HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/26/1968 - Regular Minutes - City Councill L v Ltl (f) W CL Cb 0 0 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING February 26, 1968 Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Councilmen Rosprim, Boyett, Rhodes, Cooley, Adams; City Manager Boswell; and City Attorney Dillon. Visitors Recording their Presence: Barney Stevenson, N. C. Whitehorn, Darlene Whitehorn, Daniel Russell, Sadie Hatfield, Lorraine Klipple, E. C. Klipple. C. D. Wells, Maudames De S. Reynolds, Mrs. C, B. Godbey, Mrs. J. Wheeler Barger, Marguerite B. Mitchell, Velma H. Couch, Russell Couch, Frankie A. Sanders, Joe T. Sanders, H. L. Heaton, R. H. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Sorenson Jr., W. H. Badgett, Mrs. Frances Badgett, Mr. & Mrs. L. P. Gabbard, Mrs. John K. Riggs, Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Doak, Tom H. White, R. B. Hickerson, Fred E. Smith and P. J. Alvin Zeller. Mayor Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. in the College Station Council Room. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the minutes of January 22 and February 5, 1968 meetings of the Council were approved. Councilman Oo M. Holt was officially excused from the meeting in view of his inability to be present. The Mayor presented Lee Norwood an award certificate in recognition of and appreciation for his 25 years of faithful public service to the City. As reported by the Mayor, similar longevity awards were to be presented to other City employees. A watch was also presented by Jim O'Brien to Mr. Norwood on behalf of the citizens. Dr. Russell Couch spoke on behalf of a petition by Oakwood Addition home owners addressed to the City Council asking for a reconsideration of Ordinance # 555 passed at the previous council meeting which changed the zoning in Block 1, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Oakwood Addition and certain other property owned by D. B. Cofer located adjacent to the above described property to Apartment District 3. Discussion was held on the above matter with the City Attorney reporting that Ordinance # 555 could be voided by passage of another Ordinance. Mayor Anderson reported he favored reconsideration of previous council action to deny request for rezoning since the people did not know of the public notice even though it appeared in the local paper in accordance with law. He also stated that the Mayor Pro Tem Holt was in a similar accord. 010152 City of College Station Council Minutes Page 2 February 26, 1968 Following further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Boyett, that the Cofer property, Block 1, Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 as described in Ordinance # 555 be referred back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for further review. Motion carried. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rhodes , that in the future, property owners living adjacent to property concerned with zoning, be notified in writing of the proposed change prior to the public hearing. Motion carried. A public hearing was called by the Mayor on the question of rezoning a tract of land out of the Morgan Rector Survey from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 4, First Business District. There being no one present in favor of or against, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Ordinance # 559, an ordinance rezoning property described immediately above, was unanimously approved. A motion was made by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Rosp.rim, to authorize payment of estimates on water system improvements as follows: H. J. Hogan, Estimate No. 4 $19,603.91 Vance & Thurmond, Estimate No. 3 $42,572.68 Bering Tank Division, Estimate No. 3 $88,155.00 On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, City Manager Boswell was authorized to proceed with the purchase of 5 parcels of land needed for the right-of-way for the East Loop. The Mayor was authorized to sign a short-term note at the University National Bank for the cost of the rights-of-way estimated as $189, 683. 80. The note is, to repaid when the State Highway Department remits one-half of the cost and the balance when the bonds are sold. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Boyett, the City Manager was authorized to purchase the land needed for the right-of-way at the appraisal price. The motion carried. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Boyett, and passed, the traffic signal plans for University Drive and Nagle Street intersection and material cost in the amount of $7, 500. 00 were approved. The City Manager was given authority to advertise for bids. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Boyett, and passed, the Council accepted the proposal of C. D. Wells for a study of sanitary sewerage system and sewage treatment facilities for the City, and authorized the Mayor to sign the contract. Cost of the study will amount to $2, 000. 00. l6 City of College Station Council Minutes Page 3 February 26, 1968 On motion by Councilman Boyett, seconded by Councilman Adams, and passed, the request of A&M University as contained in their February 13, 1968 letter to City Manager Boswell for water connections was authorized. One item that needs to be resolved is that pertaining to the sale price of water. The City Manager was requested by the Mayor to make a recommendation in this respect at the next meeting of the council. Action was deferred at the council meeting on the communication from County Judge William R. Vance relative to the purchase of abandoned Missouri Pacific Railroad Company property. In a meeting following the close of the council meeting, it was suggested that the City Attorney examine the condemnation judgements and deeds listed in the proposed conveyance from Missouri Pacific Railroad Company to the City of College Station and render an opinion on the question of quit claim deed from the Railroad Company to the City. On motion by Councilman Adams, seconded by Councilman Rosprim, Ed S. Holdredge, Cecil B. Ryan and R. L. Elkins were appointed to the Board of Equalization for the present year. Motion carried. (' f' !' 1> C, ,, Considered by the council was the Parks Committee recommendations that the City purchase the A&M Consolidated School .lot which lies south of and adjacent to the City's portion of Southend Park; and that the City obtain a 40 -foot easement along the northwest boundary of the A&M Consolidated School property, which fronts on Eleanor Street and leads to the City property, to provide a permanent means of access to Southend Park. Action was deferred by the council, with such matter to be :discussed at the forthcoming joint meeting of the council and the School Board. Also considered by the council was the Parks Committee recommendation that the City acquire that five or six Acre tract of land which lies along the northeast side of Anderson Street and south of and along Wolf Pen Creek which is owned by F. A. Dobrovolny, to be dedicated and developed as a City Park. Action was deferred by the council. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Adams the revised Memorial Square preliminary plat was approved with the understanding that 5 feet of property on the west side of the tract would be sold to the City at a cost for which the land was purchased at any time in the future for widening Nimitz Street. The City Attorney was requested to prepare the legal papers accordingly so that the City could acquire the property. He stated he would act accordingly. The Mayor reported to the council on the present status with respect to funding of needed improvements at Easterwood Airport reporting that Judge Vance had written President Rudder regarding an election for an Airport authority. 0:1054 )� City of College Station Council Minutes Page 4 February 26, 1968 C. H. Bates requested the City Council to pass an ordinance relative to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Following a discussion of the matter, the council requested City Attorney Don Dillon to draft an ordinance relative to prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages by any dealer where the place of business of any such dealer is within three hundred (300) feet of any church, public school or public hospital, the measurements to be along the property lines of the street fronts and from front door to front door and in direct line across intersections where they occur. Motion carried. The Mayor announced that his one year term on the Board of Directors of the Brazos Valley Economic District had expired and that it was necessary for the council to make a new appointment. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, and passed, the Mayor, whoever he may be, was appointed to the Board as the City Representative. On motion by Councilman Cooley, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, the meeting was adjourned subject to call. Motion passed. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary 01055