HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/2013 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission (-lq r 44r� ITY OF Co ]J,]-.GJ� STNTION Home of Texas A&M Unzversi�y Planning & Zoning Commission November 7, 2013 City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Workshop Meeting 6:30 PM Regular Meeting 7:00 PM (*Orq" AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home ofTexasA&M University` PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 2013,AT 6:30 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. [_New Development List] 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2013 P&Z Plan of Work(see attached). (J.Schubert) 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. • Thursday, November 14, 2013 — City Council Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison—Ashfield) • Tuesday, November 19, 2013 — Joint P&Z Meeting with City of Bryan — College Station Utilities Training Facility— 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. • Thursday, November 21, 2013 P&Z Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. • Monday, November 25, 2013 City Council Meeting Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison—Miles) 6. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, BioCorridor Board, and Zoning District Subcommittee. 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8. Adjourn. AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Howe of Texas A&M University" REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 7,20139 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 4, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning & Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve Meeting Minutes. • October 17, 2013 —Workshop • October 17, 2013 —Regular 4.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Castlegate II Section 204 consisting of 41 single-family residential lots on approximately 18.8 acres generally located west of the Castlegate Subdivision along W.S. Phillips Parkway. Case#13-00900198 (M. Robinson) 4.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plan for Summit Crossing Phase 2A consisting of 46 townhome lots on approximately 5.6 acres generally located east of Crescent Pointe and north of the existing Summit Crossing development along Harvey Road . Case#13-00900200 (M. Robinson) Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Caprock Crossing Lots 1R and 2R, Block 2 being a replat of Caprock Crossing Lot 1, Block 2, consisting of two lots on approximately 8.2 acres located at 4446 State Highway 6 South. Case#13-00900121 (M. Robinson) 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by rezoning approximately 4.4 acres being Glenhaven Estates Phase 6, Block 16 located at 1600 University Drive East, generally located at the corner of University Drive East and Glenhaven Drive, from O Office to GC General Commercial. Case #13-00900197 (M. Hester) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the November 25, 2013 City Council Meeting - subject to change) 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 9. Adjourn. 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Plan of Work Comprehensive Plan Implementation Implementation of Adopted Plans Summary: Project Dates: Implementation of adopted master plans and 2/14/13: Council discussion regarding board neighborhood, district, and corridor plans, namely: compositions for Medical District MMD#1 &#2. Central College Station, Eastgate, and Southside Area 6/20/2013: Discussion regarding CIP development neighborhood plans, and Bicycle, Pedestrian, and process at P&Z Regular meeting. Greenways, Parks and Recreation, Water, Waste 7/18/13: Recommendation for FY14 CIP proposal at Water, and Medical District master plans. P&Z Regular meeting. 10/17/13: Comprehensive Plan Annual Review at P&Z. 10/24/13: Comprehensive Plan Annual Review at Council. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff lAnticipated Completion: On-going Wellborn Community Plan Summary: Project Dates: Development of a district plan for the recently annexed 4/1/13: Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Wellborn area that contains elements of a rural historic Board recommended approval of the Plan. community with a unique character that residents of the 4/4/13: P&Z recommended approval of proposed plan. area desire to retain. 4/25/13: Council adopted plan. Staff Assigned: M. Robinson Completed: April 2013 Economic Development Master Plan Summary: Project Dates: Development of a Master Plan to provide consistent 2/7/13: Master Plan update at P&Z Workshop. direction on how the City will help ensure its economic 7/18/13: P&Z Workshop on draft Master Plan. health for years to come while providing a positive 9/5/13: P&Z recommended approval of plan. business development environment. 1 9/12/13 Council adopted plan. Staff Assigned: R. Heye Completed: September 2013 South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Summary: Project Dates: 8/5/13: Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Development of a neighborhood plan for a number of Board recommendation on proposed plan. unique neighborhood areas. The plan area is generally bounded by Holleman Drive, Welsh Avenue, Wellborn 8/15/13: P&Z recommended approval of plan with Road, Harvey Mitchell Parkway, and Texas Avenue. some conditions. 9/26/13: Council adopted an amended plan. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka, M. Hester Completed: September 2013 Page 1 of 4 Neighborhood Parking Summary: Project Dates: Analyze neighborhood parking issues by engaging 2/21/13: Task Force Final Report presented to P&Z. stakeholders and working in a Joint Task Force 2/28/13: Task Force Final Report presented to Subcommittee with Council. Implement recommended Council. solutions. 7/9/13-8/5/13: Stakeholder comment period. 9/5/13: P&Z recommended approval of ordinance. 9/12/13: Council adopted proposed ordinance. Staff Assigned: B. Cowell, T. Rogers Completed: September 2013 Residential Zoning Districts Summary: Project Dates: Create and adopt new residential zoning districts to 4/9/13: Public meeting regarding single family and implement the future land use and character duplex zoning concepts. designations identified in the Comprehensive Plan. 4/19/13: P&Z Subcommittee meeting. 5/31/13: P&Z Subcommittee meeting. 6/7/13-7/7/13: Stakeholder comment period for draft zoning ordinance changes. 9/5/13: P&Z recommended approval of ordinance. 9/12/13: Council adopted proposed ordinance. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka, T. Rogers Completed: September 2013 Medical District Zoning Districts Summary: Project Dates: Create and adopt Medical and Urban Village zoning 5/2/13: Presentation regarding Plan implementation at districts to implement the new future land use and P&Z Workshop. character designations established by the Medical 8/15/13: Presentation of district concepts at P&Z District Master Plan. I Workshop. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka, M. Robinson JAnticipated Completion: Research and Education Plan Implementation Summary: Project Dates: The linkage between the Comprehensive Plan, Master Plans, and Neighborhood, District, and Corridor Plans. The linkage between regulations, funding, etc and plan implementation. • Overview of concept—provide a review of how this 5/2/13: Discussion at P&Z Regular meeting. system is built in College Station and intended to be used (link between vision, comprehensive plan, strategic plan, etc). Page 2 of 4 Link between Comprehensive Plan and Master Plans 5/2/13: Discussion at P&Z Regular meeting. —this would include an overview of each of the adopted Master Plans and a demonstration of how for example we plan wastewater to serve the proposed land use and how for example the BPG Master Plan, if implemented responds to the desired character of the City, etc. Link between adopted plans and regulations/ 6/6/13: Discussion at P&Z Workshop. standards —this would include examples of how we use regs (for example new zoning districts or block length) to further the objectives/goals contained in the policy documents/plans and to help highlight how the success of those plans is impacted by the regs selected (or not) —for example how a certain type of block length yields a certain development pattern and connectivity whereas a different block length will yield a different pattern. Link between plans and funding—this would include 6/20/13: Discussion at P&Z Regular meeting. how the plans have been fiscally constrained and how funding plays a role in their successful implementation and how if not adequately funded they will fall short of expectations. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: Character and Community Design Summary: Project Dates: The purpose and definition of community character, community design, and the role they play in community vitality and success. Overview of community character (versus just a focus 5/16/13: Discussion at P&Z Workshop. on land use/protection from incompatible uses)—this would include an overview of what our plans say about this and again what best practices are in these areas. Link between community design and livability—this TBD: Discussion at P&Z Retreat. would be an overview of what the principles of good community design are, where these principles have (or have not) been used in College Station and where livability has been improved (or negatively impacted)as a result. Link between community design and economic vitality TBD: Discussion at P&Z Retreat. —this would be an overview of how community design impacts land values (and thus tax revenues)creates new economic opportunities, etc. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: Page 3 of 4 Affordable Housing and Community Development Summary: Project Dates: Receive updates regarding affordable housing and other community development efforts. Overview of the City's current approach to addressing 7/18/13: Discussion at P&Z Workshop. affordable housing needs. Overview of the Department's revised approach to 7/18/13: Discussion at P&Z Workshop. community development—this would be an overview of a Community Development Master Plan. On-going updates as needed (annual action plan, 8/8/13: Council adopted Annual Action Plan. Community Development Master Plan, etc). Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: On-going Single-Family and Multi-Family Housing Markets Summary: Project Dates: Discuss impact of large amount of new multi-family units and single-family dwellings being used for student rental purposes on the local housing market. Overview of the issue/questions —this would be an 5/16/13: Discussion of methodology and scope at P&Z overview of what the perceived issues/questions are Regular meeting. and what others might have looked at in other communities when asking similar questions to devise a methodology. Overview of the new multi-family market—this would be what is being built, by whom, how are they performing, who is moving into them, etc. may include surveys, focus groups, guest speakers, etc. Overview of existing multi-family market—this would be what exists, who owns it, what are they doing to maintain and rent it, how are they performing, who is moving into them, etc. may include surveys, focus groups, guest speakers, etc. Overview of the single-family rental market—what is being built, who is managing what and how, who is renting, what are the implications/benefits of this market, etc. may include surveys, focus groups, guest speakers, etc. What, if any, response are needed/appropriate by the City to address issues. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Page 4 of 4 MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Home of Tmo AdM Univrniiy' Workshop Meeting October 17, 2013, 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Jodi Warner, Brad Corrier, and Jerome Rektorik COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jim Ross and Bo Miles CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Matt Robinson, Morgan Hester, Jenifer Paz, Alan Gibbs, Danielle Singh, Erika Bridges, Robin Cross, Timothy Green, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call the meeting to order. Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding Consent Agenda Items 4.4 and 4.5 Chairman Ashfield stated that Commissioner Miles was absent from the meeting and an absence request needed to be added to Consent Agenda Item 4.2 3. Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. • Final Plat — Amending — Sutton Place Lots 1R, 2R, & 3 — 3 Lots — 2300 Earl Rudder Freeway Case# 13-00900118 (T.Rogers) • Final Plat — Minor — Spring Creek Townhomes Ph. 2 Block 2 Lots 17R-18R — 2 Lots 4309 Dawn Lynn Drive Case# 13-00900177 (J.Paz) • Final Plat — Minor — The Business Center at College Station — 2 Lots — 210 Technology Way Case# 13-00900179 (M.Hester) There was no discussion regarding Plats approved by Staff. 4. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. [New Development List] There was no discussion regarding development applications submitted to the City. October 17,2013 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2013 P&Z Plan of Work(see attached). (J.Schubert) Principal Planner Schubert gave an update regarding the P&Z Plan of Work. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an update on the following items: • An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance to address single-family parking requirements. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on August 15th and voted 5-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on September 12th and voted 5-1 to approve the ordinance. • An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, changing the street network and block length requirements. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on September 5th and voted 5-1 to recommend denial. The City Council heard this item on September 12th and voted 4-2 to approve the ordinance. • An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance, changing the one- and two-family residential zoning districts in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning& Zoning Commission heard this item on September 5th and voted 6-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on September 12th and voted 5-1 to approve the ordinance. • An ordinance amending the College Station Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Economic Development Master Plan. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on September 5th and voted 6-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on September 12th and voted 5-1 to approve the ordinance. • A rezoning from NG-3 (Residential Northgate) to NG-2 (Transitional Northgate) for St. Mary's Church in Northgate. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on September 5th and voted 6-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on September 26th and voted 7-0 to approve the rezoning. • Adoption of the South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this item on August 15th and voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the plan with a change to the on-street parking removal option. The City Council heard this item on September 26th and voted 7-0 to adopt the plan after removing a proposal to reduce the number of unrelated individuals (from four to two), modifying the process to request removal of on-street parking, removing the requirement for additional rental registration information, and removing the prohibition of on-street parking from 2:00 am until 6:00 am. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding items approved by City Council. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. October 17,2013 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 • Thursday, October 24, 2013 — City Council Meeting — Council Chambers —Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison— Corrier) • Thursday, November 7, 2013 — P&Z Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. There was no discussion regarding upcoming meetings. 8. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, BioCorridor Board, and Zoning District Subcommittee. There was no discussion regarding the above meetings. 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Warner asked for a future agenda item regarding development in Area 5 of Southside; specifically developers building five-bedroom homes. 10. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Approved: Attest: Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell,Admin. Support Specialist Planning &Zoning Commission Planning &Development Services October 17,2013 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 (*OF"" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES Home of Tffz A&M UniversiV* PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 17, 2013, 6:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Jodi Warner, Brad Corrier, and Jerome Rektorik COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jim Ross and Bo Miles CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Julie Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Matt Robinson, Teresa Rogers, Morgan Hester, Jenifer Paz, Alan Gibbs, Danielle Singh, Erika Bridges, Robin Cross, Timothy Green, and Brittany Caldwell L Call Meeting to Order Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledte of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens No one spoke. 4. Consent Agenda All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. 4.1 Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve Meeting Minutes. • September 19, 2013 —Workshop • September 19, 2013 —Regular 4.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. • Jim Ross —October 17, 2013 4.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Indian Lakes Phase 17 consisting of 19 residential lots on approximately 36.4 acres generally located east of Matoska Ridge Drive in the Indian Lakes Subdivision, approximately one mile southwest of State Highway 6 South in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case #13-00900191 (M.Hester) October 17,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 4.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Creek Meadows Section 3 Phase 1 consisting of 24 residential lots on approximately 5.9 acres generally located at the corner of Creek Meadows Boulevard North and Greens Prairie Trail. Case#12-00500009 (M.Hester) 4.5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plan for Reatta Corner Subdivision consisting of two commercial lots on approximately 3.661 acres generally located at 4001 Victoria Avenue, southeast corner of Barron Road and Victoria Avenue. Case#13-00900186 (J.Paz) 4.6 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Reatta Corner Subdivision consisting of two commercial lots on approximately 3.661 acres generally located at 4001 Victoria Avenue, southeast corner of Barron Road and Victoria Avenue. Case#13-00900187 (J.Paz) 4.7 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Castlegate II Section 103 consisting of 39 single-family residential lots on approximately 9.6 acres generally located at the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Norwich Drive. Case #13-00900181 (M.Robinson) Commissioner Warner motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1 - 4.7 with the addition of Commissioner Miles being added to Item 4.2 for the October 17th meeting. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a waiver request to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.H.2, "Platting and Replatting in Older Subdivisions," regarding average lot width and public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Breezy Heights Addition Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, Block 1 being a Replat of Breezy Heights Addition 1.26 acres, Block 1 consisting of 4 lots on approximately 1.3 acres located at 900 Hereford Street. Case# 13-00900159 (T.Rogers) Staff Planner Rogers presented the waiver request to average lot width and the replat and recommended approval. Trey Guseman, 3131 Briarcrest Drive Suite 111, Bryan, Texas, stated that the lots were replatted into four lots at an earlier Planning and Zoning meeting, but after speaking with the neighbors decided that the existing historic house would remain and three lots could front Welsh Avenue. Commissioner Corrier motioned to approve the waiver request to average lot width. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). October 17,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. Commissioner Rektorik motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Corrier seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by rezoning approximately 7.4 acres in the Crawford Burnett League, Abstract No. 7, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being the same tract of land as described by a deed to Texas A&M Foundation Trust Company, trustee of the Wanona Carol Randolph charitable remainder unitrust recorded in Volume 9361, Page 87 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, more generally located at 2900 North Graham Road from PDD Planned Development District to BPI Business Park Industrial. Case #13-00900189 (T.Rogers) Staff Planner Rogers presented the rezoning and recommended approval. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. Commissioner Warner motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan — Future Land Use & Character Map from Institutional/Public to General Commercial for approximately 4.4 acres for the property located at 1600 University Drive East at the corner of University Drive East and Glenhaven Drive. Case#13-00900196 (M.Hester) Staff Planner Hester presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and gave the following options for action: • Denial — The property would remain Institutional/Public as currently designated on the Comprehensive Plan; • Accept the applicant's proposal of amending the Comprehensive Plan to a General Commercial designation; • Propose an alternative land use and character designation for the property. October 17,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding buffer requirements. Jesse Durden, 2809 Earl Rudder Freeway South, College Station, Texas, gave a presentation in support of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and stated that the property is a great location for a General Commercial use because of it being a gateway into the City. He also said that General Commercial conforms with the existing uses on University Drive. Cully Lipsey, 1021 University Drive East, College Station, Texas, representing Scott & White,read letters from Pappas and Scott&White. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. Janet Fanguy, 705 Summerglen, College Station, Texas, expressed concern about the potential of a restaurant being located on the property and the traffic and noise that would produce. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. There was more discussion amongst the Commission regarding buffers. Commissioner Corrier motioned to recommend that the City Council accept the applicant's proposal of amending the Comprehensive Plan to a General Commercial designation. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, then withdrew his motion,then seconded the motion again, motion passed (4-0) 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan — Future Land Use & Character Map from Estate to General Commercial for approximately 5.4 acres for the property located at 1201 Norton Lane at the corner of Wellborn Road and Norton Lane. Case#13-00900193 (M.Hester) Staff Planner Hester presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and gave the following options for action: • Denial — The property would remain Institutional/Public as currently designated on the Comprehensive Plan; • Accept the applicant's proposal of amending the Comprehensive Plan to a General Commercial designation; • Propose an alternative land use and character designation for the property. J L Taylor, representative for the church, said that there were inquires on the property, but only for commercial, not residential. The concerns were the railroad tracks and FM 2154. There was general discussion amongst the Commission and Staff regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. October 17,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. Ray Bomnskie, 4691 River Valley Drive, College Station, Texas, said that the property would be difficult to sell with the Estate designation due to the property being located next to a mobile home park and its proximity to the railroad tracks. Janette Dale, 3130 Norton Lane, College Station, Texas, stated that she was opposed to a large-commercial development on the property. Juan Rocha, 14097 FM 2154, College Station, Texas, stated that he felt that the property is better suited for a residential development. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the rezoning. Commissioner Corrier motioned to recommend that the City Council accept the applicant's proposal of amending the Comprehensive Plan to a General Commercial designation. