HomeMy WebLinkAbouteagle-1THE BRYN DAILY E VOLUME XL The People's Column During the past six months' there has been a marked interest in dairying in Brazos county. This statement is substantiated by an- alyzing the records kept by the A. and M. College Creamery, accord- ing to J. A. Clutter, professor of dairy husbandry. On April 1st the creamery paid out $1,551.43 for butter fat re- ceived during the month of March, and this money was distributed 0 forty-seven patrons; checks ranging from a few dollars in val- ue to over $230. Cream fat was bought at the rate of 40 cents per pound and milk fat at the rate of 85 cents per pound. While these prices compare favorably with commercial quotations over the state, they are not as high as they could be if the farmers of this community would extend their dairy operations from a seasonal basis to a yearly basis. In other words a creamery must fill or- ders throughout the year. In or- der to do this it must receive a fairly constant supply of cream from month to month. A majority of cows in this sec- tion calve in the spring, and are milked only during the grass sea- son. Because of this prectice the butter market is flooded during the spring months. Cows that calve in the fall produce approxi- mately 15 per cent more milk and fat than those that calve in the spring. The farmer has more time to devote to livestock during the winter months, and prices for but- ter fat are higher than in the sum- mer. With those facts in mind it is evident that a good market for local cream is available to the farmers of this section if they will raise their feed for winter consumption, milk cows through- out the year, and deliver a unif- orm supply of cream from season to season. ABOUT BRYAN In Nelson Fuller, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Fuller, Bryan high school has a potential Hugh Ful- lerton or Grantland Rice. Young Fuller hopes to help defray his ex- penses through college next year by writing sports. lie is excep- tionally well versed in all branches of sports. Dir. and Mrs. Oscar Longnecker of Austin are staying at the Hotel Bryan. Mr. Longnecker is a geoi- ogist. Both are graduates of the University of Texas. Mrs. Long- necker, nee Miss Dorothy Petti- grew, was prominent in University affairs. William Morrison of Cameron has returned from San Antonio, where he enjoyed the Battle of Flowers celebration. Morrison is a freshman at A. and M. College, and expects to receive a degree in law. Floods Cause Emergency In Transportation (By Associated Press). WASHINGTON, April 23. - Flood conditions of Lower Missis- sippi Valley have created trans- portation emergency, Interstate Commerce Commission decided today and railroads affected were authorized to disregard until fur- ther notice all of usual conditions affecting routing freight. Kurten School Closes Friday Kurten School closed Friday night, with a splendid program. A large crowd was in attendance, quite a number going out from Bryan late Friday afternoon to be present. The program of the occasion was composed of music, vocal and instrumental, readings, dialogues, and other interesting features. The address of the evening was made by Rev. J. J. Kasiski, and was a masterpiece of eloquence. Rev. Kasiski took for his subject, Pauls advice to Timothy, using as a text these words, "Stir up the gift of God within you' This has been one of the most successful years of the Kurten School. Teachers for the term were: Prof. Elijah Rudd, principal, Miss Alice Pearl Odom, Mrs. Maggie Kelley, Miss Victoria Friedell. AUXILIARY BAPTIST CHURCH Circles of the First Baptist church, Auxiliary will meet at 4 p. in. Monday at the following places: No. 1, Mrs. J,- T. Malon- ey; No. 2, Mrs. J. B. Sanders; No. 3, Mrs. Paul Dansby; No. 4, Mrs. W. A. Withers; No. 5 Mrs. N. F. Lockerd; No. 6, Mev. W. S. Howell, BRYAN, TEXAS, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1927 (BY A3366ATED 20 PERSONS BELIEVED KILLED IN DETROIT EXPLOS�IO.................. ST. MARY'S CHAPEL WILL BE DEDICATED SUNDA' AT LEAST 50 ARE INJURED WHEN I NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH SERVICESTOBE HELD SUND-H MANUFACTURING PLANT BURNS, ,'.