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vULUME XLI BRYAN TEXAS, W NESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1927 (Br Associated Press) NUMBER 13
w Hotel to Be Let Se t• The Peoples12.
Column0ifttract °
The anouncement of the build-
ing of the new hotel in Bryan, the
contract for which is to be let Sep-
tember Canada 12, is the best news our Ono aneSaintRaphaeleaves n ,anoaorcity has received in years. This
hotel will be invaluable as a draw-
ing card, and will give every vis -[A SALLE HOTEL WILL BE SEVEN
itor here a wonderful opinion of TWO PILOTS WITH PRINCESS BRYAN'S NEW HOTEL
Bryan. When this hotel boosters for
is finish-
ed, visitors will all he boostfor � STORIES WITH A HUNDRED ROOMS
Bryan. In building the hotel, R.
W. Howell is helping every Citi- � ■ ■ �
zen of the community. The next I New Bryan Hotel r� 1 l z As Modern As Those
Aviator Has Fuel for 44 Hour Flight, But r.1
big project that our city must g � P
have is good roads. With fine Hopes to Reach Ottawa in 37 Hours; W�11' cf Chicago and New York; Cost t� Be _� -
highways, a new hotel and a few proximately $250,WO; Dupree Fountain of
other improvements will be Bryan Attempt to Fly to London, Ontario; Prin- r ��
unmatched. Y I t/r� HCuston to Be Manager
cess Financing Trip ° y
(By Associated Press) ° r ;.; Contract for the building of the La Salle Hotel will 4e
UYAVON, England, Aug. 31.—After waiting at an y let September 12 and construction will begin immediate,y.
,- i This announcement was made today by R. W. Hosveli, own-
j �`y'
A B O 1 (army airdrome here for ten days for favorable weather, y
Captain Leslie Hamilton and Lieutenant Colonel F. F.
- ' ""` s er, who stated that the hotel will be seven storieK high.
B R Y A N (Minchin with Princess Lowenstein Wertheim as a passeng-": y contain 100 rooms, and will have every modern conven-
t' �U
`` fence and devices of the hotels to be found in Chicago and
er, left here this morning in his monoplane, Saint Raphael,Fountain, vice-president anal gen-
in York City. Dupree
_ lin an attempt to fly to Canada. They had fuel for 44`
hours flight 4 t oral manager of the Auditorium Hotel of Houston, will be
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Regmund ght but expected to reach Ottawa in 37 hours.
and family of Corpus Christi, are After landing at Ottawa they hope later to go on to Lon- 7 ' ,;-. s general manager of the local hotel. The new hotel will
/ cost approximately $250,000. _
here for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. don, Ontario, to claim the prize of $25,000 for flight from s ,x k I
s London, England to London, Ontario. The Princess is fi- FINE COFFEE SHOP ,(gyp NT LUMBER
Chas. Kosarek. Mr. Re mund g `jj`�y
formerly lived in Brazos county at nanCing the flight. The hotel will front et feet on
Smetana. He is a" farmer now in - -- -- - -- - - - -- - y le
a$r ' � Main Street and 100 feet back to
LEVINE MAY VIERKOTTER Bryan street. The automobi en_
Nnecea a°nary, cultivating sheat , CO. BUILDING
1'25 acres in cotton: Ile gather- trance will be on Twenty-seventh l
c �' / at,
ed 5s hales this year. He has gath- - t street.
orad his crop and is now taking ABANDON HIS NOW IS FIRST There will be a basement con-
his vacation in Brazos county. x taining sample rooms, trunk room,
' TRIP TO U. S. IN MARATHON sy� store room, public toilet and boil
Don Lee, representative of the # '• '' �� er room. � NEW HOME ON COLLEGE AVE -
Portland Cement Association, was T FICh AND WAREHOUSE
The first floor will have two ren i
in Bryan and College today. Mr. , " tai -paces facing Main Street with
_ _ t �. s s n •
DEPENDS UPON SUCCESS OF 200 SWIMMERS . TART OUT,' �. sy ' entrance to the lobby from Main,
(Continued on page four) ; ✓ t
HAMILTON AND MINCHIN BUT HALF OF THIS NUM- 1� 1»�f s -. { ; Street in between, The lobby will Construction on the new $ltt,-
r, TRIP TO CANADA BER HAS FALLEN OUT -' I be equipped with walnut furnish- 000 office and warehouse of the
,_.uecial Attention i ings, tile floor, and two elevators.
to Be Given Ladies LONDON, Aug.1.—Charles J "" .N in the rear of the lobo will be Grant Lumber Company is under
g. (By Associated Press) I Y wayon College Avenue. The new
at Golf Tournament Levine will abandon his plans for
TORONTO, Ontario, Aug. 31.— q a coffee shop and kitchen and tail- plant will be modern and up-to-
return flight over the AtlanticlErnst Vierkotter, German, w•a� or shop. date in every way, accordi P to J-
if British aviators, Hamilton and leading this afternoon in the $50,- The barber shop on the first D. Wilson, manager.
Special entertainment features,IMinchin succeed in their present 000 twenty-one mile Lake Ontario THE LASALLE fl°or will lace Twenty -Seventh The office and warehouse
such as swimming and bridga par- attempt he told the AssociatedImarathon. About 200 swimmers ;street. The second floor will be face both the College Avenue
ties, will be given for the ladies press today. He indicated that he started the race but only about, the convention -hall, with several street and south, and will be 8U
who are here Monday, September had in mind an alternative flight, half of this number remained this The foregoing is how Bryan's new hotel, the LaSvlw,:, w-111appear when completed. The contract for , small diningrooms, manager's of -
5, at the Central Texas Associa- which might consist of an attempt afternoon. One of those who gave the hotel will be let September IY, and construction will begin immediate) according to an announce- g feet long. The lumber sheds wia
g� Y> g .fice, and beauty shop. be 300 feet long. Attractive build -
tion Golf Tournament to be held to break the long distance endur- up the race was George Young, ment today by R. W Howell. The new hotel will be one of the finest in America, and will be an invalua The fiveo floor- will contain
t P ng material will comprise the nf-
nt the Bryan Country Club, ac- ance records, flying toward the winner of the Catalina Island ble asset to Bryan. ;about 100 guest rooms, each equip- fice building.
cording to Preside4 W. S. Howell. East. swim, —, - -- - i ed with Simmons beds, dresser,
A crowd of more than 300 per- e,�� ��-- `� p The new plant will be finished
sons is expected to be present at DEATH BY AUTOMOBILE FIRE CHIEF MANAGL R OF HOTEL r writing table, two chairs, r b closets,lin about six weeks. Mr. Wikng
the tournament, which promises to Mrs. L H. Tucker received # MRS. L. J. KING ceilipg fan, tub or shower bath�etates that the new plant is befits
and floors carpeted. Each roam;constructed to enable the firnf to
excel all others held by the asso- message this morning from lor WARREN ASKS willhave ventilated doors. The carry larger stocks and to better
ciation. grandson, Monte Currie, of Beau-; PASSES AWAY 'top pannel can be open or shut, Jaccommodate the trade. Grant
A big dinner will be served at mont telling her of the death of I a' whenever needed, and is similar to Lumber Company has been here
the Country Club at noon. Local his mother-in-law, Mn. John CITIZENS' AID 'ON WEDNESDAY those found in the new hotels �l since 1512. J. D. Wilson, manag-
citizens are invited to eat with the Kirsch in an auto accident yester (New York. ler, is assisted by W. H. Looney,
visitors. Tickets for the dinner day. No particulars were given. I The exterior will be of stone for�who came here about a year ago
may be obtained for $1.00 each. Funeral services were held this af- FUNERAL SERVICES TO BE !the first story and rough edge, tan, from Milam county.
There will be many represents- ternoon at 4 o'clock. Fire Chief I. E. Warren in HELD T�� ---
f�— his report to the State Fire THURSDAY MORN- (brick for the balance. The win-;
lives from 17 or IK towns in Cen- ! dow silk and cornice also will be�f
tial Texas for the golf tourna .Ruta Club IS Commissioner Mitchell Camp- !� INC AT 10 O'CLOCK 1of stone. The construction will Four Da aSiteS
ment. rt' bell at Austin stated; "Fifty be reinforced concrete and fire'
News of the death of Mrs. Lucy proof and modern as any building
per cent of the major losses J. King who passed away at thelcan be made. George Louis Wa11-1 In A CollisionProperty Owners Host To Group Of by fire in Bryan is due to in- home of her son, Rufus King, in
iing of Austin is the architect. I -
terference by traffic in going Bryan, Wednesday morning, Aug -1 Dupree Fountain, who will be (By Associated Press)
On W est cI Street Osco Delegates fires and at fires". This ust 31, at 1:15 o'clock, brought ;the general manager, is 25 years FORT WORTH, Aug. 31.—Four
is a dreadful charge against sadness to the hearts of many- truejof age, and has been in the hotel of the six persons seriously in -
the citizenship of Bryan and and loyal friends in Bryan who business since he was 15. He was jured this afternoon when the au -
File Strong Protest A group of farmers and Cham one that should not be toler- have known and loved her for so
of Commerce representatives, ated. No one doubts but 3 years. A lingering illnessfive
the Rice Hotel of Houston for ing was
in which they were rid-
+rran� ifive years, he !Ration Hotel inling was struck by the interurban
of Cisco were in Bryan and A. and', that it occurs through had made an invalid of Mrs. KinglLittle Rock for one year, and oth-I near Arlington. All. of the injured
Twenty-five property owners on M. College today on a dairy in-' thoughtlessness, yet that doesfor some time past, and while her er hotels- in Arkansas and Texas, are said to be from Dallas.
West 27th street have filed a pe- spection tour. They were enter- not make the results any the I death was not unexpected, theihaving worked from bottom to top.
tition with the city manager, J. twined at noon by the Bryan Ro-' less serious. sorrow of her loved ones and' EASTERN STAR PICNIC
I Mr. Fountain is vice president
Bryan Miller, to be presented to terry Club. i Chief Warren stated that at friends is none the less poignant and general manager of the new Members of the local chaplet
the City Commission at their next The visitors were rhown over the fire on Monday night the and sincere. i Auditorium Hotel of Houston, Order of the Eastern Star, mem,
regular meeting, asking that fast A. and M. College by J. A. Clut- I trucks were delayed 8 min- Mrs. Lucy King was born at'lwhich was opened November 1, and bens of the Rainbow Girls' As
running of trains and promiscous ter, A. L. Darnell and others. cites in making the run by in- Huntsville, Texas, and at the time' sembly and the DeJiolay, will en
De -
and unnecessary whistling of en- The men were met at the College terference of automobiles, and A will look after the LaSalle and
t of her death was i2 years, 2 auditorium personally. joy a picnic supper this evening
gines operating over the L -G. N. by Secretary Sam E. Eberstadt, so much were they hindered DUPREE FOUNTAIN months and 29 days of age. Asa Tite new LaSalle hotel is to at 6:30 o'clock at Sue Haswell Me
tracks be prohibited within the city County Agent C. L. Beason, and that some seven or eight auto daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. morial Park, celebrating the birth
limits which is proving a unisance Carl Wipprecht and taken over 1 owners would have to appear Dupree Fountain, prominent hote• manager of Houston, will be Rhodes, long deceased residents of furnished and equipped by Al day of Robert Morris, the founde
to those who live along the street. Bryan. in city court to answer for manager of the new LaSalle Hotel in Bryan. He also will conduct g gr beet Pick t Company of Chicago,
Y i Bryan, Mrs. Lucy Kin grew into the largest hotel furnishing pro- of the Order of the Eastern Stat
They further ask that the rail- The party consists of R. L. Poe, � their conduct, the 'Black Cat Cafe'. womanhood in this city, and in
in the world," stated air. Foun-
way company be required to keep vice-president of the First Nat- The fire department regrets - - 1873 was married to W. C. King.ltain. "I will make this hotel onelHighway Budget
their street oiled and meet all Tonal Bank and chairman of the i to have to call the people to ROBERTSON I� MERICANS' They made Bryan their home, and'
of the finest and best and will
requirements as to grade cross- Chamber of Commerce committee task, but when life and prop- their interests and ties of loving also make it the social center be-
gs, speed, etc., as required under on dairying; E. H. Darnell, voca- ert is endangered by their friendshi were here. The hos-Itween Dallas and Houston. I will) Is Being Shapes
the state laws. tional instructor; J. C. Patterson, I acts, justice demands that i IS GRANTED PLANE FOUND band, WP C. King, died in 1888, also have a fine cafe, the cafe to
�M --- county agent; B. B. Brummett, they call them to halt. j and sleeps in the Bryan city cem-lbe known as the 'LaSalle Black)
Cotton Market John Blackburn, P. Weiser, Win -Live i A REPRIEVE AT PRESIDIO I Earl Two sons, Rufus King and) . (BySTI Associated Press).
Allen, E. F. Alton, representative ' Cat Cafe'." I
Singers T o Meet Earl Bing, both of Bryan, are left J. B. Manson, former night man -11 AUSTIN, Aug. 31.--Authori;
Cotton futures quoted 10 points farmers selected from the various to mourn the loss of the mother ` mg expenditure of $8,500,000 f,
communities around Cisco, and 1 today; ager n the , t. Charles Hotel, a ew
down. Local spots quoted from J E. T. Peters, secretary of the At Park Sunday (NEGRO WAS SLATED TO BE CAPTAIN C. H. REYNOLDS AND y i also three sisters, hits. Sal- Orleans, La., will be night managerlber
the fiscal year beginning Septan
22 1-4 to 23 cents per pound. lie Tabor and Mrs. Sam H. Dun- 1, the highway department
Chamber of Commerce. They are ELECTROCUTED SEPTEMBER SERGEANT NEWLAND FIN. of the LaSalle.
2 ROR MURDER OF FARMER ALLY LOCATED lap both of Houston and hits. Car- ,new maintenance budget, preps
making a fifteen hundred mile trip rie Connor of Connor, Texas. Tv ed to supplant the $10,000,01
by auto to study this industry at
first hand. All expenses are being
Members of the Brazos County
Singing Convention will hold a
these, and other bereaved relatives
AUSTIN, Aug. 31.—Governor's (By Associated Press) and friends sympathy is extended.
At the home of Rev. and Mrs.
calendar year u get ma a an
ary 1, was being eouched up Tu(
by the Cisco Chamber of
practice session at the Sue Haswell
office today announced a 20 -day SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 31.—Cap- The funeral will be held Thurs-
R. E. Day on west 26th street,
day preparatory to submission
Memorial Park Sunday afternoon,
reprieve for Willie Robertson, 22, lain C. H. Reynolds and
day morning at ten o'clock from
Monday evening, August 29, at 8
the commission for its approi
The itinerary covers Hico, Wa-
starting at 3 o'clock, according to
negro, who would have been alae- Gus Newland, whose plane was the McCulloch-Dansby Funeral
September 2 for murder forced down in Mexico Saturday
o'clock, H. G. Umland and Mrs.
:Marie Ewing both of this city
co, Temple, Taylor, Austin, San
Marcos, San Antonio, Kennedy,
Jess E. Hensarling.
The singers met in the park last
trocuted Home, with Rev. R. E. Day, pas-
of a Denton county farmer. For- were located at Presido, Texas, to- for of the First Baptist church
were united in marriage, Rev. Day
The department has spent abo
two-thirds of the $10,000,000 bt
Falfurrias, various Valley towns,
Sunday, and there was a large
mer Representative Joseph Frnka, day, according to a telegram from conducting the services. The fol-
Colonel C. S. Babcock, First Cav-
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
get made for the calendar ye
Corpus Christi, Victoria, Cuero,
crowd present. They were delight-
Columbus, said the reprieve was lowing friends will act as pall
so he could make further airy at Camp Marfa, Texas. Ad-
C. G. Wet-
Myres and a few other friends wit-
nessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
and would have had four aronl
to to spend the remaini
Seguin, Wharton, Houston, side
trip to Galveston, Navasota) Col-
ed with the facilities of the park.,
granted bearers: W. S. Higgs,
investigation of the case with the vices from Camp Marfa Sunday ter, Harry Burger, J. B. Stephen-
Umland are at home to their many
more go
third, Leo Ehlinger, maintenai
lege Station, and Bryan, with per
Madisonville To
view of applying for a commuta- said the plane had been forced
� son, J. Webb Howell, Robert Arm-
to that down in Mexico and later dispatch-
friends at the cottage, corner of
College and East
engineer, said.