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion passed (3-1). Commissioner Rektorik was in opposition. 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the annual review of the Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance. (B.Cowell) Executive Director Cowell gave an overview of the item. Principal Planner Prochazka presented the annual review of the Comprehensive Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. Ron Gay, 1106 Deacon Drive, College Station, Texas, representing St. Thomas Aquinas Church, stated that the church would like a larger sign. Jim Jett, 5004 Congressional Court, College Station, Texas, requested a change to the Comprehensive Plan. He said that he was currently developing Aggieland Business Park and recently acquired a 5.5-acre tract on State Highway 47 that he was interested in changing from Business Park to General Commercial. John Dylan, 351 Adriatic Parkway,McKinney, Texas, stated that he was the owner of the 20-acre tract adjacent to Mr. Jett's property. He said that he was in support and concurred with Mr. Jett's recommendation for the land use to be changed from Business Park to General Commercial. Kim Eubanks, 351 Adriatic Parkway, McKinney, Texas, bought the property 6 years ago with Mr. Dylan and agreed that the land use be changed to General Commercial. October 17,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. The Commission concurred with the potential land use change from Business Park to General Commercial and said that it could be considered as part of a study of the area. 11. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion regarding future agenda items. 12. Adj ourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Approved: Attest: Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell,Admin. Support Specialist Planning &Zoning Commission Planning&Development Services October 17,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 40 (*Arq5* CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FINAL PLAT for Castlegate II Sec 204 13-00900181 SCALE: 41 lots on approximately 18.8 acres LOCATION: 4401 Toddington Lane ZONING: GS General Suburban APPLICANT: Wallace Phillips IV, 3-D Development LLC PROJECT MANAGER: Matt Robinson, AICP, Senior Planner mrobinson@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 3 November 7, 2013 J k 1 M c V. r m 00 Xc� y` •Y ' '°� . ` Al rQVI AF W (D LU LU z, t,. W 4` LL s � ? r-T i 3. LU mm a- LU LU Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 3 November 7, 2013 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1995 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open (upon annexation) to A-O Agricultural Open and R-1 Single-Family Residential (2007), Renamed to GS General Suburban. Preliminary Plat: Castlegate II preliminary plat was approved in January 2011 and subsequently revised in March 2012. Site Development: Infrastructure is currently under construction for Sections 101, 103 and 203, with Sections 100 and 200-202 currently platted with homes under construction. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: Land dedication was provided with the first Final Plat of the Castlegate II subdivision and the developer is currently constructing neighborhood park improvements. Community Parkland dedication fees of$25,625 (41 lots X $625) are due prior to filing of the Final Plat. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: Sidewalks are required and will be provided on both sides of all thoroughfares and on one side of all local streets. In addition, sidewalks are proposed to be provided in designated common areas throughout the development. Bicycle Connectivity: Bike lanes will be provided along W.S. Phillips Parkway. Impact Fees: The subject tract is located in the Spring Creek Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area and will be assessed $98.39 per Living Unit Equivalent (LUE). REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed Final Plat is in compliance with the Subdivision Requirements contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Final Plat Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 3 November 7, 2013 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO. 1-3— 1ol0 (*Orq" DATE SUBMITTED:CITY OF COId,1 GI STATION TIME: ' 30A Hone of Texas AcW University' STAFF: 7 FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ❑ Minor ❑ Amending X❑ Final ❑ vacating ❑Replat ($700) ($700) ($932) ($932) ($932) Is this plat in the ETJ? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is this plat Commercial ❑ or Residential ❑X MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: C1 $7004932 Final Plat Application Fee (see above). ab $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee(if applicable). $600 (minimum) Development Permit Application / Public Infrastructure Review and Inspection Fee. Fee is 1% of acceptable Engineer's Estimate for public infrastructure, $600 minimum (if fee is> $600, the balance is due prior to the issuance of any plans or development permit). Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and tTwo may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. ourteen (14)folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after approval.) (2)copies of the grading, drainage, and erosion control plans with supporting drainage report. Two(2)copies of the Public infrastructure plans and supporting documents (if applicable). tl Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats(if applicable). E, Title report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. ['x,i Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. [x] The attached Final Plat checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. NOTE: A mylar of the approved preliminary plan must be on file before a final plat application will be considered complete. If the mylar is submitted with the final plat application, it shall be considered a submittal for the preliminary plan project and processed and reviewed as such. Until the mylar has been confirmed by staff to be correct, the final plat application will be considered incomplete. Date of Optional Preapplication or Stormwater Management Conference N/A NAME OF PROJECT Castlegate ll Subdivision-Section 204 ADDRESS Intersection of WS Phillips Parkway and Greens Prairie Road SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLAT: Southeast of Castlegate 11 Subdivision, Section 200 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name Wallace Phillips IV E-mail dustyphillips52@yahoo.com Street Address 4490 Castlegate Drive City College Station State TX _ Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979.690.7250 Fax Number 979.690.1041 1/11 Page 1 of 9 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (All owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name 3-D Development, LLC E-mail dustyphillips52@yahoo.com Street Address 4490 Castlegate Drive City College Station State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979.690.7250 Fax Number 979.690.1041 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Schultz Engineering, LLC-Joe Schultz E-mail loeschultz84@verizon.net Street Address 2730 Longmire Drive, Suite A City College Station _ State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979.764.3900 Fax Number 979.764.3910 Do any deed restrictions or covenants exist for this property? ❑x Yes ❑ No Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property?If so, please provide the Volume 10392 and Page No. 276 Total Acreage 18.848 Total No. of Lots 41 R-O-W Acreage 7.28359 Existing Use Agricultural- Vacant Proposed Use Single Family Residential Number of Lots By Zoning District 41 / R1 / ! Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 0.228 / R1 Floodplain Acreage n/a Is there Special Flood Hazard Area (Zone A or Zone AE on FEMA FIRM panels) on the property? rj Yes rj No This informationis necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s) and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? rX'J Yes F-, No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: Castlegate II Preliminary Plat City Project Number(if known): 12-00500004 Date/Timeframe when submitted: January 2012 1/11 Page 2 of 9 A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and Preliminary Plan (if applicable): none Requested waiver to subdivision regulations and reason for same (if applicable): none - Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision Tegulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): 1. F-J11 An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. F._1 The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; 3. F- A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve (12) months; 4. Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate/ rural context; 5. F_.i When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; 1/11 Page 3 of 9 6. Fj The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO; or 7. F'j The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway I Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan- Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning &Zoning Commission. Requested Oversize Participation Total Linear Footage of parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: Proposed Public: 4445Streets ACREAGE: 8400 No. of acres to be dedicated +$ development fee _ _Sidewalks 1No. of acres in floodplain 220 Sanitary Sewer Lines 2085 Water Lines No. of acres in detention No. of acres in greenways - Channels 1165OR Storm Sewers - Bike Lanes/Paths FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: No. of SF Dwelling Units X$ _ $ (date)Approved by Parks& Recreation Advisory Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. r6, 1"7 Signature and title Date 1/11 Page 4 of 9 P-X-U-M.—D M7 .......... .pa.p. q..j WN, 11 L i5i5 T4 v 24 1UR LEE pp polo HMO MaQ 3 -zr M1 1 1 Solna; 111 01 1 oz m 1 1WIRMI ULUMUMBRI MI LK U 1 ................ Hil M1 He 11w 11 0 pi ON 1 M HIM N W MUM H1011-1 - - "I R Ri lei WHINHHHURM M IM 1111 H 11 H 1 N 10 U!'"11 im 1 RM h HSI !gig j $se ash 13I SUM CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PRELIMINARY PLAN for Summit Crossing Phase 2A 13-00900200 SCALE: 46 lots on 5.607 acres LOCATION: 1447 Buena Vista, generally north of Harvey Road and east of Crescent Pointe ZONING: PDD Planned Development District APPLICANT: Rabon Metcalf, RME Consulting Engineers PROJECT MANAGER: Matt Robinson, AICP, Senior Planner mrobinson@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 4 November 7, 2013 _ w AF IL LU IL CD CD Ilk, Xr0- /.`y.' (f) s .y 411 J " s �x LU.00 • rr � J Lk M 4 LU h rt`f It jaojj�— -116 yy y r C Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 4 November 7,2013 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1980 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District (2003); revision to PDD Planned Development District (2007) Site development: Phase 1 of Summit Crossing is currently developed with townhomes. COMMENTS Water: There are existing 8-inch waterlines along Lonetree Drive and Buena Vista. Domestic and fire flow demands will necessitate future water main extensions with the Final Plat. These utilities will be required to be designed and constructed in accordance with the BCS Unified Design Guidelines. Sewer: Sanitary sewer service will be provided from existing 6-inch and 8- inch mains which were extended to serve this phase with the construction of Summit Crossing Phase 1. A sewer report for the subdivision is required with the Final Plat, but preliminary analysis of the existing system has indicated that there is available capacity to serve this development. Sewer is to be provided to each lot in accordance with the BCS Unified Design Guidelines. Off-site Easements: An offsite private drainage easement will be needed for private detention and drainage infrastructure with the Final Plat. Drainage: The subject tract is located in the Hudson Creek drainage basin. Development of the subject tract will be required to meet the requirements of the BCS Unified Stormwater Design Guidelines. Detention will be required when the property is final platted. Flood Plain: No portion of the property has been designated FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area. Greenways: No greenway dedication is required or proposed. Pedestrian Connectivity: Sidewalks will be continued along Buena Vista and Lone Tree Drive. Bicycle Connectivity: There are no planned bicycle improvements proposed with the Preliminary Plan and none called for as part of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan. Streets: The proposed development will continue Buena Vista and Lone Tree Drive, which connect to Harvey Road to the south. Oversize Request: None at this time. Parkland Dedication Fees: Park land dedication was previously dedicated with initial development (Summit Crossing Phase 1). Neighborhood parkland Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 4 November 7, 2013 development fees of$16,468 (46 lots x $358) will be due prior to filing of the Final Plat. Impact Fees: None in this area currently. REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: The subject property is designated Urban on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. The property is currently zoned PDD Planned Development District with townhomes the intended use as proposed with this Preliminary Plan. 2. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed Preliminary Plan is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Preliminary Plan Planning &Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 November 7, 2013 " FOR OFFICE USE ONLY (*O CASE NO.: v5 DATE SUBMITTED: 13 CITY OF COLIIIGE STATION TIME: : D STAFF: ki Home of Texru A&M Univenity" PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: $932 Preliminary Plan Application Fee. []_.$233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee(if applicable). Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used Nand may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pager if additional information is provided. rX7 ,Fourteen(14)folded copies of plan.A revised mylar original must be submitted after approval. [I Title report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. [] impact study(if oversized participation is requested). The attached Preliminary Plan checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference NAME OF PROJECT Summit Crossing-Phase 2A ADDRESS N/A SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: SW(back side of existing subdivision) of Summit Crossing, Phase One APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name RME Consulting Engineers(c/o Rabon Metcalf) E-mail rabon@rmengineer.com Street Address 3800 S.H. No. 6 South, Suite 108G City College Station State TX Zip Code 77845 Phone Number (979) 764-0704 Fax Number (979) 764-0704 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name The Summit Crossing, LLC(c%Jim Easterly) E-mail limeasterly@gmail.com Street Address 809 University Drive E, Ste. 1018 College Station State TX _Zip Code 77840 City _ Phone Number (979)218-6775 Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Same As Applicant E-mail Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number 1111 Page 1 of 6 Total Acreage 5-608 Total No. of Lots 46 R-O-W Acreage 1.480 Number of Lots By Zoning District 46 / PD l 1 Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 0.090 / PD Floodplain Acreage 0.00 NOTE: Appropriate zoning for the proposed subdivision must be in place before this application can be considered complete. Are you proposing to dedicate park land by acreage or fee in lieu of land? NAA Are you proposing to F_ develop the park I— dedicate the development fee?(Check one) This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s)and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? rX Yes F- No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications(provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: Summit Crossing City Project Number(in known): Date/Timeframe when submitted: July 2007 to September 2007 Requested wavier to subdivision regulations and reason for same(if applicable): 1111 Page 2 of 6 Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in (accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. 