�' r MORNING; BISHOP BYRNE LEAD Two -Thirds of Injured Brought to Hospital I r ' Special Trains From Galveston and Houston Are Expected to die; Strong Wind, R.eadi _ _ ;'': Will Come to Bryan Sunday; Many Notables ness of Paints to Burn, Retard Efforts of -_ r== L ' - : _ _ ��' ! to be Here; Dr. T. O. Walton Will be Among the Fire Fighters�� '�.:,' = ,.' P /��' i �' the Speakers r. Olt ' � ' '�V� -1 h (By Associated Press). The dedication ceremonies for Saint Mar g Chapel, I�1 p'•'+ Its --t Y' p , DETROIT, Aril 23. -At least score ` "� ' ' �' ° +_ + { April o e of men are be- ( - �= + ,recently completed Catholic church on the A. and M. cam- lieved to have been killed and fifty or more others burned ,K S i+.� - = a 'I ;pus will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morning with Bishop or injured and some probably fatally from a fire that .,�-I 1 i I 1 "1 �C. E. Byrne of Galveston presiding. Solemn high mass will swenpt the main buildings of "he Briggs Manufacturing r ,-'+ ' I ' t - N be celebrated afterwards out of doors. A barbecue din- - paint shop this morning. ;ie, ( + l E i I �' Co pany after an explosion of the ` j nes will be served at noon, and addressee will be made by Ambulances took a dozen or more loads of the injured to 3 ��;� + I ��-x President T. O. Walton, Reverend Jesse Thomson, Metho- itals. At where 25 of the p g hospital, dist pastor, and others. Special trains will come here from various hos receivin hos injured were brought, Doctor Thomas Gruber, superinten- r� `Houston and Galveston, and special cars will bring visitors dent, said that probably two-thirds of them would die. "_ from Fort Worth, Dallas, and San Antonio. The laying Dead are believed to be buried under the wreckage of the -- t=_ <-- ! of the corner stone of St. Anthony's church will take place building. Strong wind and the fact that the plant contain- r - " ' n + ,Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, will include the following ed large quantities of paints and varnishes used in automo- (program. At 1:45 Bishop Byrne will arrive at the I. -G. N. bile body finishing, hampered efforts of rescue work. MoreST Air nor:Y C NURch' !station, where a parade of Knights of Columbus and var- than 2, o.,•, - t�•• 000 persons were at work in the building at the time 11u� Mous religious societies will be conducted to the new church. of the explosion. _ A sketch of the St. Anthony's 000. The general architecture of feet, and will seat about 00 per -Bishop Byrne will perform the dedication service and make Catholic' church that is now beingthe covers a site, 1'21 by 48the church is Romanesque. The sans. Rev. Basil Bravi is pastor; an address to local members and visitors. JOURNALIST TO built in Bryan at a cost of $50,-Ii HOUSTON, April 23.-A ape- AMERICA Wins Many Honors LOWER PARTMANIARCHBISHOPS tial train of Knights of Columbus SPEAK AT A. & j At P. -T. Association I AMERICAN delegations of Houston, Galves_ I ton and other Texas pointe will M. MONDAY MISSISSIPPI DEPORTED IN leave Houston Sunday morning j WARSHIPS (Special to The Eagle) �i N COLLEGE STATION, Apri! 23. j AND WOMAN I ( for College Station to participate FIRED ON -A. and M. Consolidated School THREATENED LAREDO NOW In the dedication of the new chap - DEAN WALTER WILLIAMS TO i el for serving the Catholic stu- Parent-Teacher Association won DEADIN dents of the Texas A. and M. Col - MAKE ADDRESS IN ASSEM- many honors at the recent con- - lege SIX MEN ARE INJURED IN BLY HALL vention held in Clifton this week. MISSISSIPPI RIVER IS ON THE CHURCH OFFICIALS DRIVEN Ceremonies will begin at the CHINESE WATERS, IT 15 Mrs. E. O. Siecke, delegate from GREATEST FLOOD IN ITS AWAY BY PRESIDENT g � chapel at 10 a. m., and will be of REPORTED (Special to the Eagle). Consolidated, presented the invi- HISTORY PARIS CALLES a patriotic as well as religious ns.- COLLEGE STATION, April 23. i tation for the 1927 convention on • , ture by way of celebrating the 1 (By Associated Press) -Dean Walter Williams, head of behalf of College Station and Bry- closing week of celebration of i.. 50 Persons Dead ). Are Driven Out SHANGHAI, April 23.-iAmea y� the School of Journalism of the an. Waco was also bidding and By Associated Press ;Texas Independence. can warships in Chinese waters has Universityfo Missouri, and known had a delegation of over 75 with PARIS, April 23. -Bodies I The solemn blessin of the chap - K g been fired on 45 times and six men wherever newspapers are rinted„bad es and song- to arouse an in- of Julian Meredith, Buffalo, ONE ARCHBISHOP SAYS HElel will be b Rt. Rev. Christopher P g 6 PROPERTY DAMAGE ENOR• , Y P haat been injured -aye a state will address the Science and So- terest in Waco as the next con- . F New York, and his fiance, i E. Byme, bishop of the diocese of MOU,,S, FLOODS RUSH INTO 1\Iiss Marion Roberts New WAS ALLOTTED THREE P meet issued today, since August vial Science Seminars :Monday vention place. The central lova- LOWER VALLEY HOURS TO SKIP Galveston, assisted by Rev. J. B- 26• The vessels have been f:red night at 8:00 o'clock at the As- tion and unusual attractions of York, pianist, were found in Gleissner, Bryan pastor, and other on 11 times in the vicinity of Nan- sembly Ha1 of A. and Di. C91lege College Station and Bryan as pre -au automobile on the out- visiting clergy. , (By Associated Press) (By Assocated Press) g ([Y• .ting and they replied some times. accordingto M. K. Thornton, r,s- rented b •Airs. Siecke won the con- e today. They had been shot i The fourth degree Knights of P 3 MEMPHIS, April 23. -The LAREDO, April 23. -Arch- g ident of the Science Seminar. vention for them. The skirts of a Parisian suburb poster ex- swollen Mississippi is on its great- bishop Mora Del Rio, Mexico City, Columbus in full regalia will acts to death. Pistol was clench- as a guard of honor to the bishop.! p T -A Special Dean Williams is one of the out- hibit of Co-�solidated won first est flood rampage in history andMeredith's Archbishop •F.eopoldo Ruin of . . , ed in hand. standing scholars and sneakers to Prize, a beautiful picture. The beat today against the barriers of iMorelia, Michoacan, Bishops Fran- After the blessing of the chapel visit A. and M. this year, and a Consolidated scrap book prepared the low,r valley as the impounded 1• �%1• isco Cuerdavaca and Jesus Echa- solemn high masa will be cele - visit capacity audience si expected. by Mrs. C. C. Hedges, won second waters tore their way to the sea. Schreiner Will varria of Saltillo, deported from brated by the bishop, assisted by i jVeeting Monday prize, missing first by a very small More than 50 persons are known Mexico on orders of President Cal- clergy from various cities. The) • • choir will be augmented by the 46 High School margin. This book, in the blue to be dead and more than 75,000 les, arrived at Laredo today from An important meeting of the of- �:ind gold color- of :h; P. -T. A., are homeless, while nearly 100,_ Help Roeksprings choir from the Immaculate Con-� Mexico City. One archbishop said ficially appointed representatives was a work of unusual beaut • and he was ception Church of Houston. 3 000 others aro endangered as the {,wen only three hours in I of the four P. -T. A. organizations di,tinctiun. • which to leave Mexico. To Have Barbehcue. of College and Bryan, wi:i be held torrnets assail the Delta defenses.! g y Students Are To Consolidated should be proud of Huge, but unestimated prop- Senior Students Due to the large number of -Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock 'hese honurs and now we must all I WANTS TO SEE TEXAS people expected to attend a plat-lat the home of Mrs. Albs erty damage through a wide area � rt Buch- Reeeive Diplomas 1 v•g+t "mediately to plan for the from Illinois and Missouri to 'At- "I