HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/1973 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 23, 1973 7:00 P.M. ME MBERS PRE SE NT: MEMBERS ABSENT: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer Adams, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer George Ford; City Sanitation Superintendent Alfred Miller; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Stirl Councilman Don Dale See Guest Register The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Hervey who welcomed all interested citizens and news media. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the minutes of the March 12, March 16, March 26, April 6, and April 19, 1973 City Council meetings were unanimously approved. Dr. A. M. Sorenson of 117 Miller's Lane, came before the Council in behalf of the people residing on Miller's Lane. Dr. Sorenson stated that Miller's Lane had been a part of the City of College Station for four years and the City had stated that they would be serviced by city sewer two to three years after they were annexed to the city. Dr. Sorenson felt that something should be done as soon as possible to serve these residents with sewer. He stated that there was a sewer line directly behind Miller's Lane and wanted to know if they could be hooked into this line. City Engineer George Ford stated that he would check into this - it may not be possible due to the gravity flow. If it is possible, this will be done as soon as it is feasible and if it can not be served in this manner, it will be included in the overall major sewer outfall plan for the city which will be done in the next year. Mrs. Jane Barry of 1303 Glade, presented a petition to the Council, stating that all school routes should have sidewalks. The petition included the following streets: Francis Drive, Gilchrist Avenue, Dominik Drive, Kyle Avenue, Nunn Street, Walton Drive, Southwest Parkway, Holleman Drive, Glade Street, Nueces Drive, Hondo Street, Lawyer Street and Shadowwood. The petition contained approximately eighty- two signatures. (A copy of the petition is attached as a part of these minutes. ) Mr. J. W. Wood and Mr. Lawrence Hans presented the preliminary plans for the municipal swimming pool. (A copy of Mr. Wood's letter to the Mayor and City Council is attached as a part of these minutes. ) It was pointed out that Mr. Wood's Minutes City Council Meeting April 23, 1973 Page 2 estimate was approximately $31,000.00 over the budget allowed for the pool facility. After considerable discussion, Councilman Brison moved that the Council approve the preliminary plans for the swimming pool and instruct Mr. Wood to prepare the final plans and specifications to include a generous amount of alternates which would make it possible for the Council to get the total cost back down to the $260,000.00 budget. The motion, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, was unanimously approved. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No. 870, an ordinance ordering the improvements to certain portions of Brooks Avenue, BoRon Avenue, Anderson Street, Jane Street and Luther Street, and directing the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications therefor, was un- animously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 871, an ordinance approving and adopting the plans and specifications for the improvements to certain portions of Brooks. Avenue, Bolton Avenue, Anderson Street, Jane Street and Luther Street, and directing advertisement for bids for such improvements, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 872, an ordinance providing for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 5.7 acre tract of land located in the C. Burnett League in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, from Single Family Residential District, District R-lC, to General Commercial District, District C-l, was unanimously passed and approved. Mayor Hervey stated that Councilman Dale had requested that the garbage collection problem be put on the agenda, and since Councilman Dale was ill, the Council might want to postpone this item until he could be present. City Manager Ran Boswell stated there were many problems concerning the present method of garbage collection. Mr. Alfred Miller, City Sanitation Superintendent, stated several of the problems to the Council: 1. It is getting more difficult to hire personnel to pick up garbage from the rear of the house because of weather, dogs, too much walking, accusations of stealing, etc...; 2. Personnel fail to show up for work - several Saturdays ago, only one of five men came to work. Mr. Miller stated that he had hired approximately twenty men since the first of the year and presently the department is about five men short. Mr. Miller stated that he felt some of the problems would be lessened if residents used plastic garbage bags and put their garbage on the curb, thus making the job easier and cleaner. Mr. Miller stated that this would increase the plastic content Minutes City Council Meeting April 23, 1973 Page 3 of the sanitary landfill approximately 2~c. Councilman Radeleff stated there had been some question as to whether these bags would deteriorate in the landfill and Councilman Radeleff stated that they would. Mayor Hervey instructed the City Manager to write an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the use of plastic garbage bags and putting the garbage on the curl). Mayor Hervey stated that there would be a workshop Thursday, April 26, immediately following the Brazos Valley Development Council public hearing on the application of a nursing