HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/19/2014 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission 1101 Txs College Station, X College St tion XAve 177840 mol;CoGlST.,T",. Meeting Agenda lA.r.{Y Avif iui� Planning and Zoning Commission Workshop Thursday, June 19, 2014 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1 . Call the meeting to order. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. 3. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development List 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2014 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (J. Schubert) Attachments: 2014 P&Z Plan of Work 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an overview of the non-residential architectural standards. (J. Schubert) Attachments: Memo LIDO Section 12-7.10 Non-Residential Architecture Standards 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. Thursday, June 26, 2014 - City Council Meeting - Council Chambers - Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. (Liaison - Miles) Thursday, July 3, 2014 - P&Z Meeting - Council Chambers - Workshop 6:30 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. 7. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks/Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, BioCorridor Board, BioCorridor Plan Process, 5-Year Comprehensive Plan Review Subcommittee, and Zoning District Subcommittee. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 9. Adjourn. College Station, TX Page 1 Printed on 611312014 Planning and Zoning Workshop Meeting Agenda June 19, 2014 APPROVED City Manager Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on June 19, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subject will be discussed to wit: See Agenda Posted this _ day of 2014 City Secretary I, undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Governing Body of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bullegin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on at and remained so posted continusualy for at aleast 72 hours proceeding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City hall on the flollowing: date and time: by This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 3517 or (TDD) 1 800 735 2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. College Station, TX Page 2 Printed on 611312014 2014 Planning & Zoning Commission Plan of Work Comprehensive Plan Implementation Implementation of Adopted Plans Summary: Project Dates: Implementation of adopted master plans and neighborhood, district, and corridor plans, namely: Central College Station, Eastgate, Southside Area, Wellborn Community, and South Knoll Area neighborhood plans, and Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenways, Parks and Recreation, Water, Waste Water, Medical District, and Economic Development master plans. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff jAnticipated Completion: On-going Five-Year Comprehensive Plan Report Summary: Project Dates: As called for in the Comprehensive Plan, complete a 4/23/14: Joint subcommittee meeting. five-year evaluation and appraisal report to assess 5/9/14: Joint subcommittee meeting. existing Plan and its success in achieving the 6/3/14: Joint subcommittee meeting. community's goals. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka JAnticipated Completion: Summer 2014 Five-Year Comprehensive Plan Report Implementation Summary: Project Dates: Begin implementation of items and tasks identified in the Five-Year Comprehensive Plan Report. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Multi-Family & Mixed Use Zoning Districts Summary: Project Dates: Create and adopt new zoning districts for Urban and Urban Mixed Use designations to implement these future land use and character designations identified in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff Assigned: J. Prochazka Anticipated Completion: Summer 2014 Walton Drive Commercial Overlay Summary: Project Dates: Create and adopt a zoning overlay to address parking 12/11/13: Stakeholder meeting with property owners to and other non-conformities for the commercial area at introduce possible overlay concept. Walton Drive and Texas Avenue as identified in the 5/15/14: Presentation at P&Z Workshop. Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. Staff Assigned: J. Schubert lAnticipated Completion: Summer 2014 Wellborn Zoning Districts Summary: Project Dates: Create and adopt new or modified zoning districts as identifed in the Wellborn Community Plan. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: Fall 2014 Page 1 of 3 Research and Education College Station Population Summary: Project Dates: Overview of College Station's current population 5/1/14: Presentation at P&Z Workshop. estimate and report on implications of exceeding the 100,000 mark. Staff Assigned: M. Hester I Item Completed: May 2014 Easterwood Airport Master Plan Summary: Project Dates: Report on Easterwood Airport Master Plan and consideration of potential implications of any future plans for expansion. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: Non-Residential Architecture Standards Summary: Project Dates: Review existing standards to evaluate if updates are 6/19/14: Presentation at P&Z Workshop. needed to reflect current practices and allow more flexibility in design. Staff Assigned: Jason Schubert JAnticipated Completion: Planning & Development Services Organizational Review Implementation Summary: Project Dates: Continue implementation of the review by completing identified policy discussions, ordinance revisions, and process and service improvements. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: Recently-Adopted Zoning Districts Summary: Project Dates: Overview of the recently adopted zoning disticts. 4/17/14: Presentation at P&Z Workshop. Staff Assigned: T. Rogers Item Completed: April 2014 Review of Adopted Plans Summary: Project Dates: This item includes after action review of Northgate, 6/5/14: Tour during P&Z Workshop to include sites in BioCorridor, and Medical Districts, update on Northgate, BioCorridor, and Medical District. Water/Wastewater Master Plan, and update on implementation of adopted neighborhood and small area plans. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff JAnticipated Completion: Page 2 of 3 Sign Regulations Summary: Project Dates: Evaluate sign regulations related to electronic message 5/12/14: Presentation at Council Workshop to receive boards. direction from Council. 7/3/14: Proposed sign ordinance revisions presented to P&Z for recommendation to Council. Staff Assigned: M. Hester/J. Schubert JAnticipated Completion: Transportation Planning Summary: Project Dates: Update regarding Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)transportation planning initiatives. Staff Assigned: P&DS Staff Anticipated Completion: Page 3 of 3 (*41"" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning&Development Services 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM June 19, 2014 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Jason Schubert, AICP, Principal Planner SUBJECT: Overview of Non-Residential Architectural Standards Item: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an overview of the non-residential architectural standards. Background An item within the 2014 P&Z Plan of Work includes a review of the existing non-residential architecture standards to evaluate if updates are needed to reflect current practices and allow more flexibility in design. This memo provides a summary of the existing standards and the current ordinance language is attached. The presentation at Workshop will include additional background on changes that have been approved or proposed since this section was adopted. Pictures of existing buildings will also be presented to represent the types of buildings and developments being constructed. Staff will seek direction from the Commission on how to proceed with further evaluation and formulating potential amendments. Architecture standards were initially implemented in 2003 with the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance. In 2004, the requirements were expanded to their current scope to include building mass and design, building materials, building colors, increased landscaping and parking lot configuration standards for larger scale developments for applicable non-residential development projects. Summary of Section 12-7.10: Non-Residential Architectural Standards Applicability - The Non-Residential Architectural Standards (NRA) section applies to the development, redevelopment and fagade changes to all non-residential buildings with certain exceptions. Developments in the following zoning districts are exempt from these requirements: BPI Business Park Industrial, M-1 Light Industrial, M-2 Heavy Industrial, R&D Research & Development, NG-1 Core Northgate, NG-2 Transitional Northgate, NG-3 Residential Northgate, and BP Business Park is also exempt except for the buildings along the periphery of a BP district. The following uses are exempt from the requirements regardless of the zoning district they are located: Churches, Primary & Secondary Educational Facilities (schools), Municipal Industrial Facilities, and private utility buildings that are screened from public or private rights-of- way. Building Mass and Design — In order to provide visual interest, all building fagades must provide two different types of architectural elements for every 60-foot section of fagade. Fagades facing a right-of-way have a higher requirement by needing two different types of architectural elements for every 45 linear feet. Allowable architectural elements include canopies, awnings, overhangs over windows, wall plane projections or recessions, pilasters, columns, recessed entries, stoops, porches, arcades, balconies or boxed or bay windows. In SC Suburban Commercial, a different set of elements such as decorative shutters, covered front porches, dormers, chimneys, cross gables, etc are to be used so that developments are more compatible with adjacent residential areas. If different architecture elements are desired, an application may be submitted to the Design Review Board (DRB) for consideration of them. Buildings or building plots of 50,000 square feet or more must incorporate fagade articulation (wall plan projections or recessions) of a minimum of 4 feet in depth such that no more than 33 percent of a fagade facing a public right-of-way is on the same continuous geometric plane. In SC Suburban Commercial, fagade articulation is required for buildings over 8,000 square feet and all structures in SC are limited to a maximum of 15,000 gross square feet. Accessory buildings that are less than 25 feet by 25 feet are not required to have architectural elements. Additionally, flat roofs on buildings less than three stories are to have varied roof line so that no more than 66% is on the same elevation. In SC Suburban Commercial, flat roofs are prohibited and roof slope must be between 4:12 and 8:12. Building Materials —All fagades of a proposed building are subject to material percentage minimums and maximums. Building fagades that are visible from a public right-of-way shall have at least 10%: fired brick, natural stone, marble, granite, tile, or any concrete product designed to simulate any of the above materials (brick/stone/etc). Buildings in building plots: • of less than 5,000 square feet do not have a brick/stone/etc requirement; • of at least 20,000 gross square feet must incorporate at least 25% brick/stone/etc on fagades facing a public right-of-way; and • of at least 150,000 gross square feet must incorporate at least 50% brick/stone/etc on fagades facing a public right-of-way. The maximum material percentage on individual building fagades are: • Maximum of 80%: reflective glass for fagades facing a public right-of-way; • Maximum of 75%: stucco, EIFS, hardboard, high build textured paint on concrete; • Maximum of 30%: wood or cedar siding; • Maximum of 20%: stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal, and premium grade architectural metal; and • Maximum of 10%: smooth face, tinted concrete block. Metal may be used on roofs and canopy/awnings with no limitation on percentage. Also, window and door areas are included in the material percentages. Building Colors —All building fagades are to use approved colors from the City's color palette, though up to 15% of fagade may use accent colors (those not on the color palette). The allowable accent colors area is limited to 10% per fagade for 50,000+ square-foot building plots and 5% per fagade for 150,000+ square-foot building plots. The color palette was expanded extensively in 2011 and an interpretation was made that shades of color between allowable colors was permitted. Pedestrian & Bike Facilities — Each building or building plot is to provide bike racks for at least 4 bicycles on site. Bike racks for at least 8 bicycles is required for developments larger than 50,000 square feet. Parking Lots — Parking lots that have more than 120 parking spaces are to meet one of the three parking concepts as described in the UDO. The parking concepts are intended to break up parking lot areas and minimize visual impact as well as provide more pedestrian opportunities by providing landscaping strips or larger islands. Variances/Appeals —The Design Review Board has the authority to hear and decide on variances/appeals regarding building materials and colors, screening methods, architectural relief elements, and parking lot concepts. Attachment: 1. UDO Section 12-7.10: Non-Residential Architectural Standards COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. A. Applicability. Except as expressly set forth otherwise herein, the design standards of this Section shall apply to development, redevelopment, and fagade changes to all non-residential buildings including single tenant buildings, multiple tenant buildings, and any grouping of attached or stand alone buildings and associated pad sites. The following are exempt from this section of the UDO: 1. BP Business Park. Any building located within BP Business Park districts is required to comply with this Section if it is along the periphery of the zoning district. All other interior buildings located within BP Business Park districts are exempt from this Section. 2. Districts. Uses located within the following districts are exempt from this Section: BPI Business Park Industrial, M-1 Light Industrial, M-2 Heavy Industrial, R&D Research & Development, NG-1 Core Northgate, NG-2 Transitional Northgate, and NG-3 Residential Northgate. 3. Uses. The following uses are exempt from these Non-Residential Architectural Standards: Churches; Primary & Secondary Educational Facilities; Municipal Industrial facilities; and private utility buildings that are screened from public or private rights-of-way and adjacent properties. Per Ordinance No. 3236 (February 25, 2010) Per Ordinance No. 3280 (September 9, 2010) B. Standards for All Non-Residential Structures. The following table summarizes the Non-Residential Architectural Standards for the City of College Station: NRA SUMMARY TABLE Gross Square Feet in Area of B , , Under 20,000 20.000 1 49.000 50,000 to 149,999 150, 00+ t4 OL x x a a o a o E- o o Fagade Standards Gz' w fes' w BUILDING MASS&DESIGN 2 elements of architectural re- R* SC only R R, no R, no lief every 45 feet more than more than 33% on 33% on same same plane plane 2 elements of architectural re- R, except R R R lief every 60 feet for SC No more than 66%of roolline R R R R at same elevation Supp.No.2 CD12:272 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. NRA SUMMARY TABLE Gross Square Feet in Area of Building/Conabination of Buildings Under 50,000 bk .0 G L to t .0 •U V V V Fagade Standards w w w w BUILDING MATERIAL Brick, stone, marble, granite, 10%R 10% R if 25%R 10% R if 25%R 10% re- 50%R 10% R if tile or specified concrete prod- visible visible quired if visible uct from from visible from ROW ROW from ROW ROW Stucco, EiFS, specified con- 75% max; 100% al- 75%max trete product lowed w/2 colors, if under 5,000 s.f. Wood or cedar siding 30%max Smooth face, tinted concrete 10%max blocks Reflective glass 80%max 100% 80%max 100% 80%max 100% 80% max 100% Stainless steel, chrome, stand- 20%max ing seam metal,premium grade architectural metal Painted steel panel siding and Rear of building only if not visible from ROW,parkland,greenway,or residences galvanized steel BUILDING COLORS Accent Colors per fagade 15% 15% 10% 5% PEDESTRIANIBIKE FACILITIES 10'sidewalk along fagade R R Pedestrian walkways R R Bicycle parking spaces 4 R 4 R 8 R 8 R PARKING LOTS Parking Concept for more that R R, Additional Stan- 120 spaces dards Apply OTHER REQUIREMENTS Public space or plaza R,500 S.F. min. Landscape Double pts M Double pts Double pts Tree wells R R Minimum tree size 2"caliper 2"caliper R = Required A fagade is considered to be "facing public right-of-way" when an imaginary plane could be extended unobstructed by a wall or structure from at least 25%of the fagade into the public right-of-way adjacent to the building plot. For the purposes of this section, public rights-of-way shall include all forms of passageways (such as streets, sidewalks, and bike paths) dedicated or deeded to the public for public use. When a property does not have frontage on a public right-of-way, the primary entrance fagade of the building(s)will meet the standards of a"fagade facing a public right-of-way." Supp. No.2 CD 12:273 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. * Required when berms are not used for parking lot screening. ..�.._.... ..-....� J 0 1 i i i i a i i Public nlr-j at Df W.3y a,d,uara 2'.4�w,c,�,e.r f u as.F+cr�s u,„gh s+ar w r�..—., �•..—; 1. Required Screening. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view or located so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way or residential district when viewed within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the perimeter boundary of the subject lot or tract, measured from a height five (5) feet above grade. Such screening shall be coordinated with the building architecture, materials, colors and scale to maintain a unified appearance.Acceptable methods of screening are: encasement,parapet walls, partition screens, brick/stone/masonry walls or fences. In SC Suburban Commercial,roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from rights-of-way and adjacent properties by either the roof itself(including within a cut-out) or by a false roof element (i.e. - chimney, cupola). In SC Suburban Commercial districts, components of a mechanical equipment system, such as vents or exhaust pipes, protruding from the roof that are no larger than twelve (12) inches in diameter nor exceeding the height of the roof line are not required to be screened, but must be painted to match the roof color. Detention ponds shall be integrated into the overall landscaping theme and design of the site as described in Section 12-7.9.13. Detention Pond Aesthetic Design. 