HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/19/1973 - Special Minutes City CouncilMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 19, 1973 4:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor J. B. Hervey, Councilmen Homer~ J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff, C. A. Bonnen, and Don Dale; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer North Bardell; Director of Parks and Recreation Paul Wojciechowski; City Attorney James H. Dozier; Director of Public Works L. P. Dulaney; and Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT- Councilman Fred R. Brison VISITORS PRESENT: Dr. C. E. McCandless, J. W. Wood, Larry Priesmeyer. The special meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order at 4-00 P.M. on Thursday, July 19, 1973 in the City Hall by Mayor J. B. Hervey. Agenda Item No. 1 - United Chest Fund Drive. Mayor Hervey called on Dr. C. E. McCandless, PreSident o'~ .... the' United Chest Drive as a special visitor. Dr. McCandless presented Mayor Hervey and the Council with the following requests relative to the United Chest Fund Drive- 1. A meeting room and space to keep records 2. Stenographic assistance 3. Utilities listings to enable the drive chairperson to solicit funds by mail from property owners and businessess. 4. Permission to have contributions mailed to the United Chest in care of the City Hall. Ail requests were granted with the exception of giving out the list of utilities. It was decided that perhaps the city would run the envelopes prepared by the United Chest Drive through the addressograph and send them out rather than give out the listings. Agenda Item No. 2 - Progress r_eport on the swimming, pq01 project. Mayo's' HerVey Called on Mr"-J. W. wood to giVe a status report regarding the swimming pool project. Mr. Wood presented the council with the plans of the pool and described the instruction pool, bath houses, etc. and asked for approval of these plans so they could be submitted to the state. On motion of Councilman Radeleff seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the plans were accepted to be submitted to the state for approval. Agenda Item No. 3 - Consideration of Variances; (a) side lot requirements~ and (b) front lot r-equi~-ementS-': Mayor Hervey called on Dir-eCtor of 'Public Works L. P. Dulaney to brief the council regarding certain variances. Mr. Dulaney presented the Mayor and the council with a letter and a drawing from Mr. Anding in Minutes, Special Workshop, City Council July 19, 1973 Page 2 favor of the Bema Construction Company, relative to five houses which are being constructed against city ordinance. Mr. Anding asked for a variance because of errors made in regards to the lot requirements. Mr. Anding and Mr. Dulaney both stated that none of the property owners had objections to the variance. After considerable discussion of the possible variance, on motion of Councilman Dale and seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Mr. Anding was granted the variance. Mr. Dulaney presented a case regarding a variance request to continue building of a swimming pool cover. Mrs. J. H. Fendler of 1209 Glade, referred to her case as a "comedy of errors", and stated that the original error was made by the Howard Pool Company. The city ordinance requires that there be a seven foot distance from the property line to the construction site and Mrs. Fendler's beam for the beginning construction of the pool cover, is only five feet from the property line. Mayor Hervey then asked if there were any objections regarding this variance request. Mr. Dulaney advised the council and the Mayor that the next door neighbors of the Fendlers' objected. Mrs. Fendler then presented Mayor Hervey with a statement signed by several neighbors who had no objections to this variance request. Mr. Carlton Van Doren of 1204 Glade, stood and advised that he had no objections. Mayor Hervey then asked if there was anyone else who wished to speak in favor of the variance request. No one spoke and the Mayor then asked for objections. Mr. Stephen Riter of 1211 Glade, stood before the council and gave a list of grievances which he had recorded over a period of time relative to the variance request. He stated that he mainly objected for two reasons. The first, being that the variance would take away two feet of his property. The second was that as a citizen, he feels that Mrs. Fendler has been taken advantage of by the architect, and by the contractors. Mr. J. W. Wood, the architect for Mrs. Fendler, came before the council and explained how this situation developed. Mr. Larry Priesmeyer, voiced his opinions regarding the variance request. After considerable discussion among the councilmen and the Mayor, it was decided that the Mayor and the City Manager and the Councilmen would drive out to the concerned area and make a decision after viewing the situation. ..Agenda Item No. 4 - Resolution authorizin_g the MaYOr/City Manager to enter into an agreement on behalf of the City with the BVCD for joint purchase of certain items of technical equipment for law enforcement purposes. After considerable discussion, on motion by Councilman Radeleff and seconded by Councilman Adams, the resolu- tion was approved. Councilman Dale moved that the true cost of the technical equipment for the law enforcement purposes be recorded. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bonnen ~nd was unanimously carried. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of the water line connection with the University water supply. Desig~ Engineer Bardell presented an aerial photograph relative to the item in question. Mayor Hervey iS ecial Workshop, City Council Minutes, ~73 July 19, Page 3 decided with the councilmen without motion to go ahead with the plans for the water supply connection with the University. Agenda Item No. 6 - Other business. Councilman Dale stated that he though~ 'the coun~i'l should go on record as supporting the reapportionment to take place. He also said that there should be a letter to the County Judge as this is the law. Mayor Hervey appointed Councilman Dale and Councilman Adams to look at suggestions and proposals that have been sent regarding the reapportionment. On motion by Councilman Dale and seconded by Councilman Adams the City Council goes on record as supporting the reapportionment and a letter will be sent stating such. City Engineer Bardell and Councilman Adams discussed with the council and the Mayor, plans for drilling and operating two wells for the city. Councilman Adams suggested that this be presented to the people and then get the bond and be ready to proceed. Mayor Hervey informed the council that City Manager Ran Boswell had requested retirement, or perhaps only semi-retirement as of January 1974. The Mayor then appointed a committee made up of Councilmen Dale, Brison, and Radeleff to make a search and inter- views for a replacement to set before the council. The council then adjourned to go to residences of Mrs. Fendler, 1208 Glade and Mr. Steven Riter of 1211 Glade, College Station. On motion of Councilman and seconded by Councilman Adams, the variance request was granted to Mrs. Fendler. AP PROVED: '~j~ayor ~' c ~~" ATTEST: Secretary