HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/1972 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 27, 1972 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: VISITORS PRESENT. Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer Adams, Don Dale, J. D. Lindsay, R. D. Radeleff and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer George Ford; City Planner George Eby; City Attorney James Dozier and Admini- strative Secretary Nancy Reeves None See Guest Register The meeting was called to order at 7:00 Po M. by Mayor Hervey and on motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the minutes of the October 20 and 23, 1972 meetings were unanimously approved. Mayor Hervey welcomed the citizens, students, and members of the news media who were present at the meeting. Dr. F. B. Clark came before the Council and requested that a special meeting be held in order for him to discuss various matters consisting of the naming of a street and a lot which Mr. Bill Fitch had deeded to another individual. Dr. Clark stated that he had brought material relating to these items and would leave them with the Council to review. Mayor Hervey requested Dr. Clark to talk with City Manager Boswell and Mr. Boswell would determine if a special council meeting was needed. Mr. Mark McConathy stated that he was a member of the Open Space Committee of the Brazos Valley Environmental Action Council and would be attending the meetings of the City Council as a liaison between the Environmental Action Council and the City Council. Mayor Hervey opened the public hearing on the question of rezoning a 0. 155 acre tract of land in the Richard Carter League, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 4-A, Neighborhood Business District. City Planner George Eby briefed the council and the audience on the location of the property in question. The public hearing was then closed. City Planner George Eby stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission had reviewed this zone change request and had recommended that it be approved. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 851, an ordinance rezoning the ~oove described property, was unanimously passed and approved. Mayor Hervey stated that the next item to be considered was a resolution accepting the provisions of State Highway Commission Minute Order No. 66645. Upon the Mayor's request, City Manager Ran Boswell briefed the council on the context of the Minute Order. Minutes City Council Meeting November 27, 1972 Page 2 Mr. Boswell stated that this Minute Order has to do with the signalization and channeli- zation of thirty intersections on Loop 507 (State Highway 6 Business Route) from 1.0 mile northwest of Highway 21 in Bryan, southeast to Farm to Market Road 2818 in College Station. (A copy of the Minute Order is attached as a part of these minutes. ) Councilman Dale pointed out that this project is financed by the Federal TOPICS Program and that there have been numerous requests by the City of College Stat ion for signali- zation of several hazardous intersections within the City but these requests have received no response. Councilman Bonnen moved that the resolution be approved. The motion, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, failed to pass with the following vote: For Against Bonnen Dale Radeleff Lindsay Hervey Adams Brison. Mr. John Denison, President of Electric Power Engineers, presented the bid tabu- lations for electric distribution construction. Mr. Denison stated that this work pro- vides for the reconstruction of the feeder line down Highway 6 from Jersey Street to Krenek Lane. Jedd Construction Company of Karnes City, Texas, was the low bidder with a bid oI' $25,307.90. The bid tabulations were as follows: Jedd Construction Company ........ $25,307.90 T&W Construction Company ........ $29,638.90 Universal Electric Construction .... $40,473.90 H&H Electric Company ............ $41,691.37 Collier Electric Company .......... $47,621.07. Dodds Electric Company did not include a bid bond, therefore, their bid could not be tabulated. Mr. Denison recommended that the low bid of Jedd Construction Company be accepted and that the contract be awarded to same. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council unanimously accepted the low bid of Jedd Construction Company in the amount of $25,307.90. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Adams, Ordinance No. 852, an ordinance abandoning an easement located in the Frank Visoski Subdivision of the City of College Station, Texas, was unanimously passed and approved. Mr. Harry Seabaek was present to request an exchange of park property in the Plantation Oaks Subdivision. City Planner George Eby explained the location of the original park site and the proposed site. There was a park dedication at the intersection of Highway 30 and Rhett Butler Drive when the plat was originally ap- proved. Mr. Seaback stated that the original site was not usable when the plat was first approved because of a gas line which runs through the property. Mr. Seaback stated that because of the location on Highway 30, he would like to put a small neighbor- hood business on the property. The structure would have to be small because of the gas line. Mr. Seaback stated that the proposed park site is actually larger than the original site. Minutes City Council Meetiug November 27, 1972 Page 3 Councilman Dale pointed out that it would be more desirable to have a wooded area for a park than a barren area. Also a park on Highway 30 would not be desirable because of the dangerous situations that could occur. Mayor Hervey stated that if the property is exchanged, Mr. Seaback would still have to go through the Planning and Zoning Commission for a zone change request. Mr. Seaback asked if the property exchange could be made contigent on the zone change. City Attorney James Dozier stated that there could be no contigency placed on this - it would have to be one piece of property for another and no zoning involved - the zone change request would have to be sutmitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their consideration and action. Councilman Dale moved that the City take whatever legal meastres as are necessary to make the property exchange and pointed out again that this does not rezone the property - that Mr. Seaback would have to go through due process of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the zone change. The motion, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, was unanimously approved. On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the Council voted unanimously to have the Annual Open House and the December council meeting on December 15. City Planner George Eby presented a final plat of the Post Oak P-U-D, stating that the plat had been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and their four added conditions had been met ard the plat had been signed by the Chairman, Secretary and City Engineer. Mr. Eby also stated that the developers were ready to begin work immediately. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the final plat was unanimously approved. Councilman Brison (referring back to Agenda Item No. 5 -State Highway Commission Minute Order), stated that the City receives these requests from the Highway Depart- ment from time to time and he was not always able to relate the requests into the overall picture of the TOPICS Program. Mr. Brison stated that he felt that the City and the Highway Department should maintain an easy working relationship and wondered if it wouldn't be wise to request the Highway Department to relate this project with an expenditure of $390,000.00 to all of the other requests that have been made by the City under the TOPICS Program. Mr. Brison moved that the Council proceed in whatever way possible to establish a liaison with the Highway Department and the City Manager be requested to arrange a time when the Council could meet and discuss this with the Highway Department. The motion, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, was unanimously approved. City Attorney James Dozier suggested that the City employees contact the Highway Department and request them to bring some information as to just what the Minute Order means. Councilman Dale po~ted out that the TOPICS Program is a Federal undertaking and not a State undertaking even though it is incorporated. Councilman Minutes City Council Meeting November 27, 1972 Page 4 Dale also stated that the City of College Station has needs which are not being analyzed thoroughly. The City has made requests for signalizatia~ and has received no response to them. As there was no other business to discuss, Mayor Hervey declared the meeting adjourned. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary