HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-3622 - Ordinance - 12/18/2014 ORDINANCE NO. 2014-3622 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 12-4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES FROM M-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL AND GS GENERAL SUBURBAN TO PDD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR APPROXIMATELY 36.86 ACRES BEING 36.86 ACRES IN THE CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A-7, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING THE SAME CALLED 14.58 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO CHEROKEE LIMITED, RECORDED IN VOLUME 323, PAGE 735, AND THE CALLED 7.76 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED TO NAVAJO LTD.; AS RECORDED IN VOL. 337, PAGE 500, OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY DEED RECORDS AND THE TWO TRACTS CONVEYED TO PALOMARES CONSTRUCTION CO. CALLED 12.58 ACRES, TRACT 1, AS RECORDED IN VOL. 2508, PAGE 234, AND ALL OF CALLED 2 ACRES, CALLED TRACT 2, AS RECORDED IN VOL. 2507, PAGE 180, OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS, LOCATED AT 1800 WELLBORN ROAD,AND MORE GENERALLY LOCATED BETWEEN WELLBORN ROAD AND JONES-BUTLER ROAD, NORTH OF HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1; That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map,"of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" and described on Exhibit "B", and as shown graphically in Exhibit "C" and Exhibit "D", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance,becomes effective ten(10)days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 18th day of December, 2014 MED: MAYOR ir- 0 ATTEST: ‘ ‘)/LAA", horetc_ City Secretatry APPROVED: ORDINANCE NO. .40/14-36,2,2 Page 2 Cu, . froirkyi4m___ City Attorney • ORDINANCE NO. .C,U/Y -3/922 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: • The following property is rezoned from M-2 Heavy Industrial and GS General Suburban to PDD Planned Development District, as described in EXHIBIT "B," and as graphically depicted in EXHIBIT" C" and EXHIBIT"D": klE,TES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 36.86 ACRES CRA WFORD BURNETT LEAGUE,A-7 COLLECT,STATION,BRAZOS COUNTY,TEXAS Being a tract of land containing 36.86 acres,in the Crawford Burnett League,A-7, College Station, Brazos County,'Texas,and being the same called 14.58 acre tract of land eonvevecl to Cherokee Limited,recorded in Volume 323. Page 735,and the called 7.76 acre tract conveyed to Navajo Ltd., as recorded in Vol. 337, Page 500,of the Brazos County Deed Records(13.C.1.).R.).and the two tracts conveyed to Palomares Construction Co,called 1258 acres.Tract 1,as recorded in Vol. 2508, Page 234,and all of called 2 acres,called'f'ract 2.as recorded in Vol.2507,Page 180,of the Brazos County Official Records(13,C,O,R.,)All hearings of this survey are referenced to the Texas Slate Plane Coordinate System, Central Zone,NA D83 (CORS96),and boundary referenced to said previous deed calls.as surveyed on the ground on August 6,2013. This description is also referred to the plat prepared by ATM Surveying,Project No.2013-0303,and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found with an orange plastic cap marked ".11.P. MAYO RPLS 5045" for the northwest corner of this tract,a point in the International and Great Northern Railroad Co. tract,a 170' Right-of-Way,recorded in Volume 24,Page 336,of the Brazos County Deed Records (13.C,D,R,),a corner ol'the 1-1.&'I",C. Railroad 6.9 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 67.Page 220,of the Brazos County Deed Records(13,C'.D.R.): THENCE along the common line of this tract and the south and southwest line of the said 11.&T.C. Railroad 6.9 acre tract, the following calls: • North 59°08'35"East. a distance of 362.30 feet to a point not set in heavy brush: North 67°12'35"lust.a distance of 160.00 feet to a point not set in heavy brush; North 85°22'.35"East,a distance of 156.00 feet to a point not set in heavy brush: South 70"52'25" Nast,a distance of 152.00 feet to a point not set in heavy brush; South 53°30'31" least,a distance of 137.63 feet to a set I/2"iron rod with maroon plastic cap marked "RPLS 6132-ATM S1JRV" for a bend in this tract,also being a point on the 1(1(1' wick southwest right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad; THENCE South 29"39'25"East,a distance of 433,70 feet along the common line between this tract and said Southern Pacific Railroad to the base of a hent 3/8" iron rod found for the west corner of said called 14.58 acre tract,also being the north corner of said 12,58 acre tract,from which the top of said 3/8" iron rod bears North 45°0000"West,a distance afb.l 1 feet; THENCE South 29°33'48"East,a distance of 708.95 feel along the common line between this tract and said Southern Pacific Railroad to a 1/2" iron rod found for the cast corner of said 12.58 acre tract. also being a north corner of said called 7.76 acre tract: ORDINANCE NO. 20/4-3/022 Page 4 THENCE South 29'53'21" hist,a distance of 572.62 feet along Ilse common line of this tract and the said Southern Pacific Railroad tract to a 1/2" iron rod with maroon plastic cap marked"RPLS 6132-ATM SIJRV"set Ihr the southeast corner of this tract,also being on the north Right-of-Way of Harvey Mitchell Parkway; THENCE South 85°29'25" West,a distance of"335.35 feet along the north Right-of-Way line of' Harvey Mitchell Parkway to the center ol'a found TXDO.1`Type II concrete monument for a bend in this Lract; THENCE North 88°25'57"West,a distance of 828.50 feet continuing along the north Right-of-Way line of Harvey Mitchell Parkway to a 1/2"iron rod set with a maroon plastic cap marked"RPI.S 61:32-A1;M SURV" for the southwest corner of this tract,also being a point in the Brazos County 170'Right-of-Way as recorded in Volume 272, Page 425,of the Brazos County Decd Records (13.C.D.R.), from which a found 1/2"iron rod with an orange plastic cap marked"H.P. MAYO RPLS 5045"for the southeast Right-of-Way corner ol.lones-Butler Road,a 91:1' Right-ul'-Way,bears South 42°56'45" West.a distance of 5.23 feet,also a 1/2"iron rod with red plastic cap marked"SM KLING-RPLS 2003"found for reference at the southeast corner of the aforementioned Brazos County 170' Right-of-Way line,bears South 87"35'05" East,a distance of 43.80 feet; THENCE North 22°03'20'"West,a distance of 672.80 feet along the west line of this tract,which also severs the aforementioned Brazos County 1711' Right-of-Way,to a 1/4"tack nail set in the top of a 6"round fencepost found at the location of a previously called fm and found 3/4"iron rod for the northwest corner ol'this tract. the south corner of the said called 14.58 acre tract,the west corner of said called 12.58 acre tract,and being a point in the Brazos County 1.17 acre tract,as recorded in Volume 272. Page 425; THENCE North 22"13'13-West,a distance of 80(1.89 feet(called North 18°45'00"West,a distance of 800.00 feet)severing the said Brazos County 1,17 acre tract and the said International and Great Northern Railroad Co. tract to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 36,86 acres of land. n LfErd .lir 1l* at{ 1 ET (.(51F } ;Adam \lnIlace x WAt . Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.6132 ► .F:0411/4,''. '. ••' 14-0509-total.doc , ••',, A,:.6A121.0 August 6,2013 fit, ORDINANCE NO. ,D/ .31022 Page 5 EXHIBIT "B" General: The PDD Planned Development District zoning uses a base zoning district of R-4 Multi-family. Approximately eight acres of the development is intended to remain as natural open space, both as a site amenity and for the natural conveyance of flood water (ie: "flood prone" areas). The development is intended to provide student housing in close proximity to the Texas A&M University campus. The PDD includes a variety of unit types and bedroom counts. Meritorious modifications are included below. All other standards of the R-4 district shall be met with development. Density: Based on the Traffic Impact Analysis, the project is capped at 850 bedrooms. Range of future building heights: units will have a maximum building height of 45 feet and the clubhouse will be a maximum of 55 feet. Drainage: The drainage from the project will enter the two existing ponds on the property and be detained before leaving the property boundary. Modifications to the ponds are proposed to allow them to act as detention. The applicant is requesting to reclaim a portion of the "flood prone" area. This portion of the property shown as "flood prone" is located in a Zone X area on the FEMA FIRM map panel48041C0305F. Meritorious Modifications The following modifications are proposed through this rezoning request: Block Length: City Block Length requirements do not have to be met with the platting and development of the property. Block Perimeter: City Block Perimeter requirements do not have to be met with the platting and development of the property. Unit Types: Single detached units, duplex units, and multi-family structures may be developed together on a single multi-family lot. More than Four Unrelated: The development includes a variety of bedroom counts within its units, ranging from two to six bedrooms, with an average of 4.25 bedrooms per dwelling unit. Up to six unrelated individuals are permitted to reside within a unit in this development. Each room will be provided with a bathroom facility and the shared facilities for the (up to) six unrelated individuals would include living areas and kitchen facilities. Maximum bedroom count on the property is 850. • Parkland Dedication—the applicant proposed to pay additional parkland dedication fees based on the increased beds per dwelling unit. Since the standard zoning and parkland dedication would allow up to four unrelated ORDINANCE NO. 2 0/'-3/0.22 Page 6 individuals per unit and the PDD permits an average of 4.25 beds per unit, the applicant has proposed to pay a prorated parkland fee based on the additional 0.25 persons per dwelling unit proposed with the zoning. Building Separation: Minimum 10-foot building separation between structures to allow for flexibility to create shared green spaces within the development. Additional conditions: • Bus shelter on Jones-Butler Road shall be provided. • Impacts of any floodplain alterations shall be contained within the subject property. • Number of residents shall not exceed the number of bedrooms, per unit. ORDINANCE NO. 2014".31,22 Page 7 EXHIBIT "C" F ''T 111)r.„. _ — is ii 1 1 al 41 \Ili . -fix ....-- — \ 1 111 °'�? • ' p! ¢ ,, a � • • t • _ r ,, , ,,,t - ._-_. 4,40- , _ ,,.... .,..t.,.,,..,. ‘ ..... .. .... , z , \ 1i F. t• ,, . --.,,,.,„,,,..• „-..1 I. — - — ;.. .....-.-_ ,,,-:Af...:t4,-- ; \ . I '40es ♦�,"may -W _ ..-_li \ b . ..1.,• - . _ Rte'.` pg 51,'( X,,a 'r=3 q.° �i.. z+' .+ f 1 1 I hhh a' .k. \-tom? 1 yy s $ f ,� Thi ` i l - _.. _ .. .. t ms''_ . y .. , ORDINANCE NO. .��'7"��p.22 Page 8 EXHIBIT"D" s� , 0 d (5\ v c� � m Z LE U am Z '(O o L'4,)' 0 0 ° p rn ° z c- ° N a Q'/ v ;Z� 06;3 a W Il vm _ 8 80t2.T°0�4 Ni 9 c o 0 Ea aN9Z1@ c I`r moc2`oB, E n �',4 a�UF-�UjgY> ,-.ram 1 1 Szzzoa° , u N r7CY » ' Q (+y ' ' 1 I [7--:: 5 L] )ill\ ,I,10,1„,,,„/)‹ m u r' ny uy N__ Lry IHHhi1 ur a°'S 1� w W i ,,,,,,-,,-D.0..—; J d 7 I I I �2 m \\\\\\\\\ .e ms \\\\) ` Lij(A .1:U.2:I)Ce2 d_ j i\ ,-t'.4 Q J ,....11 ,.!.3 :!g. t \ A /„. ' \ illiii 4- wtt -.x ",o.5 m-, r,E / ,S� Cg il Vi d i K O D U W C7W 1\\\ CC [ e` Z m W ` 0i _• c n J ryp .4,2E."!-V-' �e 1S ^��ry 4 rl�—ly � �� { p LF m° chi v nra V1 2 rna +4'4,, r � 'Vt �o��a awo'c�nor ri p© c Y rn C 4 a ca co