HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/2013 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission C-4q *-A- 44r� CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University Planning & Zoning Commission July 18, 2013 City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Workshop Meeting 6:00 PM Regular Meeting 7:00 PM (*Or"" AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home ofTexatAd-M University PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING JULY 18, 2013,AT 6:00 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. Call the meeting to order. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. • Final Plat—Amending— Great Oaks Phase IA Case# 13-00900114 (M. Hester) 4. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. [New Development List] 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the status of items within the 2013 P&Z Plan of Work(see attached). (J. Schubert) 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an overview of the current approach to Affordable Housing. (M. Hitchcock/D. Eller) 7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Economic Development Master Plan. (B. Cowell) 8. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. • Thursday, July 25, 2013 — City Council Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison—Ashfield) • Thursday, August 1, 2013 — P&Z Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. 9. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Resource Team, BioCorridor Board, and Zoning District Subcommittee. 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 11. Adjourn. 2 AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Howe of Texas A&M University' REGULAR MEETING JULY 18,20139 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. Call meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on planning and zoning issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 4, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Planning & Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve Meeting Minutes. • June 20, 2013 —Workshop • June 20, 2013 —Regular • July 2, 2013 — Special Regular 4.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. • Brad Corrier—June 20, 2013 • Mike Ashfield—July 18, 2013 4.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Great Oaks Subdivision consisting of 357 residential lots on approximately 224.5 acres generally located west of Holleman Drive South and north of Rock Prairie Road West. Case #13-00900059 (M. Hester) 3 4.4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Great Oaks Phase 13 consisting of seven residential lots on approximately 9.2 acres generally located west of Arboleda Drive in the Great Oaks Subdivision. Case#13-00900032 (M. Hester) 4.5 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Indian Lakes Phase 17 consisting of 19 residential lots on approximately 36.36 acres generally located east of Matoska Ridge Drive in the Indian Lakes Subdivision, approximately one mile southwest of State Highway 6 South in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case#13-00900095 (M.Hester) Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an amendment to Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance", Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by rezoning 75.07 acres located in Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract No. 54, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, recorded in Volume 6985, Page 42, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, more generally located south of William D. Fitch between Barron Road and Victoria Avenue from R-1 Single-Family Residential and A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District. Case#13-00900077 (T. Rogers) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the August 8, 2013 City Council Meeting -subject to change) 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a recommendation to City Council on Capital Improvement Program projects. (D. Harmon) 8. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Oak Terrace Addition Second Revision Lot 1R, Block 9 & Lot 1R, Block 12 being a replat of Oak Terrace Addition Second Revision All of Blocks 9 and 10, Lots 1-10, Block 12, former Milam Avenue right-of-way, and former Culpepper Drive right-of-way consisting of two lots on 13.833 acres at 900 & 901 Cross Street. Case # 12-00500246 (M. Robinson) 9. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Chapter 12 "Unified Development Ordinance" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station to allow micro-industrial uses as a permitted use within the NG-1 Core Northgate and NG-2 Transitional Northgate zoning districts. Case #13- 00900127 (M. Robinson) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the July 25, 2013 City Council Meeting -subject to change) 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 11. Adjourn. 4 2013 Planning & Zoning Commission Plan of Work Comprehensive Plan Implementation Implementation of Adopted Plans Summary: Project Dates: Implementation of adopted master plans and 2/14/13: Council discussion regarding board neighborhood, district, and corridor plans, namely: compositions for Medical District MMD#1 &#2. Central College Station, Eastgate, and Southside Area 6/20/2013: Discussion regarding CIP development neighborhood plans, and Bicycle, Pedestrian, and process at P&Z Regular meeting. Greenways, Parks and Recreation, Water, Waste 7/18/13: Recommendation for FY14 CIP proposal at Water, and Medical District master plans. P&Z Regular meeting. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: On-going Wellborn Community Plan Summary: Project Dates: Development of a district plan for the recently annexed 4/1/13: Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Wellborn area that contains elements of a rural historic Board recommended approval of the Plan. community with a unique character that residents of the 4/4/13: P&Z recommended approval of proposed plan. area desire to retain. 4/25/13: After a public hearing, Council adopted plan. Staff Assigned: M. Robinson Completed: April 2013 Economic Development Master Plan Summary: Project Dates: Development of a Master Plan to provide consistent 2/7/13: Master Plan update at P&Z Workshop. direction on how the City will help ensure its economic 7/18/13: P&Z Workshop on draft Master Plan. health for years to come while providing a positive 8/1/13: P&Z recommendation on Master Plan at P&Z business development environment. I Regular meeting. Staff Assigned: R. Heye JAnticipated Completion: Summer 2013 South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Summary: Project Dates: 5/21/13: Neighborhood Resource Team meeting. Development of a neighborhood plan for a number of 7/9/13: Plan Open House in Council Chambers. unique neighborhood areas. The plan area is generally bounded by Holleman Drive, Welsh Avenue, Wellborn 7/16/13: Neighborhood Resource Team meeting in Road, Harvey Mitchell Parkway, and Texas Avenue. Council Chambers at 6:30pm. 8/1/13: Delivery of draft plan at P&Z Workshop. 8/5/13: Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board recommendation on proposed plan. 8/15/13:After a public hearing, P&Z consideration and recommendation regarding proposed plan. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka, M. Hester JAnticipated Completion: Summer 2013 5 Page 1 of 4 Neighborhood Parking Summary: Project Dates: Analyze neighborhood parking issues by engaging 2/21/13: Task Force Final Report presented to P&Z. stakeholders and working in a Joint Task Force 2/28/13: Task Force Final Report presented to Subcommittee with Council. Implement recommended Council. solutions. 7/9/13-8/5/13: Stakeholder comment period for draft ordinance. 8/15/13: P&Z consideration of proposed ordinance. 9/12/13: Council consideration of proposed ordinance. Staff Assigned: B. Cowell, T. Rogers JAnticipated Completion: Summer 2013 Residential Zoning Districts Summary: Project Dates: Create and adopt new residential zoning districts to 4/9/13: Public meeting regarding single family and implement the future land use and character duplex zoning concepts. designations identified in the Comprehensive Plan. 4/19/13: P&Z Subcommittee meeting. 5/31/13: P&Z Subcommittee meeting. 6/7/13-7/7/13: Stakeholder comment period for draft zoning ordinance changes. 8/15/13: P&Z consideration of proposed ordinance. 9/12/13: Council consideration of proposed ordinance. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka, T. Rogers JAnticipated Completion: Summer 2013 Medical District Zoning Districts Summary: Project Dates: Create and adopt Medical and Urban Village zoning 5/2/13: Presentation regarding Plan implementation at districts to implement the new future land use and P&Z Workshop. character designations established by the Medical 8/15/13: Presentation of district concepts at P&Z District Master Plan. I Workshop. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka, M. Robinson JAnticipated Completion: Research and Education Plan Implementation Summary: Project Dates: The linkage between the Comprehensive Plan, Master Plans, and Neighborhood, District, and Corridor Plans. The linkage between regulations, funding, etc and plan implementation. • Overview of concept—provide a review of how this 5/2/13: Discussion at P&Z Regular meeting. system is built in College Station and intended to be used (link between vision, comprehensive plan, strategic plan, etc). s Page 2 of 4 Link between Comprehensive Plan and Master Plans 5/2/13: Discussion at P&Z Regular meeting. —this would include an overview of each of the adopted Master Plans and a demonstration of how for example we plan wastewater to serve the proposed land use and how for example the BPG Master Plan, if implemented responds to the desired character of the City, etc. Link between adopted plans and regulations/ 6/6/13: Discussion at P&Z Workshop. standards —this would include examples of how we use regs (for example new zoning districts or block length) to further the objectives/goals contained in the policy documents/plans and to help highlight how the success of those plans is impacted by the regs selected (or not) —for example how a certain type of block length yields a certain development pattern and connectivity whereas a different block length will yield a different pattern. Link between plans and funding—this would include 6/20/13: Discussion at P&Z Regular meeting. how the plans have been fiscally constrained and how funding plays a role in their successful implementation and how if not adequately funded they will fall short of expectations. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: Character and Community Design Summary: Project Dates: The purpose and definition of community character, community design, and the role they play in community vitality and success. Overview of community character (versus just a focus 5/16/13: Discussion at P&Z Workshop. on land use/protection from incompatible uses)—this would include an overview of what our plans say about this and again what best practices are in these areas. Link between community design and livability—this 9/2013: Discussion at P&Z. would be an overview of what the principles of good community design are, where these principles have (or have not) been used in College Station and where livability has been improved (or negatively impacted)as a result. Link between community design and economic vitality 9/2013: Discussion at P&Z. —this would be an overview of how community design impacts land values (and thus tax revenues)creates new economic opportunities, etc. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: 7 Page 3 of 4 Affordable Housing and Community Development Summary: Project Dates: Receive updates regarding affordable housing and other community development efforts. Overview of the City's current approach to addressing 7/18/13: Discussion at P&Z Workshop. affordable housing needs. Overview of the Department's revised approach to 9/2013: Discussion at P&Z. community development—this would be an overview of a Community Development Master Plan. On-going updates as needed (annual action plan, Community Development Master Plan, etc). Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: On-going Single-Family and Multi-Family Housing Markets Summary: Project Dates: Discuss impact of large amount of new multi-family units and single-family dwellings being used for student rental purposes on the local housing market. Overview of the issue/questions —this would be an 5/16/13: Discussion of methodology and scope at P&Z overview of what the perceived issues/questions are Regular meeting. and what others might have looked at in other communities when asking similar questions to devise a methodology. Overview of the new multi-family market—this would be what is being built, by whom, how are they performing, who is moving into them, etc. may include surveys, focus groups, guest speakers, etc. Overview of existing multi-family market—this would be what exists, who owns it, what are they doing to maintain and rent it, how are they performing, who is moving into them, etc. may include surveys, focus groups, guest speakers, etc. Overview of the single-family rental market—what is being built, who is managing what and how, who is renting, what are the implications/benefits of this market, etc. may include surveys, focus groups, guest speakers, etc. What, if any, response are needed/appropriate by the City to address issues. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: 8 Page 4 of 4 (*400r� CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M University 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570/Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 11, 2013 TO: Members of the Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: David Brower and Brian Piscacek, Community Development Analysts SUBJECT: Community Development Update Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an overview of current Community Development programs,area demographics, and housing characteristics. Community Development Unit Description The City has received over$33 million in Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funding (since 1975) and over $12 million in HOME Investment Partnership Grant funds (since 1992) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Much needed public services, more decent, safe and affordable housing, and critical infrastructure have been provided to low- and moderate-income residents as a result of these grant funds. College Station Demographics Based upon a review of data from the U.S. Decennial Census and American Community Survey, it is determined that the City of College Station is uniquely positioned concerning the presence of a low- income population. With many of the City's residents enrolled as full-time students in higher education— one-third of the entire population is between the ages of 20 and 24, in fact —much of the "low-income population" as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau can be attributed to the underemployed student segment. This does not discount, however, the existence of a true population that can be measured, and from which conclusions can be drawn. A greater percentage of families in College Station are at the income extremes when compared to families in Brazos County or the State of Texas; as a result, there is a smaller middle class. While over 40% of families earn at least $75,000, over 1,500 families make less than $10,000 annually. Nearly half of all occupations in College Station are those in management, business, science, and the arts. While there are numerous white collar, professional positions (mostly in government), low-skill, low-education opportunities are declining. Compared to the county and state, College Station has a smaller percentage of manufacturing and other more labor-intensive jobs. Planning d,Development Services P.O.BOX 9960 • 1101 TEXAS AVENUE -COLLEGE STATION •TEXAS -77842 TEL.979.764.3570 9FAX. 979.764.3496 cstx.gov/devservices Over 15% of College Station families are below poverty level, a federal measure to determine economic destitution. To put that in perspective,the poverty threshold for a family of four with two related children is $23,283. Two-parent families are least likely to be in poverty, as only 6.4% of married—couple families are in poverty. On the other end of the spectrum, single mothers have the greatest need for assistance, as 41.3% of families with a female householder and no husband present are below poverty. Those numbers drop significantly if the householder is employed (especially full-time). Minority families are twice as likely to be in poverty in College Station. Although only 2% of elderly households are in poverty, that percentage jumps to over 14% if the householder is female with no husband present. Of the more vulnerable groups, minority and single-mother households area also growing in number. In fact, from 2000-2010,the number of single-mother households increased by 60.5%to nearly 2,700. Housing Characteristics The greatest challenge faced by the low- and moderate-income population is securing decent and affordable housing,rental and owner alike. Because of the dominant student population, about 65% of the total housing units in the city are rentals — inversely proportional to the state. This creates a scenario in which 1) there is a relatively limited supply of homeownership opportunities, and 2) nonstudent households are forced to compete with students in the inflated rental market. Home prices have outpaced income from 2005-2011; while the median home sales price has increased by 10.2%, median family income has increased by just 6.3%. Furthermore, the College Station-Bryan MSA was recently ranked 182"d out of 226 national metro areas for affordability—only 20% of all metro areas ranked below. The City maintains a newer housing stock compared to the county or state;consequently, a much smaller percentage of "affordable" homes are available for purchase by low/mod households. Homeowners in College Station spend about 16.9% more on household costs compared to all of Brazos County. The renter cost burden is significant, with over 68% of renters spending over 30% of their income on household costs. The greatest issue is the lack of affordable 3- and 4-bedroom rental units. Over the last four years, while a two-bedroom unit has increased by just 4.1% in rent, four-bedroom units have increased by 27.4%. With only a handful of affordable complexes in the City, low-income households do not have many housing alternatives. The high price of housing restricts a family from having more discretion in managing finances. Building a more solid financial foundation through saving is an effective tool; however, many of this targeted population are "unbanked," or "under-banked," meaning that these residents utilize check cashiers, payday lenders, and other fringe financial service providers rather than maintaining a more traditional banking relationship. This can result in paying hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars each year to cash checks and enter into small loan agreements. The exploitative nature of these services further reduces economic stability. Community Development Master Plan Staff proposes development of a Community Development Master Plan to further examine the economically disadvantaged population in College Station and analyze what it means to be in poverty locally. The plan will discuss various obstacles and barriers that challenge low- and moderate-income households and the services that are available to overcome them. The overarching goal of this endeavor is threefold: 1) evaluate the effectiveness of existing means of support throughout the community; 2) discover where potential gaps exist; and 3)identify opportunities for local government intervention. 10 MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Home of Tmo AdM Univrniiy' Workshop Meeting June 20, 2013, 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik, and Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jodi Warner, Brad Corrier, and Vergel Gay CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Benham CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms Molly Hitchcock, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Morgan Hester, Teresa Rogers, Jenifer Paz, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Erika Bridges, Joe Guerra, Adam Falco, Jordan Wood, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call the meeting to order. Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was no discussion regarding consent and regular agenda items. 3. Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. • Final Plat — Minor Replat — The Cottages of College Station Ph. 1 L2 Bl. Case # 12- 00500181 Principal Planner Schubert reviewed the above-referenced plat. 4. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. [New Development List] Executive Director Cowell explained what the New Development List was and what information it would provide to the Commissioners. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the status of items within the 2013 P&Z Plan of Work(see attached). (J. Schubert) Principal Planner Schubert gave an update regarding the 2013 P&Z Plan of Work. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an update to the Commission on Gig.0 — The University Community Next Generation Innovation Project. (James Benham) Councilman Benham gave an update regarding Gig. U. June 20,2013 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 11 There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the project. 7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. • Thursday, June 27, 2013 — City Council Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison—Ross) • Tuesday, July 2,2013 — Special Planning& Zoning Meeting — Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. (Tentative) • Thursday, July 18, 2013 — P&Z Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Chairman Ashfield reviewed the upcoming meeting dates with the Planning and Zoning Commission. 8. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, South Knoll Area Neighborhood Plan Resource Team, BioCorridor Board, and Zoning District Subcommittee. There was general discussion regarding the Residential Zoning Districts status. 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion regarding future agenda items. 10. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 p.m. Approved: Attest: Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell,Admin. Support Specialist Planning&Zoning Commission Planning&Development Services June 20,2013 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 12 (*OF"" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES Home of Tffz A&M UniversiV* PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting June 20, 2013, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mike Ashfield, Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik, and Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jodi Warner,Brad Corrier, and Vergel Gay CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Benham CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms Molly Hitchcock, Jennifer Prochazka, Jason Schubert, Morgan Hester, Teresa Rogers, Jenifer Paz, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Erika Bridges, Joe Guerra, Adam Falco, Jordan Wood, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call Meeting to Order Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens No one spoke. 4. Consent Agenda All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve Meeting Minutes. • June 6, 2013 —Workshop • June 6, 2013 —Regular 4.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. • Vergel Gay —June 20, 2013 4.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Williams Creek Subdivision Phase 6, consisting of 22 residential lots on approximately 61.9 acres located at 9500 Rock Prairie Road. Case# 12-00500224 (T. Rogers) June 20,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 13 4.4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Development Plat for Plantation Oaks Addition, consisting of one lot on approximately 1.27 acres located at 1500 Earl Rudder Freeway South, generally located at the corner of Earl Rudder Freeway South and University Oaks Boulevard. Case# 13-00900098 (M. Hester) Commissioner Rektorik motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1 — 4.4. Commissioner Ross seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. There was no discussion regarding future agenda items. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an overview of the relationship between the Comprehensive Plan and funding for the plan implementation (J. Prochazka) Principal Planner Prochazka gave an overview of the relationship between the Comprehensive Plan and funding for the plan implementation. No action was taken on this item. 7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an overview of the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) development process. (B. Cowell) Executive Director Cowell gave an overview of the Capital Improvement Projects development process. No action was taken on this item. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion regarding future agenda items. 9. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Approved: Attest: Mike Ashfield, Chairman Brittany Caldwell,Admin. Support Specialist Planning&Zoning Commission Planning&Development Services June 20,2013 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 14 (*OF"" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES Home of Tffz A&M UniversiV* PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Special Regular Meeting July 2, 2013, 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik, Vergel Gay, and Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Mike Ashfield, Jodi Warner, and Brad Corrier CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Nichols CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Jason Schubert, Morgan Hester, Jenifer Paz, Erika Bridges, Joe Guerra, Roberta Cross, Jordan Wood, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call Meeting to Order Acting Chairman Miles called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens No one spoke. 4. Consent Agenda All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. • Mike Ashfield—July 2, 2013 • Jodi Warner—July 2, 2013 Commissioner Rektorik motioned to approve Consent Agenda Item 4.1. Commissioner Gay seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Regular Agenda 5. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Home2 Suites Subdivision being a replat of Lodgeco Subdivision Lot 2, North Park Section II Lots 2-4, and former Meadowland Street right-of-way consisting of approximately 2.1 acres at 300 Texas Avenue. Case# 13-00900053 (M. Hester) July 2,2013 P&Z Special Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 15 Staff Planner Hester presented the replat and recommended approval with the condition that the title block be revised and that a portion of former Meadowland Street right-of- way be included in the proposed lot if a quit claim document is signed by the adjacent owner. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the replat_ Acting Chairman Miles opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Acting Chairman Miles closed the public hearing. Commissioner Ross motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion regarding future agenda items. 7. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 p.m. Approved: Attest: Mike Ashfield,Chairman Brittany Caldwell,Admin. Support Specialist Planning&Zoning Commission Planning&Development Services July 2,2013 P&Z Special Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 16 (*01"" CITY OF COLLEGE,STATION Planning ear Development Services Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Brad Cornier Request Submitted on 6/20/2013 I will not be in attendance at the meeting on 6/20/2013 for the reason specified: (Date) Unexpected meeting Signature Brad Cornier 17 (*01"" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning ear Development Services Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Mike Ashfield Request Submitted on 7/10/2013 I will not be in attendance at the meeting on 7/18/2013 for the reason specified: (Date) Traveling for work Signature Mike Ashfield 18 (* r� +CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PRELIMINARY PLAN for Great Oaks Subdivision 13-00900059 SCALE: 357 residential lots on approximately 224.5 acres LOCATION: Generally located west of Holleman Drive South and north of Rock Prairie Road West ZONING: A-O Agricultural Open, A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision, R-1 B Single-Family Residential APPLICANT: Clint Cooper, BCS Rock Prairie PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov PROJECT SUMMARY: The Master Plan for this development was approved by the Commission in January 2007 and the original Preliminary Plat was approved in February 2007. A revised Preliminary Plat was approved in January 2012. The proposed Preliminary Plat reconfigures and adds lots to phases that have not yet been final platted. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 4 July 18, 2013 19 d✓�r��` i [{ yam " i Q' Z f r Z El J a. r iu CTi Lr) '* a Z Q¢ �C2 co �P 5; CGP 0 G� 0 M ?�*�O U) U3 u9 Y a ¢P? Q w w a ❑ w z ~ � J LU LL Q J LU Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 4 July 18, 2013 20 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: March 2008 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open in February 2008, upon annexation A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision in May 2008 R-1 B Single Family Residential in May 2008 Site development: Great Oaks Phase 1 is currently developed. COMMENTS Water: Water will be provided by Wellborn Water Supply Corporation. Sewer: Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the City of College Station for Phases 2-9. Off-site Easements: None at this time. Drainage: The subject tract is located in the Hopes Creek Drainage Basin. The subject tract is not encroached by a FEMA designated Special Flood Hazard Area. Development of the subject tract will be required to meet the City's storm water design guidelines. Flood Plain: There is no FEMA regulated floodplain located on the property. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: At the time when Great Oaks was master planned, the tract was located in the ETJ; therefore, no sidewalks are proposed or required. Bicycle Connectivity: At the time when Great Oaks was master planned, the tract was located in the ETJ; therefore, no bicycle facilities are proposed or required. Streets: Access will be provided to the development via Rock Prairie Road West and within through the use of existing roads within Great Oaks Phase 1. Oversize Request: N/A Parkland Dedication Fees: This development was Master Planned in the ETJ prior to parkland dedication requirements and therefore no parkland dedication is required. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area to be Restricted Suburban. This portion of Rock Prairie Road West is shown as a future 2-lane Major Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. Four 2-lane Minor Collectors are shown on the Thoroughfare Plan that was adopted in 2009. As this project was approved in January 2007, these thoroughfares are not required or provided. This Preliminary Plan is in general compliance with the Future Land Use and Character Restricted Suburban designation in the Comprehensive Plan. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 4 July 18, 2013 21 2. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The proposed Preliminary Plan was reviewed using the Subdivision Regulations applicable to the project when the master plan was originally approved in January 2007. It is in compliance with these requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Preliminary Plan Planning &Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 July 18, 2013 22 Microsofl Word-Preliminary Plat- ShowDo- ient.aspx http://cstx.go- -'nodules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4271 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: _ DATE SUIS ITTED: TIME. Ilia CITY OF(:OLLEGH STATION Home of Tures A&M University" STAFF: PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: V$932 Preliminary Plan Application Fee. 01K $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee (if applicable). Application completer) in fall. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. Fourteen(14)folded copies of plan.A revised mylar original must be submitted after approval. itle report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. J� •❑ Ippact study(if oversized participation is requested). The attached Preliminary Plan checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference NAME OF PROJECT &I!Nol'OAks SvMoI;V(�en ADDRESS SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: Welk idly sk„+ A-AIR ctiPWV 0A*s PkAge r &4;1 AVA APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name _pI J, A-S E-mail Street Address City State _ _ Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATIONAL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name e LLL E-mail Street Address Zg City _ 65- State Zip Code -7 7'9 Phone Number ' , 2�0:7me Fax Number ARCHITECT OR NGINI�ER'S INFORMATIO Name i"IC� ��C f ^��af �� Q(,e� �., E-mail CH-1 Cg wY C- u/' �.ro�✓,1p c0M Street Address /oo fJukilce/c City CS� State __I� Zip Code 775V�;_ Phone Number 9-M.. cel5.X533 Fax Number 1)11 Page 1 of 6 23 1 of 6 3/6/2013 9:24 AM Microsoft Word-Preliminary Plat-ShowDe- ient.aspx http://cstx.go- "Todules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4271 Total Acreage ZZ+ Ac- Total No. of Lots '2�4 7 R-O-W Acreage ��- Number of Lots By Zoning District 2-1 / 'K- 15 Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 1.0 / /Z-16 li:ZZ / Floodplain Acreage Z) NOTE: Appropriate zoning for the proposed subdivision must be in place before this application can be considered complete. Are you proposing to dedicate park land by acreage or fee in lieu of land? Are you proposing to F- develop the park f dedicate the development fee?(Check one) This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s)and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? FxYes r No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications(provide additional sheets if necessary): s Project Name: A\ek. io*Z5 City Project Number(in known): 1j�I1j�S Date/Timeframe when submitted: ZC86 .� ei ZDd ► 01 s Requested wavier to subdivision regulations and reason for same(if applicable): 1111 Page 2 of 6 24 2 of 6 3/6/2013 9:24 AM Microsoft Word-Preliminary Plat- ShowDo---�ent.aspx http://cstx.go• "lodules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4271 Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. F_ - - Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): I. F An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. f The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; 3. F A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve (12) months; 4. r Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate I rural context; 5. r When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; 1111 Page 3 of 6 25 3 of 6 3/6/2013 9:24 AM Microsoft Word-Preliminary Plat- ShowDo nent.aspx http://cstx.go- -nodules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=4271 6. F The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the LIDO; or 7. r The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway/Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan-Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning&Zoning Commission. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. Signature and title Date Page 4 of 6 26 4 of 6 3/6/2013 9:24 AM 'UM 1HRF"q —H-IMM Lo !Zk, PTLI yy T-71 R ;-95 1E, 4 7�- 7 1 y 11 �14 f F- - -- -- - - tis .......... JLd gr kAIlII I'T • ..... xuN .. 