2. Building Mass and Design. a. For all applicable properties other than those located in SC Suburban Commercial districts,in order to provide visual interest,the first two(2)stories Supp.No.2 CD 12:274 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. of any fagade facing a public right-of-way shall use architectural relief every forty-five(45)horizontal feet by incorporating a minimum of two(2)different design elements within each forty-five-foot section from the options below.All other fagades shall incorporate a minimum of two(2)different design elements within each sixty-foot section as described above. Wall sections less than forty-five (45) feet or sixty (60) feet respectively, shall also be required to provide the two (2) different design elements, except that freestanding structures that are accessory to a primary use, where each fagade is equal to or less than twenty-five (25) horizontal feet in width, and where each fagade incorporates the same building materials and colors as the primary structure, are not required to provide architectural relief elements. Only the following types of architectural relief may be used: 1. Canopies, permanent decorative awnings, or windows accompanied by overhangs; 2. Wall plane projections or recessions with a minimum of four-foot depth; 3. Pilasters or columns; 4. Recessed entries, stoops, Porches, or arcades; 5. Balconies that extend from the building; or 6. Boxed or bay windows; 7. Decorative stormwater management initiatives physically integrated with the building, as approved by the Administrator. Roof or Parapet Min.2' \ ax. a of lengt As represented above, on buildings three(3) stories or less,the horizontal line of a flat roof(or parapet) along any fagade facing a public right-of-way shall vary by a minimum of two (2) feet up or down so that no more than sixty-six (66) percent of the roofline is on the same elevation. Per Ordinance No. 2011-3341 (April 28, 2011) 3. Architectural Relief. For all properties zoned SC Suburban Commercial: In order to provide visual interest, the first two (2) stories of any fagade facing a public right-of-way shall use architectural relief every forty-five (45) horizontal feet by incorporating a minimum Supp. No.2 CD12:275 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. of two(2)different design elements within each forty-five-foot section.Wall sections less than forty-five (45) feet shall also be required to provide the two (2) design elements. For buildings over eight thousand (8,000) square feet, articulation (minimum four-foot depth)is required within each forty-five-foot section.Two (2)of the following design elements shall be required within each forty-five-foot section of all fagades for architectural relief: a. Decorative or functional window shutters; b. Covered front Porch extending along at least fifty (50) percent of building fagade and projecting a minimum of four(4)feet from the face of the building; c. Eaves in excess of eighteen (18) inches; d. Window planter boxes; e. Window canopy; L Dormers; g. Transom windows; h. Decorative fagade lighting; i. Chimneys or cupolas; j. Cross gables; or k. Entry Portico. 4. Roof. Roofs shall be similar to residential roof types. Flat roofs are not permitted. Shed roofs are only permitted as part of a peaked roof network. A peaked parapet is permitted if it gives the appearance of a pitched roof from all sides. Roof slope must be a maximum of 8:12 and a minimum of 4:12. 5. Floor Area. Gross Floor Area of a single structure shall not exceed fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in area. 6. Building Materials. All buildings determined to be a single building plot by the Administrator shall have materials and colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally. This applies to all stand alone and pad site buildings, regardless of their use. All exterior fagades of a pad site building must meet the requirements for a fagade facing a public right-of-way. All buildings shall employ architectural, site, and landscaping design elements that are integrated with and common to those used on the main/primary buildings or structures on site.These common design elements shall include building materials associated with the main/primary structure. In the event that a pad site or non-primary building(s) is developed before the primary/main building(s), then all other buildings,with the exception of standalone restaurants,shall have materials and Supp.No.2 CD12:276 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. colors that are similar and complement each other architecturally to the building constructed first. Existing buildings may continue to utilize materials other than those listed below provided that any material replacement is for maintenance purposes only and the existing material is continued.Any material change or replacement of more than ten (10)percent of the total area of all fagades shall require that all building materials and color be brought into compliance.All other materials are prohibited unless authorized herein or by the Design Review Board (DRB). When determining area herein, windows and doors are included. a. The following applies only to the first two (2) stories of all buildings. All building fagades that are visible from a public right-of-way shall have at least ten (10)percent of the surface area of the fagade consist of one (1) or more of the following building materials: 1. Fired brick; 2. Natural stone; 3. Marble; 4. Granite; 5. Tile; 6. Any concrete product so long as it has an integrated color and is textured or patterned (not aggregate material) to simulate brick, stone, marble, or granite, or is covered with brick, stone, marble granite or tile. b. Stucco, EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems), hardboard, concrete products as described in Section 12-7.10.B.3.a.6 above,reflective glass,certain metal products described in this section below,and cedar siding are allowed on all facades subject to the following limitations: Stucco, EIFS, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the appearance of EIFS, hardboard, or any material equivalent in appearance and quality as determined by the DRB, shall not cover more than seventy-five (75) percent of any fagade. 1. Wood or cedar siding shall not cover more than thirty (30)percent of any fagade. 2. Smooth face, tinted concrete blocks shall only be used as an accent and shall not cover more than ten (10) percent of any fagade. 3. Reflective glass shall not cover greater than eighty (80) percent of any fagade facing a public right-of-way and may cover one hundred (100) percent of any other fagade. Exemption: when calculations are provided by a licensed professional engineer or architect verifying that energy code compliance cannot be achieved without the use of reflective glass, there shall not be a limit on the use of such material. The calculations shall be Supp. No.2 CD12:277 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. approved by the Building Official and comply with the International Energy Code, as adopted and amended by the City of College Station. 4. Stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal and premium grade archi- tectural metal may be used as an architectural accent and shall not cover greater than twenty (20) percent of any fagade. 5. Painted steel panel siding and galvanized steel is allowed on the rear fagade of buildings when the fagade is not visible from a right-of-way, parkland, or greenway, or any residential area; provided however, that these materials may be used if the fagade is screened from adjacent properties. This screening shall be installed regardless of adjacent property zoning or use and in no way shall this Section diminish the requirements for Buffering required in Section 12-7.7 Plantings, fences, or walls which meet the specifications established in Sections 12-7.7.F.2 or 12-7.7.F.3 with substitutions allowed as provided for in Section 12-7.7.F.4 are permitted screening materials and methods. Use of these alternative building materials shall count toward the required percentages of materials as described herein. 6. Galvanized steel and painted steel are allowed on doors, including roll-up doors. 7. Metal, standing seam metal, architectural metal or steel may be used as a roof and or canopy/awnings with no limitation on percentage. c. All architectural submittals shall provide elevation drawings for each fagade and a material legend (see sample below) for each fagade. City of College Station SAMPLE LEGEND USE OF MATERIALS ON FACADE W Total Square Footage of Fagade W: 10,000 s.f. Material Area in Square Feet Percent of Overall Fa ade Stucco 2,000 s.f. 20% Brick 5,000 s.f. 50% Doors and Windows 3,000 s.f. 30% 7. Building Colors. a. All building fagades and roofs shall consist of only colors from the color palette approved by the City Council as amended by the DRB and maintained in the Office of the Administrator. All other colors shall be considered accent colors and may be used on no more than fifteen (15) percent of the facade on which the accent color is applied. Supp.No. 2 CD12:278 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. b. Neon, metallic (except copper and silver metallic colored roofs) and fluores- cent colors are prohibited on any facade or roof. c. When applying brick, colors normally found in manufactured fired brick are permitted. All colors of natural stone are permitted. d. Building and roof color requirements apply to all new buildings, redeveloped buildings, and facade work. Color samples shall be submitted for approval to the Office of the Administrator. e. Existing buildings may continue to utilize colors that are not from the approved color palette provided that repainting is done for maintenance purposes only and the existing color is continued. Any color change on existing buildings shall be brought into compliance with this ordinance and color samples shall be submitted as provided herein. 