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HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/1976 - Special Minutes City CouncilMEMBERS PRESENT:
Special City Council Meeting
June 30, 1976
3:45 P.M.
Mayor Bravenec, City Councilmen Halter, Dozier, Stephenson,
Hazen, Ringer, Gardner; City Manager Bardell; City Secretary
Florence Neelley; Assistant Snider
See guest register.
Ag. enda Item No. 1 -- Closed session to discuss pend. ing.. !e~gal matters.
The Council met in closed session.
Mayor Bravenec called the meeting into open session.
Agenda Item No. 2-- Canvass results of bond election of June 29, 1976.
The City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, convened in special
session, open to the public and duly noticed in accordance with Article 6252-17,
V.A.T.C.S., as amended, at the regular meeting place thereof in the City Hall,
within said City, on the 30th day of June, 1976, with the following members
present, to-wit'
Lorence L. Bravenec
Gary M. Halter
Lane B. Stephenson
Larry J. Ringer
J. R. Gardner
Ms. Anne Hazen
James H. Dozier
and the following members absent, to-wit: none, when among other business,
the following was transacted, to-wit:
The Mayor introduced an ordinance which was read in full. Councilman
Ringer moved that the ordinance be adopted as read. Councilman Halter seconded
the motion for adoption of said ordinance. The motion, carrying with it the
adoption of the ordinance, prevailed by the following vote:
AYES' Mayor Bravenec, Councilmen Halter, Stephenson,
Ringer, Gardner, Hazen and Dozier
NOES: None
The Mayor thereupon announced that the motion had duly and lawfully carried
MINUTES, Special City Council Meeting
June 30, 1976
3:45 P.M.
Page 2
and that Ordinance No. 1030 had been duly and lawfully adopted.
Mr. David Fetzer of Moroney, Beissner, Inc., asked the Council's permission to
take Mayor Bravenec, City Manager Bardell and Councilman Dozier to New York City
to present the bonds for rating.
Councilman Stepehnson moved to accept this request.
Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
Councilman Halter moved to accept the contract with Gulf States Utilities for
a twenty year term effective January 1, 1978, with the Mayor to execute this
contract by July 1.
Councilman Ringer seconded the motion which passed uanimously.
Mayor Bravenec and Councilman Halter thanked the individuals who had worked on
the Capital Improvements Committee and on the bond election.
Agenda Item No. 3 -- Discussion of p~rban Tra_nspor. tation Study.
Councilman Ringer moved to table this item until the next meeting of the Council.
Councilman Stephenson seconded the motion to table which passed unanimously.
_Agenda Item No. 4 -- Other business.
Councilman Dozier commented on Councilman Stephenson's housing report from the
last regular meeting and the Houston Post article which also spoke to the housing
He suggested the need to review building codes which favor large numbers of
multi-room apartments with little parking area provided.
Agenda Item No. 5 -- Adjourn.
Councilman S tephenson moved adjournment. Councilman Ringer seconded.
The meeting was adjourned.
City Secretary