1 I Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition(if applicable): 1. F An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. F The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the LIDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; 3. r A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve(12) months; 4. r Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate/ rural context; 5. F_ When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; 1111 Page 3 of 6 6. r The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replotting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO;or 7. f The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway I Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan-Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Detailed explanation of condition identified above: NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning&Zoning Commission. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. if thane is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney, if the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sigh the application on its behalf LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures musl be provided as described above. "- A q�aa- — q -, to , (3 Signat e a d title r Date l e4 JuCI PL 0- Page 4 of 6 i7•d 7.R97.R97.fi/B Bulssoa0 I!wwnS dZti:£0 £l. 0l• deS A AM, oil Z Nn �13 Fgo PLO oil C) a" 5 - pg,,jp,jj11 gy Hill! lit, �D gull 0 1;is in is ail eg i 55 a Nj , _40- 1 1 .2 1 T-- ------- -- --------- 552-1 F-28&Od TV— CL ImgF daill goJJt— imRAM RI � 8 O .8.8.8 ASO=me S I IR I ---F-7----t---t--- 1 SO ADVOk A kXMkP N d W CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FINAL PLAT for Caprock Crossing Lots 1 R &2R, Block 2 Being a Replat of Caprock Crossing Lot 1, Block 2 13-00900121 SCALE: Two lots on 8.15 acres LOCATION: 950 William D Fitch Pkwy ZONING: GC General Commercial OV Corridor Overlay APPLICANT: Jesse Durden, CapRock Texas PROJECT MANAGER: Matt Robinson, AICP, Senior Planner mrobinson@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 3 November 7, 2013 qac <c 5l q M N 14 U is Y U7 m t I� Uc\I Y °n 0 - IL rIL o Q J uj U W 4 w J i '- i ' Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 3 November 7, 2013 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1983 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open upon annexation; A-O Agricultural Open to C-1 General Commercial (1983, 2004 & 2006); C-1 General Commercial to C-1 General Commercial and OV Corridor Overlay (2006); C-1 General Commercial renamed to GC General Commercial (2012) Preliminary Plat: 2012 Site Development: Vacant COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: None required — non-residential development. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: Public Ways are proposed throughout the development which include 5-foot sidewalks along both sides of the drive aisle. Bicycle Connectivity: Bike lanes and routes are not proposed nor required within the development. The nearest bike lane is located on Arrington Road. Impact Fees: The subject property is located within the Alum Creek Impact Fee Area. Impact fees are assessed at the time of Final Plat. The current impact fees for Alum Creek are $59.42 per LUE. REVIEW CRITERIA Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The Final Plat is in compliance with the Subdivision Requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Final Plat Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 3 November 7, 2013 FOR OFFIC E Y CASE NO.: DATE SUBMI D: I CITY OF COLLTSGI s STAI'ION TIME: Home of Texas A6M University' STAF FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ❑ Minor ❑ Amending ❑ Final ❑ Vacating , Replat ($700) ($700) ($932) ($932) ($932) Is this plat in the ETJ? ❑ Yes 0 No Is this plat Commercial ❑ or Residential ❑ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: $700-$932 Final Plat Application Fee(§iee above). [] $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee(if applicable). $600 (minimum) Development Permit Application / Public Infrastructure Review and Inspection Fee. Fee is 1%of acceptable Engineer's Estimate for public infrastructure, $600 minimum (if fee is > $600, the balance is due prior to the issuance of any plans or development permit). Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. Fourteen (14)folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after approval.) ❑ Two (2)copies of the grading, drainage, and erosion control plans with supporting drainage report. C] Two (2)copies of the Public infrastructure plans and supporting documents(if applicable). ]] Gopy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats(if applicable). Title report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. ] The attached Final Plat checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. NOTE: A mylar of the approved preliminary plan must be on file before a final plat application will be considered complete. If the mylar is submitted with the final plat application, it shall be considered a submittal for the preliminary plan project and processed and reviewed as such. Until the mylar has been confirmed by staff to be correct, the final plat application will be considered incomplete. Date of Optional Preapplication or Stormwater Management Conference NAME OF PROJECT Caprock Crossing Lot 1, Block 2 Replat ADDRESS y,A41t'SH6 South SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLAT: Louth of the intersection of William D. Fitch Parkway and SH 6 South APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name CapRock Texas E-mail Jesse.durden@caprocktx.com Street Address 110 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 103 City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77840 Phone Number 979-307-0321 Fax Number 979-314-7606 1/11 Page 1 of PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (All owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): ,n,) /� n�try Name Brazos Texas Land Development, LLC. E-mail a 5 Street Address 1203 University Drive East City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77840 Phone Number Fax Number 979-314-7606 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Schultz Engineering, LLC. -Deven Doyen, P.E. E-mail deven@schultzengineeringllc.com Street Address 2730 Longmire Drive, Suite A City College Station State Texas _ Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-764-3900 Fax Number 979-764-3910 Do any deed restrictions or covenants exist for this property? ❑ Yes ❑X No Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume and Page No. Total Acreage 8.15 Total No. of Lots 2 R-O-W Acreage 0 Existing Use Vacant Proposed Use Commercial Number of Lots By Zoning District 2 / C1 1 / Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: Floodplain Acreage N/A Is there Special Flood Hazard Area (Zone A or Zone AE on FEMA FIRM panels)on the property? r Yes r No This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s)and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? F- Yes 17 No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications(provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: City Project Number(if known): Date/Timeframe when submitted: 1/11 Page 2 of 9 A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and Preliminary Plan (if applicable). Lot 1, Blockas been divided into two lots- Requested o s.Requested waiver to subdivision regulations and reason for same if applicable): None -- Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. A 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. NIA 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. NIA 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. /A Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): 1. r An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. r The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; 3. F A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve(12) months; 4. r Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate/ rural context; 5. r When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; 1/11 Page 3 of 9 6. F The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO; or 7. F The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway I Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan -Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: NIA NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning &Zoning Commission. Requested Oversize Participation NIA Total Linear Footage of Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: Proposed Public: ACREAGE: Streets 0 Sidewalks 0 No. of