HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/22/1969 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES
September 22, 1969
Members Present: Mayor D. A. Anderson; Councilmen Bill J. Cooley,
Dan R. Davis, James H. Dozier, O. M. Holt,
Joseph J. McGraw, and C. H. Ransdell; City Manager
Ran Boswell; Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag;
City Secretary Lynda Swoveland; City Planner Lee Roy
George and City Engineer Lloyd James
Members Absent: None
Visitors Present: Al Bormann, Jr., Herb Brevard, Jay Goode, M. K. Thornton,
C. D. Wells, Lucille D. Letbetter, T. D. Letbetter, Jerry
Caddy, C. D. Claycamp, Ray E. Abbott, James R. Gardner,
Mrs. V. J. Boriskie, Pat Caporina, C. E. Godby, Eddie
Thompson and Kate Thomas
Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room
of the City of College Station.
Councilman Dozier moved that the Minutes of August 25 and September 5, 1969
meetings be approved as written. Motion was seconded by Councilman Holt. Motion
Mayor Anderson briefly explained the Agenda to citizens present so that they
might better understand each item. The floor was opened for discussion relative to
Agenda items.
Councilman Dozier stated that before anyone from the audience spoke, he
would like to again, reiterate the Notice of Policy regarding Council Meetings for
clarification. He explained that the Council did not mean to "muffle" any citizen
from speaking during a Council meeting but that this policy was adopted so that
citizens could speak regarding Agenda items before the Council acted upon each
one individually and that if anyone had any information relative to the particular
Agenda item up for decision by the Council, they would certainly be given an
opportunity to speak. The Mayor asked for concurrence of the Council regarding
the clarification of the Notice of Policy and all members were in concurrence with
Mr. Dozier's remarks.
Mr. T. D. Letbetter approached the Council regarding his request for
water for residential use in an area across the eastern by-pass, now under
construction. He explained that the citizens in that area had obtained the
recommendation of an engineering consultant and presented their recommendation.
The Council asked Mr. Letbetter numerous questions regarding his request for
water in that area. Councilman Holt stated that perhaps it would be best if the
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
September 22, 1969
Page 2
city could furnish the people in that area water, that it might be done by contractual
agreement which would limit any development other than residential in the area.
It was also pointed out that the City of Bryan would have to give their approval since
the City of College Station and City of Bryan have a water agreement, which states
that they will not sell water without permission of the City of Bryan.
There were no other comments regarding Agenda items so the Mayor
closed the floor for discussion.
The first item under consideration on the Agenda was Ordinance No. 647,
an ordinance amending a portion of the Mobile Home Ordinance by changing the
density and recreational areas, and incorporating the requirements of "The Uniform
Standards Code for Mobile Homes", Article 5221f, V. A. T. S. Codie Wells, Chairman
of the Planning and Zoning Commission, briefly explained why the Planning and Zoning
Commission had recommended this ordinance revision. He stated that the original
requirement of 8 per acre was a conservative figure and that several developers
had since come in with requests for 10 per acre and they felt this would be satis-
factory. After discussion by Councilmen, Councilman Holt moved that Ordinance
No. 647 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried.
Councilman McGraw asked to be recorded as voting no.
Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 648, an ordinance appointing
a Board of Equalization for the year 1970 and fixing the time of the first meeting of
said board as March 20, 1970, be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman
McGraw. Motion carried.
Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 649, an ordinance calling for
a public hearing on the proposed annexation for property owners on the East side of
Highway 6, South of the newly annexed area, be adopted. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Cooley. Some discussion followed by council members relative to
the amount of annexed territory the City has at present. Lee Roy George, City
Planner presented a brief outline or summary of land annexed since 1967.
Mayor Anderson asked Mr. George to compile this summary and furnish him
a copy. On the question, motion carried.
Councilman McGraw moved that Ordinance No. 650, an ordinance amending
Ordinance No. 646 ( Fire Code) by adding Section 79, be adopted. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Davis. Motion carried.
The next item on the Agenda was a recommendation by the Planning and
Zoning Commission from 10 to 14 days as filing deadline date for zoning requests.
Mr. Wells stated that he subsequently determined, from legal standpoint, that the
requirement would need to be more than 15 days since the law states that a notice
shall be published in the paper 15 days prior to a zoning request. After discussion,
the Council thought 20 days was a fair and reasonable amount of time. Mr. Wells
stated that he would refer the matter back to the Planning and Zoning Commission
since their recommendation had been 14 days originally.
0.11-97 IS 6
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
September 22, 1969
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Upon recommendation by the City Manager, Councilman Cooley moved that
the Fire Hose bid of Dooley & Son be accepted for 5, 000 feet of 2 1/2 inch hose in
the amount of $7, 150 and negotiations be made with them for the 1, 500 feet of fire
hose ( 1 1/2 inch) for 890 a foot. Motion was seconded by Councilman McGraw.
Motion carried.
Councilman McGraw brought back to the table for discussion the Planning
and Zoning request for 20 days filing deadline for zoning requests. After much
discussion, Councilman McGraw moved the 20 day deadline be set for the Planning
and Zoning requests. Motion was seconded by Councilman Dozier. Motion carried.
Councilman Dozier moved that the request for water service from T. D.
Letbetter be referred to the City Manager, City Engineer and City Attorney to work
out in detail relating to stipulations for water service and obtain approval from the
city of Bryan to service the area with water. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Holt. Motion carried.
Councilman Holt moved that the attorney's fees, in connection with the
University Drive Extension Condemnation Proceedings, in the amount of $7,241. 97,
be paid. Motion was seconded by Councilman Cooley. Motion carried.
Councilman Dozier moved that the City Manager be authorized to pay the
fourth estimate to the -contractor in the amount of $35, 006.36. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Ransdell. Motion carried.
City Manager Boswell stated that the completion date on the City Hall and
Police/Fire Station is running approximately 30 days behind schedule.
Councilman Dozier presented Mayor Anderson with a certificate from
Howard Goldsmith representing the American Legion Post in Bryan. This certifi-
cate was a Citation of Appreciation for his contributions as Mayor for the City of
College Station and for the fine job he had done. Mayor Anderson thanked
Councilman Dozier and stated that he was deeply appreciative of the Citation.
At this point in the proceedings, Councilman Dozier commented on the
recent editorial in the Bryan Daily Eagle.
Councilman Ransdell stated that he felt the Council should consider
codifying ordinances of the City affecting citizens and printing up a short paragraph
about each in a booklet form, which could be given to new citizens in the community,
as well as those who wished to know more about the city ordinances. He stated
that he felt there was a lot of misinterpretation of many of the city ordinances
because people did not understand them. He also stated that he felt an up to date
map of zoning in the city should be displayed on the wall in the Council Room for
the benefit of citizens who wished to look at it. The Council members were all in
agreement that the Ordinances needed to be brought up to date some way and that
this could be explored further..'',�,
Minutes of Regular Council Meeting
September 22, 1969
Page 4
Councilman Ransdell also stated that he felt the Council should possibly
consider having some "listening sessions" with citizens, financial establishments,
university personnel, etc., to find out where stumbling blocks are.
Councilman Holt moved the meeting adjourn, subject to call.
Al/ �L,G(! GCS
City Secretary