8. Pedestrian/Bike Circulation and Facilities. a. Each building shall provide a facility capable of storing a minimum of four(4) bicycles.The area provided for such a facility shall be approximately fifty-five (55) square feet in area, approximately nine (9) feet by six (6) feet or as approved by the Administrator. b. Facilities shall be separated from motor vehicle parking to protect both bicycles and vehicles from accidental damage and shall be sufficiently separated from building or other walls, landscaping, or other features to allow for ease and encouragement of use. This separation shall be a minimum of three (3)feet. Bicycles may be permitted on sidewalks or other paved surfaces provided that the bicycles do not block or interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. c. Bicycle facilities shall be constructed so as to enable the user to secure a bicycle by locking the frame and one(1) wheel of each bicycle parked therein. Facilities must be easily usable with both U-locks and cable locks and support the bicycle frame at two (2)points.Facilities shall be anchored securely to the ground. d. In SC Suburban Commercial districts, pedestrian connections to adjacent residential areas shall be provided as determined by the Administrator so as to enhance pedestrian, bicycle mobility, and connectivity. 9. Parking Lots. These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements established in Section 12-7.3, Off-Street Parking Standards. a. Where parking or drive aisles are located between the building and the public right-of-way, there shall be a minimum ten-foot setback from the public right-of-way line to the parking area or drive aisle. b. In order to break up the parking lot area and minimize visual impact, one (1) Supp.No.2 CD12:279 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. of the following parking concepts is required on any parking lot with greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. Parking concepts shall be approved by the Administrator provided that it meets one (1) of the following minimum criteria. Pedestrian ways are allowed within the below-described areas. 1. Concept 1. Every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be a separate and distinct parking area connected by driving lanes but separated by landscaping strips a minimum of eight(8) feet wide and the full length of the parking row. Where pedestrian facilities are located within landscape strips or where vehicles would overhang these strips, the strip shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet wide; or, 2. Concept 2. For every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces, an one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square foot landscaped island shall be installed (Landscape Pods). Such island(s) shall be located internal to the parking lot and shall be located so as to visually break up each one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen (15) square feet of landscaping per parking space; or, 3. Concept 3. For every one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces, an additional one thousand eight hundred (1,800) square feet of landscaped area shall be added/distributed to the interior row(s)end island(s)located closest to the right-of-way line (i.e. in conjunction with the minimum setback creating a double row of landscaping) but in no event shall the additional landscaped area be located farther than one hundred (100) feet from the right-of-way frontage. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen (15) square feet of landscaping per parking space. c. Interior island area requirements, as required in Section 12-7.3 "Off-Street Parking Standards",may be consolidated into end islands,landscape strips,and landscape pods. d. Shopping cart storage spaces shall be identified on the site plan. These spaces shall not be located in landscape islands or any areas designed for plantings or pedestrian or bike access. e. In SC Suburban Commercial districts,parking shall not be located between the structure and an adjacent single-family use or zoning district. Drive aisles and Supp.No.2 CD12:280 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. service aisles shall be permitted between the structures and an adjacent single-family use or zoning district. I PROFOSF,BUILW NG - — 4II: 'M' � t'i�nrt'cKEf]13uf4i3[Nr %, f:CQi•tt.�Pi CONCEPT 2 1-.ANS79GA J1!'F STFIiP,' LANDSCAPED ISLAND mr-OkAN 1800 S* i Pnorosm BUILDING i Nr 4+ PRAPOSLO BUILDING �� �#9 t I ^�'��r '.� • � � l t�. 2;94;» f'�� �,� _-.. � � 4 y, � w• •• '.fig �',i y ' � 1 CC}NCtPT 3�1NTE1 IOR ROW 1800 S>-PCR 120 CAF1q;L.ANOSCAPF BUrr1=R Supp.No.2 CD12:281 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. C. Standards for Less Than Five Thousand (5,000) S.F. A single building or combination of buildings less than five thousand(5,000)gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot, may use one hundred (100) percent EIFS, Stucco, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the appearance of EIFS, or hardboard, but only if it is painted or tinted with a minimum of two (2) colors to avoid monotony. D. Additional Standards for Twenty Thousand (20,000) S.F. or Greater. In addition to the standards set out in Section 12-7.10.13, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of twenty thousand(20,000)gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot. 1. Building Material. Any fagade facing a public right-of-way shall have a minimum of twenty-five (25) percent(calculation shall be based on the area of the first two(2)stories of any single building(s) fagade) brick, stone, marble, granite or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split-face concrete masonry). 2. Parking Screening. The following options are allowed as parking lot screening methods: a. Screening methods allowed in Section 12-7.6, Landscaping, except berms, provided that: 1. The minimum landscape points for a site shall be double (two (2) times minimum landscape points), and 2. The screening method utilized will create a solid hedgerow or completely screen the parking to a height of three(3)feet. If vegetated,the screening must be a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches at planting and reach thirty-six (36) inches within one (1) calendar year of planting, and such method is certified to meet these requirements by a registered Landscape Architect, landscape designer, or landscape contractor. b. Berms with a minimum height of three (3) feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum slope of 1:3. Berms may be designed around trees that are barricaded for tree preservation in accordance with Section 12-7.6, Landscaping. Where there will be gaps in berm screening for the preservation of existing trees, alternative screening methods shall be used in accordance with Section 12-7.6, Landscaping to meet the minimum three-foot screening requirement. C. Half-berms with a minimum height of three (3) feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum allowable slope of 1:3. Retaining walls shall be designed to face the parking lot and sidewalks located between the retaining wall and right-of-way may not be closer than three (3) feet to the top of a retaining wall. Supp.No.2 CD12:282 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. d. For redeveloping sites maintaining existing parking lot perimeters,the Admin- istrator may authorize the use of masonry walls, or lower the minimum berm height to a height that may be safely maintained in the existing parking setback when additional parking lot screening is provided in accordance with Section 7.6,Landscaping.The cumulative height of plant material and berm shall be a minimum of three (3) feet. e. Variations to the requirements of this Section may be approved if the landscape/streetscape plan is sealed by a registered Landscape Architect and approved by the Administrator. Such plans must show reasonable evidence that the requirements, as set forth in this Section and Section 12-7.6, Landscaping and Tree Protection, were used as a guide. E. Additional Standards for Fifty Thousand (50,000) S.F. or Greater. In addition to the standards set out in this Section 12-7.10.13 and 12-7.10.D, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of fifty thousand (50,000) gross square feet in area or greater,whether connected or not,but determined to be a single building plot. 1. Building Mass and Design. Fagade articulation (wall plane projections or recessions) is required on the first two (2) stories of any fagade facing a public right-of-way. No more than thirty-three(33) percent of any fagade facing a public right-of-way shall be on the same continuous geometric plane. Restaurant pad sites are excluded from this articulation requirement but are required to provide architectural relief as provided in the previous section 12-7.10.13. Wall plane projections or recessions shall have a minimum depth of four (4) feet. 2. Building Colors. Accent colors may be used on no greater than ten(10)percent of the fagade on which the accent color is applied. 