acres to be dedicated + $ development fee 747Sanitary Sewer Lines 0 No. of acres in floodplain No. of acres in detention � Water Lines 0 _Channels Q No. of acres in greenways OR 0 Storm Sewers Bike Lanes/Paths FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: No. of SF Dwelling Units X$ _ $ (date)Approved by Parks& Recreation Advisory Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also co ' ere wners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. � r Signature and title Date �kl l �S M Pry L D 10900(� 1/11 Page 4 of 9 2 0 -- -------------- -- I��.. ^. -'� �not !a! NH i yi ao iia EBpiz oil sIpiS lf PH > af pu p �JI�--I��g 11M 0 Aw Ise? 1 'you wS OWN Qe zm= ---------- --- 01 OEM, Will PH "LA UPS was its- 'VOR, 5UNI -0 Joe; A >0 I IN. (*t/q" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Horne of Texas Ad-M University® REZONING REQUEST FOR 1600 UNIVERSITY DR EAST 13-00900197 REQUEST: O Office with OV Corridor Overlay to GC General Commercial with OV Corridor Overlay SCALE: One lot on approximately 4.4 acres LOCATION: 1600 University Dr East, generally located at the southwest corner of Glenhaven Drive and University Drive East APPLICANT: Jesse Durden, CapRock Texas PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: A request has been submitted for this property to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Institutional/Public to General Commercial. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this request on October 17, 2013 and recommended approval with a 4-0 vote. City Council will hear this request and make the final action at their November 14, 2013 meeting. Contingent on City Council's approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment request, Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 6 November 7, 2013 W Ali j; LU LY a LU co tv M l 1 — ah , � F i uj uj W i41 d _ ❑_ i W uj t, w ai Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 6 November 7, 2013 �a [a o 0 4 C7 e�A� op o 0 _ U LU oozes= ani ' o� ao w y' ❑ o mat o-3 > E S9 U •N pyo o_"a of V a o a) o � N 'S0'a`LD . �j aa [.o p CJ I p hq• t? CJ p {h{h C?7p0 o,� - 0 m a zzz4Lrs 4 . OD 60 ) u Sr. ♦ / � cn o a c a [Y7 C L C 1 r N C�'7 ,p" CO M Z mzJ J=CJ�a o w p w LO m u Qc a w � Ln o { LI) Ik W w l N � - o�.a� o \r Itr m ga EECy r h • x f CD a5 7 m o LU N 4h Q { r w di �, � LU LU .. . . . 1 Q LJ LULU [}i r3 P-5 't � �w�ChulpF LO Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 6 November 7,2013 NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: November 7, 2013 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: November 25, 2013 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station's Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: Summerglen HOA Post Oak Forest HOA Contacts in support: None at the time of this report. Contacts in opposition: None at the time of this report. Inquiry contacts: None at the time of this report. ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use General Commercial North (across Restaurants and University Drive East) General Commercial with OV Corridor retail Overlay Neighborhood T Town home with Glenhaven Estates South Conservation NPO Neighborhood (Single-family Prevailing Overlay residential) East (across General Commercial Glenhaven Drive) Institutional/Public with OV Corridor Scott &White Clinic Overlay Neighborhood T Town home with Glenhaven Estates West Conservation NPO Neighborhood (Single-family Prevailing Overlay residential) DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: August 1958 Zoning: R-3 Townhouse (back portion of property) March 1981 A-P Administrative Professional (front portion of property) March 1981 A-P Administrative Professional (back portion of property) December 1984 OV Corridor Overlay January 1992 Final Plat: June 1985 Glenhaven Estates Phase 6 Site development: Scott &White Offices REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The subject property is designated at Institutional/Public on the Comprehensive Plan. GC General Commercial is not consistent with this designation. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment request is currently being processed for this property to amend the Future Land Use and Character Map from Institutional/Public to General Commercial. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 4 of 6 November 7, 2013 2. Compatibility with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood: The subject property is currently zoned O Office and abuts a single-family area, designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The existing medical clinic acts as a transition between the single-family residential areas and University Drive East and the major commercial activities that occur along it. With the proposed General Commercial zoning, an increased amount of traffic can be anticipated. The Unified Development Ordinance requires screening and buffering between commercial and residential properties. Permitted development would include all uses within the General Commercial zoning district. 3. Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district that would be made applicable by the proposed amendment: The proposed rezoning for this property is GC General Commercial from O Office. Immediately adjacent to this property is an area zoned T Townhome, a single-family use in an area designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the Comprehensive Plan. A GC General Commercial zoning will allow for development that is more intense than what is permitted in the current O Office zoning district. Requirements are in place to protect single-family properties that abut commercial developments, such as a buffering, allowable building height, and permitted site lighting, but these will not mitigate all impacts. This property is a corner lot along a major arterial with a signalized intersection. 4. Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: The current O Office zoning of the property acts as a transitional buffer from University Drive East to the abutting single-family development. Office uses typically operate during working hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm which limits the amount of noise and need for site lighting in the evening. Uses that are permitted in this zoning typically do not cater to the general public and create less traffic than a commercial development. 5. Marketability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: The applicant states as a justification for the request that the Scott &White clinic will relocate to the new hospital in the Medical District, leaving this property with an office land use that will no longer be marketable. It is understood that the current owner is restricting the use of the property so it may not be used for medical use. Adjacent property, across Glenhaven Drive, owned by the same party is currently zoned GC General Commercial though also designated Institutional/Public on the Comprehensive Plan. 6. Availability of water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for the proposed use: Water service to the property is provided by an existing 16-inch water main running along the south side of University Drive East and an 8-inch waterline along the west side of Glenhaven Drive. Domestic and fire flow demands may necessitate future water main extensions at the time of site development. There are currently two 8-inch sanitary sewer mains extending across Glenhaven Drive to serve the property. The proposed General Commercial land use may create more intensity and preliminary analysis of the system has indicated that there is available capacity to serve this type of development. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 5 of 6 November 7, 2013 The subject tract is located in the Carters Creek drainage basin. No portion of the property has been designated FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area. Development of the subject tract will be required to meet the requirements of the City's Storm Water Design Guidelines, and site development impacts on the drainage system will be evaluated further at that time. The current zoning is O Office and could generate up to approximately 749 vehicles per day (VPD). The proposed GC General Commercial zoning could generate up to approximately 2,200 VPD, a net increase of 1,451 VPD. TxDOT's 2009 traffic counts along University Drive East in this area are 34,000 VPD and the City's travel demand model projected to 2011 indicates a volume of 42,000 VPD. In this area, University Drive East has a capacity of 60,000 VPD with a level of service (LOS) "D" being at 50,000 VPD. University Drive East's capacity is sufficient; however, changes may have to be made to the traffic signal timing along this corridor. At the time of site changes, a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) will be required if more than 150 vehicle trips are generated in the peak hour. STAFF RECOMMENDATION A request has been submitted for this property to amend the Comprehensive Plan from Institutional/Public to General Commercial. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this request on October 17, 2013 and recommended approval with a 4-0 vote. City Council will hear this request and make the final action at their November 14, 2013 meeting. Contingent on City Council's approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment request, Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Rezoning map Planning &Zoning Commission Page 6 of 6 November 7, 2013 i FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: DATE SUBMITTED: ' l 3� TIME: CATYor.coyix.Gi;SrirlON STAFF: A�T Hanrr of Tarnrd�hf Unlrenirj ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION GENERAL MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: i $1,165 Rezoning Application Fee. LXJ Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional Information is provided. ;/TraImpact Analysis or calculations of projected vehicle trips showing that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed request. ffic One(1)copy of a fully dimensioned map on 24"x 36"paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change: c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land;and e. All public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. Written legal description of subject property(metes& bounds or lot&block of subdivision,whichever is applicable). E] A CAD(dxf/dwg)-model space State Plane NAD 83 or GIS(shp)digital fife(e-mailed to p&DS_Digital_Submittal@cstx.gov). NOTE: If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial,except with permission of the Planning&Zoning Commission. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference NAME OF PROJECT 1600 University Drive ReZoning ADDRESS 1600 University Drive, Cottage Station, TX 77840 1 i LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Lot,Block, Subdivision) Stock 16, Glenhaven Subdivision GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY, IF NOT PLATTED: TOTAL ACREAGE 4.37 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION(Primary contact for the project): Name CapRock Texas E-mail Jesse.durden@ceprocktx.com Street Address 2809 Earl Rudder Freeway S, Ste. 203 College Station State TX Zip Code 77845 City g j Phone Number 979-307-0321 Fax Number 979-314-7606 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Scott&White Memorial Hospital c%Hoelscher, Lipsey, Elmore&Pool E-mail culiy@hle.com Street Address 1021 University Drive East City College station State TX Zip Code 77840 Phone Number 979-314-1172 Fax Number 979-846-4725 Page 1 of 3 tato OTHER CONTACTS(Please specify type of contact,i.e. project manager,potential buyer,local contact,etc.): Name E-mail Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number I This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated Oct. 16, 9987 and recorded in Volume 1006 , page 230 of the Brazos County Official Records. Existing Zoning O-Office Proposed Zoning GC-General Commercial w/Corridor Over Present Use of Property Medical Clinic Proposed Use of Property General Commercial I REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. For nearly 3 decades,the subject tract has been operated as a medical facility by Scott&White Memorial Hospital ("SW"). With the opening of the now SW Hospital and relocation of SW personnel to the Medical Corridor, the tract needs to be repositioned to achieve its highest and best use for the Owner and the City. General commercial zoning supports strong tax generating Industries like retail,restaurants and hotels. The tract is located at the gateway into College Station,and therefore should be zoned In a manner that encourages uses that create regional demand. i i I 2. Indicate whether or not this zone change is In accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not,explain why the Plan is incorrect. Due to the longevity of SW s operation, the Comprehensive Plan designation for the tract has remained "Institutional/Public". Because SW has now vacated the facility, this Land Use and Character designation Is no longer appropriate. The Owner and Applicant have submitted a Comprehensive Plan Amendment application which is currently being review by the City. That application aligns directly with this rezoning request. 3. How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? The requested rezoning will result in uses that are 1)compatible with nearby uses, 2)responsible, and 3) reasonable given the tract's location,adjacency to University Drive and State Highway 6, and its size(nearly 4.5 acres).Per the UDO, General Commercial zoned properties are those that"provide locations for general commercial purposes, that is,retail sales and service uses that function to serve the entire community and its visitors."This tract is situated In the heart of College Stations restaurant and retail corridor on a light-controlled hard corner and is no doubt a superb and well-suited General Commercial tract. 10110 Page 2 of 3 4. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. If rezoned to General Commercial,the property will be a premier redevelopment site at the main gateway Into College Station. General Commercial zoning will make possible the highest and best use of the property,and will surely help attract first-class developments that create regional draws and have regional impacts. Zoning the property to enything other that General Commercial will limit its potential to becoming a distinctive and renowned site. I 5. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. As currently zoned,the tract is unsuitable for redevelopment and reinvestment or for occupancy by medical office users. Without a rezoning, economic factors and medical use restrictions will ensure the property remains in its current state-likely becoming a dark spot on the otherwise bustling University Drive. Even if rezoned to Suburban Commercial,the tract will be potentlally void of reinvestment. Suburban Commercial zoning will limit restaurant sizes to a maximum of 8,000 SF-not nearly large enough fore 4+acre tract. In short,by keeping the current zoning designation or applying a designation of Suburban Commercial, the City will fall to realize the intent of the I Comprehensive Plan and the great potential for the property. 6. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The tract,as currently zoned,is highly unmarketable. Other medical providers will have no use for the facility,as SW must restrict the tract against use by other medical providers in order to remain competitive and ensure the success of their new hospital. For other office users,the cost of the land and the function obsolescence of the building make it undesirable. The best opportunity for the City and the Owner is incentivize redevelopment and reinvestment In the area by allowing those general commercial uses that have major local and regional impacts. 7. List any other reasons to support this zone change. i Given a successful rezoning, there is no doubt that the property will redevelop and emerge as a premier site that creates regional opportunities for tourism,retail,restaurants,and/or other commerce. The tract,once properly ositioned, will create a real opportunity for economic development and a sizeable expansion of the City's tax base. i The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION iS FiLED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. It the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. Signature and title Date S'AAHtrJ MoTat Fam m&- -, �N D eea 4040- SCO-r-I 4_W H 11r—Mr?n&*+L%A Print Form Page 3 of 3 kesPiT.4-t .L � c Y - 73 e. 5 _ az . y I LU ul l > IJ. gy q. ist _ t d W • c GOFyu� r � UjLLJ Lu v v �- , II u.