HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/24/1972 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 24, 1972 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT- VISITORS PRE SE NT: Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred Brison, Homer Adams, Don Dale, R. D. Radeleff and C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Engineer George Ford; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves Councilman J. D. Lindsay See Guest Register The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Hervey and on motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Adams, the minutes of the June 26, 1972 council meeting were unanimously approved. Mayor Hervey then introduced the official chairmen of the following city committees: Dr. William (Bill) Hoover ..... Parks and Recreation Committee Col. Howard Goldsmith Safety Committee Mr. Carl Patton .............. City Beautification Committee. Dr. M. R. Calliham, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, who was not present at the meeting, was also recognized by the Mayor. Col. Goldsmith stated that the Safety Committee had discussed the parking situation around the Northgate area. Col. Goldsmith stated that the Safety Committee would like to recommend that the Fine Ordinance be amended in order to change the fine to be: $2.00 for the first offense and $4.00 for each offense thereafter. The fine is now $1.00 for each offense and needs to be raised to discourage parking in a "no parking" zone. Mr. Dave Ruesink, Secretary of the Safety Committee, stated that the Committee also recommended that an ordinance be written, giving the City Police jurisdiction over parking on private property. There is a problem in the Northgate area where the churches own the parking areas and the police can not regulate the parking in these areas which needs to be done. Mr. Ruesink stated that the limited time signs about to be erected would help but there would still be a need for the police to have this jurisdiction. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that the City Attorney was in the process of checking into the legality of this situation. Mayor Hervey requested the City Manager to have this item placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Keith Henry, of 1202 Caudill, pointed out the dangerous situation which exists at the intersection of Dexter Drive and Jersey Street. The Council stated that they were very much aware of this and would keep looking into it. It was also pointed out that the Highway Department would have to be negotiated with if it was found that a traffic light was the solution to the problem. 014S1 Minutes City Council Meeting July 24, 1972 Page 2 Mr. Kenneth Brundridge, of 1300 Dominik, came before the Council with reference to a petition which had been presented to the Council at a previous meeting. The petition was for street improvements in the Carters Grove Addition. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that the City Engineering Department had done quite a bit of study and research on this problem. City Engineer George Ford stated that they were now ready to make a test strip of about 1400 feet from the intersection of Munson and Dominik down to the next intersection. Mr. Brundridge then requested that the City have someone come by and pick up the loose pieces of concrete. City Manager Ran Boswell informed Mr. Brundridge that he would see that this was taken care of. City Planner George Eby explained the proposed location for a large supervised city park, consisting of a swimming ~ool and various other facilities. The location is just south of Southwest Parkway and west of Highway 6. The property adjoins the present College Station City Cemetery. Mayor Hervey pointed out that it had been learned that the citizens of College Station would not be allowed to use the University's pool by next summer due to the over-crowded conditions at the University. City Manager Ran Boswell informed the Council that an application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for a grant for the construction of the swimming pool had been completed and as soon as a location was officially designated, the application could be presented to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in Austin. Mr. Boswell stated that this would be a 50~ grant with the City providing $132,500.00 which has already been budgeted out of the general fund for this purpose and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department providing a matching amount. After considerable discussion of this location and various other locations, Councilman Radeleff moved that the Council designate this site and proceed with haste with the application for the grant. The motion, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, was unanimously approved. Councilman Radeleff pointed out that this does not preclude parks in other areas of the City. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council unanimously accepted the right-of-way for the extension of Holleman Drive from Glade Street to Winding Road. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 824, an ordinance abandoning a portiun of the County Road right-of-way, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 825, an ordinance ordering the improvement of certain portions of Southwest Parkway, Holleman Drive, Butt Street and Ash Street; and directing the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications therefor, was unanimously passed and approved. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Dale, Ordinance No. 826, an ordinance approving and adopting the plans and specifications for the improvement of certain portions of Southwest Parkway, Holleman Drive, Burr Street and Ash Street; and directing advertisement for bids for such improvements, was unanimously passed and approved. Councilman Brison presented the following procedure concerning a polling place on the University campus and moved that the Council follow this procedure- Minutes City Council Meeting July 24, 1972 Page 3 THE crrY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COL~,EGE STATION: (a) Recalls its obligation to all voters of this City to provide and designate places for voting in City elections; (b) Is anxious to fulfill this obligation with due regard to the convenience of citizens and legality of procedures; (c) Remembers the large number of voters only recently eligible, who live on the Texas A&M University campus; (d) Proposes to establish a polling place on the University campus; and (e) Requests the City Manager to initiate negotiations with the University for such a polling place. **************************************************************************** The motion, seconded by Councilman Dale, was unanimously approved. Mayor Hervey requested City Manager Ran Boswell to start negotiations with the proper University officials regarding this polling place. Mayor Hervey stated that the City had received a letter of resignation from Mr. Don Dillon, City Attorney. Mr. Dillon had moved from the City of College Station into the City of Bryan and our City Charter states that the City Attorney should live within the limits of the City if at all possible. On motion by Councilman Dale, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council unanimously accepted Mr. Dillon's resignation and appointed Mr. James H. Dozier as City Attorney for the City of College Station. Mayor Hervey instructed the City Manager to draft a letter for his signature, accepting Mr. Dillon's resignation. Mayor Hervey also requested Mr. Boswell to contact Mr. Dozier and stated that the Council would like for Mr. Dozier to attend the City Council meetings. Mr. Sam Ford came before the Council and stated that he lived on Richard and Ster ling Streets. Mr. Ford stated that they had come before the Council previously concerning the lack of sewer service to this area of the City. Mr. Frank Lister alsospoke regarding the sewer situation, stating that he owned property in this part of the City but could not build a home because he could not get a loan due to the lack of sewer service. City Manager Ran Boswell stated that the City has applied for a grant from the Texas Water Quality Board for sewer facilities which would serve this area and with all probability, this area would have sewer service within a year's time. Mr. Ford requested that the water pressure and electrical loadage also be checked as they were very low. City Manager Boswell stated that he would have someone check this out. Councilman Brison expressed the Council's appreciation for the good citizen participation in this meeting. Minutes City Council Meeting July 24, 1972 Page 4 As there was no other business to discuss, Mayor Hervey declared the meeting adjourned. A TTE ST: City Secretary APPROVED: Mayor