1 ode .i I 7N j. N 30, I i I L J4 I T 5-1 n' (i *Ar� CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FINAL PLAT for Great Oaks Phase 13 13-00900032 SCALE: Seven residential lots on approximately 9.2 acres LOCATION: Generally located west of Arboleda Drive in the Great Oaks Subdivision ZONING: A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision APPLICANT: Clint Cooper, BCS Rock Prairie PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 3 July 18, 2013 28 J � Z J d 2 co J� D O� G� cr? Nr co C? bQ O� d'6 r CL fl] Y d 0 Q W af LLI s > LLI +- v, w LLI Liu r�'~ ❑ o Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 3 July 18, 2013 29 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: March 2008 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open upon annexation A-OR Rural Residential Subdivision in May 2008 Preliminary Plat: Preliminary Plats have been approved for Great Oaks in 2006, 2012, and a recent revision in 2013. Site Development: Vacant. Seven residential lots are proposed with this phase, ranging in size from 1.0 acre to 1.3 acres. COMMENTS Parkland Dedication: This development was Master Planned in the ETJ prior to parkland dedication requirements; therefore, no parkland dedication is required. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: At the time when Great Oaks was master planned, the tract was located in the ETJ; therefore, no sidewalks are proposed or required. Bicycle Connectivity: At the time when Great Oaks was master planned, the tract was located in the ETJ; therefore, no bicycle facilities are proposed or required. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Restricted Suburban and the proposed lot sizes exceed with this land use. The proposed lots will have access from Arboleda Drive which connects to Great Oaks Drive, a future 2-lane Minor Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan and connect to Walnut Drive, a future Minor Collector located in the ETJ. 2. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The Final Plat complies with the applicable Subdivision Regulations contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Final Plat Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 3 July 18, 2013 30 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: DATE SUBMITTED: y CITY OF C01.11'sGi'.STATION TIME: 6�� Home ofTexasAdM University' STAFF: FINAL PLAT APPLICATION (Check one) ❑ Minor ❑ Amending 0 Final ❑ vacating ❑Replat ($700) ($700) ($932) ($932) ($932) Is this plat in the ETJ? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is this plat Commercial ❑ or Residential ❑ MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: /[ $700-$932 Final Plat Application Fee (see above). $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee (if applicable). $600 (minimum) Development Permit Application / Public Infrastructure Review and Inspection Fee. Fee is 1%of acceptable Engineer's Estimate for public infrastructure, $600 minimum (if fee is>$600, the balance is due prior to the issuance of any plans or development permit). t/x Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and 4I may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. Fourteen (14)folded copies of plat. (A signed mylar original must be submitted after approval.) x Two(2)copies of the grading, drainage, and erosion control plans with supporting drainage report. [x1 Two (2) copies of the Public infrastructure plans and supporting documents (if applicable). Copy of original deed restrictions/covenants for replats (if applicable). [] Title report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. Paid tax certificates from City of College Station, Brazos County and College Station I.S.D. X The attached Final Plat checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. NOTE: A mylar of the roved preliminary Ian must be on file before a final latapplication will be considered Y pp p rY P p complete. If the mylar is submitted with the final plat application, it shall be considered a submittal for the preliminary plan project and processed and reviewed as such. Until the mylar has been confirmed by staff to be correct, the final plat application will be considered incomplete. Date of Optional Preapplication or Stormwater Management Conference NAME OF PROJECT Great Oaks Phase 13 ADDRESS Arboleda Drive, College Station, Texas SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLAT: ,Adjacent to Phase 1 of Great Oaks Subdivision APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name BCS Rock Prairie (Clint Cooper) E-mail Street Address 1700 Research Pkwy#240 City College Station _ State Tx Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-260-7000 Fax Number 1/11 Page 1 of 9 31 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (All owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name Same as applicant E-mail Street Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name McClure &Browne Engineering/Surveying(Jeff Robertson) E-mail %effr@mcclurebrowne.com Street Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive, Ste 103 City College Station _ _ State Tx Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979-693-3838 Fax Number 979-693-2554 Do any deed restrictions or covenants exist for this property? ❑ Yes ❑X No Is there a temporary blanket easement on this property? If so, please provide the Volume and Page No. Total Acreage 9.21 Total No. of Lots 7 R-O-W Acreage 1.84 Existing Use Open Proposed Use Single Family Residential Number of Lots By Zoning District 7 / AOR i l Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: 1.05 / AOR Floodplain Acreage 0 Is there Special Flood Hazard Area (Zone A or Zone AE on FEMA FIRM panels)on the property? r Yes r No This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s) and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? Fx- Yes F- No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications(provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: Great Oaks Subdivision City Project Number(if known): Date/Timeframe when submitted: 1/11 Page 2 of 9 32 A statement addressing any differences between the Final Plat and Preliminary Plan (if applicable): Additional ors along Arboleda Chive i Requested waiver to subdivision regulations and reason for same (if applicable): Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. f 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. i 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable): 1. r An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. F_ The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; 3. F A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve (12) months; 4. F_ Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate/ rural context; 5. [— When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; 1111 Page 3 of 9 33 6. r The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO; or 7. r The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway I Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan-Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning &Zoning Commission. Requested Oversize Participation Total Linear Footage of Parkland Dedication due prior to filing the Final Plat: Proposed Public: ACREAGE: Streets Sidewalks No. of acres to be dedicated +$ development fee Sanitary Sewer Lines No. of acres in floodplain No. of acres in detention Water Lines Channels No. of acres in greenways OR Storm Sewers FEE IN LIEU OF LAND: Bike Lanes I Paths No. of SF Dwelling Units X$ _ $ (date)Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board NOTE: DIGITAL COPY OF PLAT MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO FILING. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. Signa#ure and title 0 Date 1/11 34 Page 4 of 9 CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT Owner Certification: 1. No work of any kind may start until a permit is issued. 2. The permit may be revoked if any false statements are made herein. 3. If revoked, all work must cease until permit is re-issued. 4. Development shall not be used or occupied until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 5. The permit will expire if no significant work is progressing within 24 months of issuance. 6. Other permits may be required to fulfill local, state, and federal requirements. Owner will obtain or show compliance with all necessary State and Federal Permits prior to construction including NOI and SWPPP. 7. If required, Elevation Certificates will be provided with elevations certified during construction (forms at slab pre- pour) and post construction. 8. Owner hereby gives consent to City representatives to make reasonable inspections required to verify compliance. 9. If, stormwater mitigation is required, including detention ponds proposed as part of this project, it shall be designed and constructed first in the construction sequence of the project. 10. In accordance with Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, measures shall be taken to insure that all debris from construction, erosion, and sedimentation shall not be deposited in city streets, or existing drainage facilities.All development shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to and approved by the City Engineer for the above named project. All of the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of College Station shall apply. 11. The information and conclusions contained in the attached plans and supporting documents will comply with the current requirements of the City of College Station, Texas City Code, Chapter 13 and associated BCS Unified Design Guidelines Technical Specifications, and Standard Details. All development has been designed in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances of the City of College Station and State and Federal Regulations. 12. Release of plans to (name or firm) is authorized for bidding purposes only. I understand that final approval and release of plans and development for construction is contingent on contractor signature on approved Development Permit. 13. I, THE OWNER, AGREE TO AND CERTIFY THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN, AND IN ATTACHMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION, ARE, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, TRUE, AND ACCURATE. `` —(a— Property Owner( Date Engineer Certification: 1. The project has been designed to ensure that stormwater mitigation, including detention ponds, proposed as part of the project will be constructed first in the construction sequence. 2. 1 will obtain or can show compliance with all necessary Local, State and Federal Permits prior to construction including NOI and SWPPP. Design will not preclude compliance with TPDES: i.e., projects over 10 acres may require a sedimentation basin. 3. The information and conclusions contained in the attached plans and supporting documents comply with the current requirements of the City of College Station, Texas City Code, Chapter 13 and associated BCS Unified Design Guidelines.All development has been designed in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances of the City of College Station and State and Federal Regulations. 4. I, THE ENGINEER,AGREE TO AND CERTIFY THAT ALL STATEMENTS HEREIN, AND IN ATTACHMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION, ARE, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, TRUE,AND ACCURATE. m�. 