have finished E form has been erected in front of I anan, 4203 West 24th street. Tire success of the 1:I_^8 meeting. kansas and Mississippi (By Associated Press). gypt. ItaIo the chapel, where high mass will ppi mounted KERRVILLE, April 23. -Boys next, they, France. I will no: go p g object of this meeting is to dis- ---�- - __ continual) with rush of floods in- be celebrated. After the mass a of the Rocksprings high school up into Europe. I have seen the cuss plans and form committees, Y barbecue will be served on the The closing date of the Bryan I Aggie Cadet l..Ose8 to the lower valley. Extra pre- senior class arrived here Friday `Streetsof Cairo,' the Paris of +,Jit looking toward .the 1928 meeting High School is announced by Prof. cautions have been to complete their year's work at East and now I want to see Texas," grounds. of the Ninth District P. -T. A. to 8 taken from_ Arrangements for the trip to be held with College and Bryan. Madison IlEill, superi aendent, as' His Milk Wagon Vicksburg south to strengthpn� Schreiner Institute. J. J. Delaney, writes Walter J. Coulter, who is May 20, 1927. T•he largest grad -I bulwarks against the asault. president of the institute, has of- making a tour around the world. College Station are being made un- The committee in charge of plans g 9 fered to graduate the pupils with- These der the direction of District Dep- uatin class from the school in William P s, who makes his g p p greetings were dated April for this meeting to meet Monday man g B out tuition and give them Rock- 1. 31r. Coulter is expected home ut ' T. L. Evans, general chair- years will receive their di-, way through A. and M. College S g is composed of Mesdames O. _. ,lomas on that day. The enroll- b delivering ,milk in a For truck, man He is being assisted by G. A. `eicke, Albert Buchanan 1 Y carne Rotary springs diplomas. The Sunshine about May 1st. E. P. ment of the class is 46, bein 1had his deliver car stolen Satur- Diistrot, J. D. Pickell John Roach B, Y laundry h^s ofered to do the boys' ���- Humbert, W. S. Howell, D. B. evenly divided with 23 boys and, day night. There were a number laundry free of charge. The Rock- and Joseph Blakeney. Cofer, H. B. McDowell, F. L. Members Elect BRAZOS CO The delegations will gather at 23 girls. Superintendent Hall of empty bottles in the car. !springs high school was wrecked in Thomas, B. H. Reid, T. 0. Wal- 23 the Union Station, from which the speaks in highest terms of the high It is thought that someone might the tornado which wiped out the ton, M. R. Bentley, John R. Ben- i , special train will leave arrive 7 a. in.he Y scholarship and splendid record hat•: taken the truck and left it town April 12. de-. R. B. Cline. for the year of the members of by the roadside. HEARNE, April •23. - The _ Bishop Byrne will arrive on the this graduating class. Louis ��� Hearne Rotary Club elected offi- interurban with many of the cler-I Beard is class president. Those TABOR CLUB GIRLS HOLD vers for the ensuing year at their Br sin Woman Talks panied by the Galves- Mother Of Five club luncheon yesterday. The of- y WILL FOLLOW ton Knights of Columbus and the who will receive diplomas on May MELTING WITH ALL MEMBERS Y y' At Tyler Meeting 20 are: Gussie Ballerstedt, Louis ANSWERING ROLL CALL fivers elected were Dr. W. Walt- Galveston K. of C. band. J. 1• Children Shoots Beard, L".lian Beard, Wesley man, president; R. L. Talley, vice (By Associated Press) Immediately after the elec- Driscol of El Paso, state deputy of president; D. D. Stephenson, sec- the order, and other officials with • B.rtley, George Blazek, Hendrix Tl:c club girls of Tabor high retar and J. G. Philen treasurer. TYLER, April 23. -It takes the tion of the new board of di- delegations from San Antonio,! Conway Jr., Emile Cochran, Mil -,school held a one hundred per cent y' home, the school and the church, rectors of the East Texas ' 22 -Year- Old Girl P Dr. H. \i . Cummings R. \\ . and other points will assemble in dred