haps Dallas, McKinney, llenton,
tion of the death sentence strong. Interment will be made in
from Mexico City said the men
North avenue
He pointed out the $1,500,1
Decatur, and Fort Worth.
of life imprisonment. es
- were not prisoners but their plane the family lot at the Bryan City
Friends the family
24th street.
reduction the comimssion expo
to on for 12 fiscal y
Vote On $S00 000
cemetery. of
at•e invited to •tend.
Friends Regret would be held until the affair was
investigated. l 0
Commits Suicide
The budget to
Bond Issue Soon
_ -
I Coach Bible Returns
was changed
I commodate auditing, most
Departure Of Mr. G. T. W. Railroad From Vacation Trip
On Return Trip
which the state does on the fi:
basis. The commission is said
(By Associated Press)
And Mrs. Render Coach and Mrs. D. X. Bible re-
May Intervene On )turned ]ate Tuesday night from an
ready to have approved the rev
tion unofficial) Y
tBy Associated Press)
I `
Plans for an $800,000 road bond
issue for Madison county are well
Bryan frienus regret the depar- extended summer visit in Florida'
other of interest. The
NEW Yr'hK, Aug. 31.—Oscarl+
2, to America
t + �, ,� • f • ,�
under way and petitions to the
lest Texas Line and points
tura of Mr. and Mrs. John R.
greater part of the summer was
Petty,Y. g
from Paris, committed suicide by
Commissioners Court to call the
Bender from College, to make
spent at Lakeland, Florida, most
jumping from the deck of the
election are expected to be eircu-
their home in Houston. Mr. Bert- — —
director at A. WASHINGTON, Aug. 31.— delightfully. Mr, and Mrs. Bible
French liner, Paris, officials of
SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 31.—
]•ted shortly.
Walker and Leon counties have
der, former athletic
and M. College will have charge Gulf, Texas and Western Railroad also visited Jacksonville, and Mi-
in their car
the line anounced today.
��, A. and M. College Rad.
Breaking through the window, rob-
carried bond elections and are urg-
of the athletic department at the was authorized today by the Inter- ami, Florida, going
Commerce Commission to in -along the entire east coast of the
•� ro ram for Station WTA'
bers today robbed the railway sta-
ing the necessity of an election for
new junior college recently found- state
The Brazos Coun- tervene in the proceedings involy- state front Jacksonville to Miami,
i The Weather
• Thursday noon, 12:15.
• Get Ready for Sing
tion at Pleasanton near here of
three sacks of mail containing an
Madison county.
The election, if carried, will
ed in Houstcn,
ty Parent Teachers' Associations, ing the application of the Ardmore,) on the famous Dixie Highway,
for which runs along the ocean edge,
I (Special to The Eagle)
'E' Grain Planting, E. A. Mille
undetermined amount of money
concrete approximately fifty miles
regret exceedingly the removal of Vernon and Lubbock Railway
a line from through parks of palms and Aus-�
NEW ORLEANS Aug. 31.—Forl•'
Vocal Solos, Miss Franc
and checks, Three arrests were
of state and federal highways in
Mrs. John R. Bender, who is the permission to construct
beloved capable of Ardmore, Oklahoma to Lubbock, wort n pine es.tri They report a
Bryan and vicinity: Tonight and
* cMC skY� * Waco. ++ O ♦ •
made by officers. None of the
loot has been recovered.
Madison county and care all
principal lateral roads.
and president
Ninth District, P. T. A. Texas. most delightful trip.
,partly cloudy.