4' ) -1 Engi r Date 1/11 Page 5 of 9 35 The following CERTIFICATIONS apply to development in Special Flood Hazard Areas. Required for Site Plans, Final Plats, Construction Plans, Fill /Grading Permits, and Clearing Only Permits:* A. I, certify, as demonstrated in the attached drainage study, that the alterations or development covered by this permit, shall not: (i) increase the Base Flood elevation; (ii) create additional areas of Special Flood Hazard Area; (iii) decrease the conveyance capacity to that part of the Special Flood Hazard Area that is not in the floodway and where the velocity of flow in the Base Flood event is greater than one foot per second. This area can also be approximated to be either areas within 100 feet of the boundary of the regulatory floodway or areas where the depth of from the BFE to natural ground is 18 inches or greater; (iv) reduce the Base Flood water storage volume to the part of the Special Flood Hazard Area that is beyond the floodway and conveyance area where the velocity of flow in the Base Flood is equal to and less than one foot per second without acceptable compensation as set forth in the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13 concerning encroachment into the Special Flood Hazard Area; nor (v) increase Base Flood velocities. beyond those areas exempted by ordinance in Section 5.11.3a of Chapter 13 Code of Ordinances. Engineer Date Initial * If a platting-status exemption to this requirement is asserted, provide written justification under separate letter in lieu of certification. rRequired for Site Plans, Final Plats, Construction Plans, and Fill/Grading Permits: B. I, certify to the following: (i) that any nonresidential or multi-family structure on or proposed to be on this site as part of this application is designed to prevent damage to the structure or its contents as a result of flooding from the 100-year storm. Engineer Date Additional certification for Floodway Encroachments: C. I, certify that the construction, improvement, or fill covered by this permit shall not increase the base flood elevation. I will apply for a variance to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Engineer Date 1/11 Page 6 of 9 36 Required for all projects proposing structures in Special Flood Hazard Area (Elevation Certificate required). Residential Structures: D. I, certify that all new construction or any substantial improvement of any residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including all utilities, ductwork and any basement, at an elevation at least one foot above the Base Flood Elevation. Required Elevation Certificates will be provided with elevations certified during construction (forms at slab pre-pour)and post construction. Engineer/ Surveyor Date Commercial Structures: E. I, certify that all new construction or any substantial improvement of any commercial, industrial, or other non-residential structure are designed to have the lowest floor, including all utilities, ductwork and basements, elevated at least one foot above the Base Flood Elevation Engineer/ Surveyor Date OR I, certify that the structure with its attendant utility, ductwork, basement and sanitary facilities is designed to be flood-proofed so that the structure and utilities, ductwork, basement and sanitary facilities are designed to be watertight and impermeable to the intrusion of water in all areas below the Base Flood Elevation,and shall resist the structural loads and buoyancy effects from the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic conditions. Required Elevation Certificates will be provided with elevations certified during construction (forms at slab pre- pour)and post construction. Engineer/ Surveyor Date Conditions or comments as part of approval: 1/11 Page 7 of 9 37 FINAL PLAT MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (ALL CITY ORDINANCES MUST BE MET) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: (Requirements based on field survey and marked by monuments and markers.) X❑ Drawn on 24"x 36"sheet to scale of 100' per inch. 0 Vicinity map which includes enough of surrounding area to show general location of subject property in relationship to College Station and its City Limits. No scale required but include north arrow. 0 Title Block with the following information: 0 Name and address of subdivider, recorded owner, planner, engineer and surveyor. 0 Proposed name of subdivision. (Subdivision name&street names will be approved through Brazos County 911.) ❑x Date of preparation. ❑X Engineer's scale in feet. ❑X Total area intended to be developed. 0 North Arrow. ❑x Subdivision boundary indicated by heavy lines. 0 If more than 1 sheet, an index sheet showing entire subdivision at a scale of 500 feet per inch or larger. All applicable certifications based on the type of final plat. ❑x Ownership and Dedication ❑X Surveyor and/or Engineer Q City Engineer(and City Planner, if a minor plat) Q Planning and Zoning Commission (delete if minor plat) 0 Brazos County Clerk 0 Brazos County Commissioners Court Approval (ETJ Plats only) ❑ If submitting a replat where there are existing improvements, submit a survey of the subject property showing the improvements to ensure that no encroachments will be created. [] If using private septic systems, add a general note on the plat that no private sewage facility may be installed on any lot in this subdivision without the issuance of a license by the Brazos County Health Unit under the provisions of the private facility regulations adopted by the Commissioner's Court of Brazos County, pursuant to the provisions of Section 21.084 of the Texas Water Code. [7 Location of the 100-Year Floodplain and floodway, if applicable, according to the most recent available data. ® Lot corner markers and survey monuments (by symbol) and clearly tied to basic survey data. ❑x Matches the approved preliminary plan or qualifies as minor amendments(LIDO Section 3.3.E.2). ® The location and description with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles and radii, area, center angle, degree of curvature, tangent distance and length of all curves for all of the following: (Show existing items that are intersecting or contiguous with the boundary of or forming a boundary with the subdivision, as well as, those within the subdivision). Existing Proposed x❑ Streets. Continuous or end in a cul-de-sac, stubbed out streets must end into a temp turn around unless they are shorter than 100 feet. 7 F?Kl Public and private R.O.W. locations and widths. (All existing and proposed R.O.W.'s sufficient to meet Thoroughfare Plan.) 7 Street offsets and/or intersection angles meet ordinance. 1/11 Page 8 of 9 38 Existing Proposed ❑ ❑ Alleys. ❑X ❑X Easements. 0 ❑X A number or letter to identify each lot or site and each block (numbered sequentially). ❑ ❑ Parkland dedication/greenbelt area/park linkages. All proposed dedications must be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and documentation of their recommendation provided prior to being scheduled for P&Z Commission consideration. ❑X Construction documents for all public infrastructure drawn on 24"x 36"sheets and properly sealed by a Licensed Texas Professional Engineer that include the following: ❑X Street, alley and sidewalk plans, profiles and sections. One sheet must show the overall street, alley and/or sidewalk layout of the subdivision. (may be combined with other utilities). ❑ Sewer Design Report. ❑ Sanitary sewer plan and profile showing depth and grades. One sheet must show the overall sewer layout of the subdivision. (Utilities of sufficient size/depth to meet the utility master plan and any future growth areas.) Water Design Report and/or Fire Flow Report. [ Water line plan showing fire hydrants, valves, etc. with plan and profile lines showing depth and grades. One sheet must show the overall water layout of the subdivision. (Utilities of sufficient size/depth to meet the utility master plan and any future growth areas.) FX Storm drainage system plan with contours, street profile, inlets, storm sewer and drainage channels, with profiles and sections. Drainage and runoff areas, and runoff based on 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year rain intensity. Detailed drainage structure design, channel lining design & detention if used. One sheet must show the overall drainage layout of the subdivision. ❑X Detailed cost estimates for all public infrastructure listed above sealed by Texas P.E. ❑X Letter of completion for public infrastructure or guarantee/surety in accordance with UDO Section 8.6. ❑X Drainage Report with a Technical Design Summary. ❑X Erosion Control Plan (must be included in construction plans). Q All off-site easements necessary for infrastructure construction must be shown on the final plat with a volume and page listed to indicate where the separate instrument easements were filed. Separate instrument easements must be provided in recordable form to the City prior to being scheduled for P&Z Commission consideration. ❑X Are there impact fees associated with this development? ❑ YesX❑ No Impact fees must be paid prior to building permit. 0 Will any construction occur in TxDOT rights-of-way? ❑ Yes ❑X No If yes, TxDOT permit must be submitted along with the construction documents. NOTE: 1. We will be requesting the corrected Final Plat to be submitted in digital form if available prior to filing the plat at the Courthouse. 2. If the construction area is greater than 5 acres, EPA Notice of Intent(NOI) must be submitted prior to issuance of a development permit. Print Form 1/11 Page 9 or 9 39 SEC W NN; PER N sV€ by N il i di MH RN,1 dg; win v ;N Q! E M!Ali TH y 00 a VIA . . ..... 1�f--!=sag k5l Mw 1-1-1 --I r------------------- any! 'W� ------------ iji Iwo. ---------- rase ---------------- ------- ------- L------------- -------- mo-------—------ xmc----- - ------- !L- ------------ r--- - --------- -- t ------------ ------- k-;L T ------------ H1, 9'4 ----------iv ------ ----------- tq XED ------------ oa my � vim NO Sp !kn CITY of COLLEGE STATION PRELIMINARY PLAT for Indian Lakes Ph 17 13-00900095 SCALE: 19 residential lots on approximately 36.36 acres LOCATION: Generally located east of Matoska Ridge Drive in the Indian Lakes Subdivision ZONING: N/A (ETJ) APPLICANT: Travis Martinek, Smiling Mallard Development, Ltd. PROJECT MANAGER: Morgan Hester, Staff Planner mhester@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 4 July 18, 2013 41 t ■ I r� .a�'•rl� r�r �� :,F. y'.�',��� ��h�'s1$�� F� / t ��F',��.3{ter,'' lk* ■ ! ,y �rfl fib. r _ ■ DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: N/A (ETJ) Zoning: N/A (ETJ) Master Planned: Master Plan approved in 2002. Subsequent preliminary plats and final plats have been approved every year since 2004. Site development: Vacant. Nineteen residential lots are proposed, ranging from 1.15 acres to 2.69 acres. COMMENTS Water: Provided by Wellborn Special Utility District. Sewer: Sanitary sewer service will be provided by private on-septic systems on each lot. These facilities will be permitted by the Brazos County Health Department. Off-site Easements: None at this time. Drainage: Drainage is generally to the north within the Peach Creek Drainage Basin. Flood Plain: There is no FEMA regulated floodplain located on the property. Greenways: N/A Pedestrian Connectivity: This site is located in the ETJ so sidewalks are not required. Bicycle Connectivity: This site is located in the ETJ and no specific facilities for bicycle connectivity are required. Streets: Access will be provided from Indian Lakes Phase 4 via Indian Lakes Drive. Oversize Request: N/A Parkland Dedication Fees: This development was approved as a Master Plan in the ETJ prior to parkland dedication requirements being applicable in the ETJ. Therefore, no parkland dedication is required. Impact Fees: N/A REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Rural. The City, however, does not have land use authority in the ETJ. The proposed lots will have access through rural residential streets that connect to Indian Lakes Drive, a Major Collector on the Thoroughfare Plan. 2. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: The Preliminary Plat complies with the applicable Subdivision Regulations contained in the Unified Development Ordinance. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 4 July 18, 2013 43 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Preliminary Plat Planning &Zoning Commission Page 4 of 4 July 18, 2013 44 FOR OFFICE USE N Y CASE NO.: DATE SUBMITTED: I TIME: CITY ON CO)J EGP.STATION H—e ofT A&M Unit iq' STAFF: PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: x $932 Preliminary Plan Application Fee. ❑ $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee(if applicable). ❑x Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. ❑x Fourteen(14)folded copies of plan.A revised mylar original must be submitted after approval. v X Title report for property current within ninety (90)days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety(90)days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances,etc. ❑ Impact study(if oversized participation is requested). ❑x The attached Preliminary Plan checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference N/A NAME OF PROJECT Indian Lakes-Phase 17 ADDRESS Northeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Matoska Ridge Drive SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: Northeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Matoska Ridge Drive APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION(Primary contact for the project): Name Travis Martinek E-mail travis@clarkewyndham.com Street Address 3608 East 29th Street,Suite 100 City Bryan State Texas Zip Code 77802 Phone Number (979)846-4384 Fax Number (979)846-1461 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name Smiling Mallard Development,Ltd. E-mail travis@clarkewyndham.com Street Address 3608 East 29th Street,Suite 100 City Bryan State Texas Zip Code 77802 Phone Number (979)846-4384 Fax Number (979)846-1461 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name McClure&Browne Engineering,Inc. E-mail leffr@mcclurebrowne.com Street Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive,Suite 103 City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77845 Phone Number (979)693-3838 Fax Number (979)693-2554 1/11 Page 1 o 45 Total Acreage 36.36 Total No.of Lots 19 R-O-W Acreage 4.18 Number of Lots By Zoning District n/a / n/a n/a I n/a n/a ! n/a Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: n/a I n/a n/a / n/a n/a I n/a n/a ! n/a Floodplain Acreage 0.00 NOTE: Appropriate zoning for the proposed subdivision must be in place before this application can be considered complete. Are you proposing to dedicate park land by acreage or fee in lieu of land?n/a Are you proposing to [develop the park r dedicate the development fee?(Check one) This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance.Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s)and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? r'Yes F-No If yes,provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications(provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name:Indian Lakes Subdivision City Project Number(in known):unknown Date/Timeframe when submitted: 2000 Requested wavier to subdivision regulations and reason for same(if applicable): a Page 2 of 6 46 Regarding the waiver request,explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. a 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. ri/a 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area,or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. a 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. a Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition(if applicable): 1. r An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. F_The presence of unique or unusual topographic,vegetative,or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; 3. r A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk.Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve(12)months; 4. F_ Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate/ rural context; 5. F-When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use path is shown on the Bicycle,Pedestrian,and Greenways Master Plan; 1111 Page 3 of 6 47 6. r The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO;or 7. r The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway/Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan-Functional Classification,in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: n/a NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning&Zoning Commission. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. ��� s, Signature and title Date 1117 Page 4 of 6 48 CITY ON CO)JJ?GT',STA'T'ION Home of Te A&M U i—iry' PRELIMINARY PLAN MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (ALL CITY ORDINANCES MUST BE MET) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: ❑X Drawn on 24"x 36"sheet to scale of 100'per inch or larger. Include the words"PRELIMINARY PLAN- NOT FOR RECORD"in letters 1/2"high.If more than 1 sheet,an index sheet showing entire subdivision at a scale of 500 feet per inch or larger. ❑X Vicinity map which includes enough of surrounding area to show general location of subject property in relationship to College Station and its City Limits. No scale required but include north arrow. ❑X Title Block with the following information: ❑X Name and address of subdivider,recorded owner,engineer and surveyor. ❑X Proposed name of subdivision (subdivision name & street names will be approved through Brazos County 911). 0 Date of preparation (including the date the plat was submitted and the dates of any revisions on the plat). ❑X Engineer's scale in feet. ❑X Total area intended to be developed. �X North Arrow. ❑X Location of current city limit lines and current zoning district boundary. The appropriate zoning district(s) must be in place for the proposed land uses before the application for a subdivision. ❑X Subdivision boundary indicated by heavy lines. Boundary must include all of parent tract. �X Descriptions by metes and bounds of the subdivision which shall close within accepted land survey standards. (Labeled on boundary lines,not separate metes and bounds description.) ❑X Primary control points or descriptions and ties to such control point, to which , later, all dimensions, angles, bearings, block numbers, and similar data shall be referred. The plat shall be located with respect to a corner of the survey or tract,or an original corner of the original survey of which it is a part. ❑X Name of contiguous subdivisions and names of owners of contiguous parcels of unsubdivided land,and an indication whether or not contiguous properties are platted. ❑X Location of the 100 Year Floodplain and Floodway,if applicable,according to the most recent available data. ❑X Topographic information,including contours at two foot(2 ft.)intervals,wooded areas,and flowline elevation of streams. ❑X Proposed land uses(in compliance with existing zoning district). ❑X The location and description with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles and radii, area, center angle, degree of curvature, tangent distance and length of all curves for all of the following: (Show existing items that are intersecting or contiguous with the boundary of or forming a boundary with the subdivision,as well as,those within the subdivision). 11f Page 5 of 6 49 JX w CL V a FI . <x UJ �77 Y a W ax< a m i t z LL z CL Z a U � O �g J �£ o d — W ^�� .I `"o,�•�6'M er.st.s - E._ a°'a i�a a Q II41 -- ` •" LL 1 � �# �� SII f-- �a' 3I �• - \y� rn ao ' tea, z UJI 502-49"�9-E-ST5.R' 5 I S @1 /� 4 ��< T - ..KW.mama Axs-- `mac' - � F• S I SSS I gill U max¢ � am` �-uo �., 3 tiQ-9.>•'` /�$� 1 ,. 4 8 oar.. 4 1-77 r If LU I J m v� �`8 mom• $�- / ryas#\\\\ ;�'�p�'+ �� - �/� - _ z IQ AoJ Z l J -zi W I a �y123�d=$ogff o� Rig 564 WWW sW - a, g s .IRo s 9 � a S j $_ glgg 1 '. am , -'J'1111111:11-2 ' Rg 11110�� s � W ,j $ y H as all .o���Po a �_ �_ m_ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas Ad-M University' REZONING REQUEST for Bridgewood & Barron Crossing 13-00900077 REQUEST: R-1 Single-Family Residential and A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District SCALE: 75.07 acres LOCATION: Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract No. 54, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, recorded in Volume 6985, Page 42, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, more generally located south of William D. Fitch between Barron Road and Victoria Avenue. APPLICANT: Natalie Ruiz, IPS Group PROJECT MANAGER: Teresa Rogers, Staff Planner trogers@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Restricted Suburban and located in Growth Area IV. In general, growth areas are located in greenfields and are intended to allow land use flexibility when coupled with higher design standards. Growth Area IV is intended for less intense suburban activities. Cluster development may be utilized when a large portion (15% or more) of the overall area is retained for open space. In addition, suburban commercial and townhouse uses are permitted in planned developments of at least 30 acres. This request proposes approximately 58 acres of clustered single- family residential development with the provision of a minimum 8 acres of open space. The maximum gross density is 4 dwelling units per acre. Average lots sizes will be 8,000 square feet, with an absolute minimum lot size of 6,500 square feet. In addition, approximately 9 acres of townhouses and 5 acres of suburban commercial, with an estimated total of 45,000 square feet, are proposed. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 8 July 18, 2013 51 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed PDD with the condition pedestrian access is provided from the R-3 Townhouse development to the open space area and right turn deceleration lanes be provided for the Suburban Commercial portion of the project on connections to William D. Fitch Parkway. The specific location and design of deceleration lanes will be determined at site planning and must meet TxDOT permitting requirements. Staff realizes block length requirements have not been met for the Restricted Suburban portion of the development; however in order to meet block length a connection would be necessary to a limited access road or through the shared open space. Therefore, staff does not feel block length requirements must be met in these locations, given the unique concept of this PDD. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 2 of 8 July 18, 2013 52 LLk ° Ur ti o r y a� 0 �. ❑ O m C N W o L�N�{ tr- LL`�- 1 Z C p O C O O j i0 IFS d 55 N AN C LLO N 61 N Q 4 e+,. 0 1 1 1 d bo- C �m� Hie,na d— do �ZZZO LY all, o a I01 O „"�Q yb'ONn `��'7 v M er i � E La E Z1. IDS � 1 r�' EEL 0-0 0v �� ❑ _al 91 O N tg O G� LL J U E Q d W CA O Z g1Shl pR�Q j >.s Q in 1i d e ¢ _ E uo ES co S cq -44 o OT r�vmr- w 1 1 1 1 U_ W Q f� t7U > q� W �O cr z J� W OCG o CL ��e ~ O Od ,GP W c � EEw w LL ti y n� 141 � vmL "k O %, 11 oye o6 � 777 1 1 Planning &Zoning Commission Page 3 of 8 July 18, 2013 53 NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: July 18, 2013 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: August 8, 2013 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station's Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: Castlegate HOA Property owner notices mailed: 30 Contacts in support: None Contacts in opposition: None Inquiry contacts: 3 ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North General Suburban, R-1 Single-Family Residential, Single-Family and Natural Areas - Reserved, A-O Agricultural Open, and C- vacant and Urban 3 Light Commercial South Restricted Suburban and R-1 Single-Family Residential Single-Family and Estate and A-O Agricultural Open vacant East Restricted Suburban PDD Planned Development Single-Family District West Suburban Commercial C-3 Light Commercial vacant DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: June 1995 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open upon annexation R-1 Single-Family Residential in May 2008 Final Plat: Unplatted Site development: Vacant Planning &Zoning Commission Page 4 of 8 July 18, 2013 54 REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The subject tract is designated Restricted Suburban on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map and is also located in Growth Area IV. In general, growth areas are located in greenfields and are intended to allow land use flexibility when coupled with higher design standards. Growth Area IV is intended for less intense suburban activities and cluster development may be utilized when a large portion (15% or more) of the overall area is retained for open space. In addition, suburban commercial and townhouse uses are permitted in planned developments of at least 30 acres. The proposed development is consistent with the allowable land uses for Growth Area IV and also with surrounding land use designations. 2. Compatibility with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood: The proposed PDD will enable the development of clustered Restricted Suburban uses, named Bridgewood Subdivision, closest to the existing Castlegate Subdivision. Lot sizes will average 8,000 square feet and will be similar to those of the adjacent Castlegate Subdivision. In addition, open space will be provided within the development to offset gross density requirements of a maximum of four units per acre. Townhouse and suburban commercial uses will be located in Barron Crossing Subdivision and are proposed along the western side of the property, closer to Barron Road, and will provide a transition for the existing residential areas to William D. Fitch Parkway. 3. Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district that would be made applicable by the proposed amendment: The proposed land uses permitted through this PDD include those allowed in R-1 Single-family, R-3 Townhouse, and SC Suburban Commercial. The SC Suburban Commercial zoning district is intended for neighborhood-oriented commercial uses that will have residential-style architecture. The Suburban Commercial zoning district, along with the residential uses, are suitable adjacent to single-family and appropriate given the close proximity of William D. Fitch Parkway and the future W.S. Phillips Parkway. 4. Suitability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: The property is currently zoned R-1 Single-Family Residential and A-O Agricultural Open. The current zoning district is suitable for the property given the similar zonings and uses of nearby subdivisions. The tract narrows between William D. Fitch Parkway and future W.S. Phillips Parkway and this area is less suitable for single-family detached residences. 5. Marketability of the property affected by the amendment for uses permitted by the district applicable to the property at the time of the proposed amendment: The property can currently be marketed under the existing R-1 Single-Family zoning. However, the applicant has stated, "the marketability of the narrow strip of property between State Highway 40 and W.S. Phillips Parkway is not feasible." 6. Availability of water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for the proposed use: There is an existing 12-inch water main to the northwest on Barron Cut-Off Road, which will need to be extended to and through the property to provide water service. There is also an existing 15-inch sanitary sewer main traversing the tract that currently has adequate capacity in the downstream system to accommodate the proposed use. Drainage and other public infrastructure required with site development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the BCS Unified Design Guidelines. Existing infrastructure, with the exception of the referenced water main extension, appears to be adequate for the proposed use at this time. Access to the site will be available via William D. Fitch Parkway and Barron Cut-Off Road. When the proposed development proceeds through the platting process, construction of portions of W.S. Phillips Parkway will be required in order for the site to be in compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan. All proposed driveways or streets to William D. Fitch Parkway will require approval from the Texas Department of Transportation. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 5 of 8 July 18, 2013 55 REVIEW OF CONCEPT PLAN The applicant has provided the following information related to the purpose and intent of the proposed zoning district: "To develop a sustainable mix of commercial and residential land uses in a growth area of the City in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Character Designations." The proposed Concept Plan includes uses permitted through R-1 Single-Family, R-3 Townhouse, and SC Suburban Commercial. The suburban commercial portion of the development will follow all requirements of SC Suburban Commercial zoning district and have an estimated building plot square footage of 45,000 square feet. The townhouse portion of the development will follow all requirements of R-3 Townhouse. Bridgewood Subdivision base zoning district will be R-1 Single-Family Residential and will follow additional requirements specified in the Concept Plan that have been provided by the applicant based on the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed RS Restricted Suburban zoning district. Bridgewood is proposed as a cluster development with a maximum gross density of four units per acre, average lot size of 8,000 square feet, and absolute minimum lot size of 6,500 square feet. In order to offset clustered houses a minimum of 8 acres of open space is proposed. Base Zoning and Meritorious Modifications At the time of plat and site plan, the project will need to meet all applicable site development standards and platting requirements of the UDO for the R-1 Single-Family, R-3 Townhouse, and SC Suburban Commercial zoning classifications, except where meritorious modifications are granted with the PDD zoning. The applicant is requesting the following meritorious modification: 1. UDO Section 12-8.3.G.2 "Blocks" According to subdivision regulations, block lengths shall not exceed 1,200 linear feet in Restricted Suburban designations of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. When a block exceeds this length, an additional street is required to reduce the length of the block. Block length is required to be broken by the extension of a public street or a public way. The applicant is requesting modification of this requirement for Bridgewood Subdivision and feels "the minimum block length of 1,200 feet cannot be met given the lack of connectivity provided in the existing abutting Castlegate Subdivision and the existing creek area that bisects the property." While there are opportunities to meet block length along William D. Fitch Parkway, this is a limited access road. In addition, block length could also be met by connecting Barron Crossing Subdivision (townhouse development) to the Bridgewood Subdivision, but this would cause a street to cut through the proposed open space area that is central to the development. In this case, staff believes there is merit to justify the modification based on the unique concept of this PDD. The Unified Development Ordinance provides the following review criteria for PDD Concept Plans: 1. The proposal will constitute an environment of sustained stability and will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding area: The proposed development will consist of residential and suburban commercial land uses that are compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods. The SC Suburban Commercial district requires structures utilized materials and designs commonly found within residential areas. Under the SC Suburban Commercial zoning district each building is required by ordinance to provide architectural relief elements. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 6 of 8 July 18, 2013 56 2. The proposal is in conformity with the policies, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and any subsequently adopted Plans, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of this Section: The Concept Plan reflects the policies, goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan as it relates to land use and character, connectivity, and neighborhood integrity, with the addition of the stated staff conditions. The development proposes land uses allowed for this growth area through the Comprehensive Plan. Upon platting, the subject property will be required to provide additional right-of-way and build portions of W.S. Phillips Parkway in compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan. 3. The proposal is compatible with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites and will not adversely affect adjacent development: The proposed PDD will enable the development of clustered Restricted Suburban uses, named Bridgewood Subdivision, closest to the existing Castlegate Subdivision. Lot sizes will be compatible to those of the adjacent subdivisions. In addition, open space will be provided within the development to offset gross density requirements of a maximum of four units per acre. Townhouse and suburban commercial uses will provide a transition for the existing residential areas to William D. Fitch Parkway. 4. Every dwelling unit need not front on a public street but shall have access to a public street directly or via a court, walkway, public area, or area owned by a homeowners association: At the time of platting, all residential units will be required to comply with subdivision regulations regarding access. 5. The development includes provision of adequate public improvements, including, but not limited to, parks, schools, and other public facilities: At the time of platting and site planning the development will be required to meet all city regulations. When the proposed development proceeds through the platting process, construction of portions of W.S. Phillips Parkway will be required in order for the site to be in compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan. All proposed driveways to William D. Fitch Parkway will require approval from the Texas Department of Transportation. 6. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity: This development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 7. The development will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use and other uses reasonably anticipated in the area considering existing zoning and land uses in the area: This development will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation in the vicinity if the proposed staff condition to provide a pedestrian connection from the townhouse use to the open space is added to the Concept Plan. A traffic impact analysis was required. Potential impacts to the transportation network were diminished with the decrease in the intensity of land uses, which was part of the final maximum land use density recommendation. However, based on trip generation of the Suburban Commercial portion of the project, at site planning the applicant will be required to provide right turn deceleration lanes on connections to William D. Fitch Parkway in the suburban commercial portion of the project and meet TxDOT permitting requirements. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 7 of 8 July 18, 2013 57 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed PDD with the condition pedestrian access is provided from the R-3 Townhouse development to the open space area and right turn deceleration lanes be provided for the Suburban Commercial portion of the project on connections to William D. Fitch. The specific location and design of deceleration lanes will be determined at site planning and must meet TxDOT permitting requirements. Staff realizes block length requirements have not been met for the Restricted Suburban portion of the development; however in order to meet block length a connection would be necessary to a limited access road or through the shared open space. Therefore, staff does not feel block length requirements must be met in these locations, given the unique concept of this PDD. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Rezoning Map 3. Concept Plan Planning &Zoning Commission Page 8 of 8 July 18, 2013 58 1 ht FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: 1 DATE SUBMITTED: + CITY OF COLLEGE;STATION TIME: Home of Texas A6-M University' STAFF: ZONING MAP AMENDMENT (REZONING) APPLICATION PLANNED DISTRICTS (Check one) (`51,165) Planned Development District(PDD) E] ($1,165) Planned Mixed-Used Development(P-MUD) ❑ ($315) Modification to Existing PDD or P-MUD Amendment-Planning &Zoning Commission and City Council Review Please use Concept Plan Minor Amendment Application for minor amendments as per Section 3.4.J of the UDO. MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: U $315- 1,165 Rezoning Application Fee. application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and ,may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. raffic Impact Analysis or calculations of projected vehicle trips showing that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed request. One(1)copy of a fully dimensioned Rezoning Map on 24"x36"paper showing: a. Land affected; b. Legal description of area of proposed change; c. Present zoning; d. Zoning classification of all abutting land; and All public and private rights-of-way and easements bounding and intersecting subject land. Written legal description of subject property (metes & bounds or lot & block of subdivision, whichever is .gpplicable). [ A CAD(dxf/dwg)-model space State Plane NAD 83 or GIS (shp)digital file(e-mailed to rSDigital&brnittal@cstx.gov). ie een (14)copies of the Concept.Plan on 24"x36"paper in accordance with Section 3.4.D of the UDO. ,, One(1)copy of the Concept Plan on 8.5"x11"paper in accordance with Section 3.4.1)of the UDO. w. V The attached Concept Plan checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not checked off. NOTE: If a petition for rezoning is denied by the City Council, another application for rezoning shall not be filed within a period of 180 days from the date of denial, except with permission of the Planning&Zoning Commission. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference NAME OF PROJECT Barron Crossing&Bridgewood Subdivisions ADDRESS William D..Fitch Parkway(State Highway 40)-2985 Barron Cut-Off Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Lot, Block, Subdivision) Tract 7 of the Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract 54 GENERAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY IF NOT PLATTED: Located along the south side of William D. Fitch Parkway(State Highway 40)just east of the Barron Road intersection. TOTAL ACREAGE 75.07 acres 10/10 Page 1 of 7 59 APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name Natalie Ruiz, Principal of IPS Group E-mail natalie@ipsgroup.us Street Address 511 University Drive East, Suite 204 City College Station State Texas _ Zip Code 77840 Phone Number 979.846.9259 Fax Number 979.260.3564 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name Randy French, President of BCS Development Company E-mail rfrench@stylecraftbuilders.com Street Address 4090 State Highway 6 South City College Station —State Texas Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979.690.1222 Fax Number OTHER CONTACTS(Please specify type of contact, i.e. project manager, potential buyer, local contact, etc.): Name J. Dale Browne, McClure&Browne Engineering E-mail daleb@mcclureandbrowne.com Street Address 1008 Woodcreek Drive, Suite 103 City College Station State Texas Zip Code 77845 Phone Number 979.693.3838 Fax Number This property was conveyed to owner by deed dated October 13, 2005 _and recorded in Volume 6985 , Page 42 of the Brazos County Official Records. Existing Zoning R-1 and A-0 Proposed Zoning PDD-Planned Development District Present Use of Property Vacant Proposed Use of Property Residential Subdivision and Suburban Commercial Subdivision Proposed Use(s)of Property for PDD, if applicable: Proposed uses are found in the base zoning districts of R-1 Single Family Residential and SC Suburban Commercial. P-MUD uses are prescribed in Section 6.2.C. Use Table of the Unified Development Ordinance. If P-MUD: Approximate percentage of residential land uses: N/A Approximate percentage of non-residential land uses: N/A REZONING SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. The development potential of the area and the current market demands for single family residential and suburban commercial land uses. Public infrastructure investments including State Highway 40, Victoria Avenue and the new College Station High School have created demand for new residential and supporting commercial land uses in the area. 10/10 Page 2 of 7 60 2. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The zone change is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan shows the property as restricted suburban. The extension of W. S. Phillips Parkway parallel to State Highway 40 creates a triangular- shaped property more suitable for suburban commercial land uses. The proposed PDD provides for single family homes and supporting suburban commercial land uses. 3. How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? The PDD zoning is compatible with the present zoning and conforming land uses of nearby properties. The attached Concept Plan provides for single family land uses adjacent to the single family homes in the Castlegate Subdivision. Suburban Commercial land uses are concentrated along State Highway 40 near the Barron Road intersection and bound by the future W. S. Phillips Parkway. 4. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. The single family and suburban commercial land uses are suitable for the subject property and in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The base zoning district for the commercial land uses is Suburban Commercial that was created to be within close proximity to single family homes. 5. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The property is suitable for existing single family and agricultural land uses. However, given the extension of W. S. Phillips Parkway, the narrow strip of property that remains is more appropriate for suburban commercial land uses. 6. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. Single family land uses are appropriate for the subject property and are incorporated into this PDD request. However; the marketability of the narrow strip of property between State Highway 40 and W. S. Phillips Parkway is not feasible. Suburban Commercial land uses in this area are much more marketable given the amount of resincto.d suburban development in the area. 7. List any other reasons to support this zone change. The PDD request is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 10/10 Page 3 of 7 61 8. State the purpose and intent of the proposed development. See attached. CONCEPT PLAN SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. What is the range of future building heights? Building heights have been limited to the regulations of the base zoning districts-R-1 Single Family Residential, R-3 Townhomes and SC Suburban Commercial. 2. Provide a general statement regarding the proposed drainage. The storm water drainage from this site will be collected internally between the Bridgewood Subdivision and Barron Crossing and stored within a retention or detention pond. Storm water requirements will be in accordance with the B/CS Unified Stormwater Design Guidelines. 3. List the general bulk or dimensional variations sought. See attached concept plan-minimum block length requirements of 1200'in the Restricted Suburban portion of the concept plan. 4. If variations are sought, please provide a list of community benefits and/or innovative design concepts to justify the request. The minimum block length requirements cannot be met on the residential portion of the subject property given existing physical limitations. The abutting Castlegate Subdivision to the east does not provide any extensions or possible connections. To the west of the residential area is a natural open space and drainage area. s nm n Pnnn d of 7 62 5. Explain how the concept plan proposal will constitute and environment of sustained stability and will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding area. The concept plan and proposed land uses are compatible with the surrounding area. The Plan provides for single family land uses adjacent to the single family homes in the Castlegate Subdivision. Suburban Commercial land uses are concentrated along State Highway 40 near the Barron Road intersection and bound by the future W. S. Phillips Parkway. 6. Explain how the proposal is in conformity with the policies, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. The concept plan and proposed land uses are in conformance with the policies, goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan including the Land Use Plan. i 7. Explain how the concept plan proposal is compatible with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites and will not adversely affect adjacent development. The Concept Plan is compatible with the present zoning and conforming land uses of nearby properties. The Plan provides for single family land uses adjacent to the single family homes in the Castlegate Subdivision. Suburban Commercial land uses are concentrated along State Highway 40 near the Barron Road intersection and bound by the future W. S. Phillips Parkway. 8. State how dwelling units shall have access to a public street if they do not front on a public street. All dwelling units have access to a public street. g. State how the development has provided adequate public improvements, including, but not limited to: parks, schools, and other public facilities. Adequate provision of public facilities and improvements are proposed and in compliance with the City's codes and ordinances. 10/10 Page 5 of 7 63 10. Explain how the concept plan proposal will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The Concept plan will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. The proposed commercial and residential developments will comply with all City codes and ordinances except for the meritorious modification to side setback requirements. 11. Explain how the concept plan proposal will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use and other uses reasonable anticipated in the area considering existing zoning and land uses in the area. The Concept Plan will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of pedestrian traffic. The Plan provides for the extension of W. S. Phillips Parkway. Please note that a "complete site plan" must be submitted to Planning & Development Services for a formal review after the "concept plan" has been approved by the City Council prior to the issuance of a building permit- except for single- family development. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must b companied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. 4 Signa ure an le Date 10/10 Page 6 of 7 64 ✓ � 1 ti '�� z c � m - - - -------------------- --- -------------------------~ ----------------,- - 177 fit I � I I •� 11 ddpp' �i r� �I 070/NO2fb'b'g "'—'--- `7/2' K9 In 1A mm -12 ---------------- 2ru 2 VZ 1-4 k-I Li Q (*b CITE"CJI CO1.I.I?GI STATION Home of Texas A&M Universio,' 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570/ Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 18, 2013 TO: Members of the Planning &Zoning Commission FROM: Donald E. Harmon,Jr., PE, PMP Assistant Director Public Works Department SUBJECT: Capital Improvements Program Recommendation Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a recommendation to the City Council on Capital Improvement Program Projects. On an annual basis, the City of College Station prepares a five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The CIP is presented for City Council review as part of the annual budget process.The program consolidates all anticipated capital needs for which funding authorization exists.With oversight of the Comprehensive Plan, the Planning and Zoning Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council regarding the proposed CIP.The proposed CIP will be presented at the meeting. 67 (Ai *Arq" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FINAL PLAT OF Oak Terrace Addition Second Revision Lot 1 R, Block 9 & Lot 1 R, Block 12 BEING A REPLAT OF Oak Terrace Addition Second Revision All of Blocks 9 and 10, Lots 1-10, Block 12, former Milam Avenue right-of-way, and former Culpepper Drive right-of-way 12-00500246 SCALE: Two lots on 13.833 acres LOCATION: 900 and 901 Cross Street ZONING: NG-3 Residential Northgate (N/A, owned by Texas A&M University System) APPLICANT: Rabon Metcalf, RME Consulting Engineers PROJECT MANAGER: Jason Schubert, AICP, Principal Planner jschubert@cstx.gov PROJECT OVERVIEW: On February 14, 2013, the Council conditionally approved the abandonment of Milam Avenue, part of Culpepper Drive, and some public utility easements. This replat consolidates two blocks of property and former Milam Avenue and Culpepper Drive into one lot and 10 lots of another block into a second lot. The abandonment conditions include reconstructing two streets to Northgate standards: Cross Street as a minor collector between South College Avenue and Dogwood Street and Culpepper Drive as a local street between Cross Street and the Culpepper property to the south. Also conditioned are the relocation of water, sanitary sewer, and electrical lines among other items. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 3 July 18, 2013 68