HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/28/1975 - Joint Minutes City Council · ¥'~ ~'~N b ..,. ~b OF O'rn'T MZZT'rn'C., TH: .. May 28, 1975 / ' ' ~ Joint Meeting of the Bryan and College Sta~io~'City ~.~~i~~s he.'..~ at the Ramada Inn in College Station, beginning at 7:00 p. ~n. on Wednesda'~;' Ma:~i28th, 1975, a notice having been posted at least three (3) ~.~,,~. ~ ~.~~~lq~.~~liance withArticle 6252-17, Vernon's Civil Statutes, as a~___~~~--~'~~"'""--meeting were the following representatives from the City of Bryan:-~~~~.~%~~oyce, Councilmen 1Kichard Smith, Harmon Bell, Travis Bryan III, Henry Seale, 3im Wright, G.H. (Buddy)Sledge, City Manager Lou Odle, Finance Director Joe Evans, City Attorney Joel 1Koberts and Utilities Director Jack,&rd. The following representatives from College Station were present: Mayor O.M. Holt, Councilmen Homer Adams, Gary Halter, Lorance Bravenec, 3im Dozier, Bob Bell, Jim Gardner, City Manager North Bardell and City Attorney Neeley Lewis. Mr. Bill Erwin., of General_ TeLephone Company, and several news media representatives were also in attendance. Mayor Holt of College Station presided at the business meeting, which began at 8:00 p.m., and Finance Director ]Evans, of Bryan, recorded the minutes of the meeting. Mayor Holt welcomed the City Council and staff members from Bryan and introduced the representatives from College Station. Mayor 3oyce thanked Mayor Holt and intro- duced 'the Bryan representatives to the joint armual meeting, held for the purpose of discussing common problems of the two cities. Mayor Holt stated '~hat the two basic problems 'to be discussed are the request for a rate increase by the General Telephone Company and the utility rate increases requested by the City of Bryan. Mayor Holt indicated that College Station would hold a public hearing on the telphone rate increase request at the next iKegular Meeting of the City Council on June 9, 1975. He also suggested that the two City Councils should meet again for further discussion of the electric, water and sewer rate in- creases requested by the City of Bryan. Mayor Holt stated that the following College Station Counciln~en had been designa- ted to serve on the Telephone Rate Study Committee: Jim Dozier, Gary Halter and Lorance Bravenec. Mayor Joyce announced that the following Bryan City Councilmen had been appointed to serve on said committee, in addition to himself: Henry Seale and Jim %Vright. With regard to the electric, water and sewer rate increases proposed by the City of Bryan, Mayor Holt stated that Councilmen Dozier, Bravenec and Adams and City Manager North Bardell had been designated to meet and discuss this mat- t e r further with representatives of the City of Bryan. Councilman Gardner, of College Station, questioned the reasoning behind the deferred approval of the proposed allocation of the Brazos County Heal th Unit and the Brazos County Civil De£ense by 'the Bryan City Council. Mr. Sledge reported on the action taken at the meeting on May Z7th, 1975, and Councilman Seale ex- plained his negative vote by stating that he wanted to see the total budget picture before making his decision. City Manager Odle and City Manager Bardell explained the reasoning behind suggesting flat amounts contributed toward these two activities. ....... ~=~=~ m=n~',onec~ ~or rne ~ounty Oe~ng respoasible for the Health Unit wet=: that, by hiring full time employees under the County, they could receive the £ringe benefits offered; and, also, this would make the City's administration thereof more simplified. · Councilman Adams, of College Station, restated his position on responsibilities of the County, and Mayor Joyce, of Bryan, reviewed a number of areas in which there are opportunities for joint support by the two cities, such as the Mental Health- Mental I{etardation Center, the Brazes Valley Arts Council, the 1q. etired Senior ,V. olunteer Program, and other similar programs. Mayor Holt suggested the pos- sibilit¥ of discussing all of these areas of joint interest with the County' Judge and Commissioners Court, and that possibly the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council should consider these areas in question at the 9:00 a.m. meeting on Monday, June z, 1 975 in the Conference Room of the Bryan Utilities Building. Mr. Bill Erwin, of General Telephone Company, urged the Telephone }{ate Study Committees of Bryan and College Station to meet with company represen- tatives as soon as possible. It was agreed that a meeting would be scheduled for next week. Councilman Dozier, of College Station, stated that, in his opinion, this annual joint meeting of the two cities was a step in the right direction. There being no further business, Mayor Holt adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. Joint Meeting APPROVED: O. M. Holt, Mayor, City of College Station