HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/27/1971 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMEMBERS PRESENT'
September 27, 1971
7:00 P.M.
Mayor J. B. Hervey; Councilmen Fred R. Brison, James H.
Dozier, Don R. Dale, Dr. J. D. Lindsay, Dr. R. D. Radeleff,
C. A. Bonnen; City Manager Ran Boswell and Administrative
Secretary Nancy Reeves
See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order at 7.00 P.M. by Mayor J. B. Hervey. On motion by
Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the minutes of the August 23,
1971 meeting were unanimously approved.
Ordinance No. 779, an ordinance setting a date, time and place for a public hearing on
the proposed annexation of certain property by the City of College Station, Texas;
authorizing and directing the Mayor to publish notice of such public hearing; and declaring
an emergency and Ordinance No. 780, an ordinance setting a date, time and place for a
public hearing on the proposed annexation of certain property by the City of College Station,
Texas; authorizing and directing the Mayor to publish notice of such public hearing; and
declaring an emergency, were explained by City Manager Ran Boswell. The public
hearing was opened by Mayor Hervey on these two ordinances.
Mr. Jim Johnson, of Ranchco, stated that they had filed an application for rezoning at
the public hearing to be held on October 18, 1971 before the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission. Upon inquiry by Mayor Hervey, Mr. Johnson stated that the whole project will
be bonded and after the annexation and zone change, they would be happy to work with
the City regarding performance on the installation of utilities.
Mr. Edward Miller asked if new territory being annexed into the City comes in as
residential. Councilman Dozier stated all new territory coming into the city limits
comes in as single family residential and there will have to be a zone change on 16
acres of this tract of land to First Business District.
Michael Blum, a student at Texas A&M University, inquired if the annexation of this land
would actually benefit the City or just channelize the growth of the City in that direction.
The public hearing was then closed by the Mayor. On motion by Councilman Dozier,
seconded by Councilman Dale, Ordinances # 785 and 786, ordinances receiving certain territory
adjoining, the city limits of the City of College Station, Texas, were unanimously tabled, pending
further study and review of the Texas Highway Department's plans for the widening of
State Highway 6 in this vicinity which would require the City to purchase more
City Council Meeting
September 27, 1971
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Mr. Allen Swoboda appeared before the Council with a request that Krenek Tap Road
be paved. In May, 1970, Ordinance No. 683, an ordinance to rezone a 2. 987 acre
tract of land lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, located on the
northwest side of Krenek Lane (formerly Stasney Lane), from District No. 1, First
Dwelling House District to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District, was passed
by the City Council with the following condition: (a) If the petition for curb and gutter
paving is not successful, Krenek Tap Road would be surfaced by the City by the Open
Ditch Policy and Mr. Swoboda would pay the total property owners' share of the con-
struction costs and as the assessments are levied against the property owners, and
collected, Mr. Swoboda would be reimbursed; the length of the paving would be determined
by the City Engineer. Also in May, 1970, Ordinance No. 684, an ordinance rezoning
tracts 11, 12 and 13, which are 2.988, 2.988, and 2. 990 acre tracts of land, respectively,
in the Morgan Rector League, located on the northwest side of Krenek Lane (formerly
Stasney Lane), from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3-A,
Mobile Home Park District, was approved with the following conditions: (a) If the petition
for curb and gutter paving is not successful, Krenek Tap Road would be surfaced by the
City byil~ Open Ditch Policy, and Mr. Swoboda will pay the total property owners' share
of the construction costs, and as the assessments are levied against the property owners,
and collected, Mr. Swoboda will be reimbursed. The length of paving will be determined
by the City Engineer, (b) Dedication of a north-south bound street located approximately
1,000 to 1,200 feet east of and parallel to Highway 6.
After some discussion, the Council agreed to have the City Engineer look into the situation
and determine what the costs would be to Mr. Swoboda and what the City can do in terms of
a bridge and entry on this street.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council officially
appointed Mr. Bill Cooley to fill the vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission
created by the death of Mr. Joseph Orr. Mayor Hervey requested a postponement of
filling the other vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Robert Evans.
On motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Dozier, the Council accepted,
pending further review, a street dedication of a parcel of land situated in the Morgan Rector
League in College Station, Brazos County, Texas by Mr. Don R. Dale, who is recorded as
abstaining from voting on this action.
Dr. John Reger, on behalf of the College Station Kiwanis Club, presented the City with
twenty (20) trash receptacles to be placed in various places in the City. They also stated
they would paint and maintain these receptacles. On motion by Councilman Bonnen,
seconded by Councilman Brison, the Council accepted with thanks this very fine gesture
from the Kiwanis Club and requested that a letter be sent to the President of the Club
to show the gratitude of the Council.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Proposed Utility
Extension Policy was unanimously approved.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No. 787,
an ordinance establishing regulations governing industrial was~es, was unanimously approved.
City Council Meeting
September 27, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No. 788,
an ordinance changing the name of "Newton Street" in the College Park Subdivision in
the City of College Station, Texas, to "Silvey Street", was unanimously approved. The
City Manager has had a number of requests from friends and neighbors of Dr. O. W.
Silvey, who lived on Newton Street for some thirty-five (35) years before he passed away
last year, to change the name of Newton Street to Silvey Street. This street is bounded
on the east by the Episcopal Church property and on the west by the Hillel Foundation
property and extends south from Jersey Street for approximately 250 feet.
Councilman Lindsay acquainted the Council and the public with the Brazos County Com-
muniby Council and distributed brochures on this organization.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council unani-
mously approved the City Manager's recommendation to accept the bid of Halsell Motor
Company of $6369.76 for the two police cars.
On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council unani-
mously approved the City Manager's recommendation to accept the low bid of Halsell
Motor Company of $3091.97 for the City Manager's car.
Mayor Hervey requested that a committee composed of Councilmen Brison, Lindsay
and Bonnen be constituted to work with the appropriate University people on Fire
Protection and Fire Prevention. Councilman Brison was appointed to serve as Chairman
of this Committee.
Mayor Hervey also pointed out that the new emergency telephone number 911 will be
inaugurated Friday, October i in the offices of the Police Department. Mayor Hervey
stated that the former Mayor Anderson and the previous City Council deserve com-
mendation for their work on getting this project into operation.
Mayor Hervey stated that he felt the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission
should have a joint meeting to discuss the new Zoning Ordinance. It was agreed that
October 19 was an agreeable date for the Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission
will be invited ~o a dinner by the Council on this date if it is agreeable to them. City
Manager Ran Boswell is to contact the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission,
Codie Wells, for confirmation of this dinner.
Mayor Hervey pointed out that the 59th Annual Conference of the Texas Municipal League
will be held in Houston October 3-5 in the Shamrock Hotel.
Mr. Omar Powers stated that something needed to be done about the ruts and holes
in Krenek Tap Road. He stated there are several washouts 8" deep and 2' wide in this
road. Cify Manager Ran Boswell stated he would see that this situation was taken
care of.
City Council Meeting
September 27, 1971
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Mr. James Gardner inquired if after the Council has made its study of the Highway
Department's proposals of widening Highway 6, is it likely they will deannex what
has already been annexed? Councilman Dozier stated either all the tract will be
annexed or the portion already annexed will be deannexed.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the meeting was
adjourned subject to call.
Assistant City Secretary ~
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