home. The BVDC public hearing will be at 1:00 P.M. Councilman Radeleff stated that he felt the citizens should be informed that the Recreation Council Swimming Program has been provided for for this summer. Mrs. Paula Canning of 1208 Milner, came before the Council stating that the house next door (1210 Milner) to her home was being allowed to deteriorate and devaluate the rest of the houses in the neighborhood. Mrs. Canning stated that the people at 1212 Milner had put their house up for sale and the appraiser had knocked $500.00 off the value because of the unsightly house (1210 Milner) next door. Mrs. Canning wanted to know if there was an ordinance to help with a situation like this. She stated that the owner of this rent house owns approximately 75houses in College Station and lives in Bryan. Mayor Hervey asked the City Manager to check into this to find out if the house is bad enough for the city to condemn. As there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: ~/~/~vt ayor ATTEST: City Secretary WOOD ASSOCIATES ARCIIITECTS April 23, 1973 Mayor Dick Hervey and City Councilmen City of College Station College Station, Texas RE- Swimming 1~ool Facility City of College Station Gentlemen: My firm is herein submitting, for your approval, the preliminary plans for the new swimming pool facility. At this point, we have conferred with and had several formal meetings with the Parks and Recreation Committee, the Recreation Council and Mr. Paul Wojciechowski, we have obtained their approval on ali items. The following is a preliminary breakdown of construction cost' 1) 50 meter swimming pool with diving well (includes heating equipment, overhead lighting) $ 179,000 40' x 26' instructional pool 11,500 Bath house, concession, rest rooms, trellis work 45,000 $ 235,500 z) Utilities (as per budget) Electrical $ 5,700 Water 2,375 Sewer 2, ,375 $ 10,450 3) Parking (as per budget) $ 14,250 -1- 3219-A TEXAS AVE. BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 71] /822-6415 4) Miscellaneous (as per budget) Site improvement Landscaping Fencing Signs 5) Decking 6) State Administrative costs Fees Total Amount budgeted Difference 1,750 1,000 5, 7OO 5OO $ 8,950 $ 13,000 $ 800 , , _ _ . $ 282,950 14,148 $ 297~ 098 $ Z66,300 $ 30,798* The pools can be expected to support the following capacity' 1) Diving area 1650 s.f. 1650 s.f. 200 s.f. diver z) Swimming area 9075 s.f. 9075 s.f. 15 s.f. = 605 swimmer 3) Instructional area 1000 s.f. 1000 s.f. 15 s.f. = 66 swimmer Total swimmers in the water 679 Your approval on the preliminary phase will allow us to start the final working drawings, we estimate two months for this phase. If you have any further questions, please call on us. -2- 01 8.1 *After several cost estimates made by Mr. Lawrence Hans, P.E. on different pool arrangements the Joint Committees chose to go to the current pool layout, as one that would best suit the City's overall objectives, there- fore, the additional cost. Sincerely, J. W. Wood, A.I.A. JW/lcl -3- 01 82 March 30, 1973 To the College Station City Council We, as parents amd citizens of College Station, are concerned about the safety of the city's children ~alking to ar~ from school. We feel there is an urgent need for sidewalks on school routes to all schools in College Station. Specifically, all or portions of the following streets should have sidewalks ~ Francis Drive, Gilchrist Avenue Dow~tnik Drive, Kyle Avenue, Nunn, Walton Drive, SOutbwest Parkway, Hollel~,An, Caudill, Dexter Drive, Langford, Haines, Glade Street, Nueces Drive, Hondo, Lawyer, a~d Shadow~ood. We u~ge you to consider this matter very seriously and see that these sidewalks are constructed. Copies to, Dick Hervey Fre~ Brison D~a Dale R. D. Radeleff ~r Adams J. D~ Li~say F., F. C-olds~ith .,,.:.- ,~,lltham Name Address 1 -° ;,.~- (~ ~ "~' .':,--" .' ~-' '- '"' :. ~,,' _,_: ,_!., :',-;: ', ,--, '-.:~..- _ ~(" {"(, ,'. ~:. r_. ,,._. ,.. ~_, .' . · -,-,,,~-,, _ ___ ~_: - ....- ...... _ ' ,,, ~. ....... .-=_ ~ - .........~ _ -.. ~ - _. ~. -- :___ __-_ __.,_ __~_. ~..... "~' · · - ...... ~ ~''' .... ' T-' .,--- <_ ___ .... t,..,..: :, ...,.. / > .,~: ~.,.,.- ~.. . ~:. ,..., .,. 1~, _.= ..:~~ .... . .......... . .._ ........... ......... ~. '.2, ..' ~ ,,~ ... · :~-' . , ,.---., , ,, ....... .. _ .,-;.:,-: ...... -~-: --~ / ~::_ :":;:__.: ~.:~:.L.~ .: :~... i' ':.: .',:" ~. >~'~.~.:,-t.., _/-.5 :' ? · :J.~: ~.~~ ~,- - ~ ~' ~ ~ ~'?'.3~ ~' "" '" ~/:? ~' ' ' -.-: ............. ---"_,-'C.~,~, ¢'.~ -- ~ _ . ... ~. .: _ . . __ ~ . :. . .... -- _ _ __. _ : -_-__ ~_ _ /-,: - Y~- / :'.-,. - ~;,;, ,,.. . r ...,, · ~.~' :'"'-- ',"' :.ii ! ,., , ,., · ~" 0 ' "~/-'_ '~-~' ~':',,~:':'~- i i "'"": .,.".., .i,,,, ,~0 :~. 2. ~,. .~. 6. '7. 9. 10. 11. 1~,. 16. 17. 18. Address t? o ~ / ~0o /,20, _v March 30, 1973 To the Col] e ~e ,qtation City Council: ~,!e, as parents and citizens of College Station, are concerned about the safety of the city's children walking to and from school. We feel there is an urgent need for sidewalks on school routes to all schools in College Station. $oecifically, all or portions of the following, streets should have sidewalks: Francis Drive, Gilchrist Avenue, Dominik Drive, Kyle Avenue, Munn, Walton Drive, Southwest . Parkway, Ho]leman, Caudi]l, ~Dexter D, rive, Langford, Haines, Glade Street, Nueces D~ve, Hondo, Lawyer, and Shadowwood. We urge you to consider this matter very seriously and see that these sidewalks are constructed. Copies to: Dick Hervey Fred Brison Don Dale · ?~. D. i~adeleff Homer Adams J. D. Lindsay C. A. Bonnen H. F. Goldsmith Ran Boswell ,Mike Calliham Ceorge ~by 4. .~. 6. 7.