Cloud, Raymond Cloud, Jos :reetir on April 20 under the so- g and sound financing to make the Chamber of Commerce the P g t Marshall were chosen members of Houston. Fifty memebrs of Hous - Jeff DanfQj:th, Joe Dobrovolney, ervision of the count demonstra- ideal community, Miss Susan Lan- board went into executive P Y the board of directors. ion Fourth Degree Assembly, in CENTER, April 23. -airs. Ludic Harry Dlshnia.i, Dorothy Graham, tion agent, Miss Abbie Sevier. don of Dallas, educational diree- session and set the quota as - g The luncheon was served at the full regalia, headed by W. J. May, age 45, mother of flue chil- Lawrence Gritfin, Lynn Griffin, for of the Texas Farm Bureau sessments for each county is Miss Sevier discussed the prizes high school by the home economics � Quinlan, faithful navigator, as- dreg is in jail here today charged told the woman's conference of the the oragnization. Brazos listed b ' with murder in connection with a .Madison flail Jr., Lyndel Henry, that are offered to the club boys department of the school. y G. A. Mistrot past faith - Wilma Holzman, Elizabeth Hunni- and tris for this East Texas Chamber of Commerce county's quota was $1,000 g• year. She also and through our director E. fol navigator, both of Houston, fatal shooting at Joaquin, Texas, cutt, Emanual Kasiski, Emma Ko- discussed the opportunities that convention here Thursday after- and accompanied b the Houston , PP H. Astin we have accepted the P Y last night of Miss Mae Gibson age sarek, Vera Leonard, Annette Lo- are extended to the club members Davison. Miss Landon particularly Council 50- leve iband, directed 2• ii ge • +i quota. The plan adopted by p T 1, who Mrs. May is charged with bello, Leon Lobello, Lois Aianley,!by, the short course held at A. and stressed the problems of farm wo-� by Bandmaster William J. Hartz, breaking u the board of raising the fonds g p her home. \:ave Martin, Lucy Merka, C. B. M. Collage and the rally that has mein and dwelt at lent h on the will participate in the ceremonies. Will Address This by individual memberships Moehlnran, Reed McDonald, Paul been planned by the Chamber of e evils of the present marketing The funds for the chapel and so - McGee, Dean Ormof $10 each. o es, Charles Pa- Commerce for the farm boy and system. tial center building, were raised C_�� lermo, Mae Patterson, Leslie Ran- Mrs. Lee J. Rountree of Bryan, Aboard the train on the b the state council of the girls. Members present were as Cameron Baptists ry return trip the delegates from Y Lotion futures quoted from 20 dolph, Julia 5chovajsa, Alliina Se- fllowos; Vella McAlily, Dell Rud- one of 'Pzxas' most beloved news- Knights of Columbus of Texas, q besta, Bessie Stucke Ma Bryan who attended the Ty- i throwgh the efforts of to 25 points up. Local spots are Y, ggie ascii, Annie Sane Rudaseii„ Mary paper women, spoke os. "Our ler meeting apopinted them- a I. Deis- quoted at 1.1 cents per pound. Thompson, Totsie Tobias, Guinn Eliott, Annie Laurie Smith, Ruchia Invitations are being presented Changing Home." Mrs. Rountree's )col, state deputy of El Paso. selves as a committee to ee- Va.,ce, Dolores Vance, Lily Rush Cooper, Velma Holiday, Gladys to more than 200 more of Cameron talk was of an optimistic nature, cure these memberships, each Walker, Maudelle Wiley, J. E. Closs, Lydia Frances. Aline, Me- to hear Judge W. C. Davis of although she sounded a note of taking five memberships to Red Cross Appeals For Help T 0 Brown Jr., Oley Blount. Whorter, Estelle Armstrong, and Bryan at the Bapitst church Sun- warning, and bristled with witty place. Now Brazos county Bessie Barnes. day morning at 9:45. remarks. Miss Mariam Richer, de- wants to be first in putting Mother Kills sss1Her The class extends an invitation partment home economics, Sam over its quota. Brazos sI_ Save Refugees From Mississippi Children That They Austin Farmer to the public to hear Judge Davis. Houston State Teachers' College, ways leads, so let's get busy A