HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1978 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES
Regular City Council Meeting
March 23, 1978
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Gardner, Dozier,
Halter, Stephenson, Hazen; Student.GOvernment Liaison
Brockman; Director of Public Works Ford; City Attorney
Lewis; Police Chief Byrd; City Manager Bardell
See guest register
Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of previous meetings.
Councilman Ringer asked that the minutes of March 8, Item No. 2 reflect that
Councilman Hazen was appointed chairman of the new civic center committee.
The minutes of March 9, Item No. 1 were corrected to delete "Councilman
Stephenson being absent".
The Mayor announced that the minutes stood approved as corrected.
Agenda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors.
Mr. Walter Kahanek of Durango Apartments stated that the utility bills
of this complex were extremely high over the TAPCO Christmas Holidays.
City Manager Bardell stated several possible reasons for this including
that December was the coldest time of the year and the electricity may
not have been turned down enough to affect the readings. He also stated
that these apartments are strip heated which could affect the high bills.
Another possibility could be that the manager could have turned the
thermostats up to prevent broken pipes, etc.
Mr. Kahanek was told that the best restitution was to get with the apartment
owner or manager to discuss the situation.
S tan Caplan stated that he had four years experience in related business
and that he had completely unplugged his appliannes and that his bill was
up from his average bill.
Kay Peabody presented cases from her apartment complex. She stated that her
meter reading was 3,000 killowatt hours for the month she was gone.
Another person had been charged $50.00 for five days of service.
_Agenda Item No. 3 -- Dr. & Mrs. Duane C. Kramer and Mrs. Mickey Ray to
address Council concerning animal control ordinance.
Dr. Kramer stated that two of his dogs were picked up by the humane officer.
He had problems identifying his dogs and thus they were destroyed. He stated
several points including:
1. People can't see their dogs to identify them.
2. The usual 72 hour waiting period was not fully allowed b.efore
the destruction of the animals.
He also asked who authorized dogs to be shot, and why another method is
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MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
March 23, 1978
7:00 P.M.
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not implemented.
Police Chief Byrd announced that a new procedure has been started in the
City. The pet owners will now be told where the animals are kept after
being picked up.
Councilman Halter suggested that perhaps the new warehouse facility could
have an area for more humane destruction of animals.
Ruth Lofton stated that perhaps the Human Society could be supported in
efforts to adopt the animals and help them house these animals.
Agenda Item No. 4-- Further discussion of surplus newspaper collection.
City Manager Bardell stated the figures given for newspapers collected
in the past and said that $675.00 a month could be derived for the City
by participating in this program.
The probable cost estimated for the implementation of the program would
be $1,890.00 per truck per month to gather the papers. Two trucks would
be needed to bring the total to $3,780.00.
Mr. Bardell concluded that this program would be a deficit in the City's
Agenda Item No. 5 -- Other business.
Student Government Liaison Laura Brockman said that bond issue pamphlets
would be distributed next week.
Councilman Halter stated that senior citizens had questioned if any benefits
were upcoming for them, since none were included in the bond issue. He
further stated that the idea of a senior citizen's center was not forgotten.
Agenda Item No. 6 -- Closed session to consider possible pending litigation.
The Council went into closed session and later opened to the public.
Councilman Halter moved that claims presented by Kathy Kinard for $42.25
and Rocky Roden for $16.00 be paid, and that the claim presented by Joy
Allen be denied.
Councilman Hazen seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Halter made a motion to draw up an ordinance concerning
de-annexing portions of Finfeather Road.
Councilman Ringer seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 7 -- Adjourn.
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned.
MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting
March 23, 1978
7'00 P.M.
City Secretary
Page 3
March 23, 1978
7:00 P.M.
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