right-of-way line of Southwest Parkway, being in the Southeast boundary line of said Powell tract, and said point being S 61-35-23 W a distance of 381.36 feet from the most Easterly corner of said Powell tract and centered on the existing location of a sewer line. ; THENCE N 42-38 W a distance of 343.6 feet to a point now marked by a manhole on said sewer line; (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) To have and to hold the rights and interests herein before described unto the said City of College Station, Texas, and its successors and assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, to warrant and forever defend, all and singular these rights and Interests unto the said City of College Station, Texas, and its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. WITNESS my hand this 071 7 day of eECcs—J$e72-- , 19 71 . • I r-tor TY0 Subscribed and sworn to before me this the day of DEG gni see A•B• , 19 7) M . ,�9 A County, Notary Public, Tex. ,PoQ (seal) r � P 7.6 v /297a S3 VOL3oOrlar:r 12_7 ?go i7 or . .r,r VOLPAGE l 4 ZS THENCE N 35-46 W a distance of 290 feet more or less to a point in the Northwest line of said Powell tract; the line herein described coinciding with the existing sanitary sewer serving this and other properties. STATE OF TEXAS' ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) I, Frank Boriskie, Clerk of the County Court in and for Bravos County,Texas,do hereby certify that this instrument was FILED on the date and at the times mpe hereon and RECORDED 1n. the volume and page of thea Records of said Count on- the date stamped hereon. Frank Boriskie, County Clerk Brazos County, Texas L „ Deputy