3. Landscaping. These requirements are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements established in Section 12-7.6 Landscaping and Tree Protection. a. The minimum required landscape points for a site shall be double (two (2) times minimum landscape points) of that required for developments of less than 50,000 gross square feet in area. The minimum allowable tree size is two-inch caliper. Streetscape point requirements remain the same and shall count toward the landscape point requirement. b. Tree wells are required along fifteen (15) percent of the linear front of any fagade facing a public right-of-way and shall include a minimum of one (1) canopy tree for every required six (6) feet in length. Non-canopy trees may be substituted in the tree wells provided that the number required shall be Supp.No.2 CD12:283 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. doubled. This landscaping shall count toward the overall landscape require- ment. Each tree well shall be a minimum of six(6)feet square. Tree wells may be at grade or may be raised a maximum of thirty (30) inches in height, so long as the soil is continuous with the soil at grade.If the tree wells are located within interior parking islands, then the islands shall not count toward the required interior parking islands as described in Section 12-7.3.E Interior Islands. c. All landscaping strips, islands, pods, and areas used to segregate the one hundred twenty (120) space parking areas as provided for above under "Parking Lots" must include canopy trees or structural shading. This require- ment shall not apply to auto sales lots. 4. Pedestrian/Bike Circulation and Facilities. a. There shall be designated connections among primary buildings and pad sites for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Locations for sidewalks and bicycle parking facilities shall be provided and shown on the site plan. Pedestrian walkways may be incorporated into the landscape strips separating parking areas only if the strip is ten (10) feet in width. b. In centers with multiple tenants, one (1) or more facilities capable of storing eight (8) bicycles shall be placed in clearly designated, safe, and convenient locations, such that no tenant entrance is farther than one hundred fifty (150) feet from a bike facility. c. Pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide. Pedestrian walkways shall connect public street sidewalks,transit stops,parking areas and other buildings in a design that ensures safe pedestrian use.When the walkway is within a parking lot area, it shall be clearly designated using brick pavers or a stamped dyed concrete pattern. d. There shall be a ten-foot sidewalk along the full frontage of any fagade facing a public right-of-way. Tree wells and planter boxes shall be placed along this walkway and in a manner that does not obstruct pedestrian movement. Bike parking facilities are allowed in this area. Vehicular parking or cart storage is prohibited. Outside display is allowed but only if it does not occupy more than thirty(30)percent of this area and meets the requirements of Section 12-7.12.13 Outside Storage and Display. This requirement does not apply to development meeting the definition of a pad site. 5. Parking Screening. The following options are allowed as parking lot screening methods: a. Screening methods allowed in Section 12-7.6, Landscaping and Tree Protec- tion, except berms, provided that the screening method utilized will create a solid hedgerow or completely screen the parking to a height of three (3) feet. Supp.No.2 CD 12:284 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. If vegetated, the screening must be a minimum of twenty-four (24) inches at planting and reach thirty-six (36) inches within one (1) calendar year of planting, and such method is certified to meet these requirements by a registered Landscape Architect, landscape designer, or landscape contractor. b. Berms with a minimum height of three (3) feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum slope of 1:3. Berms may be designed around trees that are barricaded for tree preservation in accordance with Section 12-7.6, Landscaping and Tree Protection. Where there will be gaps in berm screening for the preservation of existing trees, alternative screening methods shall be used in accordance with Section 12-7.6, Landscaping and Tree Protection to meet the minimum three-foot screening requirement. c. Half-berms with a minimum height of three (3) feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum allowable slope of 1:3. Retaining walls shall be designed to face the parking lot and sidewalks located between the retaining wall and right-of-way may not be closer than three (3)feet to the top of a retaining wall. d. For redeveloping sites maintaining existing parking lot perimeters,the Admin- istrator may authorize the use of masonry walls, or lower the minimum berm height to a height that may be safely maintained in the existing parking setback when additional parking lot screening is provided in accordance with Section 12-7.6, Landscaping. The cumulative height of plant material and berm shall be a minimum of three (3) feet. e. Variations to the requirements of this Section may be approved if the landscape/streetscape plan is sealed by a registered Landscape Architect and approved by the Administrator. Such plans must show reasonable evidence that the requirements, as set forth in this Section and Section 12-7.6, Landscaping and Tree Protection, were used as a guide. F. Additional Standards for One Hundred Fifty Thousand (150,000) S.F. or Greater. In addition to the standards set out in Sections 12-7.10.13, 12-7.10.1), and 12-7.10.E, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) gross square feet in area or greater, whether connected or not but determined to be a single building plot. 1. Each development shall contain a plaza developed as an integral part of the development and not less than five hundred (500) square feet in area. This area shall not count toward required parking islands or area requirements of a parking concept as described in 12-7.10.B.9.b Parking Lots.This area shall incorporate a minimum of three (3) of the following: a. Seating components* b. Structural or vegetative shading* Supp.No.2 CD 12:285 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. c. Water features* d. Decorative landscape planters* e. Public Art* L Outdoor eating accommodations g. Hardscape elements at entrances and within the parking area such as decorative pavers, low masonry walls, clock towers, etc. * These public areas may be located within the parking landscape areas. 2. All fagades facing a public right-of-way shall have a minimum of fifty (50) percent brick, stone, marble, granite, or a material fabricated to simulate brick, or stone (not split-face concrete masonry). 3. The minimum allowable tree size is two and one-half (2.5) inches caliper. 4. All parking areas must be screened from the public right-of-way using berms without exception. 5. Accent colors may be used on no more than five (5) percent of the fagade on which the accent color is applied. G. Variances - Design Review Board (DRB). The DRB may grant a variance from the standards contained in Section 12-7.10 of up to one hundred (100) percent of the total percentage permitted for the following: 1. Substitutions of building materials if the applicant shows that: a. The building material is a new or innovative material manufactured that has not been previously available to the market or the material is not listed as an allowed or prohibited material herein; or b. The material is similar and comparable in quality and appearance to the materials allowed in this Section 12-7.10; or c. The material is an integral part of a themed building (example 50's diner in chrome). No variance shall be granted to requirements for brick or stone on buildings twenty thousand (20,000) gross square feet in area or greater. Financial hardship shall not constitute a basis for the variance. 2. Alternate colors or materials on each fagade if the applicant shows that: a. The applicant is a franchised and/or chain restaurant to be developed as a single detached building (not integrated into a multi-tenant building); and b. The proposed colors/materials are part of its corporate branding; and C. The applicant provides all of the alternative color/materials schemes the chain or franchise has used. Supp.No.2 CD12:286 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. 3. Alternative materials on fagade work that does not involve an expansion of an existing building as defined in Chapter 12, Article 9 of the UDO or constitute redevelopment if the applicant shows that: a. The materials allowed in Section 12-7.10 cannot be utilized without a structural alteration(s) to the existing building; and b. A licensed professional engineer or architect verifies in writing that a structural alteration is required to apply the permitted facade materials to the building. c. The DRB may grant a variance of up to one hundred (100) percent from the facade articulation or roofline standards herein if the applicant shows that it is not financially or structurally feasible. 4. Alternatives to the options for screening listed in Section 12-7.10.B may be considered. 