HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1971 - Regular Minutes City CouncilPresent: MINUTES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 1971 Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Bill J. Cooley, James H. Dozier, Joseph J. McGraw, Cecil B. Ryan, Dan R. Davis, C. H. Ransdell; City Manager Ran Boswell; City Secretary Sue Gough; City Engineer Lloyd James; City Planner George Eby Absent: None Visitors. See Guest Register Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Room at City Hall. On motion by Councilman Ransdell, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the minutes of the January 25, 1971 regular meeting were approved as written. The agenda was reviewed by Mayor Anderson for the benefit of citizens present. With the concurrence of Council, and in view of the fact Mayor Pro-Tern Ransdell had asked to be excused early from the meeting, Mayor Anderson and council members discussed the proposed bond issue on the agenda. Following a discussion of the nature of the bond issue, Councilman McGraw made a motion that the Council hold a special meeting on March i to publicly review the bond issue, and to consider passing an ordinance calling for a bond election to be held March 23, 1971. Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Anderson promised to write the citizens a letter so that there would be a better understanding of the issues involved. Mayor Anderson presented a petititon received through the Parks & Recreation Committee Chairman John Haislet requesting consideration by the Council for the con- struction of a swimming pool for the city. Since additional facts and information needed to be obtained, the City Council agreed to proceed with the proposed bond issue as pre- sented rather than include the swimming pool request at this particular time. This was in keeping with the discussion between the Mayor and Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Committee. Councilman Davis moved that the Parks & Recreation Committee be requested to come up with a concrete proposal for Council's consideration and for subsequent presentation in the form of a bond issue to the public. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ryan. Motion approved unanimously. Mayor Anderson presented letter from Mrs. W. E. Finn, Chairman of the Household Pollution Committee, Environmental Action Council, with an attached resolution requesting an ordinance prohibiting the sale of non-returnables beverage containers. t/7 Minutes Council Meeting February 22, 1971 Page 2 Mayor Anderson related that the Texas Municipal League attorney had indicated such an ordinance was of questioned legality under Texas law, being unconstitutional, and further recommended that no action be taken by the City on this matter. He indicated that he was in sympathy with the motives of the group and urged that their efforts be directed at the state level for greater emphasis. Councilman Dozier said the Council should go beyond a resolution, even to the extent of passing an ordinance as requested. Councilman McGraw made a motion that Council direct City Manager Boswell to prepare an ordinance on the subject for discussion at the next regular meeting of the Council. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson asked to be recorded as voting "No" but stated he was in sympathy to the wishes of the group in principle. Councilman Ryan abstained. Mayor Anderson declared the floor open for discussion on the question of rezoning 41.5 acres of land, owned by Mrs. J. W. O~Brien, from District No. i (First Dwelling House District) to District No. 3 (Apartment House District). Planner Eby pointed out on the map, for the benefit of those present, the area to be rezoned and its relationship to adjacent properties. Following discussion and closing of the public hearing, Councilman Cooley moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 722, rezoning 41.5 acres of land from District No. I (First Dwelling House District) to District No. 3 (Apartment House District). Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried. The Mayor then opened a public hearing on plans for the annexation of certain property described as Tract No. 71-1 containing 202.76 acres, more or less; Tract No. 71-2 con- taining 50.1 acres, more or less; and Tract 71-3 containing 1,025.05 acres, more or less; and Tract No. 71-4 containing 6.073 acres, more or less. Planner Eby outlined the area proposed for incorporation into the city limits on a map for the benefit of those present. Following a brief interrupted discussion relating to mail delivery in newly annexed areas, the Mayor closed the public hearing and asked for consideration of Ordinance No. 723 incor- porating the property into the city limits. Councilman Davis moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 723. It was seconded by Councilman McGraw. Motion carried. Councilman McGraw requested that the minutes reflect that the Council complimented the owners and developers of the motel in the annexed territory who have been very cooperative to include themselves in the annexed area and for their excellent attitude in joining the city. Appointments to the 1971 Board of Equalization were considered by Council. Mayor Anderson recommended the appointments of Ed Holdredge, R. J. Hodges and W. A. Smith. Councilman Ryan moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 724. Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried. 0~[,,~.(~3 Minutes February 22, 1971 City Council Meeting Page 3 The watercontract with Wellborn Water Supply Corporat ion and TIS was discussed. City Manager Boswell reported that since TIS was in receivership and there was no one to negotiate on a contract this would have to come at a later date. Manager Boswell recommended a rate increase on the Wellborn Water Supply Corporation contract of $. 55 per 1,000 gallons. Following discussion, Councilman Ryan made a motion to increase the rate on the water contract with Wellborn Water Supply Corporation to $. 57 per 1,000 gallons. Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson presented a sidewalk petition on the North side of Francis Street running from Shady Drive to the dead-end street, approximately 600'. Councilman Davis moved to accept the sidewalk petition. It was seconded by Councilman Ryan. Motion carried. Mail service to city residents was discussed. Manager Boswell reported that the post office officials had been working on the delivery procedures, and that numbering for houses in certain areas could be obtained through the Public Works Department at City Hall. Councilman Davis moved for adjournment, seconded by Councilman McGraw. meeting was adjourned, subject to call, by Mayor Anderson at 8:30 P. M. The Approved this the 22 day of March , 1971. D. g. Anderson Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary