HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/31/1968 - Special Minutes - City Council0- 4Z 0 CIO I W W 0- dS 0 0 M CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING October 31, 1968 Members Present: Mayor Anderson, Councilmen Dan R. Davis, Bill J. Cooley, James Dozier, Robert R. Rhodes, City Attorney Dillon, Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag and City Manager Ran Boswell Visitors Present: C. D. Wells, Glenn J. Cook, A. C. Johnson, C. R. Watson and Don Adam The meeting was called to order by Mayor Anderson at 6:10 P. M. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. Mayor Anderson discussed the advisability of the City of College Station joining the Brazos Valley Development Council. Mr. Glenn Cook, Executive Director of the Brazos Valley Development Council pointed out advantages to the city as a member. At the close of discussion, Councilman Davis moved that the city join the Brazos Valley Development Council. Motion was seconded by Councilman Cooley. Motion carried. Assistant City Attorney Tom Giesenschlag requested approval of the council to settle claims with the Bert Wheeler interest for the R. O. W. on the East Loop. There are three tracts of land involved in the R. 0. W. purchase. Tract 75 and 75E contains 16.644 acres. The amount of the award by the special commissions was $16, 000. This is in contrast to a value of $24, 212 as appraised by the appraiser for the state and the city, and $33, 250 as appraised value by Bert Wheeler appraiser. Tract 76 contains 53. 225 acres. The amount of the award by these commissioners was $96, 000 and contrasts to a value of $106,450 as appraised by the appraiser for the state and city and by appraiser for Bert Wheeler. Mr. Giesenschlag stated that Mr. Wheeler's attorney's had contacted him with reference to a settlement. On motion by Councilman Dozier, seconded by Councilman Davis, the Assistant City Attorney was authorized to settle out of court on the basis of $24, 212 for 75 and 75E tracts and $106,450 for Tract 76. If this cannot be done, court action would be instigated by the city. Motion carried. The question of litigation with reference to paving assessments on Holleman Drive was discussed. A special meeting was called for 5:15 P.M. November 6 for the purpose of discussing the question with the Dobrolvony's. Mayor Anderson is to notify Mr. Bading of the meeting. C. R. Watson gave a review of architects plans for the City Hall and Fire Station. No official action was taken by the Council, awaiting review by council members. A change in the tax structure was discussed. The Council agreed that the assessed valuation should be doubled and tax rate reduced by 50%. The City Manager is to take needed action toward this end in the form of a Resolution for action by the Council. OJL104 67 Minutes of Special Meeting City of College Station Page 2 On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the City Manager was authorized to employ James Smith to make an appraisal for all property needed for the R. 0. W. for the extension of University Drive from Highway 6 to the East Loop and secure engineering services for the development of R. 0. W. for 29th Street extension and for land purchase from Bryan City Limits to Lincoln. Motion carried. Mayor Anderson asked that the Council take action to include as part of the minutes the Resolution earlier submitted to Mrs. Holleman on behalf of the Council pertaining to the death of former Councilman T. R. Holleman. On motion by Councilman Davis, seconded by Councilman Rhodes, and approved, the Resolution follows: "The City Council, City of College Station, records with deepest sympathy the death, on September 27, 1968, of one of its esteemed members, Theo R. Holleman. Affectionately known as "Nikkie", the City Council had respect for his wisdom and capacity and looked forward to his continued service to the community which he served well. Mr. Holleman was respected by all who knew him. His friends were legion. Amiable, of good disposition, and interested in the welfare of the city, he will be missed at the Council Table. The City of College Station has suffered an irreparable loss in his death. As a further token of respect, it is ordered by the City Council that a copy of this Resolution, signed by the Mayor and City Secretary, be sent to Mrs. Holleman. " Codie Wells, Acting Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, gave a report on items that have been under discussion by the commission. In the report, Mr. Wells made the following recommendations: 1. The Council adopt a master street plan, which the Planning and Zoning will present within 30 days. 2. Adopt a policy whereby City will pay for street R. O. W. at raw land cost to the Developer for streets over 60 feet in width. 3. City participation in the cost of extra footage on a square foot basis. 4. City require sidewalks along major streets and that property owners be required to participate to the extent of $1.00 per linear foot of property abutting the improvement. 5. Consider an increase in paving assessments against property abutting street improvements. 6. Subdividers build streets to property lines as platted, in which Council concurred. 01105 y' ' Minutes of Special Meeting City of College Station Page 3 7. Need for Parks Committee to give consideration immediately as to need for park areas in three categories: ( a ) Kiddie Parks, (b ) Neighbor Parks, and ( c ) City Parks. Such is vitally needed in view of growth of city. A discussion followed on means of financing parks. One suggestion was to include a certain sum in a building permit to be allocated for this purpose. It was agreed that the Council would meet informally with Ernest Brown on December 2. On motion by Councilman Davis, seconded by Councilman Cooley, the Mayor was authorized to sign a contract with F. S. Kapchinski with reference to sewerage treatment plant road. On motion by Councilman Rhodes, seconded by Councilman Davis, the meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary