HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/1970 - Special Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS March 9, 1970 Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen O. M. Holt, Joseph McGraw, James H. Dozier, Bill Cooley, Dan R. Davis and C. H. Ransdell; City Manager Ran Boswell; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Visitors Present: J. Gordon Gay, E. J. Smith, C. B. Ryan, Kenneth Ray Moore, A. L. Jones, David T. Leonard, Arthur L. Davila, Dave Mayo, Flow C. Lane, Claude Davis, Joe Orr, John LeBlanc, Mrs. Gough, Leonard R. Burgess, Virginia F. Burgess, J. Brewer, Sandy Lovering, Kenneth Austee, Merrell B. Richardson, J. W. Nickell, James Vogelsang, Erwin L. Grams, John Haislet, W. T. Riedel, E. P. Ozmont, John Doyle, Mary Bryan, M. Hardin„ A. Dean, M. L. Cashion, Edward Miller, Dianne Hanover, Sharon Van Doren, C. S. Van Doren, Mrs. C. Van Boyd, Clyde Blum, Robert Knapp, Don Dale, Robert Runnels, Ed Horn, Gary Halter, Kate Thomas, Mrs. John D. Goeschl, Kathaleen Cerefick, A. J. Buck, Bernard J. O'Neil, Jane Miller, and =Susan Boswell Thomerson Mayor Anderson called the special meeting to order at 5:00 p. m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station at its new location, 1101 Texas Avenue. Mayor Anderson made a statement that the special meeting was convened so that the citizens of College Station might have the opportunity to hear from proponents of the Airport Authority. He related that, in reply to a letter that had appeared in the Daily Eagle, there was nothing devious in setting the hour of 5:00 p. m. for the called special meeting. He explained that the council members, as other citizens, had obligations upon their time and were canvassed by the City Manager to try and determine a time in which a quorum could be present, and 5:00 p.m. was the time selected. Mayor Anderson related that he had invited M. L. Cashion, a representative from the Bryan -College Station Chamber of Commerce to appear at this meeting, along with Mr. Howard Vestal of Texas A&M University. They had been asked to present information on the Airport Authority as well as to provide background leading up to the reason for calling the election. Mayor Anderson stated that the City Council of College Station was vitally interested in Easterwood Airport and had been for over four years. By way of background, he explained that there had been many discussions on this particular subject, which had stemmed from the time Texas A&M had said they could no longer provide funding for the airport. He related that, initially, the city had been contacted by Texas A&M University to see if they alone could provide necessary financing. It couldn't. Subsequently, an effort was made to have the cities of College Station and Bryan to provide funding. Bryan couldn't legally do so. Eventually, recourse was made to the County, but they were reluctant to assume this obligation. The Airport Authority was the result. He stated he had some questions on the matter as did other citizens. 012158_ l Minutes of Special Council Meeting Page 2 March 9, 1970 Mayor Anderson then turned the floor over to Mr. Howard Vestal, who was representing Texas A&M University. Mr. Vestal gave a brief history of the events concerning Easterwood Airport which had led to the calling of the election for an Airport Authority. Mr. Vestal read a. Resolution passed by the Board of Directors of Texas A&M University concerning their reasons for seeking financial aid for the operation of Easterwood Airport. The Mayor then called on Mr. Cashion to speak concerning the Airport Authority. Mr. Cashion stated that the Bryan -College Station Chamber of Commerce was interested in keeping an airport in operation for this area; therefore, they were willing to work for creating an Airport Authority, since the University, the two cities, nor the County, could share in funding the necessary expenses for maintenance and improvement of an airport. He cited several facts concerning the airport presently in operation. There were 30, 000 passengers from Easterwood Airport in 1969 and there were over 70, 000 take -offs and landings. He further stated that the freight ran into the thousands of pounds and that 50 persons are permanently employed at Easterwood with a sizeable income. He stated that the present runways at Easterwood Airport were built or designed for airplanes that land at 40 or 50 m. p. h. , but that planes are now landing at 110 to 120 m. p. h. Also, he said, the runways are short. He cited a recent incident when one of the planes landing could not stop prior to going off the end of the runway, which caused approximately $600, 000 damage to the plane. Mr. Cashion stated the Chamber of Commerce feels the Airport Authority gives us the vehicle or device to make sure that future needs for air transportation in this areaare adequate and are at reasonable cost. Mr. Cashion stated that if the Airport Authority is voted upon favorably by the citizens, it will have a. Board of Directors which will consist of five individuals, appointed on broken terms, by the Commissioners Court of Brazos County. This Board would have the authority to do whatever is necessary to provide adequate air facilities. The tax would be with limitation of 200 per $100 valuation, but could go to any portion of 750 as specified by the Commissioners Court in its election order, on the $100 assessed valuation as provided in Section 12 of Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Texas. At the conclusion of the statement by Mr. Cashion, the mayor opened the floor for comments from citizens relative to the proposed election for the Airport Authority. Mrs. Mary Bryan stated that she felt the people were being asked to vest a tremendous amount of authority in the hands of appointive officials. Gary Holter of 1204 Ashburn asked that if the County has the power to create an Authority, then he could not see why the County could not do the taxing without the Authority. Mr. Cashion stated that the Commissioners Court stated they will not change the evaluation to provide these necessary funds. This is why the election for the Airport Authority was called. Minutes of Special Council Meeting Page 3 March 9, 1970 Mr. Alworth suggested that the airport be paid for strictly by persons who use it; i. e. , each person who used the airport would be required to pay a fee of say $2.50 per person. Mr. Cashion stated that the Federal Aviation Agency regulates the fare that is charged. Mr. Runnels inquired as to the projected expenses of operating the Airport Authority if it were passed. Mr. Cashion stated that the tax machinery of Brazos County was planning to be utilized; he said there was not contemplated to be any expenses for personnel. Councilman McGraw asked what airport location is being contemplated. Mr. Cashion stated he could not answer this specifically, but he said that considering expenses involved, it is obvious Easterwood Airport would be selected for improvement. Councilman Dozier asked if the Airport Authority employed a director and other employees and fixes their salaries, would Texas A&M continue to pay their salaries or would the Airport Authority pay them. Mr. Vestal stated that he thought the Airport Authority had this responsibility but action otherwise would require the Texas A&M Board of Directors to lease Easterwood Airport, and to this time, they have not indicated they will do that. Councilman Dozier further stated that he is not against improved airport facilities but he is opposed to the creation of another taxing authority if we can possibly avoid it. Mr. Orr stated that he had been very much against the Airport Authority until he had gone down and talked with Judge Vance. He explained that after careful investigation of the facts, he would have to be in favor of the Authority because there was no other way to raise the necessary funds for the operation of an airport. Other citizens in the audience who commented concerning the Airport Authority were Messrs. Buck, LeBlanc, Taylor, Holter, Ruskin, Falworth, Bryan and Jack Upham, and Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. Van Doren. Councilman McGraw moved the meeting adjourn, subject to call. Motion was seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 7-- `�.. pia-�'-=-""`'�•u NOTICE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF BRAZOS X TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special called meeting of the CITY COUNCIL of the city of College Station, Texas, on the 9th day of March, 1970 at 5:00 o'clock p.m. , for discussion of Airport Authority Election, and other business. Dated this 4th day of March, 1970. Mayor, City of College Station, Texas ATTEST: City ecretary, City of College Station, Texas !.5.1Z, , I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on ------- Ll�— Lynd woveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of Notary Public, Bra os County 7Cexas