HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/28/1971 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES
June 28, 1971
7.00 P.M.
Members Present.
Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Fred R. Brison, James H.
Dozier, Dr. J. D. Lindsay, Dr. R. D. Radeleff, C. ^. Bonnen;
City Manager Ran Boswell; Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves
Members Absent:
Councilman Don R. Dale
Visitors Present:
See Guest Register
The meeting was called to order by Mayor D. A. Anderson at 7-00 P.M. in the
Council Room of the City Hall.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the minutes
of the meeting of May 24, 1971 were approved. Mayor Anderson requested that the
absence of Councilman Don Dale, who was confined to bed at doctor's orders, be officially
recorded in the minutes.
At the mayor's request, City Manager Ran Boswell reviewed and explained the budge*
to the members of the City Council and the public. Mayor Anderson also pointed out that
the budget included a 5~c salary increase, with merit in some cases, for the employees
of the City. Mayor Anderson called for a public hearing on Ordinance 747 - an ordinance
levying taxes for the use and support of the City of College Station for the Fiscal Year
1971-72 for the public's benefit. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by
Councilman Brison, Ordinance No. 747 was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonmn, Ordinance No.
748, an ordinance adopting the budget for the Fiscal Year 1971-72 was passed and ap-
proved. Mayor Anderson requested that it be recorded that he differed with some items.
On motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, it was unanimously
approved that Durst, Wood, and Ingrain be employed to audit the records for the City for
the Fiscal Year 1970-71. Mayor Anderson pointed out that the cost of this service for last
year was $3100.
On motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No.
749, an ordinance closing the public hearing and rezoning a 1.02 acre tract of land located
at the south corner of University Drive at the East By-Pass from District No. 1, First
Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unanimously
passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance No.
750, an ordinance closing the public hearing and rezoning "Deacon Place Subdivision
Section #1" located on the southwest side of Highway 6 at the northwest exit of Highway
No. 6 East By-Pass from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No.
4, First Business District, was unanimously passed and approved.
City Council Meeting
June 28, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, Ordinance No.
751, an ordinance closing the public hearing and rezoning Blocks "E" and "G" of College
Heights Subdivision, which is 2.50 acres of land fronting on University Drive northeast
of Nimitz Street and extending to the College Station water storage property on Tarrow
Street from District No. 3, Apartment House District to District No. 4, First Business
District, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance
No. 752, an ordinance closing the public hearing and rezoning a 10.264 acre tract of
land immediately across Anderson Street from A&M Consolidated High School from
District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 2, Second Dwelling House
District Planned Unit Development, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No.
753, an ordinance closing the public hearing and rezoning a 1.44 acre tract of land
located at the west corner of Highway 6 East By-Pass and University Drive from District No.
1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unani-
mously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Bonnen, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No.
754, an ordinance closing the public hearing and rezoning a 1.4 acre tract of land at the
intersection of the West Frontage Road of the East By-Pass and Highway 6 from District
No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District, was
unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Brison, Ordinance
No. 755, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 9.62 acre
tract of land located in the J. E. Scott Survey from District No. 1, First Dwelling House
District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No.
756, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 10.21 acre
tract of land located at the southwest corner of Texas Avenue and Southwest Parkway from
District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District,
was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No.
757, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 22.27 acre
tract of land located at the southwest corner of Texas Avenue and Southwest Parkway from
District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District,
was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No.
758, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 13.54 acre
tract of land located in the Richard Carter League from District No. 1, First Dwelling
House District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unanimously passed
and approved.
City Council Meeting
June 28, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, Ordinance No.
759, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 7.97 acre tract
of land located in the Richard Carter League from District No. 1, First Dwelling House
District to District No. 4, First Business District, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Lindsay, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No.
760, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 1, 2, and 3,
Block 9, Boyett Subdivision from District No. 3, Apartment House District to District No.
5, Second Business District, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No.
761, an ordinance calling for a public hearing on the question of rezoning a 16.65 acre
tract of land located in the C. Burnett League from District No. 1, First Dwelling House
District to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District, was unanimously passed and
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, the Council
unanimously authorized Mayor Anderson to sign a renewal water contract with the
Wellborn Water Supply Corporation.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, a resolution
pertaining to Brazos Valley Regional Joint Purchase Program for Law Enforcement
Technical Equipment, was unanimously passed and approved.
On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman Bonnen, Ordinance No.
762, an ordinance determining to assess the cost of the construction of sidewalks on
Francis Drive from Shady Drive to Francis Drive dead end, was unanimously passed
and approved.
On motion by Councilman Brison, seconded by Councilman Radeleff, the Council
unanimously authorized the Mayor to appoint a committee for the purpose of naming the
Old Council Room.
Mayor Pro tern Brison read a letter of resignation from Mayor D. A. Anderson,
effective June 30, 1971. On motion by Councilman Radeleff, seconded by Councilman
Dozier, Mayor Anderson's resignation was unanimously accepted with the regret of the
City Manager Ran Boswell pointed out that there will need to be a special meeting to call
for a special election to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mayor Anderson. The
meeting will be held at 5-15 P.M. on Wednesday, July 7, 1971. Mayor Pro tern Brison
pointed out that the Council will also need to give consideration for a resolution for
Mayor Anderson.
Mr. Jim Johnson, of Jim Johnson Real Estate in Tyler, Texas, stated that they
would bring up the matter of annexation of their territory into the city limits at another
City Council Meeting
June 28, 1971
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On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Lindsay, the meeting
was adjourned subject to call.
Assistant City Secretary