HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/1977 - Regular Minutes City CouncilHEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: VISITORS PRESENT: MINUTES Regular City Council Meeting August 23, 1977 3:00 P.M. Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Gardner, Dozier, Halter, Stephenson, Hazen; City P~nager Bardell; Director of Public Works Ford; City Engineer Ash; City Planner Mayo; Building Official Koehler; Fire Chief Landua; Fire Marshal Davis None See guest register Agenda Item No. 1 -- Consideration of a request for a contribution to the fund for a commissioning gift from Texas to the missile cruiser U.S.S. Texas. City Manager Bardell stated that the City has been requested to contribute to the fund for a commissioning gift from the State of Texas to the missile crusier U.S.S. Texas. The gift would be used to fund the silver service for the cruiser and other commissioning gifts. City Mmnager Bardell noted that a donation of $100.00 would be appropriate, in turn the commissioning plaque would carry the City of College Station's name as one of the contributors. Councilman Halter moved to authorize the City Manager to send a $100.00 donation as the commissioning gift to the missile cruiser U.S.S. Texas. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, Councilman Stephenson being absent. Agenda Item No. 2 -- Consideration of authorization of participation in the Special Crisis Intervention Program for Utility Payments for S.S.I. recipients. City Manager Bardell noted that an estimated 10-20 people in College Station might meet approval under the program. The only extra work to be done by the City under the program would be record keeping. Councilman Dozier moved to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement in behalf of the City of College Station. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3 -- Consideration of an ordinance approving and adopting plan~ and specifications for improvement of Richards Street~ and directing advertise- ment of bids for such improvements~ and declaring an emergency. Councilman Dozier moved approval of the ordinance approving and adopting plans and specifications for improvement of Richards Street, and directing advertise- ment of bids for such improvements, and declaring an emergency. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. City Manager Bardell explained that this ordinance was the second of a series of five ordinances allowing the improvement of Richards Street. ozg o MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting August 23, 1977 3:00 P.M. The motion to approve the ordinance (Ordinance No. 1086) passed as follows: FOR --- Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Dozier, Halter, Stephenson, Hazen AGAINST --- Councilman Gardner Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of bid tabulations on substation material. Page 2 This item was delayed to allow the bidders to be present. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Examination of plans for City Hall and Fire Station. City Engineer Ash presented the plans to the Council. Architect Russell Stogsdill reviewed the plans. City Engineer Ash stated that the plans had been reviewed intensively and the only concern was with the placement of electrical outlets, which had subsequently been changed. Councilman Dozier moved to authorize the advertising for bids on the City Hall annex, as modified by the staff, deleting the concrete fence in the rear of the building. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: FOR --- Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Gardner, Dozier, Halter, Stephenson AGAINST --- Councilman Hazen Councilman Hazen noted that her objection to the plans was due to the lack of vending machines in the annex. City Engineer Ash stated that bids will be taken in alternate form. City Engineer Ash explained the revisions to the plans for the Fire Station, which raised the height of the ceiling to the standard ceiling height instead of 6'6". This deleted the second floor for sleeping purposes but it could possibly be used for storage area. Councilman Halter moved to authorize the taking of bids for the Fire Station plans as modified. Councilman Stephenson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, Councilman Dozier being absent. City Engineer Ash noted that it would be approximately 45 days until the opening of bids. Agenda Item No. 4 -- Consideration of bid tabulations on substation material. Mr. John Denison, consultant for Electric Power Engineers, Inc., recommended that Contract No. CS-77-SB-8 be awarded to Austin Meters, Inc. for the firm price of $80,583.00. Councilman Ringer moved to accept the bid of Austin Meter. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting August 23, 1977 3:00 P.M. Page 3 Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, Councilman Dozier being absent. Mr. Denison recommended that Contract No. CS-77-SB-9, Group I material, be awarded to Westinghouse Electric Supply Company for the firm price of $5,088.20. Councilman Stephenson moved that the bid of Westinghouse Electric Supply Company be accepted. Councilman Ringer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, Councilman Dozier being absent. Mr. Denison recommended awarding Contract No. CS-77-SB-9, Group II material, to Westinghouse Electric Supply Company, for the firm price of $73,950.00. Mr. Pat Carry of General Electric Supply Company stated that it was general practice to bid a price that was not firm, but that after bids were opened General Electric calculated by a formula a firm bid to be presented to the Council. Councilman Gardner moved to approve the bid of Westinghouse Electric Supply Company. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: FOR --- Mayor Bravenec; Councilman Ringer, Gardner, Dozier, Halter, Hazen AGAINST --- Councilman Stephenson Mr. Denison recommended that Contract No. CS-77-SB-9, Group III material, be awarded to the Clark Corporation for the firm price of $216,425.00. Changes in the contract bid from Clark Corporation include: 1) the Clark Corporation will be responsible for liquidated damages and 2) the Clark Corporation will supply any extra steel, at own cost, not adjusted for in the bid price. Councilman Ringer moved to accept the bid of the Clark Corporation. Councilman Dozier seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6 -- Discussion of items on the agenda of the meeting of August 25, 1977. Councilman Halter moved that the absence of Councilman Stephenson from the meeting on August 25 be excused. Councilman Dozier seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. City Mmnager Bardell reported that the contractor for sidewalks on Francis Street has continued to delay the job. Legal action will be taken if the work is delayed any further. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting August 23, 1977 3:00 P.M. Councilman Hazen noted that Charles Greenawalt of Community Education has offered his services to the Park Planning Committee. It was agreed that Mr. Greenawalt would serve as an alternate member of the Park Planning Committee. Agenda Item No. 7 -- Adjourn. Mayor Bravenec declared the meeting adjourned. APPROVED ATTEST City Secretary Page 4 P. EGULARCITY COUNCIL MEETING August 23, 1977 3:00 P.M. 10. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 11. 29. 12. 30. 13. 31. 14. 32. 15, 16. 17. 18. 33. 34. 35. 36.