5. Alternatives to the options listed in Section 12-7.10.B.2 may be considered for approval provided that the alternative incorporates a minimum of two (2) architec- tural relief elements with spacing as required under Section 12- 6. The DRB may approve the following alternative parking lot concept as follows: a. The area of a landscaped plaza may be credited toward the ar- ea(s) required for parking lot � landscape concepts in Section 12- Parking Lots, pro- _ :, vided that each of the following - conditions are met: ' 1. A minimum of three (3) � buildings must be clustered around a plaza; and 2. The area of the plaza and , associated landscaping/wa- ter features/fountains shall be no less than one thou- , sand eight hundred (1,800) square feet for every one � hundred twenty(120)park- y'' - q ing spaces; ands*;- �• At arMNAt� P•A"WO LOTCO*W"Y 3. The clustered buildings may city cf College Station,Texas not be physically separated by parking spaces. The area of the landscaped plaza shall only count toward parking spaces located directly Supp.No.2 CD12:287 COLLEGE STATION CODE Sec. 12-7.10. Non-Residential Architectural Standards. behind the clustered buildings and plaza. The point of orientation for determining what is "behind" the clustered buildings and plaza shall be from the adjacent street with the highest rating on the Thoroughfare Plan.All other parking spaces shall meet requirements established in Section 12- Parking Lots, for minimizing visual impact of parking spaces. The landscaping square footage calculation for parking lots greater than one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces shall be pro-rated at fifteen (15) square feet of landscaping per parking space. H. Submittal Requirements. 1. When non-residential architectural standards are applicable, submitted site plans shall include the following, in addition to other site plan application requirements: a. Accurate building footprint(s); b. Mechanical screening details; c. Detention pond screening details; d. Location and number of bicycle parking facilities; e. Parking lot configuration in compliance with Section 12- Parking Lots, if applicable (one hundred twenty (120) parking spaces or more); f. Additional landscaping requirements, if applicable (fifty thousand (50,000) square feet and greater); g. Location of pedestrian walkways, if applicable(fifty thousand(50,000) square feet and greater); h. Location and details of public plaza and amenities, if applicable (one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet and greater). 2. When non-residential architectural standards are applicable,submitted building plans shall include the following, in addition to other building permit application requirements: a. Scaled building elevations for each fagade, depicting the following: 1. Required architectural relief; and 2. Location of building materials. b. Accurate building footprint(s); C. Sample building materials and color details; and d. Table of vertical square footage and percentage of building materials for each fagade. (Ord. No. 2012-3449, Pt. 1(Exh. 1), 9-27-2012; Ord. No. 2012-3450, Pt. 1(Exh. E), 9-27-2012) Supp.No.2 CD12:288 College Station, TX College St tion,XV77840 CITY°EC° STATON Meeting Agenda ofTrxm A&M!Jn(aerxlty' Planning and Zoning Commission Regular The City Council may or may not attend the Planning &Zoning Commission Regular Meeting. Thursday, June 19, 2014 7:00 PM Council Chambers 1 . Call meeting to order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Hear Citizens. At this time, the Chairman will open the floor to citizens wishing to address the Commission on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The citizen presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) All matters listed under Item 4, Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it will be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, possible action, and discussion regarding Absence Requests from meetings. * Jim Ross - July 3, 2014 * Jodi Warner - July 3, 2014 Attachments: Absence Request Form.pdf Absence Request Form.pdf 4.2 Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * June 5, 2014 — Workshop * June 5, 2014 — Regular Attachments: June 5, 2014 Workshop.docx June 5, 2014 Regular.docx College Station, TX Page 1 Printed on 611312014 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda June 19, 2014 Regular 4.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for RV Station Subdivision consisting of two lots and one common area on approximately 11.56 acres, generally located at 4520 State Highway 6 South. Case#14-00900114 (J. Schubert) Attachments: Aerial Application Copy of Preliminary Plan Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 7. Adjourn The Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on this agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. An announcement will be made of the basis for the Executive Session discussion. College Station, TX Page 2 Printed on 611312014 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda June 19, 2014 Regular APPROVED City Manager Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on the at 7:OOPM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this _ day of_ City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Governing Body of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov . The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on at 5:OOp.m. and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours proceeding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following: date and time: by Dated this _ day ,2014 By This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764 3517 or (TDD) 1 800 735 2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. College Station, TX Page 3 Printed on 611312014 College Station, TX 1101 Texas Ave College Station,TX 77840 �� �' CITY 0COLLt Gh STATION H...FZ z a�-M Gs—rs Legislation Details (With Text) File M 14-531 Version: 1 Name: Type: Absence Request Status: Consent Agenda File created: 6/10/2014 In control: Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda: 6/19/2014 Final action: Title: Consideration, possible action, and discussion regarding Absence Requests from meetings. *Jim Ross —July 3, 2014 *Jodi Warner—July 3, 2014 Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Absence Request Form.pdf Absence Request Form.pdf Date Ver. Action By Action Result Consideration, possible action, and discussion regarding Absence Requests from meetings. * Jim Ross — July 3, 2014 * Jodi Warner — July 3, 2014 College Station,TX Page 1 of 1 Printed on 6/13/2014 powered by LegistarT"^ (*Or" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning err Development Services Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Jim Ross Request Submitted on 5/28/2014 I will not be in attendance at the meeting on 7/03/2014 for the reason specified: (Date) Out of Town Signature Jim Ross (*Or" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Planning err Development Services Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Jodi Warner Request Submitted on 5/28/2014 I will not be in attendance at the meeting on 7/03/2014 for the reason specified: (Date) Out of Town Signature Jodi Warner College Station, TX College College S Texas Ave � Station,TX 77840 CITY OJ COLLI Gh STATION Hume WT-,AEM Unhrersi Legislation Details (With Text) File#: 14-530 Version: 1 Name: Type: Minutes Status: Consent Agenda File created: 6/10/2014 In control: Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda: 6/19/2014 Final action: Title: Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. *June 5, 2014 —Workshop *June 5, 2014 — Regular Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: June 5, 2014 Workshop.0f June 5, 2014 Regular.pdf Date Ver. Action By Action Result Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * June 5, 2014 — Workshop * June 5, 2014 — Regular College Station,TX Page 1 of 1 Printed on 6/13/2014 powered by LegistarTM (*01F� MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Home ofTmzA&M Univeniiy Workshop Meeting June S, 2014, 6:30 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik, Jane Kee, Jodi Warner, Jim Ross, Casey Oldham COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Benham CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jason Schubert, Jennifer Prochazka, Danielle Singh, Morgan Hester, Jenifer Paz, Robin Cross, Jeremy Alderete, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call the meeting to order. Chairman Miles called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. Chairman Miles stated that Regular Agenda Item 9 had been pulled from the agenda at the applicant's request. There was general discussion amongst the Commission and Staff regarding Regular Agenda Items 6, 7, and 9. 3. Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. • Final Plat—Minor Plat—West Park Block 9 Lots 23R-1,23R-2, and 24R Case#14-00900085 (M. Hester) • Final Plat—Minor Plat—Castlegate Business Center Block 1 Lots IRA and 2 Case#14-00900062 (J.Paz) There was no discussion regarding the above-mentioned plats approved by Staff. 4. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City.New Development List There was no discussion regarding new development applications submitted to the City. 5. Presentation,possible action, and discussion regarding the status of items within the 2014 P&Z Plan of Work(see attached). (J. Schubert) Principal Planner Schubert gave an update on the P&Z Plan of Work. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the Plan of Work. June 5,2014 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 6. Presentation,possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the following items: • A rezoning of approximately 8 acres located at 701 and 715 University Drive East from GC (General Commercial) and OV (Corridor Overlay) to PDD (Planned Development District). The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on May I and voted 4-0-1 to recommend approval. Chairman Miles abstained. The City Council heard this item on May 12 and voted 6-0 to approve the request. • A rezoning of approximately 2 acres located at 1806 Welsh Avenue from GC (General Commercial) to Cl (Commercial Industrial). The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on May 1 and voted 5-0 to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on May 22 and voted 7-0 to approve the request. Chairman Miles reviewed the above-mentioned items heard by City Council. 7. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Joint Parks/Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, BioCorridor Board, BioCorridor Plan Process, 5-Year Comprehensive Plan Review Subcommittee,and Zoning District Subcommittee. There were no updates on the above meetings. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. The Commission asked that there be a future joint meeting planned with City Council to have a presentation given by Dan Leverett. 9. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 p.m. Approved: Attest: Bo Miles, Chairman Brittany Caldwell,Admin. Support Specialist Planning&Zoning Commission Planning&Development Services June 5,2014 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES Home ofT"msA&M University' PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting June 5, 2014, 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik, Jane Kee, Jodi Warner, Jim Ross, Casey Oldham COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Benham CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Alan Gibbs, Carol Cotter, Jason Schubert, Jennifer Prochazka, Danielle Singh, Morgan Hester, Jenifer Paz, Robin Cross, Jeremy Alderete, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call Meeting to Order Chairman Miles called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens No citizens spoke. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration,possible action, and discussion regarding Absence Requests from meetings. * Casey Oldham—July 3,2014 4.2 Consideration,possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. * May 15,2014—Workshop * May 15,2014—Regular 4.3 Presentation,possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Indian Lakes Phase 18 consisting of four residential lots on approximately 17.93 acres generally located south of Anasazi Bluff Drive in the Indian Lakes Subdivision, approximately one mile southwest of State Highway 6 in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case#14-00900060(M.Hester) Commissioner Oldham motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1 — 4.3. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). June 5,2014 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding waiver requests to Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-8.3.G `Blocks', Subdivision Regulations Section 84 `Blocks' (2006 Subdivision Regulations) , Section 12-8.3.V `Private Streets and Gating of Roadways', and Section 12-8.3.K `Sidewalks' and a presentation,possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plan for Mission Ranch (Great Oaks) Subdivision consisting of 523 single-family residential lots on approximately 289.2 acres generally located west of Holleman Drive South and north of Rock Prairie Road West, bounded by the existing Great Oaks Subdivision to the west, Rock Prairie Road West to the south, Quail Run Subdivision to the north, and Holleman Drive South to the east. Case#14-00900012 (M.Hester)\ Staff Planner Hester presented the waiver requests and recommended denial of the block length waivers and the gating of Haverford Road, a public street. She recommended approval of the sidewalk waiver request with the condition that the proposed private trails and sidewalks be constructed. There was general discussion regarding connectivity and the waiver requests to block length. Chairman Miles opened the public hearing. Fred Caldwell, 7904 N. Sam Houston Parkway, Houston, Texas, gave an overview of previous developments he has developed that are similar to Mission Ranch. Jeff Roberston, McClure & Browne Engineering, 1008 Woodcreek, College Station, Texas, reviewed the waiver requests to block length. Veronica Morgan, Mitchell & Morgan, 3204 Earl Rudder Frwy S., gave an overview of the gating of Haverford Road. Chairman Miles closed the public hearing. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the waiver requests. Commissioner Kee motioned to approve the Preliminary Plan with the following conditions: the sidewalk waiver be approved as requested, the block length waiver requests on Holleman Drive and Rock Prairie Road West be approved, the gate on Haverford Road be removed, a connection be provided to Deacon Drive West via Haskell Hollow Loop. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion,motion passed (6-0). 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a request to pay a fee into the sidewalk fund in lieu of constructing the required sidewalk on Holleman Drive and public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat of the Woodson Village, Fifth June 5,2014 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Installment Section 1 Lots 9R, Block 11 being a Replat of Woodson Village, Fifth Installment Section 1 Lots 9, Block 11 and the adjoining former Hawthorne Street right-of-way consisting of one lot on approximately 0.48 acres,located at 811 Holleman Drive. Case#14-00900083 (J.Paz) Staff Planner Paz presented the replat and the request to pay a fee into the sidewalk fun in lieu of constructing the required sidewalk on Holleman Drive and recommended approval. Chairman Miles opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Miles closed the public hearing. Commissioner Oldham motioned to approve the applicant's request to pay a fee into the sidewalk fund in lieu of constructing the required sidewalk on Holleman Drive. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Commissioner Oldham motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed(6-0). 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 124.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by change the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to GS General Suburban for approximately 3 acres for the property Robertson Stevenson Survey Abstract No. 54 as described in Volume 8070,Page 226 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and more generally located at 2668 Barron Road. Case #14-00900113 (J. Paz) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the June 12, 2014 City Council meeting- subject to change) Staff Planner Paz presented the rezoning and recommended approval. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the rezoning. Chairman Miles opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Miles closed the public hearing. Commissioner Warner motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion,motion passed (6-0). 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance approving a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-3.16 "Development Review Procedures, Conditional Use Permit", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, to permit a Major Wireless Telecommunication Facility (WTF) in R Rural zoning within a 26.25-acre tract generally located at 1241 Flying Ace Circle along Rock Prairie Road. Case#14-00900030 (J. Paz) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the June 26,2014 City Council meeting- subject to change) June 5,2014 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 This item was pulled from the agenda at the applicant's request. 10. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Approved: Attest: Bo Miles, Chairman Brittany Caldwell,Admin. Support Specialist Planning &Zoning Commission Planning &Development Services June 5,2014 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 College Station, TX College S Texas Ave College Station,TX 77840 CITY OE COLLEGE STATION f H...r,A&M Gii—Vrs Legislation Details (With Text) File#: 14-534 Version: 1 Name: RV Station Subdivision Preliminary Plan Type: Preliminary Plan Status: Consent Agenda File created: 6/11/2014 In control: Planning and Zoning Commission Regular On agenda: 6/19/2014 Final action: Title: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for RV Station Subdivision consisting of two lots and one common area on approximately 11.56 acres, generally located at 4520 State Highway 6 South. Case#14-00900114 (J. Schubert) Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Aerial Application Copy of Preliminary Plan Date Ver. Action By Action Result Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for RV Station Subdivision consisting of two lots and one common area on approximately 11.56 acres, generally located at 4520 State Highway 6 South. Case#14-00900114 (J. Schubert) PRELIMINARY PLAN for RV Station Subdivision 14-00900114 SCALE: Two lots and one common area on 11.56 acres LOCATION: 4520 State Highway 6 S ZONING: GC General Commercial and OV Corridor Overlay APPLICANT: Travis Martinek, Clarke & Wyndham PROJECT MANAGER: Jason Schubert, AICP, Principal Planner ischubert(o)cstx.gov <mailto:ischubert(c-)cstx.gov> RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan. DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1983 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open (upon annexation), rezoned to C-B College Station,TX Page 1 of 3 Printed on 6/13/2014 powered by LegistarTM File #: 14-534, Version: 1 Commercial Business (1998), C-B Commercial Business consolidated as C-1 General Commercial (2003), OV Corridor Overlay added (2006), C-1 General Commercial renamed GC General Commercial (2012) Site development: Vacant COMMENTS Water: The subject tract is located within College Station Utilities water service area. A 12-inch water line exists along a portion of the State Highway 6 