committee has been named to read an interesting paper on "sane and lead the East Texas May Go To Heaven extend these invitations by tele- eating habits." Chamber of Commerce. If phone. The conference which was held you haven't been approached The telegram printed oelow is `lit s. albert Buchanan, secretary, Questioned On The class of which F. B. Cable in the First Presbyterian church, to take out a membershipself explanatory. Bryan citizens (By Associated Press) Brazos County Chapter Ameri- � is teacher and P. S. Graves is was attended by perhaps 200 won- won't you see some member gave of their means to the tonna- can Red Cross, Bryan, Texas: FLANDREAU, S. D., April 23. Wife's S Demise president, will meet in the audi- en, representing many points - in of the twenty-five delegates I do stricken people of Rock Springs president Coolidge has issued a -Because she wanted them to go. torium of the church promptly at East Texas. Miss Mildred Horton and give them our immie and to Heaven, Mrs. Lloyd Overdahl' g Y only a few days ago- Now the proclamation calling upon people 9:4�. Mr. Black'will be in charge of College Station, state home check for $10. He who heai- killed her three young daughters (By Associated Press) of the song service for the exer- demonstration agent, call comes even more urgently for to give quickly and generously to on her farm home near here, was AUSTIN, April 23. -Ed Garner, vises. g presided and fates is lost. Now is the the thousands of sufferers in the the Red Cross in the Mississippi P women of the church poured tea time. Get busy. Tho final her explanation given to county prominent farmer, is being ques- The auditorium is expected to Mississippi flood district. We can- flood relief fund. Emergency sit- in the basement after the conclu- report of the committee will authorities after she was placed tinned today by officers in fever- be filled at that hour. A large riot; of the program. be heard at the Chamber of .not afford to fail in this emer- uation is extremely grave with 75,- in jail here today. tigating the killing of his wife at number of men from all churches P Commerce meeting Tueadsy. gency. Suffering humanity calls, 000 homeless and needing emer- '��" their home near Cottontown near Clave been invited and if the com- + i + + i + t •? : + i i t i let us hear the cry. gerey care. Relief problem is Heny Baker Asks here, late yesterday, mittee fails to ask all the men of + A. AND M. COLLEGE i ' It is hoped that the various acute as the number of flood ref- --�� Cameron they have an invitation + R A D i O PROGRAM Bridge Collapses churches of Bryan will take this ogees increases every hour. Im Aid In Flood Area matter under consideration at perative that large relief funds be by vote of the class. + FOR STATION WTAW � • The Weath_t,r Judge Davis, now district judge + i their Sunday services. Let every- raised immediately to meet mou::t- (By Associated Press) at Bryan, was formerly district + A. and M. College Radio i Into Ohio River body help at least a little in this ing need. Every Red Cross chap - WASHINGTON, April 23.- (Special to The Eagle) attorney here and has a large num- + program for Station WTAW, i great emergency. Leave all con- tar must do its part in this -- Henry Baker, National Red Choss NEW ORLEANS, April 23.- bey of old friends and acquain- + Monday noon, 12:15. + ASHLAND, Ky., April 2S.-- tributions with F. L. Cavitt, Red tional appeal. Wire me probable director, asked relief today. like For Bryan and vicinity: Tonight tances here who will welcome this + Poultry Feeding, E. N. + Kenova,Catlettsburg Bridge across Foss treasurer at the City Na- amount we can expect from your was made director of relief work and Sunday increasing cloudiness opportunity to hear him.-Camer- 0 Holmgreen. i the Ohio River here collapsed to- tional Bank. Let us all do our territory. -WILLIAM M. BAX- in Mississippi flood arse& and warmer, on Herald. + + i + + + i i + t + i ► + day into the stream. duty. TER, Jr.