frontage in Phase 2. The 12-inch water line will be extended along the remainder of the frontage and an 8-inch water line will be looped through the tract to serve the proposed lots. Sewer: Sanitary sewer mains are not currently available to serve the property. They are alternatively proposing individual On-Site Sewage Facilities on each lot, which are both larger than the 1 acre minimum required. The septic system must be installed and maintained in accordance with Brazos County Health Department regulations. Off-site Easements: None known at this time. Drainage: Drainage is generally to the south within the Alum Creek Drainage Basin. Flood Plain: No FEMA floodplain is located on the subject tract. Greenways: No greenway dedication is required or proposed. Pedestrian Connectivity: No pedestrian facilities are required along State Highway 6. The proposed Public Way internal to the site will have a 5-foot sidewalk on each side when it is constructed with site development. Bicycle Connectivity: No bicycle facilities are required or proposed along State Highway 6 or within the proposed Public Way. Streets: The nearest roadways are Greens Prairie Road West (public way) to the north and South Oaks Drive to the south. To meet block length requirements, a Public Way is proposed from the State Highway 6 frontage road that turns and projects to the Harris College Station tract to the north. Public Ways may be constructed at the time of site development. Oversize Request: N/A Parkland Dedication Fees: None required as this is a non-residential subdivision. Impact Fees: The property is located within the Alum Creek Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area. REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Compliance with Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance: The larger area within the City limits is designated as Urban on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use & Character College Station,TX Page 2 of 3 Printed on 6/13/2014 powered by LegistarTM File #: 14-534, Version: 1 Map. This tract has been zoned for commercial use since 1998. The Urban designation was placed in this area with the Comprehensive Plan to allow the potential for some of the large commercial area to rezone to residential use. The proposed Preliminary Plan complies with the application zoning regulations for GC General Commercial and OV Corridor Overlay. 2. Compliance with Subdivision Regulations: Two phases are proposed with each lot located in a separate phase. The proposed Preliminary Plan complies with the Subdivision Regulations in the Unified Development Ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plan. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Application 2. Copy of Preliminary Plan College Station,TX Page 3 of 3 Printed on 6/13/2014 powered by LegistarTM } Z as a . ZLU J !ad ro k a� + Z o � < J nc > CN LID g�F }�y cad O � LU Q G2 z r Li y O J LU W Planning &Zoning Commission Page 1 of 1 June 19, 2014 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CASE NO.: —10 I I`44 DATE SUBMITTED: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TIME: Home of TexasA6M University' STAFF PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: 0 $932 Preliminary Plan Application Fee. ❑ $233 Waiver Request to Subdivision Regulations Fee (if applicable). ❑X Application completed in full. This application form provided by the City of College Station must be used and may not be adjusted or altered. Please attach pages if additional information is provided. 0 Six(6)folded copies of plan. A revised mylar original must be submitted after approval. 0 Title report for property current within ninety (90) days or accompanied by a Nothing Further Certificate current within ninety (90) days. The report must include applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances, etc. ❑ Impact study(if oversized participation is requested). 0 The attached Preliminary Plan checklist with all items checked off or a brief explanation as to why they are not. Date of Optional Preapplication Conference N/A NAME OF PROJECT RV Station-Phase 1 ADDRESS 4520 State Highway 6 South SPECIFIED LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: 4520 State Highway 6 South APPLICANT/PROJECT MANAGER'S INFORMATION (Primary contact for the project): Name Travis Martinek E-mail travis@clarkewyndham.com Street Address 3608 East 29th Street, Suite 100 City Bryan State Texas Zip Code 77802 Phone Number (979) 846-4384 Fax Number (979) 846-1461 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (ALL owners must be identified. Please attach an additional sheet for multiple owners): Name RV Station, Ltd. E-mail chris@rvstationonline.com Street Address 2815 North Earl Rudder Freeway City Bryan State Texas Zip Code 77803 Phone Number (979) 492-9250 Fax Number ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER'S INFORMATION: Name Homeyer Engineering, Inc. E-mail shomeyer@hei.us.com Street Address 206 Elm Street, Suite 105 City Lewisville State Texas Zip Code 75057 Phone Number (972) 906-9985 Fax Number (214) 755-4694 Revised 4/14 Page 1 of 6 Total Acreage 11.56 Total No. of Lots R-O-W Acreage 0.00 Number of Lots By Zoning District / J J Average Acreage Of Each Residential Lot By Zoning District: Floodplain Acreage 0.00 NOTE: Appropriate zoning for the proposed subdivision must be in place before this application can be considered complete. Are you proposing to dedicate park land by acreage or fee in lieu of land? Are you proposing to r develop the park r dedicate the development fee? (Check one) This information is necessary to help staff identify the appropriate standards to review the application and will be used to help determine if the application qualifies for vesting to a previous ordinance. Notwithstanding any assertion made, vesting is limited to that which is provided in Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code or other applicable law. Is this application a continuation of a project that has received prior City platting approval(s) and you are requesting the application be reviewed under previous ordinance as applicable? F— Yes r No If yes, provide information regarding the first approved application and any related subsequent applications (provide additional sheets if necessary): Project Name: City Project Number(in known). Date/Timeframe when submitted: Requested wavier to subdivision regulations and reason for same(if applicable). 'N/A Revised 4/14 Page 2 of 6 Regarding the waiver request, explain how: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the subdivision regulations will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. N/A 2. The waiver is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. /A 3. The granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering subdivision regulations. I 4. The granting of the waiver will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. Fee in lieu of sidewalk construction is being requested because of the following condition (if applicable) 1. r An alternative pedestrian way or multi-use path has been or will be provided outside the right-of-way; 2. r— The presence of unique or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions exist so that strict adherence to the sidewalk requirements of the UDO is not physically feasible or is not in keeping with the purposes and goals of the UDO or the City's comprehensive Plan; 3. r A capital improvement project is imminent that will include construction of the required sidewalk. Imminent shall mean the project is funded or projected to commence within twelve(12) months; 4. r Existing streets constructed to rural section that are not identified on the Thoroughfare Plan with an estate/ rural context; 5. r When a sidewalk is required along a street where a multi-use path is shown on the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan; Revised 4/14 Page 3 of 6 6. F The proposed development is within an older residential subdivision meeting the criteria in Platting and Replatting within Older Residential Subdivisions Section of the UDO; or 7. F The proposed development contains frontage on a Freeway/Expressway as designated by Map 6.6, Thoroughfare Plan -Functional Classification, in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Detailed explanation of condition identified above: N/A NOTE: A waiver to the sidewalk requirements and fee in lieu of sidewalk construction shall not be considered at the same time by the Planning &Zoning Commission. The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true, correct, and complete. IF THIS APPLICATION IS FILED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, this application must be accompanied by a power of attorney statement from the owner. If there is more than one owner, all owners must sign the application or the power of attorney. If the owner is a company, the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the company's representative to sign the application on its behalf. LIEN HOLDERS identified in the title report are also considered owners and the appropriate signatures must be provided as described above. $ / r Signature and title Date Revised 4/14 Page 4 of 6 Z cc �4 z z m LU 2 2 LU o -zoX 0 UJ y! 2 03 C,4 2 LU m z 1 0 U, ON 00 L) z Lu 2 -Go 0 Z 0 Lu Iv! Jo 111 r 1 LVO = CL P! 29 - ---------------------------------- ------------ N------------- gg Ul A • 2_jC4 to 19 rr J.g S-6 ,.4z .13,Y x' S� % 3 3g C%l ----------------- 00 ----- --------------- j - ,-6 is Hi ol 00. 44 4 41 , - --------—----------------------------- ------------------------ ro3 'g ff u .0 E WYE Z 0. Z W